There is an huge a difference between two guys kissing, but NOTHING else. I am also changing Amelia to Jodie. So it is Jodie and not Amelia.

Anastasia and Dimitri 2 year old son and a two week old daughter Thomas and Alexis.

Mulan and Shang 16 year old Lonnie 14 Alvin and Roy and a week old Yvonne

Pocahontas and John smith 5 year old boy and girl Sam and Lavender 3 year old boy Kevin and a year old Willow

Kida and Milo 6 yr old boy Caleb a 5 yr old girl Julie 2 yr old twin Kai and Ula.

Jane and Tarzan 6 yr old Kurt and Albert, 4 yr old Eileen and Abigail

Esmeralda and Phoebus 9 yr old Zephyr

Megara and Hercules 7 yr Xena and Meda 5 yr old Theodor and Severus

Jasmine and Aladdin 16 yr Aziz 15 yr 10 yr old Cassim and Hamed, 6 yr old Laleh and Ziba 5 yr old Tanaya

Mal 16 Ben 16 Evie 16 Doug 16 Chad 16 Audrey 16 Carlos 15 Jane 15 Jay 13

Mal Matlal 12

Evie Adam 12

Carlos Carla 10

Jay Jodie 2

"Jafar protects me from the woman. She refuse to take me away from Jafar. I am safe with him and I am happy to stay with him. I stayed with Jafar for a year and never once did he ever hurt me on purpose." Jay finish the story. Ben didn't know what to think. He continue to play with Jay's hair. He stayed quiet through the story.

Without even thinking about it, Ben leans down and kiss Jay on the lips. Jay freezes and after two seconds, Jay kiss back. Both boys broke apart, after a few minutes. Jay's face is red with embarrassment. Ben's face is red with embarrassment too. He realized that he just kissed a really young teen.

"I am so sorry. I know your past and I kissed you. I am so so so sorry!" Ben says. Jay looks at him with an innocent look. Jay lay there for a moment and realize that he likes Ben kissing him.

"I like the kiss. I know that you would never hurt me, and you make sure that we are safe, so I am not mad at you." Jay say, looking at Ben with big wide brown eyes. Ben looks at the younger male and smile.

"Let's wait until you are eighteen years old, then we can discuss the relationship, okay?" Ben says to the younger teen. Jay smiles, a smile that shows that Jay's dimples and Ben couldn't help but smile back at him.

"I am fine with that. I thought that you liked Mal?" Jay says and questions at least the same time. Ben smiles and before he can talk. Another voice comes through another direction,

"I would love to share you Jay." The two boys turn to see Mal there. She looks very tall and strong. She is smiling. She was bidding to hear what Ben had to say to Jay and for Jay to explain by himself, she was happy, that Jay was comfortable with Ben to explain his history without her being there. She sees the kiss and knew that all three of them are going to be together, and she does not make mind that.

Ben and Mal see Jay blushing and turning to hide his head. She goes towards them and sits in front of them. She opens her arms and Jay goes right in. Ben looks at the two and sees love for each other. Ben looks to Mal and see her smiling. She leans in and kisses him on the lips. Ben looks at Mal with shock. He knows that Mal is more protective of Jay, then she is with everyone else, probable from them being childhood friends. She wants to make sure that Jay is safe.

Ben can see Evie and Carlos walking away from Jay and Mal, while talking to each other about the two. Ben knows that Carlos cares for Jay, like a big brother would for his little brother, but Evie never really did. She turns her back on Jay and Ben can see the hurt on his face. There are times, were Mal would fight with Evie in privately, so Jay does not know about the fight. Ben can see the way Jay flinches when Chad and Audrey are around him.

On the Tourney field, is maybe the most dangerous for Jay. Ben knows that the rest of the guys would protect Jay from Chad, but there were times, where it was a close call and Jay would end up with a black eye. Aziz saw what Chad had done and punch the boy himself, because Jay would never fight back. The Fairy Godmother had to call Aladdin, Jasmine, Cinderella, and Christopher down. Cinderella and Christopher looked at Chad with disappointing looks. Aladdin and Jasmine looked at Aziz with concern.

The two knew that Aziz would never fight another person, unless if was for a good reason. Cinderella asked Aziz why he punched her child, his replay shocked all five adults in the room.

"Chad beats on Jay all the time, and Jay never fights back. He is one of those people that never fights back, unless needs too. Chad always beats him and I am sick and tired, that he does and no one has ever called him out on it. All of the tourney members and I, mins Chad, promised Ben to protect Jay. So I protected Jay, if I am in trouble, then so be it." Chad glares at Aziz and the other boy glares back to the other boy.

After that, Ben was called in and he explained the whole problem that the villain kids are having. The Fairy Godmother had to go to hide in the shadows to watch the tourney practice, to her shock, Ben had been right. Chad bullies Jay no matter where they are, and Jay puts up with it.

"CHAD! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING TO THE KID? YOU ARE TO PUT THE CHILD DOWN!" Christopher yells at his son, the king is so ashamed of his son, that he wants to disown the boy, but he knows that Cinderella needs to own up her selfish ways, before Christopher can properly punish the kid. He sees Jay flinching at the volume. He feels bad, but at this point he needs to make to his boy. Chad's face was speechless. He had no idea that his father was going to be there. No matter where he is, Chad always makes sure that he is the perfect son in his parents eyes. He wants to make sure that he has that advantage, but as of now, he knows that is gone.

Chad is afraid of his father. He knows that his father does not believe him, and shows no happiness towards his son. Chad knows that his mother loves him and will care for him, but he knows that as soon, as Chad is old enough, he is kicked out. Chad knows that his father cares, but doesn't love him, like his mother. Chad wants both of his parents to love him.

Chad lowers, pushes Jay in, and throws him to the ground making everyone gasp. Carlos and Aziz goes to Jay and see if he is alright. Jay picks himself off the ground and goes to the locker room. His head is low and the long hair is covering his face. Ben follows the kid to the locker room. Jay goes to his locker and kneels down, curling up into a ball in cries.

Ben goes straight to him, and pulls the child to him. Jay clutches to the older boy.

"It is going to be okay Jay. I will make sure that Chad is never going to bother you again. I will not allow it anymore. I will tell the Fairy Godmother and tell her what she needs to know. I have to tell her that you are thirteen, Jay. You need to trust me with everything. I will make sure that you are going to stay with us and not to be separated from Mal or me. Is that okay Jay?" Ben says/questions the younger boy.

"How do you know that Jay is thirteen?" Carlos's hard tone of voice is heard behind him. Ben turns to see the rest of the team behind him. Ben holds Jay tighter to him. He is protective of Jay and if, the rest of the team can't accept that, then they can quit. Ben is going to make sure that Jay is staying on the team, and protect him, if necessary. The rest of the boys look at each other and smile, because, they know how Ben is with the villain kids.

All of the students know that Mal, Jay, Carlos and Evie are Ben's change. Ben went from not being able to say no to Chad and Audrey, to being able to say no to them and staying true to his word. They know that Jay was the one that taught him to say no. Jay has defended Ben, more then any other kids have in their live. So most will understand, why Ben is so protective of the other boy. They think that two are like brothers, but Mal and Lonnie know that they are not, Ben has a crush on Jay, since he got there.

Mal trusted Lonnie with the fact that Jay is thirteen and not sixteen. Lonnie was surprise, but not shock. Mal as asked her why and all Lonnie says,

"Well one, you, Evie, and Carlos are very protective of Jay, two, Jay lets out a behavior that only young teens let out and three, I overheard you and Jay talking about not letting Chad and Audrey finding out about being thirteen." After that Mal hugs the girl with all her might. Lonnie has been acting like a big sister to Jay and teaching him ways to really hide.

Jay has gone from having a big sister, that was Mal, to Lonnie. Mal turning into a potential lover with Ben, and an older brother in from Carlos to Aziz. Aziz has paid more attention to him, then Carlos did. Jay likes Evie and Carlos, but the two would not understand full truth, and would tell Chad and Audrey, when Jay do something to upset them. He fears the two, because of the manipulative Evie and Carlos have in their personalities.

Jafar told Jay to no matter what follow your instincts, and Jay has been doing just that. No matter what anyone did, his own actions are his own and he will make sure that others know his true opinions and will not back down from them. Jay saw that Ben wanted Chad and Audrey, but can see that the two are using Ben. Jay taught Ben, what Jafar taught him.

Carlos and Chad got along well, and that made Jay nervous, because, the two are close. He knows that if the two got together with Audrey and Evie, the four could do some real damage to him and no one could stop them. He notice that Mal would always be with him, whenever she got the chance. Mal told Ben to be careful of Audrey, Chad, Carlos and Evie. Ben saw what Mal was so concern about and made sure that the rest of the guys to watch out for the four.

No matter what the others have to say, Ben is sticking with Jay and Mal and he is going to make sure that two are protected. Lonnie and Doug have stayed with the three and made sure that others know their opinions of the two good villains kids. Ben sees Mal and Jay as sweet kids and no matter what, making sure that they are safe. Mal will hurt him if Jay gets hurt.