
Hi All,

I've taken the concept that I originally did as a small snippet for 'Twelve Days of Lawlight' around the Holidays and made some updates, plus expanded upon it. Here are the changes:

This first chapter is twice as long as before. This is now Omegaverse (Omega!L, Alpha!Light). Some dialogue and interactions have therefore been slightly modified.

I updated this for Lawlight Week, but this could become my next fic after Black Book wraps…let me know what you think.



L sighed as he set down his bag upon arriving at the studio. I really hope the professor challenges us this week… The raven haired Omega sat down at the easel in his workspace, and it was HIS workspace, everyone knew not to sit in L Lawliet's spot or do anything to piss him off.

After all, he was the most promising art student in the first year class at the university and well-respected for his talent…though not necessarily well liked for his less than conventional personality…he certainly wasn't a typical male Omega.

He was blunt, dismissive…the fact that he was fairly introverted and kept to himself outside of school was the only thing that seemed somewhat accurate to his dynamic stereotype, and L did see it all as such…a big, ridiculous stereotype.

He preferred being alone to being around those whose company and idiocy he could not tolerate. In L's opinion, they could all kiss his ass if they didn't like it and was more than happy to say so.

The young man went about arranging all of his basic supplies as he waited for class to start, ignoring the students milling around and chit chatting. They're all sheep…so boring…dull grey…no life to them…ugh. L's love of art stemmed from a passion for uncovering the truth in things and laying them bare to the world…in making a closer examination in an effort to bring the reality of the subject to life.

Whether what he found was ugly or beautiful…ah, that was the real question and often in the eye of the beholder. L reveled in the process of that discovery. No truth could hide from him forever and his art already conveyed emotions that few of his age could accomplish.

"Class, this week we will be doing something a bit different." The professor looked at them all sternly. "We'll be working with live models." The room filled with murmurs. L just gazed at the man with bored disinterest. Really? I hope it's a little more interesting than-

"I expect you all to be very professional, as they will be nude models."

L's eyes widened slightly. Ok, you have my attention.

"Our first model is male." The females in the room giggled slightly while L rolled his eyes as their nonsense. How immature…

"I will go get him. Please prepare your supplies so we can begin." The professor left the room to retrieve the model and L selected what he thought he'd need and began placing them within reach.

The young Omega's dark charcoal hued eyes looked up curiously as they returned, eager to get started as always. He barely heard what the professor was saying as he began to speak. "This is our model, I'll let him get posed and then you can begin."

L forgot to breathe for about 10 seconds as he stared at the gorgeous Alpha male in the robe next to the professor. He's really ridiculously attractive… L thought, dreamily gazing at the model's golden brown hair and amber eyes.

He finally remembered to take a breath and had a coughing fit instead, reaching for his water bottle as his face flushed with embarrassment. The model looked at him with concern at first, but when he saw the bashful look on L's face, the dusting of pink across his cheeks, the brunet smirked slightly.

Arrogant Alpha bastard…how typical… L thought to himself, taking another sip of water and setting it back down. I can do this…it's just a body, just a-




All of L's coherent thought left his head as the model tossed aside his robe, revealing his head to toe perfection. He's flawless…he IS art… L's thumb made its way to his mouth and he bit down hard as he looked for anything that marred the immaculate body before him.

The toned, but not overly muscled stomach?…no. The strong arms and shoulders?…uh-uh. His firm, taut ass? Definitely not… And I certainly can't find anything wrong with…

L's eyes were drawn down to the Alpha's groin area. Wow…that's…

The raven haired male looked to the brunet's face once more and saw that he was grinning back at him. L blushed hotly as the model gave him a wink before lying down to pose. The Omega gasped quietly, eyes widening.

Sweet Jesus… L's mind was racing as he ducked behind his easel to take a deep breath and calm down. What was that? Was he flirting or just messing with me? Probably messing with me…80 percent chance he's messing with me…but that 20 percent chance… L tried not to smile at the idea of that 20 percent.

Either way… L bit his lip and grabbed a pencil, leaning back out from his hiding place to view the young man, who boldly met his gaze. I have to know who he is…I want to know the truth beneath this perfection…

Who are you really? He smirked and began to sketch.


L quickly packed his things when the class ended, on edge after spending an hour under the Alpha's unwavering gaze. He was less than pleased with where he'd ended up on his piece, not feeling like he'd had the time to capture the brunet's gold flecked amber eyes to the degree he'd desired.

Stop this! He scowled at his folly. This was a figure drawing assignment, not portrait drawing…I accomplished the task, end of story. The Omega slung his bag over his shoulder, dark eyes darting towards the front entrance to the classroom, where the changing room was located before immediately deciding to head for the back door.

Yes, nothing to see here... The raven's eyes narrowed in resolve as he pushed open the door and exited the back of the building, looping around the side of it to head for the café on campus. L zipped up his light grey hoodie in the still crisp late morning air, pulling his phone out of his pocket to check the time. Plenty of time before my next class to grab a cup of tea…

"Trying to avoid anyone?" A smooth, honeyed voice with an unmistakable Alpha's timbre rang out to his left. The raven forced himself to stay calm, turning his head to view the tall attractive brunet smirking at him, from about fifteen feet away. The model now wore a pair of fitted khakis and burgundy sweater with a beige jacket thrown over it, and was growing ever closer as his long limbs carried him gracefully towards L.

"No…does that happen to you a lot though?" L scoffed. The brunet laughed lightly, the sound of it causing something pleasurable to coil in L's gut. Oh my…

"I was hoping to speak to you." The young Alpha said confidently as he stopped in front of L, shooting him a devastating smile. "Wow, you're tall for an Omega…" He murmured as they looked into each other's eyes. "But no less beautiful for it, I like it."

L raised an eyebrow at that. Glad I meet with your approval, asshole. He snorted derisively and turned without a word, walking swiftly away.

"Wait…" The young man's dark eyes didn't look back as he continued forward, trying to ignore the fact that the other man had just called him beautiful.

I mean, really? Seriously? L sneered internally at the other man. He heard swift footsteps following after him and rolled his eyes. Persistent isn't he?

The Alpha hurried until he was able to stand in front of him, blocking the path. The model's eyes widened as L glared at him. "You're in my way…"

"Please…listen." The brunet looked at him nervously. "I'm sorry if I offended you…uh, can I buy you a cup of coffee? As an apology?" The young man's amber eyes gazed at L hopefully.

The raven's eyes widened slightly in surprise. He was used to getting hit on by Alphas. Male Omegas were rare, prized, sought after. It was a big reason why L had taken up several forms of martial arts to be able to defend himself if necessary. It was well known that attempts were often made by Alphas or those working for them to take Omegas, female or male for their own. He refused to lock himself away and hide from the world.

However, this was definitely the first time he'd received an apology for any offensive behavior from one attempting to pick him up. The Alpha before him was either genuinely sorry, or very smart and trying to play him.

"Fine…whatever." He waved his hand in the air dismissively. "I was heading to get a cup of tea and you may accompany me." L eyed the other man and crossed his arms on his chest defensively.

The brunet's face lit up and L felt like the sun was shining brighter. It was momentarily dizzying. Oh crap…what have I gotten myself in to? He thought worriedly.

The Alpha extended his arm to shake L's hand, which the raven didn't want to admit, secretly thrilled him as their skin came into contact for the first time.

"I'm Light." He said with another dazzling smile, his grip firm, strong...

"L" The Omega replied, managing to keep the shakiness he was feeling out of his voice as their hands parted and they began to walk again towards the café. He shot a sneaky sideways glance at Light, surreptitiously drinking in the strong, beautiful features…the way the brunet's hair glinted with hints of gold and perhaps a bit of auburn in the sun.


He's blinding…

But even the brightest light has to give way to the darkness eventually…or do you just hide it better than others?

It wouldn't be the first time L had faced a manipulative Alpha who disguised their true nature. He was generally distrustful of the dominant dynamic and it wasn't without good reason. The raven focused his attention ahead of him again as they reached the café and Light held the door open for L, as the dark eyed male gave him a slight scowl, to which the other just responded with a grin.

"You know you're really cute when you're all indignant like that." Light whispered as L passed by him in the doorway. L's steps faltered for a moment as his breath caught, before he continued on, trying to ignore the chuckle from behind him as they got in line to order.

Tch…nothing but trouble. L firmly decided. He thinks I'm 'cute'…'really cute'? Stop! Why do I even care? L told himself, even as he turned his head away from Light and forced himself not to smile.

Nope, nothing but trouble…

Feedback...it's writer crack...

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User: AnimeFanimeFic
