Okay, so I decided to write something special for the one year anniversary of this little ditty of mine. This is set in the Barista's Choice world, but it is still separate from the story itself. I just don't want to confuse anybody because this is going to be completely out of the timeline that I have planned out for the end of this story.

So, I hope that you guys enjoy this little one shot. Thank you for being patient with me and I'm super sorry for the wait.

Shout out to Randomme103 for being a Rockstar. She's super patient with my crazy ass and she reads all of this before I post it. So, she's the real hero here.

Feel free to yell at me on here in the comments, or on my tumblr. .com.

~Valentine's Day~

Valentine's Day had never been a holiday that Lexa was overtly fond of. It felt too commercial to her, even though it wasn't a commercial holiday. The whole 'show your loved one how much they mean to you' was not something that she had ever understood. Celebrate your love for your significant other one day out of three hundred and sixty five days? No thanks. Why can't you do that every day?

Costia had been a big believer in celebrating and so Lexa had been forced to go over the top for her girlfriend.

Clarke had the same feelings as Lexa when it came to celebrating. She actually preferred to celebrate her love for Lexa on days that were not observed as national holidays. She would send flowers to Lexa's office at least once a week. 'Just because you're you,' is what the card would always read, in Clarke's loopy scrawl. Even now, three years after marrying Clarke, her wife managed to make her feel like they were in college again. Niylah would always make fun of Lexa when she'd see the giant bouquet of whatever flower Clarke chose that week sitting on Lexa's desk, because the brunette would always turn beet red.

It was really strange to work with one of her wife's exes, but she and Niylah had actually become close friends over the years. They were hired by the same law firm straight out of college. Niylah ended up marrying the girl that Clarke had introduced her to back in her junior year, before she started dating Lexa.

Even though she wasn't keen on celebrating such a commercial holiday, this year Clarke gave her the best gift ever.

~*~*One Week Ago*~*~

Clarke had been moody. Moodier than normal. For the past month, she's been working on her new exhibition for her gallery so she has been busy. Most of her time at home, she has been holed up in her studio, trying to get her pieces put together.

Lexa didn't mind that Clarke was busy with work, she loved that her wife was passionate about her art. And she had a very demanding job too, so it wouldn't be fair for her to be mad about Clarke being busy.

No matter how busy they were, they both made it a point to have supper together every night. They had yet to miss an evening together since they'd been married.

So, for the life of her, Lexa cannot figure out why Clarke is not home right now. She had sent her wife a text about an hour before she got off of work, asking what she wanted for dinner. Clarke replied immediately, letting Lexa know that she was craving pad Thai like nobody's business.

Lexa made sure to bring home Clarke's pork pad Thai from their favorite Thai restaurant, barely remembering to order the shrimp spring rolls that Clarke always wanted but never asked for.

She hears Fish bark as she slips her key into the lock. She's pretty sure that her lazy dog is barking at her from her and Clarke's bed. Her tiny, baby Husky is not so little anymore. At five years old, Fish is a sixty pound beast.

Her suspicions are confirmed when she walks into the house. She can hear Fish's bark emanating from their bedroom, but he makes no effort in moving to check out what is going on in the house.

"You're a terrible guard dog, Fish. What if I was a thief?"

At the sound of Lexa's voice, Fish hops off of the bed, padding into the living room. His tail wags as he sees Lexa standing in the doorway, take out bags in one hand and her briefcase in the other. Fish comes up to her and sniffs at the take out, nudging her hand with his snout.

"Yeah right. Keep dreaming dude. Even if I did feed you people food, you were a terrible guard dog tonight."

When Lexa doesn't cave after another nudge to her hand, Fish changes his tactics. He rubs his face and body against Lexa's leg, getting his long fur all over her black slacks. Lexa jumps back with a gasp, her back hitting the front door.

"Fish! Come on! You know that it's damn near impossible to get your fur out of my slacks. Go lay down, you butthead."

Fish whines, staring intently at the food. With a glare in his direction, the stubborn Husky takes his leave, heading back into the master bedroom.

Lexa chuckles at her goofy dog, heading towards the kitchen so that she can set the food down.

After setting her things down on the kitchen counter, Lexa pulls her cell phone out of her pocket so that she can call Clarke. The call goes straight to voicemail, which doesn't surprise Lexa at all. Clarke is notorious for forgetting her cell phone in the gallery. When she actually remembers to carry it on her person, it is usually dead because she frequently forgets to charge it.

Lexa leaves a voice message for Clarke, inquiring about her wife's whereabouts, just in case she forgot about dinner. Lexa has to laugh out loud about that, because Clarke would never forget about their dinner plans, especially when Thai food is involved. With a resigned sigh, she sets the device on the counter, deciding to jump into the shower before heading over to the gallery. She puts the bags of food into the oven, hoping that it will keep warm while she is gone.

She heads into the master bedroom, shedding her tailored suit as she makes her way into the bathroom. She knows that she is going to have a horrible time trying to get Fish's fur off of her slacks, so she sets them aside so that she can get them dry cleaned. She would rather pay somebody else to deal with that devil dog's fur.

She showers quickly, even though she would rather take her time. She usually takes a longer shower when she gets home from work, but she's worried about her wife. It's totally unheard of for Clarke to be late for dinner, even if she is running a little late. After toweling off, she gets dressed in a pair of black yoga pants and a white tank top. When she comes out of the steam filled bathroom, Fish is standing next to the door with his tail wagging expectantly. Lexa chuckles softly, scratching between the husky's ears.

"Fine. I guess that you can ride with me to pick up your mama. But, you'd better not get drool all over my windows again!"

The drive to the gallery is usually a ten minute commute, but the rush hour traffic in LA delays Lexa another ten minutes.

Clarke's sky blue Volkswagen Jetta is parked outside of the small red brick building. Other than a small glare of light coming from the back of the gallery, the rest of the building is dark. She heads inside of the gallery with Fish hot on her heels.

The front door is locked, but Lexa has a spare key on her key ring. She unlocks the front door and walks in, relocking the door behind her. Fish immediately begins his search for his mama, snout in the air as he sniffs her out. Lexa follows dutifully behind her dog, worry settling in her bones.

"Clarke?" Lexa calls out as they enter the blonde's office.

The light in the room is dim, shadows cast all over the walls. Clarke's stuff is all over her desk, her purse dumped out on the wooden surface. Her cell phone is on top of the pile. Lexa picks up the device and presses the home button. The phone is dead, just as she suspected. She knows that Clarke has a charger in her office, why she doesn't use is completely lost on Lexa. One of these days, she's going to convince her wife to be more diligent about having her phone on her and charged.

She turns around to call Fish, but the words die in her throat. Fish has managed to push open the bathroom door in Clarke's office. He is sitting on the ground next to the toilet, his face resting against Clarke's slumped over body.

Lexa moves quickly, fear putting her body on autopilot. She kneels down next to her wife, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Clarke. Baby."

Clarke's body tenses as she startles awake. Her blue eyes frantically move around the room, trying to figure out where she is. When she meets Lexa's concerned gaze, a sleepy smile graces her lips.

"Hey, Lexie." Clarke rasps out, her voice rough with sleep.

"Hey sweetheart. You fell asleep in the bathroom."


"Not that this is the weirdest place I've ever found you sleeping in, but why were you in here on the floor?"

"Oh, I um, I wasn't feeling very good. I came in here and got sick. I guess that I fell asleep after I threw up."

"You got sick baby?"


"Did you eat something weird that made you feel icky?"

"No. I had that protein shake that you made me this morning. And for lunch O brought me a sandwich from that deli that you like."

"Hmm. Have you felt sick any other day recently?"

"No. I was thinking that it was from stress, since I only have a few more days to get this show together before it opens."

"Yeah, probably." Lexa places an open palm on Clarke's forehead. "You don't have a fever, so that's good."

"Yeah, did I miss dinner?"

"No baby. I left it in the oven at home so that it would keep warm."

"Okay, good. Can we go home?"

"Of course. I even got those spring rolls that you love."

"Have I mentioned that I love you?"

Lexa chuckles, pressing her lips to the side of Clarke's head. "I love you too ai houmon. Do you want to ride home with me? I can bring you to work in the morning."


"Alright baby, let's get out of here."

The next three days end up being hectic for both Clarke and Lexa. Clarke works pretty much from sunup to sundown in the gallery, getting the last of her exhibition set up. She recruits Octavia to help her, bribing her with promise of babysitting her godson soon so that she and Lincoln can have a date night. It's pretty much a copout, because babysitting Ricky isn't really a job for her. He is her favorite little man, after all, so it isn't really a fair trade. She still calls him baby Ricky, even though he is a little over four years old now. Clarke still sees him as a newborn, wrapped in the lion blanket that she brought to the hospital for him. Ricky is her little monster and she loves him to death. But, lately, being around him is making her uterus desperate for her own baby.

Last year, she and Lexa had sat down to talk about starting their own family. It was something that they both wanted, and they were ready to take that step in their lives.

It didn't take long for them to actually decide to start trying for a baby. Clarke wanted to carry the baby, which was totally fine with Lexa. She was still unsure if she wanted to carry, but she told Clarke that she would think about it. Clarke was fine with that and they started to research their options right away.

Both women decided that they didn't want to use an anonymous donor. They didn't have many men in their lives, so their options were kind of limited.

After talking about it, they decided that they were going to ask Lincoln. The only other guy that was up for consideration was Bellamy, but he lived in Germany with his wife, Echo. Plus, Clarke felt like it would have been kind of like incest if they were to ask him. Which made no sense to Lexa, because he wasn't blood related to Clarke. Her wife argued that she had known him for so long that he might as well be her actual brother. Lexa just had to roll her eyes and agree with her wife, because there is no way that she would've won that fight.

In the end, Lincoln and Octavia were happy to help Clarke and Lexa try to conceive. He joked with them, asking if they were going to do it the old fashioned way. Lexa and Octavia punched him in either arm while Clarke laughed so hard that she almost passed out. It was nice to know that their friends were so willing to help them out.

During her senior year of college, Clarke decided to try and mend her relationship with her mom. She was tired of their strained relationship. It took some effort, but eventually she managed to work things out with Abby.

Abby was no longer disapproving of her relationship with Lexa. In fact, both Abby and Marcus were head over heels in love with the brunette. Marcus even gave Clarke away when the two got married.

Naturally, when Clarke and Lexa decided to start working on their family, they asked Abby for help. She wasn't a fertility specialist by any means, but she had connections in the medical world. She helped the girls get set up with the best fertility specialist on the west coast.

It was a long and grueling process that only gave the girls a thirty three percent chance of conceiving, but they decided to go with IVF. Clarke asked Lexa if she would be willing to use her eggs because she really liked the idea of carrying Lexa's baby. Lexa would deny it to her dying day, but she was so touched by Clarke's request that she cried in the doctor's office.

They started their first round of IVF treatments two months later.

Clarke tried not to be excited about it. She knew that most IVF treatments were unsuccessful, especially on the first try. She couldn't help but hope that it would take, because she was so, so ready for a baby.

Even though she was telling herself not to be excited about the prospect of getting pregnant, she really couldn't help it. She had a feeling that Lexa was excited too, even though she remained impassive during the normal six week wait.

So, needless to say, when the first round was unsuccessful, both women were devastated. They hid their disappointment behind smiles and laughs that were halfhearted and sometimes forced.

Clarke wanted to try again right away, but Lexa was hesitant. She didn't tell Clarke, but she was so hopeful that the treatment would take on the first try. The idea of her wife carrying her child was exhilarating. She hadn't been so anxious about something since she married Clarke. So, when the test result and the blood test were both negative, she was absolutely crushed.

She wanted to try again, sure, but she was afraid. She didn't think that her heart could take it if the treatment failed a second time. Plus, Clarke had been in the beginning stages of planning a new exhibition for her gallery. Lexa knew how much time these shows took to plan and put together and she knew that they were incredibly stressful for her wife. She definitely didn't need the added stress of thinking about being pregnant on top of that.

It took some time but in the end, she caved to Clarke's wishes. They went through their second round of IVF six months after being let down the first time.

The second time was just as nerve wracking as the first. Lexa was sure that this time was going to take. There was no reason why it shouldn't work. Clarke was young and healthy and all of her tests showed that she was very fertile. The first week went by with both women on edge, hoping that the treatment would take early. The influx of hormones in Clarke's body from the injections that Lexa had been injecting her with were making Clarke extremely irritable. Lexa had come home many times during the three weeks before the treatment to find her wife crying while watching whatever was on Animal Planet at the time. Lexa had lost count of how many ASPCA infomercials she had walked in on, but it was incredibly depressing.

At the end of the first week, Lexa's boss came to her with a huge case. She was teaming up with Niylah to work on a huge murder case. It was going to take up a lot of her time, so she was glad that Clarke had her gallery to worry about. As anxious as they were about the IVF treatment taking, life seemed to want to get in their way.

~Clarke's POV~

"O?" Clarke calls across the gallery as she comes out of the bathroom, wiping her hands on her paint stained jeans.

"What's up, Princess?" Octavia replies as she walks into Clarke's office, Ricky following closely behind.

"Kark!" Ricky wobbles on his unsteady toddler legs as he runs into his godmother's arms.

"Hey buddy! How's my favorite guy?"

Ricky nuzzles into Clarke's body as she picks him up. She laughs as he presses a wet, slobbery kiss against her cheek.


"Good, I'm glad baby."

"So, are you ready for this show, Clarke?"

"I think so. I'm so freaking nervous, O. What if it doesn't go over well? What if I don't sell anything? And then I'm not going to have any money and Lexa and I will lose our house…"

"Clarke, what the hell are you talking about? You and Lexa are fine financially. I mean, yeah it would suck if you don't sell anything, but has that ever happened at one of your shows?"


"Exactly. So you need to stop freaking out. Because you are kind of pale right now. Like you might throw up."

"Oh, I already did."

"Did you really?"

"Yeah. I don't know. This show is really nerve wracking."

"I know, but it's going to be amazing."

"I hope so."

"It is and you know it. Hold on a second, I gotta pee."

Octavia walks into the small bathroom, not even bothering to shut the door behind her. Clarke busies herself with planting kisses on her godson's cheeks while her best friend is in the bathroom.

"Hey, Clarke?"


"Do you have any lady products?"

"Seriously. You are twenty five years old and you still don't like saying the word tampon?"

"Shut up. Lincoln and I have been together for almost ten years and he still calls tampons 'lady plugs.'"

"Gross. That is the worst description for a tampon that I have ever heard in my life."

"Yeah, I know. It's great when we're in the store and he asks me what lady plug brand I use."

"Oh, man. I love your husband. He's absolutely ridiculous."

"Yeah, he's definitely something. So, do you have a lady plug?"

"Um, I do not."



"Okay, that's weird."


Octavia walks out of the bathroom, regarding her best friend questioningly.

"Because our cycles have been close since we started our periods. You get yours, and as you're finishing up for the month, mine starts. Since my uterus is currently wreaking havoc on my body, you should've just finished. So, you should have lady products in your bathroom."

"Yeah, well maybe it's late."

"When was the last time your period was late?"

"Um, never."


"But I've been under a lot of stress with this exhibition."

"This isn't your first rodeo, Clarke."

"I know."

"Do you think that maybe….?"

"Don't say it." Clarke cradles her now sleeping godson to her chest, rocking him slightly. "I don't want to get my hopes up."

"Okay, fine. I won't say it. But I'm going to hope that it's what I think it is."

"I'm okay with that."

"Good. Now I'm going to run to the store so that I can pick up some lady plugs. Do you mind if he stays here with you?"

"No, of course not."

"Cool. I'll be back in a flash. Should I pick up a pee stick for you?"

"No! I told you not to talk about it."

"Okay, okay." Octavia holds her hands up in surrender, backing away from her best friend slowly. "Sorry, grumpy pants."

If there was one thing about Octavia that was infuriating, it was the fact that she doesn't listen. So, of course she brought back a few different packs of pregnancy tests. Clarke would've been angry at her best friend, but she fell asleep on the couch in her office while O was gone, with Ricky curled up in a ball on her chest. Octavia let her best friend sleep because she knew that Clarke had been working long hours for the past few weeks.

When Clarke woke up, it was because Octavia was pulling Ricky off of her body.

"Hey buddy, I know that you probably want to stay here and sleep on Auntie Clarke all day, but it's time to go. Daddy will be home soon."

"No, mama."

"Yes baby. We will come see Auntie Clarke tomorrow."

"Okay. We go see daddy."

"Oh no, are you leaving me?" Clarke husks as she stretches out her body on the couch. She groans as her joints pop from sleeping on the couch.

"Sorry, babe, Lincoln is getting off early today so we gotta run. We'll come by tomorrow."

"Fine. Just take away the love of my life."

"Annie Kark!" Ricky pulls away from Octavia's arms so that he can reach out for Clarke. Clarke pushes off the couch, grabbing her godson and hoisting him into her arms. She presses kisses all over his face, making him laugh uncontrollably. "I wve you."

"I love you too. I'll see you tomorrow. If you want, I can bring Fish with me so you can play with him."

"Oooohhhh Fish! Yes, pwease."

"You got it, Rick-rick."


"Okay, back to mama, little dude."


Clarke sets Ricky down after on last sloppy kiss to his cheek. He laughs loudly while wiping his cheek, walking back over to Octavia.

"Oh hey, before I forget, I left you something in your purse." Octavia calls out as she walks out of Clarke's office.

"What is it?"

"Love you, bye!"


Clarke hears Octavia laugh as she walks out of the gallery without another word. She grumbles as she walks over to her desk, where a plastic bag is sitting inside of her purse. She grabs the bag and opens it, huffing in disbelief when she glances inside. Of course Octavia pick up a pack of pregnancy tests because of Clarke being late. That is what happened when she found out that she was pregnant with Ricky. But, Clarke has already been disappointed once. She's not going to set herself up for disappointment again. At least right now. What she is going to do is call Octavia and yell at her, because she is a jackass. Grabbing her cell phone out of the never-ending abyss that is her purse, she unlocks the device and pulls up Octavia contact info. Knowing that her best friend is driving, she opts to call her instead. Octavia answers on the second ring.


"Really, dude?"


"Pregnancy tests?"

"Surely I don't have any idea what you're talking about."

"I'm so going to kick your ass."

"Language. You are on my Bluetooth. Ricky doesn't need to walk into the house and scream ass at the top of his lungs. Dammit, Clarke!"

"That's what you get for buying those tests. I hope that he walks in and yells the 'a word' in front of Lincoln."

"He'd know that it was your fault."

"Ugh, you're right."

"But seriously, you should do one."

"O." Clarke sighs into the phone, plopping down into her desk chair. "I'm scared."

"I know babe, but it might be what you want."

"But what if it's not? I don't know if I can handle another let down."

"I don't know Clarke, something feels different this time. Call it mother's intuition."

"Octavia, you're not my mother."

"No, but I'm a mother. Same diff."

"I don't think that's how it works."

"Shush. That is exactly how it works."

"Whatever you say."

"So, I have an idea about you taking a test."

"I'm listening."

~General POV~

Clarke had never really been much of a cook. She could make a mean mac and cheese and her ramen skills were unrivaled, but other than that, she was the queen of take out.

Ever since she and Lexa got married, her skills in the kitchen had grown exponentially. Lexa wasn't one to eat take out very often, so Clarke spent countless hours reading through cookbooks and watching an embarrassing amount of food network. All so that she could impress her wife with her newly found passion.

Now that she is standing in front of this rack of lamb, she is regretting her decision.

Octavia's idea involved a romantic dinner for Lexa, followed by her gifting Lexa with an unused test for them to take. Clarke loved the idea, but she was seriously freaking out.

She had watched at least ten videos on preparing racks of lamb on youtube, and she still felt on edge. It probably wasn't just because she was cooking something that she had never made before.

The tests had been on her mind since Octavia had purchased them for her four days ago. She felt as if they were burning a hole in her purse. She wanted to take one right after she got off of the phone with her best friend, but she was so scared. Maybe taking one with Lexa around would help, especially if they didn't get the result that they wanted.

Lexa had sent her a text saying that she would be home in about forty minutes, which gave Clarke just enough time to get everything ready.

By the time she hears the tumblers of the front door unlock, she has just pulled the lamb out of the oven to rest. Fish jumps off of the couch, padding over to the front door. He meets Lexa with an excited wag of his tail and a soft bark. Clarke eyes her wife as she walks into the house with her briefcase in hand. As long as they've been together, the sight of Lexa in a fitted suit is something that Clarke will never get used to. It definitely sends warm feelings coursing through her body, and it makes her want to forget about dinner so that she can take Lexa into the bedroom instead. Or the couch, of floor, or wall. She's really not very picky about where she makes love to her wife.

The surge of nerves in her belly remind her that she wasn't doing this clichéd Valentine's Day dinner for just any reason. So, as much as she would rather cavewoman drag Lexa into their bedroom for the remainder of the night, she can't.

She's so lost in her thoughts that she doesn't hear Lexa walk up beside her. The soft kiss that Lexa presses to her cheek makes her jump, bringing her back into the present.

"Hey baby." Lexa whispers against the side of Clarke's face, eliciting a shiver from the blonde.

"Hey you. How was work?"

"It was good. I missed you. How was your day?"

"I missed you too. My day was good. I hung out with O and Ricky for most of it. Rick-rick and I ended up taking a nap on my couch for a bit."

"Sounds like fun. I bet that he loved that. You're his favorite nap partner."

"It's because I have big boobs, they make good pillows."

"Okay, he's four. I don't think that is the reason why."

"You'd be surprised."

"He is Octavia's child, after all."

"True. So, I made you dinner."

"Oh yeah? What is on the menu for tonight?"

"I roasted a rack of lamb."

"Wait, what?"


"I thought that we didn't do Valentine's Day."

"Yeah, we don't."

"So, we are celebrating this year?"


"Is there a reason why?"

"It's possible."

"Oh yeah?" Clarke nods, gaze dropping to her feet, refusing to meet Lexa's eyes. "Care to share?"

"After dinner."

"Okay. In that case, let me go change, and then we can eat."

"Sounds like a plan."

"Okay. Back in a jiff." Lexa pecks Clarke on the lips before walking out of the kitchen towards their room. Clarke only ogles her wife's ass a little. Okay, maybe a lot, but her wife has a great ass. She's not ashamed of perving on it a little.

While Lexa's in the room changing, Clarke cuts the lamb and finishes up the side dishes. She's just putting all of the food on the table when Lexa comes out of the bedroom dressed down in a pair of black skinny jeans and Clarke's old red Stanford hoodie. Her hair is out of its bun, wavy brunette locks flowing well past her shoulders.

"Everything is ready if you're hungry, Lexie."

"Good. I'm starving."

Lexa sits down at the table with a sigh, the stress of the day finally lifting off of her shoulders. She loves the case that she is working on, really she does, but she is just ready for a vacation. Maybe she'll talk to Nia after they win to see if she can take some time off. Clarke sets a wine glass down in front of Lexa before taking her seat with her own glass in hand.

Lexa serves them both before digging into her meal with gusto. So, maybe she forgot to eat lunch. It wasn't on purpose, she was just really busy. This case has pretty much taken up all of her and Niylah's free time. So, she would be lying if she said that this was the first time that she was too busy to eat while at work. Not that she will ever tell Clarke that. Because she knows that her wife would kick her ass for not taking care of herself.

"Hungry, babe?"

"Maybe a little." Lexa says between bites of the roasted red potatoes that Clarke paired with the lamb. She lets out a moan of approval, because really, they are freaking delicious.

"Did you eat lunch?" Clarke questions, her eyebrows raised in Lexa's direction.




"Did you eat lunch today?"


"Don't lie to me, Mrs. Woods."

"Okay, maybe I didn't have time." Lexa replies sheepishly, her eyes dropping down to the table in shame.

"That is unacceptable, Lexa. You have to eat."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry Clarke. I didn't do it on purpose, I swear."

"Fine." Clarke relents as she takes another bite of her lamb. She's not going to lie, her dinner turned out perfectly. She was super worried that she would screw the lamb up, but she nailed it. Thanks to the ten videos that she watched on youtube. "I need you to make sure that you're taking care of yourself."

"I know, baby. I really am sorry."

"It's fine. Well, it's not fine but you're forgiven. Now eat up, because I got you a present."

"Seriously? You're really going all out for a holiday that you can't stand."

"Well, it's different this year."


"You'll see. Now stop yapping and eat woman."

"Okay, okay. Jeez. Bossy much?"

Lexa digs back into her food, finishing up her potatoes quickly. She stops when she finished the starchy goodness, grabbing her wine glass to take a drink. She takes a long drink of the cold liquid, her face crunching up in confusion as she swallows grape juice?

"Um, babe?"


"Grape juice. Really?"


"I mean doesn't red wine go with lamb? Not grape juice."

"Oh shit, sorry. That's my glass."

"Okay. Why are you drinking grape juice?"

"Um." Clarke rubs nervously rubs at the back of her neck. "I just didn't want any wine."



"But you love red wine."

"I know. I just wanted some grape juice."

"I'm confused, Clarke. Because you don't even like grape juice."

"I do now."

"Since when?"

"Since tonight."

"Okay, seriously, you're being so weird. What's going on?" Lexa looks up at Clarke questioningly. "Is everything okay?"


"Don't lie to me, Clarke."

"Just…" Clarke stops to take a breath. She really wants to chug the glass of wine that is in front of her, but she really shouldn't. So instead she stands up abruptly, moving into the living room. Fish is sprawled out on the couch, snoozing away. He is so out of it that he doesn't even wake up when Clarke sits down on the couch with a huff.

After a few minutes of silence, Lexa follows her wife into the living room. She sits on the arm of the couch nearest to Clarke, concern lacing her features.

"Babe, what's going on?" She prods, resting her head against Clarke's.

"Just grab the box on the table."

"What is it?"

"It's your Valentine's Day present."

Lexa reaches over so that she can grab the gift off of the table. It's a small, neatly wrapped box. Lexa's face falls as she realizes that she doesn't have anything to give in return. "Oh. Baby, I didn't know that we were exchanging gifts this year. I didn't get you anything."

"It's fine. I don't need anything."

"But, I feel bad."

"Don't. This is more of a gift for both of us."

"What is it?"

"Just, open it."

Lexa looks at Clarke in confusion as she breaks the tape on the neatly wrapped box. Clarke just smiles softly at her as she neatly opens the present.

When the gift is open, she breaks her staring contest with her wife so that she can look down at her gift.

Okay, somebody seriously needs to pinch her, because Lexa is definitely dreaming. Because there is only one reason why Clarke would give her a box of pregnancy tests for Valentine's Day. Her wide green eyes snap up to meet Clarke's stormy blue's.

"Are you?" Lexa croaks, voice overcome with emotion.

"I don't know. I think so. But I'm not sure yet."

"But, there's a chance?" Lexa sounds so childlike, her voice filled with hope and wonder. It makes Clarke's heart ache in the best way possible.

"A pretty good one, yeah."

"How do you know?"

"Well, according to O, she has mother's intuition about it. Because my period is late and I've been getting sick a bit this week."

"But you haven't taken a test yet?"

"No. I couldn't."

"Why not?"

"I was scared of it being negative."

"Can we go take one now?"

"If you want to, yes."

"Yes, please."

Lexa hops off the arm of the couch, pulling Clarke to her feet in the process. She all but drags her wife out of the dining room, making a beeline for the bathroom. Lexa immediately rips open the package and hands Clarke one of the tests, her body almost shaking with nervous energy.

"Baby, please calm down. You're making me nervous." Clarke says quietly as she opens the test.

"Sorry. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but I can't help it."

"I know, Lex. Just promise me that if this isn't the result that we want, we won't stop trying, okay?"

The look of vulnerability on Clarke's face breaks Lexa's heart. She leans in so that she can kiss her wife sweetly, trying to reassure Clarke. She pulls away when she feels wetness on her cheeks.

"Baby, I wouldn't dream of it. I want nothing more than to start a family with you. No matter how many times we have to try. If you want to have me stab you in the thigh with hormones for the next ten years, I will."

Clarke chuckles as Lexa wipes the tears off of her cheeks. "That is the most romantic thing that you've ever said to me."

"I try." Lexa leans in to kiss Clarke again. "Do you want me to leave while you take the test?"

"No way. Nothing you haven't seen before, woman."

"Okay, so," Lexa hops up on the bathroom counter as Clarke settles herself on the toilet. She busies herself with small talk as she does her business. She sets the test on the lip of the bathtub after she finishes, washing her hands before sitting down on the now closed toilet. "How excited are you for this exhibition?"

"I'm so excited. I just hope that it goes well."

"It will. I'm sure of it. You know that your work is amazing, babe."

"It's alright."

"Shut up, Clarke. You're amazing and you know it."

"You have to say that, you're my wife."

"Stop being a turd, Clarke."

"Fine, but I still think that the exhibition work is just okay."

"Okay, we are going to stop talking about this now, because I don't want to have to kick your butt."

"How is your case going?"

"Good I think. The trial starts next week but I think that we have a solid case built up. So, I think that it will go in our favor."

"Good, that's good. How's Niylah doing?"

"She's doing well. She actually wanted to see if we wanted to get together for dinner sometime next week."

"That would be awesome. It's been a while since we've gone over to her and Ontari's place."

"Yeah. I already told her that we could plan it for the end of the week, because I figured that you'd say yes."

"Yeah, that's fine. Whenever you want to, babe."

"So, has it been three minutes yet?"

"I dunno. Probably."

"Well, are you going to look?"

"No, probably not."

"Clarke. No matter what that test says, it's going to be alright. I promise."

"You do it."


"You look at it. I can't be the first to know."

"Are you sure?"


Lexa hops off of the counter, walking the short distance to the tub. She takes a deep breath in an attempt to settle her nerves. If she's nervous, she can't imagine how nervous Clarke is.

Clarke took the last test really hard. She was really upset and blamed herself for the negative result. No matter how many times Lexa told her that she had nothing to do with the treatment not taking, the blonde was still completely devastated. Lexa was upset, but she knew that they would have another chance at having a baby, so she didn't let it destroy her.

So, she is hella nervous right now, but she is hopeful. If only she could open her eyes and look at the test.



"Did you look?"

"Not yet?"

"Well? What are you waiting for?"


Lexa opens her eyes, holding the test up so that she can read it.

The result is clear as day.


Oh god. It's really happening.

Clarke's pregnant. The treatment took. She's going to be a mom. Clarke is going to be a mom. They're going to be parents.

Who is sobbing? This is happy news.

Lexa is so wrapped up in the sheer excitement of the result that it takes her a few minutes to realize that she is, in fact, crying. She's the one that is sobbing. She can't even bring herself to care, because she's going to have a baby.



"Oh, my god, it's negative, isn't it? Fuck. I knew that it was just stress. Goddammit O. She just had to go and buy these fucking tests. It was better not knowing. Why? Why is this happ…"


"What am I going to tell mom? She's going to be so sad."


"And what about Mama Woods? She's going to be sad too. Leave it to us to fail at making a baby when we don't have any siblings. Our moms are never going to be grandmas."



"It's not negative."

"Wait, what?"

Lexa flips the test over so that the display is facing Clarke. Clarke's eyes zero in on the screen, widening when they read the result. Clarke gasps softly, her hand coming up to cover her mouth in shock. Her eyes begin to fill with tears as the news settles in.



"We are going to be…"


"Oh, my god, Lexie. We're preggers."

"Yeah, we are."

"We're going to have a baby."

Clarke laughs, the tail end of it turning into a sob as she cries freely. This is exactly what they've been waiting for and she is so, so happy that life has turned in their favor.

Lexa drops to her knees in front of the toilet, reaching out so that she can wrap her arms around Clarke's waist. She presses her body against Clarke's, sobbing against her wife's chest. Clarke's hands come to rest in Lexa's hair, smoothing down her unruly curls.

"Are you okay, baby?" Clarke questions, pressing her lips against the crown of Lexa's head.

"I'm fine, perfect even. I am so happy. I love you so much, Clarke."

"I love you too baby. I can't believe that we're going to have a baby."

"I know. Now, I think that you should take both of the other tests in that box, just to be sure. In the morning we will call Dr. Thompson to set up an appointment so we can make it official."

"Whatever you say, Heda."

~Two Months Later~

"Clarke, baby. Do you want to reschedule this dinner?" Lexa questions softly as she walks into the bathroom, her wife sprawled out on the bathroom floor.

"Ugh, no Lex." Clarke groans out as she feels another wave of nausea roll through her body.

"But you've been throwing up all day. We can do this some other time. It's so not a big deal."

"What?! It's not a big deal?" Clarke sits upright as quickly as her body will allow, glaring in the direction of her wife. Lexa's eyes widen in surprise, her hands splaying out in surrender. "We're telling our family and friends that we are having a child. How is that not a big deal, Alexandria Woods?"

"Oh no, shit, that is so not what I meant. That part is totally a big deal. But if you are not feeling up hosting dinner for everybody, we can do it another night."

"We don't have time, Lexa. I'm almost three months pregnant. I'm going to be as big as a house pretty soon. Plus, this morning sickness is an all day adventure right now, so there isn't really going to be an ideal time."

"Okay, if you're sure."

"I'm sure. Even if you think it isn't a big deal."

Lexa sighs, running her fingers through her hair in exasperation. "That is not what I meant, and you know it."

"I know. I'm sorry. It's just these hormones are making me feel crazy."

"I know, baby. It's completely understandable. Remember how crazy Octavia got when she was pregnant with Ricky?"


"I felt so bad for Lincoln. Octavia was always yelling at him."

"Wait, you felt bad for Lincoln?"

"Well, yeah. I mean Octavia was yelling at him for everything. Like when he made her a sandwich and he put cheese on it. And she told him that she hated cheese even though had a grilled cheese the day before."

"You do realize that having melted cheese on a sandwich is different than having a slice of cheese on a turkey sandwich."

"Yes? What's your point?"

"Nothing." Clarke shrugs, her voice dangerously calm. "It's just weird that you would feel bad for Lincoln."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, he is the reason why she was being irrational in the first place."

Lexa narrows her eyes in confusion. She should know better than to argue with Clarke right now. Her wife has been overly emotional lately, sometimes picking fights for no reason. This was something that she knew was common with pregnant women, but it was kind of making her head spin. So, like an idiot, she pushes her wife when she's already worked up. "How so?"

Wrong question apparently. Clarke's brow furrows, fire igniting behind her blue eyes.

"What do you mean, how so?"

"Well, as far as I know, Octavia was part of their dalliance as well. So therefore, the blame should be placed on both of them."



"It's Lincoln's fault."

"How is it solely Lincoln's fault?"

"Because I said so, Lexa. That is the only reason that matters. Just like it's your fault that I'm being irrational now."

"You being pregnant is my fault?"


"That doesn't make any sense, Clarke. We both made an informed decision to make a baby. So, tell me, how our mutual decision to get pregnant equates to me being completely at fault for your irrational thoughts?"

"Get the hell out of here."


"Get out of the bathroom, Lexa."

"What? Why?"

"Because I don't want to look at you right now."

"That's childish, Clarke."

"Get OUT!"

Lexa scrambles out of the bathroom, closing the door behind her. She leans against the frame, taking a deep breath to calm herself. She knows that Clarke is simply lashing out and she isn't really mad at her, but she's still being irrational. How Lincoln dealt with a pregnant Octavia for nine months and stayed sane, Lexa will never understand. She can hear Clarke moving on the other side of the door, and she thinks that maybe Clarke will be over their little tiff. The clank of the toilet lid being opened and the sound of Clarke retching tells her something different.

Lexa hates that Clarke is having such a rough time with morning sickness right now, but she has taken it all in stride. For the most part, she's been in good spirits, even if she keeps picking fights with Lexa.

Sighing in defeat, she walks back towards the kitchen. Her wife is adamant about having their dinner party, even though she doesn't feel good. So, that means that she has about two hours to come up with an awesome meal before their family and friends get here.

It has been pretty difficult to coordinate a get together with everybody with all of their hectic work schedules. Somehow, with minimal stress, Lexa has managed to wrangle the whole group together. Lexa's mom flew in late last night and Clarke's mom and stepdad drove in this morning. Anya and Raven have been lifesavers, heading off the parents to keep them busy until dinner. They didn't even ask any questions when Lexa asked them for the favor, but she knows that they will ask her for something, eventually.

In the end, she ends up making a stuffed chicken breast with some roasted red potatoes and fresh green beans. Clarke emerges from the bedroom just as she is setting the table that she had to go buy just for this ten person dinner. She's dressed in a pair of leggings and a loose t-shirt. Normally, Clarke would wear a tighter fitting shirt, but she's starting to show. The baby bump is still slight, but it is definitely there. Lexa hates that Clarke has to hide the glorious baby bump that is her growing child, but she understands why it is necessary. After tonight, however, Clarke will be able to show off their pride and joy.

Clarke's hair is wet from the shower, piled in a messy bun on top of her head. Lexa smiles softly as she meets her wife's eyes, relief filling her body as Clarke smiles back. Clarke comes up behind Lexa, wrapping her arms around the brunette's waist. She presses a soft kiss against the back of Lexa's neck, reveling in the small moan that falls from Lexa's lips.

"Are you feeling better, baby?"

"Mmmhmmm. I'm sorry that I was mean to you."

"It's okay my love."

"No, it's not. I was being a turd."

"I know, but you're growing a life inside of you. You're allowed to be a turd sometimes."

"I know, but I'm still sorry."

"I'm not mad at you, promise."

"Okay." Clarke presses another kiss against Lexa's neck. "It smells really good in here."

"Thanks. Everything is just about done. I'm just waiting for everybody to get here. Are you ready for this?"

"As ready as I'll ever be, I suppose. Are you ready?"

Lexa turns in Clarke's arms so that she can face her wife. She places a soft kiss on Clarke's lips, pulling away before Clarke can deepen it.

"Ready to tell everybody, no. Ready to be a parent? Yes, one thousand percent."

Lexa brings her hands to rest on Clarke's stomach, running her fingers across the slight bump. She smiles and leans in to kiss Clarke again, letting her wife deepen the kiss this time. It isn't long before Clarke starts to get a little handsy, trying to up the intensity of their make out session.

One of the pregnancy books that Lexa read told her that her significant other would show a marked increase in sexual arousal. At the time, Lexa scoffed at that statement, because there was no way that Clarke could be more insatiable than she already was. Boy, was she WRONG. She almost can't keep up with Clarke's super libido, and that's saying a lot. They were fairly active in their sex life, but not like they have been recently. But, Lexa is totally not complaining. They just don't have time right now.

Pulling away from the kiss with a groan, Lexa rests her forehead against Clarke's. Clarke's lips are kiss swollen and her eyes have taken on a much darker hue. She is slightly breathless, warm puffs of air washing over Lexa's face.

"Babe, as much as I love you, we so don't have time to get worked up right now."

"Ugh, but baby. I want you so much."

"I know Clarke. I wish that we had time, but you know that everybody is going to be here soon. So, I don't want to start something that we don't have time to finish."

"Fine but you owe me like five orgasms later."

"Whatever you want, my love."

Lexa chuckles, leaning in to kiss the pout off of Clarke's lips. The sounds of the doorbell pulls them out of their reverie, Clarke groaning in frustration. Her lust clouded mind was so sure that Lexa was close to breaking. And, she was horny, dammit. Guests be damned. Lexa moves out of her arms to answer the door, and Clarke is pretty sure that she lets out a growl of frustration.



"Why are you growling?"

"Why do you think?"

"Clarke. I told you that I would make it up to you later. I promise."


"God, I love you. You are so ridiculous."

"It's you and your child's fault."

Lexa laughs, shaking her head as she pulls open the front door. A small blur buzzes past her, straight into Clarke's arms. Lincoln and Octavia walk in behind their eager son, hugging Lexa in greeting as they enter the house. The smirk that Octavia gives Clarke before she hugs her best friend lets Clarke know that Octavia knows why they're here. Not that Clarke and Lexa haven't held dinners at their house before, but they haven't gathered everybody up since they got married.

"How're you feeling, babe?" Octavia asks as she hugs Clarke tightly, maneuvering around her son's small body that is now attached to Clarke's legs.

"Good, I'm good."

"That's good. Everything okay?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Okay. Where's Mama G and Marcus?"

"With Rae and Anya."

"Oh, that sounds dangerous."

"Yeah. They should be here soon."

"Are you ready for this?"

"As ready as I can be. It can't go any worse than yours did."

"I should hope not. We'll see I suppose. I bet that you would like a drink right now."

"Like you wouldn't believe."

"Oh, trust me, I know how you feel. I've been through this before, remember? At least yours was planned."

"Annie Kark!" Ricky yells from the floor, where he has completely wrapped his body around Clarke's left leg. Clarke and Octavia look down at the boy, laughing at his big toothy grin. "Hi!"

"Hi my love. How are you?"

"Good. Where Annie Lex?"

"You ran past her to get to me. She's probably in the living room with your dad."


Lexa peeks her head into the kitchen. Ricky's eyes widen in surprise as he lets out a squeal. He drops himself completely to the floor, letting go of Clarke's leg. Lexa steps into the kitchen and drops to her knees just as Ricky runs towards her. He barrels into her, attempting to wrap his tiny arms around her body. Lexa falls to the floor dramatically as she catches Ricky, both laughing as they fall.

"Oh, my gosh, you are getting so strong buddy."

"I know. I go to work with daddy."

"Oh yeah?"


"Do you work out with him?"


"I can tell. You're going to be stronger than him in no time."

Watching Lexa with her godson makes her heart swell. She can't wait for their baby to get here, even though they're only a third of the way through her pregnancy. She knows that Lexa is going to be a great mom, and she's so excited to experience that with her.

Her daydream is broken when she hears Raven's raucous laughter outside of the front door. Lincoln meets them at the door just as Raven knocks. Anxiety and nerves hit her full force as the rest of their family walks into the house.

Lexa and Ricky have moved their wrestling match to the living room, leaving Clarke and Octavia alone in the kitchen. Octavia grabs Clarke's hand and squeezes it reassuringly.

"It's going to be fine."

"I hope that you're right."

"Call it mother's intuition."

"Shut up, O."

"Love you, boo. Now girl up because here comes your mom. Hey Abby!"

Girl up, indeed.

It takes another fifteen minutes to get greetings out of the way so that they can sit down and eat. Lexa grabs the dishes while Clarke grabs drinks for everybody else. The boys insist on beer, while the girls opt for wine. She makes Ricky a glass of chocolate milk and grabs a water for herself before sitting down at the table next to Lexa.

They eat in silence, only breaking it to compliment Lexa on her meal. Clarke is thankful that nobody notices that she isn't drinking. Or, if they have, they have chosen to not mention it. She manages to make it through the meal without any nausea, which is uncommon as of late. Abby and Lily kick everybody out of the dining room so that they can do the clean-up.

The group settles into the living room, putting a hockey game on the television, much to Marcus's dismay. Lily and Abby come into the living room twenty minutes later, carrying plates of cupcakes. Even with her eyes closed as she cuddles into Lexa's side on their sectional, Clarke's hypersensitive nose picks up the sweet smell of baked goods. Her mouth starts to water, in a good way this time.

"Are those from Babycakes?" Clarke directs towards Abby without opening her eyes.

"What the hell is a baby cake?" Raven questions as she sits on the floor, playing with Ricky.

"It's a bakery back home that Clarke was obsessed with before she moved out here for college. And to answer your question, yes they are Clarke."

"Oh god, yesssss. I need like five of those in my mouth, now. Lex, baby?"

"Yes, my love?"

"If you feed me those cupcakes, I will love you forever."

"I'm pretty sure that you already signed up for that when you agreed to marry me, baby."

"Ugh. But, I can't feed myself."

"Why is that? You did just fine while you were eating supper."

"Because I'm tired now."

"Why are you tired, Clarke? Are you not getting enough sleep? Adequate sleep is crucial to staying healthy." Abby questions her daughter as she walks towards their end of the couch. She hands Lexa two cupcakes, leaning over so that she can place her hand on Clarke's forehead. Clarke grunts and reluctantly opens her eyes so that she can look at Abby.

"Mom, stop. I've been sleeping just fine for the most part. I just had a long day."

"Did you work today?"

"No, I just couldn't sleep last night because I had to make sure the house was clean for you guys."

"I'm sure that the house wasn't too bad. You aren't very good at cleaning up after yourself, but Lexa does a good job of keeping you in line."

"Shush. Be a good mom and give me a cupcake."

"I gave your favorite one to your wife. Ask her for it."


Clarke lifts her head up so that she can meet Lexa's eyes. She juts out her bottom lip in a pout. Lexa sighs, setting her cupcake on the armrest of the couch. She unwraps half of Clarke's cupcake, holding it up to her wife's mouth. Clarke smiles and takes a huge bite of the heavenly cake, moaning at the taste. It's been almost eight years since she's had a cupcake from back home and it is just as good as she remembers.

"You are such a brat, ai hodnes."

"Ai hod yu in, Leksa."

"Yeah, yeah. Can you feed yourself now?"


"Okay, you guys are disgusting. Clarke, quit being a princess and feed yourself so that Lexa can eat. Lexa, quit enabling Clarke's prissiness. You guys are lucky that these cupcakes are bomb otherwise I would throw one at your faces."

"Real nice, Raven."

"Well, it's true. These cupcakes are bomb. And you two are super gross. It couldn't get any gayer in here."

"You're engaged to a woman, ass."

"Eh, semantics. You guys are still really gay."

"Fuck off, Rae."

"Clarke! Language! There are innocent ears present." Lexa chides, tilting her head so that she can whisper in Clarke's ear. "Baby Woods doesn't need to learn such foul language."

"Hey! No whispering over there, Woods clan."

"Should we tell them now?" Clarke whispers back to Lexa, totally ignoring Raven.


"Okay. Do you want to tell them…."

"Oi! Stop whispering, or I will throw this cupcake."

"No you won't, Rae."

Raven holds up the half-eaten cupcake in warning. "Test me, Princess. Whisper in Lexa's ear one more time and see what happens."

"Alright, alright. You win." Clarke sits up, holding her hands up in surrender. She glares at Raven as the brunette finishes her cupcake, a smirk plastered on her face. "You're a jerk."

"I love you too, Princess."

"So…" Clarke takes a deep breath, attempting to settle the nerves that have taken residence in her belly. Lexa feels her wife's unease so she sits up and wraps an arm around her waist. She kisses Clarke's cheek, whispering reassurances in her ear. "I bet you are all wondering why we gathered you all together."

"What kind of speech is this? Are you guys getting divorced?"

"Shut up, Rae! Let me talk."

"Sorry. Carry on."

All of the eyes in the room zero in towards Clarke, giving her their undivided attention. The nerves are starting to make her feel a little bit sick and she feels like her heart is going to pound right out of her chest. Okay, maybe it's not just the nerves that are making her feel sick.



Clarke attempts to roll her eyes at Raven, but her face resembles more of a grimace as she fights back a gag. Dammit, this is so not how she wanted this to go. And she definitely does not want to throw up her first Babycakes cupcake in the better part of a decade. Unfortunately for Clarke, Lexa's child is stubborn and is going to make her throw up. Right now. She gets to her feet quickly, making a dash for the bathroom. She might have kicked Raven a little bit on her way out of the living room, but it was totally an accident. Maybe. Because she'd be a really crappy friend if she kicked her best friend on purpose. Okay, so it wasn't an accident, but Raven doesn't know that.

She's getting tired of praying to the porcelain god. Sure, it was fun in high school and college after a night of drinking, but this is so not the same. This baby is wreaking havoc on Clarke's insides and she still has six months to go.

Luckily, this bout of evening sickness doesn't last very long. After brushing her teeth and washing her face, she's ready to face the music. She slowly walks back into the living room, too nervous to notice that everybody is watching her as she retakes her seat next to Lexa. She grabs one of Lexa's hands with her own, intertwining their fingers and taking a deep breath.

"Sorry about that, everybody."

"Are you sure that you're alright, Clarke?" Abby questions, her worried gaze falling on her daughter.

"Yeah, I'm fine, promise."

"It's kind of hard to believe that when you're running off to the restroom to vomit while in the middle of a conversation."

"Well, that's what Lexa and I wanted to get you guys together to talk about."

"Are you…" Abby starts but is immediately cut off by Clarke.

"So, if everybody will just let me talk, you'll know what's going on."


"It's fine mom. Just let me get this out, okay?"


Clarke feels Lexa's hand grip her chin, turning the blonde's face towards hers. She smiles reassuringly at her wife, leaning in to kiss her softly. The gentle kiss helps abate the nerves fluttering around in Clarke's stomach. She turns her attention back to the group with a newfound confidence coursing through her body.

"Alright everybody. First off, Lexa and I want to thank all of you for taking time out of your busy lives to gather here with us today. It really means a lot to us. Especially our parents, who had to travel to get out here. So, we have some news and no we're not getting divorced, Raven."

"I was totally kidding, Princess."

"I know, I'm just giving you crap. Anyway, as all of you know, Lexa and I have recently decided to expand our family. The first go around, our attempt to get pregnant was unsuccessful. We started another round of IVF but life got in the way and we both kind of forgot about it."

"Are you?" Lily's soft voice breaks out from across the room. Clarke meets her mother in law's green eyes, so full of hope, and all she can do is nod as her own eyes fill with tears. Damn hormones.

"Seriously?" Abby's voice is loud and commanding, as always, but husky with emotion.

"Yeah. We are definitely pregnant."

"How far along?"

"Almost three months, according to the doctor."

"Oh my god, yesssss!" Raven squeals, getting to her feet as fast as she can. She makes her way over to Clarke with her arm out, engulfing her best friend in a hug. "This is so freaking exciting. I will finally get to be a godparent."

"Whoa now, Reyes. Who says that you get to be godparent to baby Woods?" Octavia exclaims, pointing accusingly at the brunette.

"Well, it's just makes sense. You made Clarke and Lexa Ricky's godmothers. So, Anya and I would be the obvious choice for baby Woods godparents."

"Why is that obvious?"

"Because, you and Linc will be godparents when Anya and I decide to have Raven Junior."

"Wait a second, I never agreed to naming our future child Raven Junior."

"Please babe, we both know that Raven Junior is the perfect name for our hypothetical child."


"So, it makes sense, right O?"

"I mean, I guess." Octavia shrugs, snatching a cupcake off of the living room table.

"Thought so. All I know is that I call title of goddaddy."

"Is that even a thing?" Octavia questions, her words muffled by a mouth full of cupcake.

"It is now. First off, before Abs starting dating Marcus, I was sure that I was going to be Clarke's new daddy."

"Ugh, Raven. That's disgusting. Please don't talk about my mom while she's in the room."

"I'm just saying. Abs and I had something special, but good ole Marky Marc stole her heart from me. I was crushed for a long time. And then I met my soulmate. That beautiful lady over there. Now she calls me 'daddy.' So, I should be the goddaddy. It just makes sense."

"Raven, I am not letting my child call you daddy. Ever."

Raven looks over at Lexa to respond. When she sees the look on Lexa's face, all she can muster up is a laugh. Lexa looks so disgusted right now. Like the word daddy has left a horrible taste in her mouth.

"Fine. I'll just continue to let your best friend call me daddy."

"I do not call you that."

"You don't have to be embarrassed babe. It's awesome."

"No, Rae, it's really not. It's kind of weird. Also, do you think that you get the hell off of me? You're crushing my bladder."

"Right, sorry Princess. Is there anymore wine left? I think that a congratulatory drink is in order."

Six Weeks Later

If there was one thing that Clarke was not prepared for when it came to being pregnant, it would definitely be the fact that she was perpetually horny.

Clarke knew that she had a very energetic sexual appetite. She hadn't always been so thirsty. Sure, she enjoyed sex, but it was different with Lexa. Sometimes she felt like an addict, completely insatiable and desperate for her next fix.

Now that she was pregnant, her needs were almost out of control. It didn't matter how many times she cornered Lexa in the doorway as she entered the house, fucking her senseless against the wall. She was almost crazy with her need for Lexa.

"How did you do it, O?" Clarke asks one day as she hangs out with Octavia while they watch Ricky play at a park. Clarke's baby bump is more prominent now, as she enters her eighteenth week of pregnancy. She likes to show it off, wearing tight shirts that show off the swell of her belly.

"What do you mean?"

"How did you survive your pregnancy with Ricky?"

"You're going to have to be more specific, Griff."

"Okay, that's just rude. I don't call you by your maiden name."

"Chill, dude. I was joking."

"I know. Sorry. These hormones make me crazy."

"You're preaching to the choir, Princess. I was an emotional wreck when I was pregnant."

"Oh, trust me, I remember."

"Ass. But seriously, what's on your mind, Clarke?"

"I dunno. Maybe it was different for you, but I feel like I'm losing my shit."


"Because…" Clarke lowers her voice so that none of the kids at the park can hear her. "I'm like always horny."

"How is that anything new? You and Lexa have been going at it like rabbits for years."

"No this is totally different. Like, I can't get enough of her. I mean, I feel like it's getting excessive."

"More excessive than that time that you guys had that big fight? The one that caused you guys to have a week long sex marathon in Raven and Anya's apartment."

"This is way worse. Like I would be okay with being in bed constantly. I mean, as soon as she gets home, I attack her at the door. Most of the time I end up fucking her against the wall, or on the living room floor. It's gotten to the point where she's coming home from work super late, in hopes that I'll be asleep."

"Are you sure that is why she's coming home late? Isn't she working on a pretty big murder case with Niylah?"

"Well yeah, but that isn't the point. She's been working on this case for months now and she used to come home on time."

"Okay, but aren't they getting ready for the actual trial?"

"Stop being so rational!"

"Jeez, woman. Chill. I'm just saying. She's probably really busy trying to get everything ready so they can convict this douchebag. I doubt your insatiable hunger for your wife's body is the reason for her late work nights."

"God, I hate you. Why do you have to be right?"

"Because I'm amazing. Plus, I've been through this before. I was super horny when I was pregnant too."

"What did you do about it?"

"Are you sure that you want to know?"

"Yes. I need to know because I'm going crazy here."

"Well, first off I need to tell you that you are lucky."

"What? Why?"

"Because you are married to a woman."

"Um, okay. I'm not sure that makes any sense. Octavia "Straight as an arrow" Triyon, being jealous that I'm married to a woman."

"Okay, so there is a reason for my jealousy. There is a physical limit to how many times a man can please a woman sexually in one night. There is a point in time where a guy has to stop and rest. Now, I've never been with a woman, but from what you and Raven have told me, they have great stamina."

"Are you telling me that Lincoln doesn't have good stamina?"

"No. I'm not saying that at all. But, from what I've heard from you and Raven. And from what I've actually heard, being in the wrong place at the wrong time, y'all can go forever. Like energizer bunnies or some shit. I know that you've been batting for the home team for a long while now, but you've played for the away team too. You know what I'm talking about."

"I haven't played for the away team in years, I'm not sure I remember."


"No, I'm serious. Plus, the last guy that was anywhere near my home plate was Finn. So, not really the greatest person to use as a comparison."



"Finn was the last guy that you slept with?"


"Jeez. That was such a long time ago."

"Freshman year of college."

"Wow. I was sure that it hadn't been that long since you'd switched teams."

"I didn't switch teams. I've always been bisexual. I just prefer women."

"I know. I didn't mean it that way."

"I know. I'm just giving you shit. Now, do you have any ideas on how I can drive Lexa crazy for staying late at work?"

"I think that I have the perfect idea."

"Do you think that we have enough evidence to win this trial?" Niylah questions between bites of her sesame chicken.

"Please. You know that we have this case locked down. We've been working nonstop for the past three months. I'm pretty sure that our wives don't even remember what we look like anymore." Lexa replies as she hops up on Niylah's desk, swiping the container of sesame chicken out of her hands.

"Hey! That container is mine, you jerk!"

"Please woman. You ate like half of my broccoli chicken."

"Okay, fine. You're right. But do you really have to put your ass on my desk?"

"My ass is the best looking thing that's ever been on your desk." The look on Niylah's face tells Lexa that her statement isn't true. "Gross. I didn't need to know that."

"I didn't say anything."

"You didn't have to. We've been working together for so long, I know what your facial expressions mean. The one that you have on your face right now tells me that you've most definitely had sex on this surface."

"Like you haven't had sex on yours."

"You know, I don't think that I have. Now Clarke on the other hand, has been on my desk many times."


"Usually she's bent over it. There's just something about me wearing a suit that does it for her."

"Lexa. That is just way too much information."

"Oops." Lexa shrugs as she takes a bite of Niylah's sesame chicken. The glint of mischief in her green eyes makes Niylah laugh.

"We've gotten way off course here."

"I know. But can you blame us? We're way overworked. We've been here since five a.m. and it's almost eight p.m."

"Yeah. I'm surprised that Ontari and Clarke haven't driven down here to force us to come home."

"They probably ran off and found new wives by now. Or, maybe they ran off together."

"Oh well. As long as Clarke has somebody to take care of her and the baby."

"Oh yes, the baby. Are you excited yet?"

"I've been excited."

"I know, but she's halfway through her pregnancy. Another four and a half months to go and you'll have a newborn keeping you up at all hours of the night. Throwing up on your work clothes five minutes before you have to leave for work. Plus, you'll have a sleep deprived, cranky wife that blames you for the nuisance that keeps her up all night."

"Gosh, you make parenthood sound so appealing."

"Oh, it's the bee's knees. I wouldn't trade having a kid for anything in the world. The only difference is, my child is almost four so she doesn't keep us up all night. Therefore, my wife doesn't curse my existence. Clarke on the other hand, is going to hate you for at least three years."

"I doubt that will actually happen."

"Yeah, sure. Doubt the person that's been through this already. Good idea."

"Clarke and I's relationship is strong. She'll never hate me once our baby gets here."

"She's not actually going to hate you, Lexa. Just because she's going to vacate that fetus in four and a half months doesn't mean that she's going to get rid of all of those crazy hormones. Those things will keep her crazy for a long time after the baby is born. Then she'll get irrational because of the sleep deprivation. Pretty soon, it's been three years and she'll actually like being around you again."

"I feel like you are exaggerating a little bit."

"Oh, you'll see. Can we wrap this crap up for tonight? I want to go home to my girls."

"Let's go through it one more time and then we can pack up for the night. Promise."

"Fine. But give me back my chicken. And get the hell off of my desk."


Lexa reluctantly hands back the container of chicken. Niylah sticks her tongue out in triumph, getting a middle finger for her gloating. The two women continue to bicker as the go over the case files for the millionth time. They complain about being tired and overworked, but they are both perfectionists and they both want this case to be ironclad. So, they work through their fatigue and msg fog, despite their earlier complaints.

Ten minutes into the work, Lexa's text notification goes off. She ignores it at first, keeping her attention on the task at hand. A second notification distracts her again and this time she can't ignore it. It might be Clarke, and despite the fact that they've had a very normal pregnancy, she can't help but worry.

"Just take a second and look at your phone, Lexa. It's probably Clarke."

Lexa grabs her phone off of Niylah's desk with a sigh. The text messages are in fact, from Clarke.

Baby Mama: Just got done hanging out with O and Ricky. Baby Woods is missing Mama Woods…maybe I am too, but just a little bit. Are you coming home soon?

Baby Mama: Also, ran out of hot sauce. I need some more for that caramel popcorn. Can you bring some home?

Mama Woods: Yes, my love. I will bring you home some hot sauce. I probably won't be home for another two or so hours.

Baby Mama: Ugh, babe, really? You've been working late for soooo long. I don't even remember what your face looks like.

Mama Woods: Really, Clarke? Isn't that a little dramatic?

Baby Mama: No *pouty face*

Lexa rolls her eyes at her wife's text. She can see Clarke at home, actually pouting at her phone. She opens the camera and takes a selfie of her making a kissy face. She attaches the picture to her reply.

Mama Woods: Hopefully I still look as good as you remember.

Lexa doesn't get a reply right away so she puts her phone back on the desk. She turns her attention back to the case. She really does want to get home soon and she's sure that Niylah feels the same way. Unfortunately for her, Clarke is very persistent when she is bored. Ten minutes pass before she gets a response, and she is definitely not prepared for it.

She is fully immersed in the case file as she grabs her phone to open the message. Her first glance at the text is distracted, half assed, so she doesn't immediately notice the pictures below the message. After scanning through the rest of the file, Lexa turns her full attention to her phone.

Baby Mama: You always look good to me. Too good. It's not fair really. Leaving your poor pregnant wife home alone. While you're at work, in that suit that you know I like. Ugh.

~Picture Attachment~

~Picture Attachment~

~Picture Attachment~

Lexa tries to cover up the squeak that leaves her mouth as the picture loads, but judging by the way that Niylah's head snaps up, she is unsuccessful.

"You alright there?"

"Yup, totally." Lexa manages, unable to take her eyes off of her phone screen.

"You sure, Lexa?"

The pictures that Clarke sent to her have rendered her speechless. She can hear Niylah talking to her, but all she can focus on is the images in front of her.

The first picture is of Clarke on their bed. Lexa can make out their headboard behind her wife's head. Clarke's blonde hair is splayed out on a pillow, seemingly glowing in the soft light of their room. Her normally bright blue eyes are a dark navy color, pupils blown with desire. The way that she is biting her bottom lip is absolutely sinful and it makes Lexa clench her thighs together to try and alleviate some of the pressure that she feels in her core.

She should know better than to open the next picture, really she should. Clarke isn't shy about sending risqué photos to Lexa when she is working. Usually it isn't a big deal, because Lexa is often alone in her office when Clarke is feeling frisky. But, of course, Lexa decides that one more picture can't hurt.

Boy, was she wrong. If she thought that the first photograph was not safe for work, the second one makes it look like child's play.

Baby Mama: You know what you being in a suit does to me.

The second photograph shows Clarke's breath-taking body. She is lying in the middle of the bed, completely stripped of any clothing. Lexa can feel all of the moisture leave her mouth, travelling down south as she takes in the sight of her wife. She bites down on her cheek to suppress the groan that is fighting its way out of her mouth. Clarke's free hand resting on her left breast, thumb and index finger pinching at the pert nipple.

Lexa has always been a boob girl. She would have to admit that her wife has always been very gifted in the chest department. Pregnancy has only made Clarke's already substantial assets all the more bountiful and Lexa couldn't be happier about it. Her more carnal instincts are joyous about the increase in Clarke's cup size, although the change is for the survival of their unborn child. Until said child is brought into this world, those fluffy pillows belong to Lexa, dammit.

Looking at these pictures is pure torture for Lexa. She wants nothing more than to be at home, in bed with Clarke, not sleeping. She is sure that Niylah is still trying to get her attention, but she can't focus on anything other than the sinful images of her wife.

She shouldn't look at the last picture, of that much she is sure. She is already painfully turned on, while seated upon her co-worker's desk, nonetheless. She should really put her phone down and focus on the rest of her work, she knows this. But, since Lexa is a glutton for punishment, she decides to open the picture. Because why not? What's the worst that could happen?

Turns out that the worst thing that could happen was Lexa falling off of Niylah's desk. She's not even really sure how it happened. One second she's perched on the desk, waiting for the third picture to load, the next second she's groaning in pain as her tailbone hits the hard floor.

"Lexa! What the hell? Are you okay?"

Lexa is way too distracted to answer Niylah. Even as she sits unceremoniously on the floor of Niylah's office, her eyes are trained on her phone.

Baby Mama: Since you aren't here, I guess that I will have to take matters into my own hands.

The third picture is the most scandalous one by far. Lexa's pretty sure that her eyes are bugging out of her head as she takes in the sight of her wife's very bare bottom half.

"Lexa? Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I have to go."

"What? Is it Clarke? Is she okay?"

"It's fine. Everything is fine. I just have to go, now."

Lexa gets to her feet quickly, taking her eyes off of her phone so that she can look at Niylah.


"Yeah. So, I'll see you later. You should probably head home too."

"Will do. I'll see you Monday."

"Yup. I'll be here."

Lexa's office is only fifteen minutes away from home, but she makes it there in seven. She's pretty sure that she drove at least ten miles over the speed limit, maybe more. Her hands hurt from how hard she has been gripping the steering wheel, her mind flooded with very naughty images of Clarke.

It really wasn't fair of Clarke to send Lexa such a provocative picture of herself. Especially knowing that Lexa was still at work. But, knowing her wife like she does, Clarke sent the picture with the intention of making Lexa come home.

She'd have to be crazy not to come home after such a picture. She could only handle so much teasing before breaking. Seeing her wife spread out on their bed with two fingers buried deep inside of herself was about all she could handle.

The house is mostly dark when she walks in, only the soft glow of the television lighting the living room. Fish is spread out on the couch, snoring loudly as he sleeps. Lexa chuckles at the sight, the giant husky's legs sticking straight up in the air. Some random show on animal planet is playing on the television, the sound pretty much drowned out by Fish's snores.

Of course Clarke would put animal planet on for their dog. Either that, or she was watching those damn ASPCA commercials again.

Lexa pulls her shoes off, leaving them by the front door. She unbuttons the top buttons of her green blouse as she makes her way towards the bedroom.

The door is cracked open and she can hear Clarke's soft groans on the other side of the door. She feels a fresh rush of arousal course through her body as she makes her way into the bedroom.

Her attention is immediately drawn to her wife. Clarke is sprawled out in the middle of the bed, her eyes closed in concentration. Her bottom lip is caught between her teeth as her fingers glide through her soaked sex. Lexa watches on, mesmerized as Clarke circles her clit with her index finger.

Good God, her wife is going to be the death of her. Lexa wants nothing more than to join Clarke in their bed, but she is also really enjoying this whole watching thing. She quietly closes the bedroom door, so that Fish can't come interrupt them. Clarke is too distracted by her current goal to get off to notice Lexa walking towards the bed, unbuttoning the rest of her shirt and pulling it off. She tosses the blouse behind her, unconcerned about where it lands. She pulls her slacks off next, kicking them off, leaving her in only her bra and panties. Her very ruined panties, thanks to the wanton vixen in front of her.

"Klark." Her voice is husky, practically dripping with her arousal.

Clarke's eyes flutter open at the sound of her wife's voice. Clarke smiles wickedly at her wife as her fingers continue to rub at her bundle of nerves.

"Lex. You're home."

"Of course I am. How could I not rush home after those pictures, you minx?" Lexa replies as she reaches behind her back to unclasp her bra. She slides the straps down her shoulders, hastily removing the offending undergarment. She peels the ruined panties off next, stepping out of them and leaving them on the floor.

"I missed you, baby."

"I missed you too, Clarke. You and baby Woods. Very much."

Lexa crawls onto the bed, carefully straddling her wife's hips. Clarke's hands immediately find purchase on Lexa's hipbones, gripping them tightly so that she can grind their centers together. The moan that Lexa lets out is absolutely sinful and Clarke mirrors it when she feels just how wet her wife is.

"Jesus, Lex. You're soaked."

"Can you blame me? You've been a very naughty tease this evening, my love."

"I can't help it. Your child is wreaking havoc on my body. Plus, my work obsessed wife wasn't home to take care of me."

"I'm sorry baby. This trial starts in two days and I can guarantee you that it will only take like a week before the jury convicts him."

"I just miss you."

"I know, Clarke. I'm sorry. After this trial, I'm going to try and thin out my case load so that I can spend more time at home with you."


"Really. But we can talk about that later. First we need to address what I just walked in on."

"I was just…"

Lexa leans down, silencing Clarke with a kiss.

"I know what you were doing."

Clarke's face reddens, embarrassment flooding her cheeks. She drops her eyes from Lexa's face, not comfortable with meeting her eyes anymore. Lexa grips her wife's chin so that she can kiss her again.

"Don't be embarrassed, baby. It was hot."

"Not really."

"You didn't see it from my point of view. In fact, you should keep going."

"I should what?"

"You heard me."


"Come on Klark." Lexa rolls her hips down into Clarke's. "I want to watch you."

"Fine, but on one condition."


"I wanna watch you too."


Lexa moves to get off of Clarke's lap, settling on her side next to the blonde. She takes in the view of her wife, biting back a groan as her eyes roam over the expanse of skin. Clarke's skin is flushed with arousal, her chest heaving with uneven breaths.

"God, you are so fucking sexy, Clarke. Do you even realize what you do to me?"

Instead of responding verbally, Clarke scoots closer to Lexa. She bites down on her bottom lip as her hand reaches out towards her wife. Her hand moves down Lexa's stomach, fingertips tickling against her abs as she inches her way down. Lexa groans loudly when Clarke's fingers meet her wet heat, teasing at the outer lips of her sex.


"Hmm?" Clarke replies as she continues her lazy exploration of her wife's folds.

"This isn't what we talked about."

"Don't care. Wanna touch you."

Lexa moans softly as Clarke's fingers circle around her clit. She lets herself get lost in the pleasure, for just a minute. As soon as she is able to control her basic motor functions, Lexa grabs Clarke's wrist, effectively stopping her movements. Clarke lets out a whine of disappointment as she tries to continue her ministrations. Lexa clicks her tongue, making Clarke's eyes snap up to meet hers.

"Baby. As enjoyable as this is, we had an agreement."

"But Lexa…"

"No buts. You know you want to."

"Not as much as I want to touch you."

"I know baby. As soon as you do what we talked about, I'll let you touch me all you want."



Clarke pouts, her downturned lips making Lexa chuckle. She leans forward so that she can kiss the pout off of her wife's lips.

"You're mean."

"Consider this payback for sending me naughty pictures while I was working."


Lexa uses her grip on Clarke's wrist to move their hands. She guides Clarke's hand over to her on body, placing it on top of her mound.

"Just pretend that I'm the one touching you, Clarke."

"Mmm. Or you could actually touch me."

"Patience, my love." Lexa scoots back slightly so that she can get a better view of her wife. She watches as Clarke questions herself for a minute before coming to a decision. She slides her fingers through her folds, letting out a gasp as she does so. "Tell me Klark, how wet are you for me?" Lexa questions as she moves her hands over her own body.

"Oh fuck, I'm so wet. And it's all for you."

Lexa's eyes roam over Clarke's body as she reaches the apex of her thighs. She groans loudly when her index finger brushes against her clit. She is so ridiculously turned on and sensitive right now that she knows it won't take long for her to come. She most definitely wants to watch Clarke come undone before her peak hits, so she keeps her touch featherlight against her bundle of nerves.

"Clarke, baby." Lexa breathes out softly.


"Look at me, beautiful."

Clarke looks over at Lexa, her normally blue eyes completely black from her arousal.

"I want you to do more than just tease yourself. Go inside."

Lexa watches with rapt fascination as Clarke presses two fingers inside of her entrance. Lexa bites down on her lip as a needy mewl falls from Clarke's mouth. Clarke's back arches off of the bed slightly as she begins to thrust her fingers.

"Fuck, Lexa. I'm not going to last very long."

"That's okay, I'm not either."

"I wish that you were inside of me right now." Clarke moans out as she begins to circle her clit with her thumb.

"I am, and you feel so fucking good. So wet and tight around my fingers."

Clarke moans loudly at Lexa's words. It's not very often that Lexa swears, and when she does it turns Clarke on embarrassingly fast. She can feel her peak building quickly, and she so desperately wants Lexa to touch her.


"Please what?"

"Please touch me. I want you so much."

"I don't know, Clarke. We had an agreement."

"Come on baby. I've been a good girl. PLEASE."

Lexa sucks in a breath as Clarke says good girl. Those two words ignite a fire inside of her that quickly engulfs her entire being. She's almost in a trance as she moves towards Clarke, shimmying down to rest between her wife's legs. Clarke's arousal is heady, thick in the air. It makes Lexa's mouth water as she nears the source. Clarke's thighs are wet and glistening with her arousal. Lexa can't tear her eyes away from her wife's sex. She's completely entranced by the sight.

Clarke's legs spread to better accommodate Lexa's body, opening herself up even more to Lexa's ogling.

"Have you been a GOOD GIRL, Clarke?" Lexa questions as she kisses her way up Clarke's creamy thighs. She can taste Clarke's arousal at the tops of her thighs and it makes her moan in approval.

"Fuck…yes….Just please fuck me Lexa."

"Two conditions."


"First condition is, that I want you to put your hands on the headboard. There will be no touching anything but the headboard. If you touch me or yourself, I stop until I deem that you have been punished long enough."

"Okay. Easy enough. What's the other condition?"

"The second condition is, I want you to let me fuck you."

"Wait, I thought that was the whole point of me asking you to touch me."

"No, Clarke. I want to FUCK YOU."

Clarke's eyes widen as realization sets in. She can't actually get her brain to function enough for her to form words, so she nods her head enthusiastically. There is nothing that she wants more than to have Lexa use the strap on that she has dubbed the Commander on her. Although, she has to admit that it is going to be really hard to keep her hands to herself while this is happening. And judging by the smirk on Lexa's face, she knows this.

"So, what are you waiting for, Heda? Get to it."

Lexa's green eyes darken further at the challenge in Clarke's voice. She leans her head down, placing love bites on the inside of Clarke's thighs.

"Please, Lex….holy shit!"

Clarke's words come to a halt as Lexa's tongue runs through her folds. Lexa hums her approval as Clarke's arousal coats her tongue. She repeats the motion before turning her attention to the hardened nub of Clarke's clit. She flicks her tongue across the bundle of nerves a few times, reveling in the groans falling out of Clarke's mouth. She pulls the nub into her mouth, lashing her tongue across it.

"Jesus, fuck! Please keep going, baby. That feels so…fuck…so good."

Lexa can hear the change in Clarke's breathing as she continues her ministrations. She knows that her wife won't last much longer and that she needs to stop if she wants to be able to stay with her current plan. She reluctantly pulls her mouth away from her wife's center, earning an unhappy groan from Clarke.

"Hands on the headboard, Clarke."

Clarke complies immediately, both hands gripping the headboard tightly. Lexa crawls up her wife's body, careful not to squish baby Woods. She knows that even having that thought is ridiculous, as the baby is cushioned deep within Clarke's body. But, she's irrationally afraid of doing something to hurt her unborn child. She presses her lips chastely against Clarke's as soon as she is within reach, moving off the bed before her wife can deepen the kiss.

"I'll be right back. Don't move your hands while I'm gone."

Clarke's eyes follow Lexa's body as she walks towards the bathroom. She stops at the dresser on her way, opening the top drawer to grab something that Clarke can't see, before disappearing into the bathroom.

Clarke unclenches her hands so that she can take them off the headboard. She wills her racing heart to slow down, trying to regain some semblance of control of her body.

She is so painfully aroused that she is pretty sure that she's going to come as soon as Lexa touches her. The ache between her legs is maddening and she isn't sure how much longer she can wait.

Before she can make the decision to break her wife's rule, she hears the bathroom door open. Lexa walks out clad in only her bathrobe, which is of course untied and open. The toy sits between Lexa's legs, tantalizing and teasing Clarke in the best way possible.

There is something so inherently sexy about her wife when she wears the Commander. It's almost like a role that she settles into and it drives Clarke completely wild. Clarke can do little more than just stare at her wife as she moves towards the bed, a powerful air surrounding her. She's also pretty sure that she's drooling, but fortunately for her, the room is dark enough to hide it.

"Did you break my rule while I was gone?"

Clarke tries to form words, really she does. But, the commanding tone to Lexa's voice coupled with the sight of her is enough to render Clarke speechless. Clarke can only muster up enough mental strength to shake her head.

"Are you sure that you were good while I was changing?"

"Yes, Commander."

"So, why aren't your hands where I told you to leave them?"

"Um…my hands got tired."

Lexa clicks her tongue in annoyance.

"Clarke, are you lying to me?"

"No, Commander."

"Then why won't you look me in the eyes?"

Clarke bites down on her bottom lip, looking at anything in the room that isn't her wife. Lexa's emerald eyes are locked on her face, one eyebrow quirked questioningly.

"You were going to touch yourself, weren't you?"

Before Clarke can try and deny Lexa's claim, she feels the bed dip as her wife crawls back onto it. Lexa's hand grips her chin, gently forcing Clarke to meet her gaze.

Don't lie to me, Princess."

"I'm sorry."

"Clarke," Lexa tuts, anger present in her voice. Clarke knows that Lexa is just playing a role right now, that she isn't really angry at her. "You haven't been a good girl, now have you?"

"No. Forgive me, Heda."

"Oh, it won't be that easy to gain my forgiveness, Princess. You've been very, very bad. And you know what happens when you disobey me, don't you?"

"But I didn't touch myself."

"No, you didn't. But you've proven to me that you can't keep your hands where I ask you to. So, it looks like I'm going to have to tie your hands to the headboard."

Lexa pulls open the drawer to her bedside table. Clarke watches her wife as she pulls out what looks like a scarf. Okay, make that three scarves. Lexa closes the drawer and turns back to her wife.

"If at any time this gets to be too much and you want me to stop, just say so."

Clarke nods her head, unable to verbally answer her wife. Lexa lovingly grips her hands, tying the scarves to her wrists. She takes the other ends of the scarves and ties them to the bedposts. After ensuring that the knots are tight enough to keep Clarke in place but enough to hurt her, Lexa moves down the bed. She settles her body in-between Clarke's legs, resting her weight on her knees.

"What's the third scarf for?"

"The third scarf is a blindfold for you, my dear."



Lexa reaches towards Clarke's cheeks with her hands, gently caressing the soft skin. She presses her lips softly to Clarke's as she slips the blindfold over her eyes.

Clarke feels her heartrate pick up as her vision is taken away from her. She feels a tiny prickle of fear at the idea of not being able to see, but at the same time, she's pretty damn excited about what's to come. Hopefully her, if Lexa is feeling so inclined to allow that.

"Now that I've dealt with those pesky hands and taken away your sight, we can move on to part two of your punishment."

"Part two?"

"Oh yes. You didn't think that you were going to get off that easily, did you?"

"Well, I mean…"

"That question was rhetorical, Clarke."

Lexa runs her hands up Clarke's legs, stroking the skin softly until she gets to the tops of her thighs. She rakes her nails across Clarke's thighs, reddening the skin just slightly. Clarke hisses out in pleasure at the action. One of Lexa's hands continues its journey upwards, while the other grips her thigh to guide it around her waist. Clarke wraps her other leg around Lexa's waist, effectively trapping her wife between her legs.

Clarke can't fight back the groan that falls from her mouth as Lexa's hand moves between her legs. She's embarrassingly wet, even more so since Lexa has basically restrained her. Lexa's index finger moves teasingly at her entrance, without any intention of actually entering her. Clarke lifts her hips up to try and force Lexa's finger inside of her, but Lexa's other hand pinches her hip, stopping her. Not being able to see anything is just adding to her excitement, and she wants nothing more than to feel Lexa inside of her, fingers or the toy. She's definitely not picky.

"No, no. You don't get to control anything right now, Clarke."

"Lex, please."

"No, Klark. Now, are you going to behave so that we can move on to the next punishment?"

"Sha, Heda."

"Okay, good."

Clarke moans loudly as Lexa slides the toy through her folds, probably using her arousal to lubricate the silicone. It feels like a lifetime before she feels Lexa press the dildo at her entrance. Lexa enters her slowly, even though there is barely any resistance because of how wet she is. They both let out groans as Lexa bottoms out, burying the toy to the hilt inside of Clarke. Lexa makes no move to pull out, just enjoying the feeling of the other end of the toy being inside of her.

"Is this part two of the punishment?"

"It's the beginning of it, yes."

"This isn't a very good punishment. Unless you intend to just sit idly inside of me all night."

"Clarke, now is not a good time for you to be sassy. Unless you want me to gag that pretty mouth of yours."

"I'm sorry, Heda."

Instead of verbally answering her wife, Lexa pulls the toy almost all of the way out of Clarke before thrusting it back in. Clarke moans, lifting her hips up to meet Lexa's next thrust. Lexa's hands tighten around her hips, stopping her movements. Clarke lets out a groan of frustration at being completely at her wife's mercy, even though she isn't really upset about it.

"Part two of your punishment, Clarke, is that you aren't allowed to come."

"Wait, what?" Clarke attempts to move her hands, momentarily forgetting that she is tied to the bedpost.

"You heard me."

"Like, at all?"

"Until I feel like you've earned it."

"Lex…." Clarke huffs, clenching her thighs around Lexa's hips.

"Clarke. I already warned you once, so think twice before you get sassy."

Clarke bites down on her bottom lip to keep her mouth shut. As much as she wants to sass Lexa, she knows that her wife will make good on her threat. She kind of wants to push Lexa a little bit more, but she has tortured her poor wife enough for one night. So, instead, she decides to lay back and enjoy the ride, literally.

It seems like Lexa has other ideas, though. Because she is thrusting maddeningly slow into Clarke, pausing between each thrust. The thrusts have enough force behind them to be extremely enjoyable, but they aren't going to send her over the edge anytime soon. Which is quickly pissing her off, because she is so painfully turned on that she wouldn't need much more to come.

"You know how bad you were today, don't you Clarke?" Lexa rasps, snapping her hips sharply into Clarke's.

"Fuck!" Clarke moans out, thrashing her head side to side. "I don't know what I did that was so bad."



"So, you're telling me that it wasn't bad of you to send me naughty pictures while I was working?"

"Maybe it was, a little bit. But you liked it, even if you won't admit it."

"You've very mouthy this evening, Clarke."

"Well, I'd be less mouthy if somebody would properly fuck me."

The challenge in Clarke's words seems to set Lexa loose. Her pace speeds up considerably, hips slapping against Clarke's with each thrust. Clarke knows that the look on Lexa's face right now would be one of determination and focus. She would attempt to look as stoic and unaffected as possible. But the soft groans that she can barely hear leaving Lexa's mouth are enough to give her away. She's enjoying the little game just as much, if not more than Clarke is.

The quickened pace and the deeper thrusts are bringing Clarke to the edge much faster than she expected. She just needs a few more rough thrusts from Lexa to send her over. Lexa is so in tuned with Clarke's body that she must be able to feel her walls tightening in anticipation of her orgasm. So, of course she's going to slow down. Or stop. Nope, even worse. She completely pulls out of Clarke, eliciting a very displeased sound from the blonde.

"Did you forget what I told you, Clarke?" Lexa is slightly breathless from exertion, her voice raspy and slightly deeper than normal.

"No, I didn't." Clarke fights to keep the attitude out of her voice. She knows that if she makes Lexa mad, she might stop their game altogether. She definitely doesn't want that, even though not being allowed to come is quickly driving her insane.

"Oh really? Because it felt like you were getting ready to come. Did I give you permission to do so?"

"No, you didn't. But I wasn't going to."

"Clarke," Lexa clicks her tongue in annoyance, "I know your body better than you do. Do you really think that I am going to fall for that lie?"

"Lexa, please."

"Please, what?"

"Please let me come. I can't take the torture anymore."

"Yes, you can. You were doing great until just a minute ago."

"But Lexie…"

"Yes, Clarke?"

"I promise that I'll be a good girl if you let me."

"So, you admit that you were naughty?"

"Yes, alright. I was bad to send you naughty pictures while you were working. Now will you fuck me until I come? Beja, Heda."

There is something about Clarke speaking Trigedasleng that really gets Lexa going. She can't really explain it, but it just really turns her on. Maybe it's the fact that Clarke only does it when they're being intimate. Lexa can't be sure, but she really likes it. She reaches forward so that she can take the blindfold off of her wife, tossing the fabric onto the floor. Clarke slowly opens her eyes, her pupils dilating as they adjust to the light. Clarke smiles softly at her wife, leaning up as much as she can so that she can kiss Lexa. Lexa's hands move towards the scarves on Clarke's wrist. As she starts to untie them, Clarke pulls away from the kiss.

"Leave them on."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I like them."

"Okay. If you're sure."

"I'm positive. But right now, I need you. Please, baby."

Lexa captures Clarke's lips again, as she pushes back inside of her wife. Clarke moans out against Lexa's mouth, her hips canting upwards to meet her wife's thrusts. Lexa keeps one hand on her wife's hip while the other one makes its way down her body. She continues her slow thrusts, breaking her lips away from Clarke's mouth to trail kisses down her throat. As her thumb lightly brushes Clarke's swollen clit, her teeth scrape over the juncture of her wife's neck. Clarke hisses out in pleasure at the action, her hands pulling roughly against her restraints.

"God, Lexa. I kind of really hate the fact that I can't touch you right now."

"Hmmm, I don't think that you do."

Lexa's sucks down on Clarke's pulse point, speeding up the pace of her thrusts. By the unsteady movement of her hips, Clarke can tell that Lexa is getting close to her orgasm. As much as she likes the whole being tied up thing, not being able to touch Lexa is starting to drive her crazy. So, she takes advantage of the only two things that she can do right now. She nudges Lexa's cheek with hers, softly pushing Lexa's mouth away from her neck. As soon as Lexa turns her head, Clarke makes her move. She latches her mouth onto Lexa's carotid artery, which is her biggest weakness. The moan that Lexa lets out as Clarke bites down is borderline pornographic and it just spurs Clarke on to enact step two of her plan. She clenches her inner muscles as Lexa thrusts into her, restricting her wife's movement slightly. The move presses the toy deep inside of Lexa, eliciting another loud moan from the brunette.

"Fuck Clarke. If you keep doing that, I'm not going to last much longer."

"That's kind of the point, babe. I want you to come with me."

Lexa's next thrust is met with the same tightening of muscles, causing both women to cry out. Clarke continues her assault on Lexa's neck as Lexa's thumb presses firm circles against Clarke's bundle of nerves.

A particularly hard thrust coupled with a light pinch to her clit sends Clarke over toppling over the edge. Her inner walls tighten around the toy, making it extremely hard for Lexa to move. Clarke moans against Lexa's neck, biting down on her pulse point to muffle her cry of pleasure. The slight jolt of pain from the bite sends her into her own orgasm, the pleasure amplified from the toy inside of her.

Lexa continues to thrust slightly, drawing out both of their orgasms. She feels a soft flutter against her stomach as she moves to pull out of Clarke, followed by a soft laugh from her wife. She lifts her head up to search Clarke's face, green eyes questioning. She sits back on her heels, eyes boring into Clarke's. Clarke laughs again as she wiggles her fingers at Lexa. Lexa brings her hands up to Clarke's wrists, deftly untying the knots. As soon as Clarke's wrists are freed, her hands come up to cup Lexa's face.

"Apparently you woke your child up."

"Is that what that was?"

"Yes, dear. That was baby Woods attempting to kick you."

"Oh my god."

"I know. It's pretty amazing, right?"

"There's a life inside of you."

"Yeah, tell me about it. And right now said life is moving quite a bit, which is making me have to pee."

"You should probably do something about that before you pee on the bed."

"I can't feel my legs. Carry me."

Lexa laughs, moving off of the side of the bed. She quickly removes the toy, setting it down on the floor so that she can help Clarke up.

"I am not carrying you to the bathroom, Clarke. That seems dangerous."

"But, Lexa. It's your child's fault that I have to pee. And it's your fault that I can't feel my legs."

"I know. And I love you. But you can make it to the bathroom."

"Ugh, you suck."

"I love you too."

Lexa laughs at her wife as Clarke sends an angry glare her way. Clarke sticks her tongue out at Lexa as she makes her way into the bathroom.

Twenty Weeks

Around the twentieth week of her pregnancy, Clarke started to go a little bit stir crazy. Lexa had finished up and won (Of course) her big murder trial. She was still working quite a bit, but she was home every night before dinner. Clarke wasn't upset about Lexa still working a lot, it would help her save up vacation hours for when the baby came. The gallery only managed to distract her during the day. And when it was slow, she would spend her time eating whatever food the baby craved while binge watching crappy shows on Netflix.

One day while lounging around at home waiting for Lexa to come home, she discovered the do it yourself network. After watching some random craft show that she can't recall the name of, she came up with an idea. But, she was going to need help from her delinquents in order to bring her plan to fruition.

Princess: Hey guys, I need your help.

Mama O: With…

Rae Bae: I'm in.

Mama O: You don't even know what she's going to ask us.

Rae Bae: I don't care. Her pregnancy hormones are all over the place right now. Whatever she needs help with will probably be something fun.

Princess: I've decided that I want to build all of the furniture for the baby's nursery by hand. Aside from the crib of course.

Mama O: Hard pass. I'll help paint, but you both know that I'm shit when it comes to using power tools. Remember when we built the treehouse for Ricky?

Rae Bae: You mean when Lexa, Clarke, Lincoln and I built the treehouse for Ricky? After you broke three of your fingers with a hammer.

Mama O: That was an accident. The nail moved.

Rae Bae: Yeah, because you weren't holding onto it. We all decided that you were no longer allowed to use any tools after that day.

Princess: Didn't you also manage to saw off some of your hair?

Mama O: Please don't remind me. I swear that section of my hair is still shorter than the rest.

Princess: Yeah, you're probably right. So, you aren't allowed to help us build, but you can help paint. Since I should probably stay away from paint fumes and all that right now.

Rae Bae: Alright. I am so down for this adventure. My only demand is that you provide us with Thai food as payment for our hard labor.

Princess: How about anything but Thai? Baby Woods does not enjoy Thai food. Like at all.

Mama O: How does baby Woods feel about pot stickers and Chinese?

Princess: So far we have not had any disagreements with Chinese.

Rae Bae: Okay. Chinese and pot stickers it is. Even though I would kill for some Pad Thai right about now.

Princess: Sorry Rae. I've tried to eat Thai on multiple occasions since I got pregnant and each time the baby has not let me keep it down. I can't even smell it anymore without getting sick.

Rae Bae: No worries Clarkey. Chinese is almost as good as Thai. Almost. Plus I can't complain since you're paying for it.

Mama O: So, when do you want to stay on Baby Woods' room?

Princess: This weekend if you guys are able to.

Mama O: As long as you are cool with Ricky being with me, this weekend is doable.

Rae Bae: I'm free. We can have Ahn distract the Commander so that she is out of the house.

Princess: Cool. That works for me. I'll see you guys this weekend.

Clarke spends the rest of the week drawing out her plans for the nursery and pricing materials that she's going to need. She has decided to keep her plans for the baby's room a secret from Lexa, hoping to surprise her wife. Since they have opted to keep the baby's gender a surprise, she picks out gender neutral colors. Pink and blue included because gender specific colors are not a thing in her book.

She is super excited about keeping their baby's gender a secret, but at the same time she's really hoping for a baby girl. She wants to have a mini Lexa running around, with wild chestnut curls and a sharp jawline. She wouldn't be opposed to her daughter having Lexa's green eyes either. Lexa wants the baby to have Clarke's blue eyes. So, really, they'll be happy either way. As long as their baby is healthy, that's all that matters.

Raven and Octavia show up bright and early Saturday morning, with a still sleeping Ricky in tow. Clarke wakes Lexa up with fresh coffee and sweet, sleepy kisses. After which she tells a still half asleep Lexa to get dressed and ready to leave the house.

"Where am I going?" Lexa asks sleepily, sipping her coffee. She scrunches her nose as the heat burns her tongue slightly.

"Anya is taking you out for some much needed best friend time. Quit grumbling and get ready."

"But, what are you going to do while I'm gone?" Lexa questions with a pout. Clarke laughs at her wife, leaning over on the bed so that she can kiss the pout off of Lexa's lips.

"Raven and O are here. We are going to have a girl's day."

"But, why can't I be a part of your girl's day?"

"Because I said so."


"Lex, baby. You need to spend time with Anya. She needs your help with wedding stuff so that Raven will stop dragging her feet."

"Raven needs to girl up. They've been together longer than we have."

"Yeah, but they had that hiccup during my junior year."

"Still. That was four years ago."

"I know. Those two need to get their shit together. I sunk my hooks into you and married you right after I graduated."

"I asked you actually."

"Eh. Semantics."

"Too bad that Raven and Anya are both idiots."

"They really are. I feel like we'll be old and gray by the time they finally tie the knot."

"If we don't meddle, we probably will be."

"So, we meddle. Now, stop stalling and go get ready."

"I don't want to get ready. I want to stay in bed with you all day."

Lexa sets her coffee down on her bedside table. She wraps her arms around Clarke's waist and pulls them both down onto the bed. Clarke immediately settles her back against Lexa's front, giggling as Lexa's hand slightly tickles her stomach. The moment doesn't last long, however, because Lexa is particularly handsy in the mornings. Her hand slowly moves up Clarke's body, cupping her breast underneath her tank top.

"Lexa." Clarke gasps out as Lexa pinches her nipple.

"Hmm?" Lexa feigns ignorance, gently kneading the sensitive flesh.

"Don't you dare start something that you're not going to finish."

"Who said that I wasn't going to finish?"

"Babe, we don't have time."

"Ugh. You're really set on me leaving the house, aren't you?"

"Of course not. I would love nothing more than to have you all to myself today. But, who knows how many chances you are going to have to hang out with Anya before the baby comes? Once Baby Woods finally shows up, we will have literally no free time."

Clarke feels Lexa's lips curl up into a smile against the back of her neck. Her hand abandons its spot on her breast to slide back down her body, stopping when it reaches her baby bump. Lexa sighs softly as she runs her hand up and down Clarke's stomach.

"I can't wait to meet our baby."

Tears immediately well up in Clarke's eyes at Lexa's declaration. Damn pregnancy hormones.

"Me either. Four months to go. Then we will finally get to meet our baby boy or girl."

"Would you rather have a boy or a girl?"

"I don't care either way, really. It would be awesome to have a mini you running around though."

"Alright. You two better not be naked right now." Clarke and Lexa hear Raven yell as she barges into their bedroom. "You guys need to get up and get ready. Anya is about ready to lose her shit."

"Tell her to chil au. It takes as long as it takes."

"Lexa. She told me to tell you that if you don't get your ass out of bed, she's going to come into the house so that she can show Clarke the picture that your mom took of you that one Halloween."

Lexa visibly pales are Raven's words, squeaking as she jumps out of bed. She pulls open a dresser drawer and blindly reaches into it to grab some clothes. Raven plops down on the bed next to Clarke with a sigh, turning to face her best friend.

"Are you ready to get this party started, Princess?"

"Hell yes. As soon as my wife gets the hell out of this house, we can get started."

"Lexa! Hurry the fuck up before I let Anya in the house."

"Calm your tits, Raven." Lexa yells from behind the closed bathroom door.

"Dude, you'd better chill out. The last thing that I need is for you to piss off the Commander."

"Please. Lexa's hot when she's angry."

"She's hot all the time. But, you're right. She is super hot when she gets mad."

"How's the parasite inside of you doing?"

"Good, good. Super active this morning."

Clarke grabs Raven's hand and places it under her tank top. A few seconds after resting her hand on Clarke's stomach, she feels the baby shift under her hand.

"That feels really weird."

"It feels even weirder from the inside, trust me."

"Dude, I do not envy you at all. When Anya and I are ready for an ankle biter, I am so not going to be the one to get pregnant."

"You don't want to have a Raven Junior growing inside of you?"

"Fuck no. I'll just pull a Lexa and put one of my super awesome eggs inside of Anya."

"You know that I didn't actually put one of my eggs inside of Clarke, right? A doctor ripped a bunch of my eggs out and fertilized them with sperm that Lincoln provided. After the eggs were fertilized they put them inside of Clarke." Lexa says as she walks out of the bathroom putting the finishing touches on her signature braid. She's dressed down for once in a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a purple button up. Clarke discreetly wipes at the sides of her mouth, wiping away the drool that is probably there. Her wife looks extremely sexy right now, and she really wants to drag her back into bed so that she can ravish her. Damn pregnancy hormones. Luckily, or unluckily for her, Raven's presence in their bed is a major twat block.

"Dude, you look like you're about to turn Lexa into a meal."

"There's definitely a part of her that I would like to eat right about now."

"Nice. I'm glad to see that my crassness is rubbing off on you."

"Thanks. But, unfortunately for me, Anya will kill me if I keep you in the house any longer. So, my love, go spend time with your best friend. I'll see you for dinner."

Clarke reluctantly pulls herself out of bed. The other thing that she has noticed about this pregnancy is that she is hot, all the time. It doesn't help that they are smack dab in the middle of the hottest summer to date. She often goes to bed without a stitch of clothing on, much to Lexa's approval. She knew that Raven and Octavia were going to come over early and with Raven's tendency to barge into a room without knocking, she wore a tank top and panties to bed. She should probably go buy some new bed clothes, because this tank top doesn't really fit anymore. The fabric is stretched tightly around her baby bump, but she doesn't care. Lexa comes around to her side of the bed, wrapping her arms around Clarke's waist. Clarke turns in Lexa's arms so that she can face her wife. She smiles at Lexa, leaning in to kiss her softly.

"You're making me stay away until dinner time?"

"Yes baby. I have stuff to do."

"But, baby."

"Lex. I promise that it's going to be worth it."

"If you say so."

"It will be."

"I love you."

"I love you too. Now go."


With one more kiss, Lexa's pulls away from her wife. She grabs Clarke's coffee off of the bedside table and gulps it down.

"You're not supposed to have caffeine."

"It's decaf?"

"No, it's not."

"Okay, it's not. But, I am allowed to have one cup."

"Oh well. I'll consider your half cup as a sacrifice for kicking me out of the house."

"Anya's turning the car off now."

"Shit. Okay, love you. Bye."

The rest of their morning is spent painting the nursery. The theme that Clarke had picked out was based on a series of dreams that she had when she was still in college. Her junior year art final involved a picture of Lexa that was from the same set of dreams. She called them, when the sky met the ground. They had depicted space and the earth into the paint scheme. Clarke had drawn the scenes on the walls, while Raven and Octavia painted everything. While they were painting, Clarke hung out with her godson and drew out plans for the furniture.

By the time lunch rolls around, all three girls have worked up quite an appetite. They order way too much food for the three of them and Ricky from their favorite Chinese place. The person on the phone tells Clarke that the delivery will be around forty five minutes, which is fine with everybody. They settle down in the living room to wait for their food. Clarke is the first to break their comfortable silence, as she bounces a very cranky Ricky in her lap. He has an appetite like his father, and gets very angry when he is hungry.

"So, Rae, when are you going to girl up?"

"Girl up and what?"

"Girl up and marry Anya."

"Um, soon." Raven fidgets in her seat as Clarke keeps her eyes trained on her best friend. She picks up her coffee cup and takes a sip, eyebrows raised in question. She maybe made another cup of coffee after Lexa left, but she swore her best friends to secrecy. By threatening to cut out their tongues.

"Really? Because you guys have been together for almost five years. Why are you still dragging your feet?"

"I'm not." Raven shifts her attention to the television, pretending to be really interested in the children's show that they have playing for Ricky.

"But you are. What's the big deal, Rae? You're the last of our group that isn't married." Octavia questions as she lounges back in her favorite recliner.

"I don't know, guys. Just scared, I guess."

"No. The great Raven Reyes isn't scared of anything." Octavia replies, fiddling with the television remote.

"Shush, asshole. Even I am not immune to fear. This is like a huge step, you know?"

"Yeah, we both know all about how huge of a step marriage is."

"So, you can't blame me for being hesitant."

"I mean, you guys already live together. All of your bills are joint accounts. It's really just a piece of paper that you're missing."

"Yeah, it's not the actual marriage that scares me, it what happens next."

"What happens next?"

Before Raven can respond, the doorbell cuts off their conversation. Clarke gets off the couch with a grunt, grabbing her wallet off the kitchen table before opening the front door. She quickly pays the delivery driver, tipping the teenager generously before he leaves. She hefts the bags of food into the living room and drops them on the table.

They don't bother with plates, just digging their forks into the different containers. They've all been friends long enough to not bother with good manners. Clarke alternates her bites with smaller bites for Ricky.

"You know what happens next."

"Please elaborate, Raven." Clarke says through her mouthful of food.

"Seriously, Clarke?"

"Yes, Rae. We're your friends. Just tell us."

"You know why."

"Still, talk to us."

"Because. Next thing that she's going to want is a kid. And I don't know if I'm ready for that."

"Still back to the whole kids thing? We thought that you were over that."

"I am. I mean, I think that I am."

"Are you sure? You know that she's not going to pressure you."

"Yeah, I know. But you guys remember what happened our junior year."

"You mean the whole break that you guys had."

"Yes, that. That was the worst summer of my life."

"We know."

"Do you guys? I mean, I know that we talked on the phone. But you both were gone for almost the entire summer. I was alone. On campus. Heartbroken."

"Rae, you know that you could've come with us."

"Yeah, you make it sound like Clarke and I abandoned you."

"Essentially, that's exactly what happened."


"I don't mean it like that, Clarke. I just mean that you guys were busy doing your own things. O had Bell's wedding, plus the whole pregnancy thing to deal with. You and Lexa were on your trip, dealing with seeing your mom again after two years. Plus the added pressure of figuring out a new relationship. It was just a lot for both of you to deal with, you didn't need to deal with my relationship problems too."

"Rae." Octavia nudges Raven's thigh with her toes. Raven looks over at her best friend, a sad smile gracing her features.

"Dude, don't worry about it. This was four years ago. It's over."

"Clarke and I didn't know that you felt abandoned."

"It's not a big deal. I'm just trying to make a point here. I almost lost Anya the first time that kids were talked about. I CAN'T lose her."

"Rae, you…hold this for a second Rick Rick." Clarke hands Ricky her container of broccoli chicken. His small hands struggle with the container at first, but eventually he manages to grasp it. Clarke scoots over on the couch until she is next to Raven. She nudges Raven with her head until Raven lifts her arm up for Clarke to snuggle under. "You're not going to lose her. The first fight started because she was being pushy and you didn't want to open up to her. It just so happened that the conversation before the fight was about kids. It could've been anything else. You guys have never really been good at communicating. Now, I know that things have changed since that fight and you are a lot better about talking to her, but this is something that you need to tell her. You've been engaged for almost two years now. It's time."

"Yeah, you aren't getting any younger."

"Fu…fudge off, Octavia."

"What fud…fudge off mean, Mama?"

"Nothing that you need to worry about, baby. Auntie Raven just has a dirty mouth."

"Why she eat dirt?"

"Because she's weird, Rick Rick."

"Oh. Annie Ray, dirt taste good?"

"Dirt is okay, little man. But carpet is so much better."

"Seriously, dude?"


"Do you just lack a filter, or are you not even trying?"

"I don't know what you mean, Octavia."

"You just told my four year old son that carpet tastes good."

"Well, it does. I know that you don't have any experience when it comes to carpentry. If you don't believe me, just ask Clarke."

"Oh my god, Raven. I am going to kick the shi…snot out of you."

"Bring it, binch."

"Girls, stop arguing. Let's eat so that we can get back to work."

"Fine. But don't think that I'll forget about this. If Ricky goes home and says anything about eating carpet, I'm going to beat you."

"I'm looking forward to it, baby." Raven winks at Octavia, who offers up her middle finger as an answer.

Twenty-Eight Weeks

"I swear to god, I'm going to fucking murder Raven." Clarke pants out as she pulls her dress over her head. She waits as Octavia zips the material up her back before turning around to face the mirror. "Nope."

"No? Why?"

"Why? Because I look like a fucking beached whale, is why. I'm not wearing this dress to the wedding."

"It looks nice, Clarke. And you don't look like a beached whale. You are seven months pregnant."

"I know. I can't see my feet anymore. But I'm sure that they look fat too."

"They look fine."

"You're a terrible liar. And why did I agree to this? I was sure that she was going to wait until after the baby came to have her wedding. But no, she had to girl up and do it when I was at my prime fatness."

"Hey, be thankful that she didn't have the wedding during the summer. At least it's October, so you won't sweat like a fat pig while we're outside."

"A fat pig!? Seriously, O?"

"What? I was just saying what you were thinking."

"You're an asshole."

"I was kidding, Clarke. You look great."

"I don't believe you." Clarke pulls at the dress, attempting to take it off. It's way too tight to come off without unzipping it, but dammit, she's going to try.

"I'm serious, babe. You look great."

"No. I'm gianormous and I'll be sweaty. Even if it's cool outside."

"You aren't and you won't."

"Liar. Just make up an excuse about why I can't be at the wedding. Raven will understand."

"No, she won't. Because you're going."

"No, I'm not."

Octavia discreetly pulls out her phone while attempting to talk Clarke down. She opens up a new text message and adds Raven and Lexa as the recipients.

Mama O: SOS. Guys we have a level five emergency.

Commander: Level five!? It's way too early.

Rae Bae : Oh shit! Seriously? She would do this on my wedding day.

Commander: Okay. What do I do?

Rae Bae: How dilated is she?

Mama O: What the fuck are you guys talking about?

Commander: You said level five. Level five is labor.

Rae Bae: How far apart are contractions?

Mama O: Dude, no. She's not in labor.

Rae Bae: Oh thank Cthulhu. I was so not ready to deliver a baby today.

Mama O: She's having a mental breakdown.

Rae Bae: Like how serious is it?

Mama O: Like almost panic attack serious. She's talking about how fat she looks in her dress and that she's not going to show up.

Commander: Can either of you explain to me why my best friend is passed out on the floor of my room? This is Anya by the way.

Rae Bae: Oh…hey honey. We may or may not have had a miscommunication that led Lexa to believe that Clarke was in labor.

Commander: What?!

Rae Bae: Don't worry, she's not. She is just having a pregnancy brain moment. She thinks that she looks fat in her dress and she refuses to come out of the room.

Commander: I'm coming over there.

Rae Bae: No! I can take care of it. Send Lexa for back-up.

Commander: Who do you think Clarke is more afraid of? Me? Or Lexa?

Rae Bae: Well it's bad luck for us to see each other today, so I will stay away. Sorry, O.

Mama O: It's all good. Just come talk some sense into this girl, Anya.

Commander: I'm on my way.

"O? Are you even listening to me right now?" Clarke huffs out as she pulls at the fabric of the dress.

"Um, no?"

"What the hell?"

"You're being irrational, Clarke."

"I'm not. Would you be part of a wedding if you were seven months pregnant?"

"If it was you or Raven, yes. Or Bell."


"I would. And I know that you are having a tough time being seven months pregnant, believe me, I know. But, you need to suck it up and be there for Rae. This is a big step for her and we have to stand up there beside her."


Clarke's eyes widen comically as Anya steps into the room. She's clad in a bathrobe, her dirty blonde hair half pinned up on top of her head. The look in her eyes is murderous, and Clarke would be lying if she said that she wasn't terrified right now.

"Hey Anya."

"Don't you hey me. What the fuck is going on here?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, first off, why is my best friend passed out in my dressing room?"

"What?! Lexa passed out? Like passed out as in asleep, or passed out as in fainted?" Clarke questions Anya, walking towards the blonde with panic in her voice.

"The latter."

"What? Why? What the hell happened?"

"Apparently you two idiot best friends have a code system with her for emergencies. They told her that they had a level five emergency, which as it turns out, is the code for you going into labor."

"Seriously O?"

"Yeah. It was my fault actually. I forgot what level five was. I thought that level six was labor."

"Jesus Christ. If you killed my wife, I swear to Cthulhu…"

"She's not dead. She's just passed out on the floor."

"You left her on the floor?" Clarke asks, incredulously.

"Not exactly. Well, I did, but Lincoln is going to get her off the floor. And that is beside the point. Raven and Octavia said that you are refusing to come to the wedding."

"Yes. They're telling the truth."

"That is not acceptable, Clarke."

"Look at me, Anya." Clarke motions to her body. "I look like a beached whale."

"No, you don't, Clarke. What you do look like is, a woman who is seven months pregnant. But, that dress looks really nice on you."

"Don't lie to me, Anya."

"I'm not. It looks nice. Now if you don't stop being an irrational pregnant bitch, I'm going to be forced to kick your ass. And I'm not exactly keen on beating a pregnant woman."

Clarke and Anya are broken out of their argument by the sound of the door crashing against the wall. A very out of breath and flustered Lexa barges into the room. Her emerald green eyes are wide with panic as she searches the room.

"Why is everybody just standing here? We need to get to the hospital."

"Baby." Clarke tries.

Lexa walks up to Clarke, pulling her into a tight embrace.

"It's going to be okay. Even though baby Woods is making an appearance two months early, everything is going to be fine."


Lexa presses a kiss to Clarke's temple.

"I promise that he or she is going to be super healthy. They are probably going to be really small, but super healthy nonetheless. By the way, I think that I passed out and hit my head on a table."

Clarke glances over Lexa's shoulder so that she can send Anya a death glare.

"Lexa, the baby is not coming."

"What? But, level five."

"Octavia got her numbers mixed up. I am so not in labor right now. Although, this stress is enough to set me off."

"Oh, thank god. That baby needs more time to baste."

"Yeah. Baby Woods needs some more cooking time. But on a side note, what was that thing about you hitting your head?"

"Yeah. I think that I hit my head when I fell down. It was bleeding, but I think that it stopped."

"You're BLEEDING?!" Clarke moves out of Lexa's arms so that she can examine her wife's skull. She gently runs her fingers through Lexa's hair, pulling back when her wife hisses out in pain. "Shit. Are you okay, baby?"

"Yeah. It's just sore."

Clarke's fingers search out the wound again, parting chestnut curls so that she can get a good look at it. The wound isn't very big, but it is still bleeding. Even with Clarke's rudimentary medical knowledge, she's pretty sure that it's going to need at least a few stitches.

"Alright baby. Let's go see my mom so she can stitch you up. And then we'll come back so we can get ready."


"No buts. You need to get this stitched up. My mom is highly likely to have brought a first aid kit with her. So, unless you want to spend the next five to six hours in the emergency room, I suggest we go see my mom."

"Right. Let's go."

"You two have three hours until wedding time. Don't make me come look for you." Anya warns the two women.

"Don't even start. This is your fault, Anya." Clarke narrows her eyes at the other blonde.

"What? How is this my fault?"

"Because you left her on the floor so that you could come yell at me."

"I'm not the one that made her pass out in the first place. Blame your friends for that."

"Nope. This irrational pregnant bitch is going to blame you."

Clarke grabs Lexa's hand and leads her out of the room, leaving a flabbergasted Anya in her wake.

"I thought that you said Clarke was afraid of you." Octavia says between laughs.

"Shut up, Octavia."


"Oh, quit being a baby, Lexa."

"Um, excuse me. Your mom is sticking a needle in my head. I'm allowed to be in pain."

"I grew up with her, I know all about getting stitched up by my mom, thanks. O and I we frequent visitors to my mom's alleyway clinic when we were kids."

"Ladies, I can hear you both. Clarke, I don't like when you say that. It makes it seem like I ran a backdoor clinic out of my house. Clarke is right Lexa, she's had stitches many times in her life. Those two girls got into a lot of trouble together."

"Like the time that Octavia pushed me out of the tree in the backyard and I hit my head on a rock?"

"Yes. You needed fifteen stitches to close that gash on your skull. You were so mad that I had to shave part of your head."

"Or that time that Octavia and I were skateboarding and she fell down that flight of stairs. She has a huge scar on the back of her thigh from that one."

"Yeah, that was like forty stitches."

"Wow, Clarke. It's a miracle that you and Octavia survived your childhoods."

"Yeah, we were always daredevils. Bellamy didn't help matters any. He liked to egg us on."

"Bellamy was more often than not, the instigator of said stunts."

"Yeah, half the time he was the one that planned them out for O and I."

With one last tug that makes Lexa grunt slightly, Abby ties off the stitches and cuts the excess fabric. "Alright Lexa, you are all stitched up."

"Thanks, Mama K."

Clarke grimaces slightly as Lexa addresses her mom. "I don't think that I'll ever get used to the fact that neither one of us is a Griffin anymore. It's weird."

Abby's eyes soften at the pain in Clarke's voice. This is something that they haven't talked about yet. Anything involving Jake is a sore spot for Clarke. Abby is especially afraid of what Clarke's reaction will be with her hormones so out of whack. But, it seems like her daughter wants to have this conversation, so Abby will continue.

"I know it is baby. Even though we no longer carry the Griffin last name doesn't mean that we aren't Griffins at heart."

"I jjjus…" Clarke clears her throat, swallowing past the lump that has formed there. "I just wish that he could be here, you know? He would be so excited about the baby."

"I know you do, Clarke. I wish that your father was still here too. I know that it's not the same, but Marcus is really excited about the baby."

"I'm glad. I may not have said that before. But I am really happy that he gets to experience having a grandchild. Dad would've wanted Marcus to be the one to take care of you if anything happened to him. And he would want you to be happy."

The sheer joy in Abby's eyes is enough to make Lexa tear up. She knows that most of the rift in Clarke and Abby's relationship stems from Abby getting married to Marcus. Even though she had remarried almost a decade after Jake's untimely death, Clarke still saw her attempt at being happy as a betrayal to Jake's memory. They had long since made up and Clarke has come to terms with having Marcus as her step-father. Hearing Clarke say that Marcus was going to have a grandchild was a huge deal for Abby, and Lexa is really glad that Clarke is allowing him the chance.

From what Clarke has told Lexa, Jake and Marcus were childhood friends. They grew up thick as thieves, until the day that Jake passed away. They met Abby in their freshman year in high school, and Marcus was immediately captivated. Marcus and Jake were polar opposites in high school. Marcus was a jock, captain of the football team. He was popular and very well liked. Jake on the other hand was a quiet, quirky science nerd. He was popular because of his friendship with Marcus.

Abby was different. Different in the sense that she was very smart and disciplined in her academics. But she was also involved in cheerleading and she played on the girls' basketball team. Even though Marcus was every girls' dream at their school, Jake was the one that Abby chose.

Jake didn't even pursue Abby. He knew that his best friend had a huge crush on Abby. Best friend rules meant that he couldn't have a crush on Abby. So, he admired the new girl from afar, while Marcus tried and failed to woo her.

Things were going pretty well on the whole avoiding Abby thing, until the day that they were paired up for a project in their AP Chemistry class.

Those two weeks were all it took for Jake's ironclad resolve to crumble.

Abby was everything that he could ever want. She was funny, beautiful, and absolutely brilliant.

At the end of those two weeks, he was crushing so hard on Abagail Porter. And the best/worst part about the situation?

She was crushing on him, too.

Abby was bold where Jake was timid. She knew that he would never take the next step in their tentative friendship.

She didn't know that Marcus had a thing for her. So, she continued on her way, attempting to get Jake to ask her out.

It took her two months of constant flirting for her to figure out that Jake was completely oblivious to her advances.

Another month of practically throwing herself at Jake's feet is when she finally ran out of patience. They were studying for a Chemistry exam at their local café when Abby finally lost it.

She asked him out after screaming at him about being a chicken. He was too shocked to do anything but nod.

The rest is history.

So, it wasn't really much of a surprise to Clarke when Marcus made his move. But, like her parent's history, their fight about Abby betraying Jake was over and done with.

The wedding is everything that Clarke thought it would be. It's beautiful and lowkey, and it screams Raven and Anya. Clarke surprisingly managed to keep her emotions in check until Raven recited her vows. As soon as Raven choked up and started crying, Clarke was done for.

Seeing her best friend so happy after being dealt such a shit hand in life was everything. Clarke was so, so ecstatic for the two of them.

After a short ceremony and a long reception that left everybody except Clarke a little bit drunk, Raven and Anya headed off for their honeymoon in the Bahamas.

Thirty-Seven Weeks

Less than one month left. Baby Woods will finally make his or her appearance sometime in the next three weeks. Honestly, Clarke can't wait. She's so tired of being pregnant. No, wait, that's not right. For the most part, she has loved being pregnant. She's had a relatively easy pregnancy so far. Aside from the super annoying and frequent morning sickness that she experienced in the first trimester, it's been a quiet ride.

There are a few things that she is tired of, however. She is tired of not being able to see her feet. Or her legs. Or the bottom half of her body really. She can't see anything below the bulging bump of her belly, but she's pretty sure that everything is swollen. Her feet feel like they are ten times their normal size.

She's tired of her boobs being so sore. Lexa is loving it, because her already bountiful chest has grown quite a bit in size since she became pregnant. At first it really didn't bother her, in fact she quite enjoyed it. Her breasts had always been sensitive, and she took great pleasure in the fact that Lexa so thoroughly enjoyed her 'assets.' Now that she is at the tail end of her pregnancy, she can't stand them being touched. It's sad, really, to deny Lexa the luxury of the girls, but they are so sensitive that they hurt. There is no pleasure in them being touched anymore, just pain.

Her sex drive has gone from overactive to nonexistent in the last month. It's not even that she isn't horny anymore, because she is. She is so uncomfortable in her own body right now, that she doesn't want Lexa to touch her. It makes her feel like she is thirteen again.

Body issues were an on an off struggle in her preteen years. She was always slightly bigger than the other girls in her class. She had curves, but when you're twelve years old, sometimes curves led to teasing. She was never bullied per se, but she didn't always feel pretty around the other girls at school.

Once puberty hit, all of those negative feelings disappeared. High school started, and Clarke filled out. Her 'baby fat' turned into curves that were to die for, while her chest filled out. She finally felt pretty and it wasn't because of the attention that she was getting. Because honestly, she didn't care about that.

She was still devastated over the loss of her father and way too busy with her studies to notice. Her mother had gone into tyrant mode and forced her to excel in all of her academics. She was going to be a surgeon, just like Abby.

The stress from school and the loss of Jake were just a few of her problems.

As she got more comfortable in her skin, she started to notice other things around her. Lots of guys at school were vying for her attention, but she was starting to notice the fairer sex.

So, she's more comfortable with how she looks, but now she's questioning her sexuality. At first she thought that she was just admiring other girls so that she could compare herself to them. It wasn't until one day that she realized that her admiration was actually attraction.

It was four months into her freshman year when she first saw her. She was sitting in her third period biology class next to Octavia when their teacher interrupted their group lab work. Next to Mr. Sinclair was a girl that they had never seen before. Sinclair introduced the new girl that had just transferred to their school.

Her name was Aurora, yes like the Disney princess. No, she didn't like being called by her first name. She told everybody to call her Rory in a quiet voice.

It was pure luck that Octavia and Clarke's table had space for one more. They sat with another of their childhood friends, Wells. Sinclair told Rory that she could have a seat at their table. She nodded her head, biting down on her lower lip as she shyly made her way over to their table.

Clarke was transfixed. This girl was absolutely beautiful. Her dark brown hair was just past her shoulders, and it was slightly wavy. She had breathtakingly beautiful hazel eyes, though they were wide with trepidation and fear.

It wasn't until Octavia nudged her shoulder that Clarke broke out of her reverie.

"This creeper over here is Clarke." Octavia spoke for her, because apparently her mouth was no longer getting signals from her brain.

"Nice to meet you, Clarke."

Oh gosh, her voice. It was soft but strong, almost angelic in its tone.

"Um, yeah, you too."

That was the first time that Clarke became a bumbling, gay mess in front of a pretty girl. Only she didn't notice it immediately. After another month of being tongue-tied every time she was around Rory, Clarke finally had a revelation. She was sitting in her living room with Octavia, working on homework when it finally clicked into place.


"What's up, Princess?"

"Do you think that Rory is pretty?"

Octavia looks up from her notebook, eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.

"I don't know. I mean, I guess that she's alright. I never really thought about it."

"Have you ever thought that another girl was pretty?"

"Not that I am aware of. Objectively, I guess. I think that you're pretty. Why do you ask?"

"I don't know." Clarke takes a deep breath to calm her nerves before meeting Octavia's questioning gaze. "I think that Rory is really pretty."

"So? It's normal to compare yourself to other girls. We all do it."

"That's not what I meant."

"What do you mean then?"

"What I mean is that sometimes when I look at her, I get this fuzzy feeling in my stomach. Kind of like butterflies, I guess. And I think that I might want to kiss her."

"You what?"

"Sometimes in class I stare at her lips and I wonder what they would feel like against mine. Is that totally weird?"

"I don't think so. Have you had that feeling before?"

"No, I mean I've thought that girls were pretty before, but I've never had the urge to kiss one. Am I gay?"

"I can't answer that for you. But maybe this can put things into perspective for you. Do you think about guys the same way that you think about girls?"

"I guess. I think that Bell and Wells are cute, but I don't want to kiss either one of them."

"That is a terrible example because you have known both of them since we were in kindergarten. Let's use Lincoln as an example. What do you think about him?"

"Lincoln is cute. I wouldn't mind kissing him."

"Okay, so does thinking about kissing him give you butterflies?"


"Why not?"

"Because he's yours."

"Well, yeah, that's true. But ignore that fact for a few seconds."

"I don't know, O. They are both attractive and I would not be opposed to kissing either one, but I get more excited thinking about Rory."

"That might just be because it is a new feeling to you. I think, that maybe you're attracted to both guys and girls. So, you're probably bisexual."

"Maybe. Enough about my problems. How are things going with you and Lincoln?"

"Okay, I guess. He still treats me like one of the guys. It's weird. I've tried flirting with him, but nothing seems to make a difference. I'm beginning to think the Bellamy was lying when he said that Lincoln liked me."

"Oh please. He's crazy about you. He's just terrified."

"He has no reason to be."


"Because at the rate he's going, I'll either be friend-zoned or worse. He's never going to make a move."

"Maybe you need to be the one to make a move."

"I tried. I kissed him on the cheek once."

"Oh, oh the cheek, you say?"


"Okay, that's how you get friend-zoned."

"How would you know? You haven't kissed anybody either."

"Yeah, but that's because my mom has been on my butt about school. I haven't had time to even think about kissing somebody. But you, young padawan, have a chance. We just have to build up your courage so that you can kiss Lincoln."

"Nope, not going to happen."

"What? Why not?"

"Because I've never kissed anybody. What if I'm bad at it?"

"You just have to practice until you figure it out. Okay, so I have an idea. Hear me out, okay?"

"Okay, shoot."

"It might be a little weird."

"Clarke, we've been friends for like a hundred years now. Whatever it is, just tell me."

"What if…" Clarke runs her hands over her face in an attempt to calm her nerves. "What if we kissed each other?"


Clarke immediately regrets saying anything when she notices the look on best friend's face. She knew that even mentioning anything would be weird. She just thought that maybe it would help them figure things out. Octavia would be able to get over her fear of being a bad kisser and Clarke would be able to see if she did in fact enjoy kissing girls. Not that she had kissed any boys, but she really didn't have time to. Her mom had been on her case about keeping her gpa at a 4.0 since Jake died.

"Forget I said anything. That was a stupid idea." Clarke turns her attention back to her homework. Really what she wants to do right now is go hide in her room. Because that had to be the most embarrassing thing to ever come out of her mouth. And to her best friend of all people? God, she just wants to go die now.



"It wasn't stupid."

"Yeah, it was."

"No, Clarke, it wasn't. It just caught me off guard."

"I'm sorry. My mouth is obviously as confused as my head."

"It's fine, Clarke. It is actually a smart idea."


"Think about it. We're best friends. It makes sense. I need help figuring out how to not look like an idiot when I muster up the courage to kiss Lincoln. You, my little gay bean, need help figuring out if what you're feeling is just a strong case of admiration. Or if you bat for both teams."

"Are you sure? I don't want to make things weird."

"Things won't get weird. Unless you confess your undying affection for me. Because I am definitely not playing for the home team."

"Well, you already have my undying affection. That was a given when get met on the playground in kindergarten."

"True. We did pinky promise to be together forever."

"Yeah, we did."

"See? That is an unbreakable bond." Octavia smiles at her best friend. She can see the turmoil in Clarke's eyes and she wants nothing more than to ease it. She scoots closer to the other girl, grabbing the homework off of Clarke's lap so that she can set it on the living room table. After neatly setting Clarke's stuff down she does the same thing to her own notebook. "Now, I want you to girl up and kiss me."

Clarke's eyes widen at Octavia's brazen words. She can't help but let her eyes slip down Octavia's face, taking in her best friend's features. Octavia has always been pretty, but in this moment, Clarke thinks that she looks beautiful. The slight upturned curve to her plump, full lips. The impressive cut of her jawline.

She doesn't need to kiss her best friend to figure out that she's bi, really she doesn't. Even though she hasn't kissed a guy or a girl before, she knows. The way that her heart is furiously pounding against her ribcage, a staccato beat playing inside of her body, tells her so. Even though she doesn't harbor any romantic feelings towards Octavia, she would be lying if she said that the other girl wasn't attractive.

Mustering up the tiny bit of courage she feels running through her veins due to her newfound revelation, Clarke closes the distance between her and Octavia. And smashes their noses together.

Clarke Griffin – 0. Being a bumbling, gay mess – 1.

Way to fail that attempt, Griff.

Octavia lets out a breathy laugh against Clarke's lips and it makes her involuntarily shiver.

"Maybe try that again. One of us needs to keep an eye open, I think."

Clarke can't bring herself to speak, so she nods her head in agreeance. With how close she is to Octavia, she knows that her best friend can feel her head moving. Clarke takes a deep breath and tries again. This time she decides to leave one of her eyes open until she is certain that she won't miss her target. As soon as her lips meet Octavia's, she closes her eye.

It's messy at first, as they try to figure out what the hell they're trying to accomplish. Their teeth clack together twice, as they reposition their heads to find a comfortable position. Clarke pulls away first, sucking in a deep breath. Before Octavia can move away, she kisses her again.

This time she's got it all figured out. She grips the back of her best friend's neck to hold her in place, pressing their lips firmly together.

Clarke thought that it was going to be weird kissing Octavia, but she was so, so wrong. It's awesome, life altering, and everything that she wanted out of a first kiss. Octavia's lips are soft and pliant, but firm and demanding at the same time. And the kiss isn't one sided either, which Clarke is extremely thankful for. Octavia is kissing her fervently, a give and take that opens Clarke's eyes, to a lot of things.

As they simultaneously pull apart, Clarke's first though is, 'yup. I'm as straight as a rainbow.' When they catch their breaths, Octavia speaks first.

"Okay. So, I'm still convinced that I'm straight, but that was pretty awesome. Especially considering that you've never done that before."

"Thanks. I could say the same exact thing to you."

"So, did that help you at all?"

"I mean, I have nothing to compare it to, but yeah. I thoroughly enjoyed that. O…I'm pretty sure that I'm bi."

"Cool. Now let's finish our homework so you can help me figure out how to muster up the courage to kiss Lincoln."

After a few more weeks and a few more practice sessions that neither girl mention ever again, Octavia finally manages to kiss Lincoln.

Clarke's first crush doesn't go her way as Rory talks about her boyfriend from her old school one day in class. She's sad at first, but when she meets Katie at homecoming, she forgets all about Rory. Katie is her first kiss that isn't Octavia, and she ends up being Clarke's first girlfriend.

Thirty-Nine Weeks

Mondays. Lexa absolutely hates Mondays. It shouldn't affect her as badly as it does, being a lawyer and all. But, in the last couple of months she has lightened her case load, making her a glorified paper pusher. So, her Monday mornings have turned into nightmares that are chock full of paperwork and trial notes. She's bored and insanely busy at the same time and she hates it.

The only reprieve that she has is the fact that today is her last day in the office for the next three months. Nia had been more than happy to allow her the extended leave of absence, especially since Lexa has been working tirelessly for her for the past four years. All she has to do is survive the day.

That seemed like a plausible idea at seven o'clock this morning. She figured that she would mosey along and do her paper pushing until four o'clock rolled around and then she would go home to her wife.

Of course Lexa's life can never be that simple. By eleven, she's so bored that she's going cross-eyed. She can't focus on these damn trial notes anymore. Plus, she's having trouble sitting still because she's been absently drinking coffee for the past four hours. She lost count after her fourth cup.

She decides that she's going to text Clarke to try and distract her from her impending death from boredom.

The first text goes unanswered. Lexa doesn't worry because she figures that Clarke fell asleep at home. She's been sleeping a lot during the day lately, because for some reason the baby isn't letting her sleep at night. So, she gives Clarke another hour to rest before she texts her again.

When this text goes unanswered, a niggling worry begins to take over. Even if Clarke was sleeping, she would've woken up from the text message. So, the logical thing would be to text her wife again, right? Nope, not in Lexa Wood's head. Her brain is conjuring up so many things right now, that it's kind of making her freak out. A lot. Because what if Clarke is in labor right now, alone at the hospital. And Lexa misses the birth of her first child because she didn't stay home today.

Twenty unanswered phone calls later have her in panic mode. She's halfway out of the office, thoughts running wild when she hears her phone ring. She grabs at the phone in her pocket, letting out a huge sigh of relief when Clarke's name flashes across the screen.

"Baby? Is everything okay?" Clarke's words are breathless, worry lacing her voice.

"I should ask you the same thing. I've been trying to call you. Are you okay?"

"Yes. I was in the bath. I maybe fell asleep for a bit. Sorry, I left my phone on vibrate and I just looked at it."

"Oh my god, babe. I was so worried."


"I thought that you went into labor or something."

"Because I didn't answer my phone? Lexa, that's ridiculous."

"No it's not. You're due in six days. The baby could literally come any day."

"I know that Lexa. I'm sorry that I didn't answer my phone. I wasn't trying to worry you. I had to take a bath because Baby Woods is moving around a lot today and it's been killing my back. So, I was trying to relax your child."

"I'm sorry that you're in pain, my love. Would you like me to come home early?"

"No, baby, that's okay. You'll be home in a few hours. I think that I'm going to just lie down on the couch. So, I'll probably fall asleep."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I'll be fine." Clarke lets out a soft, pained cry, alerting Lexa immediately. "Fuck."


"Actually, you should probably come home."

"Clarke? What happened?"

"Um, you see. I think that my water just broke."


"Lexa. Drive safely. I'm going to call O. Meet us at the hospital, okay?"

"Okay baby. I love you."

"I love you too."

Six hours. It only took six hours for Lexa's life to completely change. After speeding to meet her wife at the hospital, (Clarke still doesn't know about that.) Lexa sprinted into the hospital. She breathlessly asked the receptionist about her wife, stating that she was having a baby. The receptionist points her in the direction of the L&D department, offering up a sheepish congratulations to the brunette. Lexa nods her thanks before taking off down the hallway as fast as her legs will carry her.

Clarke was already in a delivery room when Lexa made it there. It took her another three hours of contractions and curse words before she was fully dilated and ready to push. Three hours of labor and one possibly broken hand later brings Trista Margaret Woods into the world.

She's absolutely perfect, in every way. Lexa isn't ashamed to admit that she cried, a lot. Clarke fell asleep almost immediately, after feeding their baby girl for the first time, of course. The nurse took Tris away to get her cleaned up and ready for visitors soon after. Lexa sat in the chair next to Clarke's bed and cried while her wife slept. They were happy tears of course.

She just couldn't believe that she was here right now. Her life was complete. It was such a far cry from where she was just four short years ago. She was destined to live the rest of her life alone, forever mourning the loss of her first love.

That was until a mouthy, blonde barista came barging into her life. Lexa tried so hard to fight her attraction to the other girl, not brave enough to give love another chance. It had already smashed her heart and beat it into submission, she wouldn't survive another heartbreak. Clarke was persistent and she didn't take no for an answer. Lexa was so thankful that Clarke didn't give up on her. When the odds were stacked so high against her, Clarke just shrugged her shoulders and kept gambling.

And now here they were, blissfully happy in their marriage, with a newborn baby.

Life couldn't possibly get any better, could it?

At least that's what Lexa thought, until she carried Clarke's baby two years later and gave birth to their son, Aden Jacob Woods.

Hodnes laik uf, indeed.

(Love is strength, indeed.)
