Author's notes:

This is positively my first fanfic, and I'm not even English, so if there

are too many mistakes for you to bear just find something else to read. And by the way, I'm a defender of the true fiancée and like waffy limy (adult content) stories so be prepared... If you are not of age, please find another story.

BTW, I obviously do not own any of the character and I certainly don't make

any money out of them, so please don't sue me.

Now, on with the story.


"Of loose gi's and lost focuses"

Chapter 1

Ranma liked sparring with Akane, he really did, though he would never confess that to her. Just as he wouldn't confess lots of other things...

Oops, those thoughts wouldn't lead him anywhere, they'd just make him lose his concentration and he wouldn't be able to dodge Akane's blows so nonchalantly.

Funny how she always fell for it. She wasn't half as bad as he was always telling her, at least when she wasn't too angry. He had to be quite concentrated not to let any of her blows make contact. He had to be fully concentrated. Keep his thoughts away from that triangle of flesh that came to his sight every now and then, right there, where the gi top was becoming loose over her breasts. Every time she extended her hand it loosened even more, her belt giving up under the pressure. It was making him sweat much more than her attacks. He had to see how much more the gi top would loosen before she'd become aware of it.

But she was attacking him so furiously by that time - she hadn't been able to place a single blow so far - that she probably wouldn't notice until...

There he was, his concentration gone for a moment and he was on the floor of the dojo, Akane on top of him looking at him in astonishment. One single distraction and of course he'd have to pay for it. In the worst possible way. She hadn't realised what had happened, she had just noticed his guard was down for some reason and took her chance. But her momentum was so strong that she had knocked him on the floor and fallen on top of him.

Now she was looking at him with her big brown eyes full of confusion ... then wonder ... then realisation ... then something he couldn't grasp because it was so strange and so quick ... and then finally rage. The Akane-is glowing-red type rage.

The mallet-Ranma type rage. He stiffened in preparation for what was to come, while the back of his brain let in the notion that she was blushing furiously and trembling slightly.

"Ranma! You pervert!"

But to his surprise, she got up as quickly as she could and ran out.

Ranma lay on the same spot staring after her and seeing her disappear outside the door he caught himself thinking, 'What, no malleting?'

He sat up and looked at himself. She did have a reason to be confused.

He was having an erection.

Yes, he was aroused. The nearness of her, that slender body moving around him, always made him shiver slightly with desire, though he would usually push the feeling back by taunting her and making her even angrier.

This time he hadn't been able to control his thoughts. Maybe it had been that damn gi which wouldn't stay in its place, maybe it had been the perfume she was wearing, something flowery and slightly intoxicating. Or maybe he was still under the influence of that smile she had given him on the way home from school when he had decided to walk beside her and not on the fences as usually. He had barely kept himself at peace, controlling the urge to run away from her and from his own feelings for her.

Well, yes, he did have feelings for her. He finally managed to admit that to himself. It would have been quite hard to deny it considering the state of his groin...

And now she was mad. Again. He should have been used to it by now, he was the object of her wrath most of the time. He somehow managed to always say the wrong thing at the worst moment. He hated himself for that but he still hadn't found a way to keep his foot out of his mouth.

When he made her angry he knew it instantly and couldn't make his body dodge her attacks even though he could see them coming. When his words made her cry he always felt his heart tear inside. So he accepted the mallet and he tried to apologise afterwards. Even though he knew it was not always his fault, even though he insulted her and called her names, he just went on in the same old routine.

But why hadn't she malleted him to next week for his... state?

He tried to remember her expression after the fall. Surprise, confusion, big question marks and then... he couldn't define it, it had been so quick and strange.

And only after that, the rage.

Was he supposed to apologise? Right, what could he say? Sorry I had an erection over you? Forgive me for thinking you're the sexiest thing I've seen on earth? Sorry I couldn't control my body when being around the girl I lo...

No, he couldn't say that. He could admit it to himself, privately, on the roof, when he was alone with the stars and the whole city was asleep. But he couldn't bear yelling it out loud. Not even in his head. It was just too fragile. The world might be able to read it in his eyes afterwards, or, even worse, she could be able to read through his defences. What would he do if she did find out? Mallet him to Mars or something? He wasn't sure about her feelings at all. Sometimes he thought she might actually like him: the way she looked out for him, helped him, cooked for him (at least tried to do that), smiled at him, got jealous over the other girls...

But then she would get mad for no reason, call him a pervert, a sex-changing freak and wouldn't talk to him for hours over something silly, for days even...

He just couldn't figure her out, so he kept his feelings locked under his pride and stubbornness.