A/N: Selina had figured out a way to release Acheron from the Legendarium without the use of the Dragon's Flame power (whom they both doesn't exist, since they didn't know about the return of the Guardian Fairy, Bloom). Also, CloudTower isn't a flying school yet…or that's not going to happen yet…it's still undecided.

A/N: Brandon and Stella are married, as well as Helia and Flora. Nabu and Aisha are engaged as well as Tecna and Timmy. Riven and Musa are broken-up (a year ago, since they couldn't get along). Sky isn't with anyone since he doesn't want to be in a relationship ever since what had happen to Arena. As for Diaspro, she's with someone else - which I'll probably introduce on later on...

Chapter Three: Friend or Foe?

On the other side of Red-Fountain lies a nasty, horrid, a gloomy place called CloudTower; a school for Witches. The dark gloomy clouds filled the skies and was raining heavily. A girl, with long greenish/olive blond hair color, fair skin, and brown eyes. She was wearing a dark green/turquoise outfit (from season 6) was pacing around in the room looking at her hooded master who was wearing a dark crimson robe. She wondered what was their next motive to target. He kept on gazing at the window, watching each rain-drop falling down, leaving rain-drops on the window.

They'd already stripped the Magic Dimension from all of it's magic: Fairy and Witches (except for Selena of course, since he's still using her as a part of his plan). As he was concentrating; he had felt a sudden wave of some sort of powerful magic. Magic that he'd never felt from before. His eyes widen—liking this sensation—he wondered where was it coming from? How was is that possible? He'd made sure that magic was completely gone as the first part of his plan. It's impossible for someone to have their magic.

The Legendarium had completely stripped the Magic Dimension from all magic, it was impossible for one fairy or one witch to have magic…unless…if that person had an equivalent power to the Legendarium, or being even more powerful than the Legendarium itself. He had felt a positive energy within the wave. What kind of magic was that? It had to be fairy's magic. It's the only explanation. Whatever it was—he liked it. Craved it. Thirst for it's power. A slick smile crept up on his face.

He had something else on his mind—something more sinister, which was lurking within him. He must know where he can find this source of power and have it…have it to himself and no one else could share that magic with him. Not even the young witch who was aiding him wasn't going to share that power. But for now, he needed her to do things…that needs to be done.

"Selena," The dark hooded man had called out without looking away from the window. "Yes, my lord," she crooned, her tone filled with pleasure giving him a smirk. She already knew what'd he wanted from her…to go and find that source of magic; she too even had felt its presence or hoped thats what he'd wanted form her to do.

She looked at him and asked,"what is it that you want of me to do?" she gave him a crocked almost a sweet smile that formed on her face.

"I want you to find that source of magic, and bring it to me immediately! And do not let anyone interfere in your way or else crush them all!" He said in a wicked tone, which sounded almost in the cruel-some way.

"Of course my humble lord," she gave an evil smile, her brown eyes filled with lust for power and wanting to become one of the most powerful witch out of all witches including the Trix. The young witch had left the room, going after that mysterious source of power. Then no one could stop them…they'll be invincible out of all the villains and heroines could ever be, and no one could get in their way.

"Okay, girls. Here we are," Brandon had said, welcoming the Winx to their gym that they were going to train for a while. The Winx girls were walking around the gym, it was huge. There was so many things all around. There was treadmills on the far out on the east side of the gym; there was swords, arrows, spears…and many others on the opposite side of the treadmills.

"This place is huge!" Stella commented, taking notice of the wide-spaced out gym she was walking in. There was so many things to choose from, where was she going to start first or do first. Maybe spears, arrows, swords…they all looked easy. How complicated is it just to fight with: swords, arrows, spears…? It shouldn't be that difficult not difficult then learning spells, and applying it? Although magic was easy to use, but it's complicated when you want to cast some kind of spell that you need to do (that part was never easy). She remembered quite a few times in her freshmen year, it wasn't easy to get it off the bat, but maybe swords, arrows, and spears would be easy to get off the bat.

Aisha walked around, maybe the first step into practicing was running on the treadmill to maintain your speed while combating since you need to keep up with he opponent speed, while taking a direct hit without slowing down and figuring out how to hit the direct target. From before, when she had magic, she'd always practiced by jumping on the morphix she had created and demonstrate her moves and reflexes to enhance her skills. It shouldn't be too hard to use their training equipments to train with, right?

"So…" Nabu walked up to his long time friend, Helia. He hadn't seen him nearly in a year for that matter. He had a grin on his face and asked, "…how are you and Flora doing?"

"Pretty good, actually. How about you and Aisha? I heard that you two are getting married soon," Helia replied, hearing the news from Flora that she'd mention a few weeks ago to him.

"That's true, I'm really in love with her. She's the most sweetest person I know. But you and Flora…look I know I shouldn't interfere with this, but even Aisha and I have been taking a notice that you and Flora have been talking to Bloom…" but he was caught off by Helia, "look Nabu, I want to ask you a question, a friend-to-friend, do you really think that Bloom would do such a thing?"

Helia had caught Nabu's expression. His face was stiffed by that single question that Helia had asked. He looked at Heila with a regretful look, "look, I'm not saying that I don't believe her, but the evidence were there, Helia. You know it, and saw it as well, so why do believe what she's saying or did say in the past?"

"I never told anyone this, but my father was a detective—one of the best and highest of all of the other detectives—so I brought in the evidence of what happened that night with Arena, and I told him the entire story of what had happened that night. Once he was done inspecting it along with his teammates, they had confirmed it that it wasn't a fairy's doing, but a witch or wizard with dark magic," Helia explained to Nabu, who was a bit shocked about it. 'Maybe accusing someone without proof or any evidence was a bit harsh…but...' he shook that thought from his mind.

"Even the police, the court lawyers, and detective had proven that she hadn't done anything wrong. Someone was framing her back then and had got away with it," Helia explained to Nabu, who was half nodding, half agreeing to the idea. Nabu looked at Helia, his purple eyes were filled with sadness, and a felt a bit pity about what happened to Bloom. Maybe they should've understand her and not blame her immediately. I mean no one really knew what had happened that night. So why blame? Maybe they needed to blame someone for it and the perfect candidate was Bloom.

"I really want to believe you, Helia, but I not sure yet," Nabu said, feeling a pang of guilt within his chest. He truly wanted to believe Helia, but if he did believe Helia, then him and Aisha would have that huge argument—though he'd tried in the past…but that almost had destroyed their relationship—he doesn't want that to happen again. They are this close to getting married and he didn't want to ruin it.

He placed a hand on Helia's shoulders and said, "I'm sorry Helia; I wish I could believe you," giving him a sorrowful look before leaving him alone once again.

'Why would some frame Bloom back then? What were they trying to prove or accomplish? What does it have to do with some evil villain arising this time? If only….I knew the answers.' Nabu thought to himself. Someone with dark magic was involved…but why? And who? Kept popping up in his head.

"Nabu?" A familiar voice had called out to him, snapping him back to reality. He looked to see his fiancé standing, her arms folded. Her cerulean eyes were filled with worry about him. "Aisha?" He smiled to her, and walked up to her.

"Are you okay?" She asked, a bit worried about her fiancé.

"Ya, I'm fine. So… do you think you can handle using swords, and arrows?" Nabu asked, wrapping his arms on her waist as they were walking. She gave him, a smirk, and said: "of course I can handle it, it's a change. Learning new things is my specialty." She winked at him.

"Besides, when this is all over, we have a wedding to plan," she kissed him on the cheek. He watched her leave, walking towards the rest of the Winx. Of course, Bloom wasn't with them; she was with Darren walking somewhere else.

He'd remembered that she used to be Sky's ex-girlfriend. Sky had mentioned Bloom a very few times to him, when he'd first entered Red-Fountain as a Specialists, and had met them. He remembered what Sky had told him—that he was deeply in love with her—but later on they broke-up, well Sky did.

He had realized that he'd didn't love her as he used to, so he had broken-up with her the week before Arena was murdered. Bloom was heart-broken when he'd broken-up with her. Although, he had heard rumors that Bloom was deeply upset to the point she didn't even attended classes for the day; she'd been in her dorm sobbing all day and all night. But then….Arena was murdered….then everyone blamed it on Bloom—since she was the one to be jealous that Sky dated someone else other than her.

'Maybe Helia's right, something doesn't add-up. Bloom wouldn't do it. It's impossible for her to even know the girl that Sky was dating before she was murdered. But…then dark magic was involved, but Bloom's magic isn't dark….hum…I wondered what really happened that night?' Nabu thought to himself wondering about what really happened that night.

"This place is just right for training and learning all the skills that we need to know," Tecna commented, and Timmy who was besides her had agreed with her.

"Yes. First, you girls will start the basics, before using any—" before Timmy could continue on, an arrow went by passing him, an inch away from his face, the arrow had hit the hard wall, causing the tip of the arrow to break shattering it to many, many, tiny, pieces all over the ground.

They all looked to see Stella who was holding the arrow. Her cheeks flushed a red color of embarrassment and said: "sorry! I thought it was easy than what it looks!"

"…as I was saying, you have to train first—a lot—before you're able to use these things," Timmy finished.

"It's probably not hard to learn the basics of training?" Musa asked. "You think it's easy to learn the basics, Musa," The magenta hair Specialist had commented, almost in a challenging way, causing Musa to give a out a long heavy sigh, and looked at the rest of the Specialists.

"Well, it depends on how fast you get it," Brandon replied. Stella gave her husband a wide smile walking up besides him, placing her hand on his shoulders, "don't worry, I'll get it," she smirked at him.

"Of course you will, my sunshine." At this, Stella smiled at her husband.

"So…when are we going to begin?" Musa asked.

"As of now, when do you think, really?" Riven rolled his eyes at her. She hardened her eyes on him, this is one of the reason she'd broken-up with him. "Seriously, Riven. I wasn't asking you!"

"Well, you were asking the question, therefore, I had to answer that," he snickered right back at Musa who had shook her head at him in annoyance.

Flora, and Bloom were walking through the halls of Red-Fountain. Bloom was growing worried for her friend Flora. She shouldn't be with her, because of what the others might think. She didn't want to drag Flora into all this mess with her. It wasn't fair for Flora to suffer what she's suffering right now.

She didn't want to hurt Flora who was so kind, and sweet to her. She didn't want to brake her friendship with Flora who still had considered her a friend or maybe best-friend that she had left now.

"Bloom, listen to me. I want to tell you something important."

Bloom looked at Flora who was gazing out the large glass window, watching four birds fly in the bright blue clear skies.

"What is it?" Bloom asked, standing next to Flora. She watched as Flora inhaled her breath and exhaled it out, "I don't think I can handle being with them, Bloom. It's just not right."

"But…" Bloom tried, but Flora had cut her off, and her green eyes were shinning with emotions, "…don't worry, it's my decision, not their's. They don't decide for me whom I want to be with."

Bloom nodded silently to herself, respecting Flora's decision to this.

"It's time for them to grow up and acknowledge the truth rather then blaming it on you."

I guess Flora's right about that. They have to stop living in the past and focus on what's going on. And get to the bottom of the real truth. And who's the one who'd stripped magic.

As Flora and Bloom were walking down the halls, eyes were being watched on the two of them, eyes on a particular girl.

"You do realize that they might suspect a thing, right?" Bloom said, gripping her hand on the gown nervously.

"Let them, it's not going to change anything."

Bloom felt her heart was pounding in her chest rapidly as she heard a voice call out behind her. It wasn't Darren. It was someone else's. It was Sky's. Bloom knew it was him. She just knew; she felt it in her very own soul.

Bloom placed a fake smile across her face before turning around - to face Sky again. It made her feel dread about facing him once again. As if she felt that same pain six years ago washed over her.

"Sky..." she said in the most acidic tone ever. Sky even took a notice of her tone language - the way she said his name - didn't make him flinch or anything.

He had an expressionless face. Well, it was kind of - stony and cold in a way that she'd felt. Bloom looked at Flora and said, "I catch up with you later."

"Are you sure?" Flora asked still unsure about leaving Bloom with Sky alone.

"Positive, don't worry, Flora." Bloom gave her a warm smile.

Bloom watched as Flora was leaving them alone. She approached Sky, "what do you want, Sky?" Bloom asked.

He gave Bloom the cold look though she could easily see that his blue eyes were dead cold - almost inhumanly like. His eyes were nearly the same look on the night he'd attacked her.

She felt like her throat was dry and itchy. She didn't know what to say to him exactly after six years or after what he had done to her. "Oh, nothing, nothing..." he muttered - still looking at her.

Bloom felt like she had butterflies in her stomach at the way he kept on looking at her like that.

"If it's nothing then, I should get going." Bloom said firmly. As she was walking by him, unexpectedly he grabbed on her arm - scaring the hell out of her.

She swore that he was way worse than Valtor - at least that guy had some senses in him (by not hurting her physically and laying his damned fingers on her even though she had deadly battles against him). Sky was the real demon here!

"Sky! Let me go now!" Bloom hissed at him as wildly as animal.

"Why should I do that?" He laughed in a ridicule way that made her spine shiver.

"I have allowed you to go once..." Sky paused and added, "...and I am not doing that again."

Bloom looked at him in a fury way. She never imagined that he would do that to her.

"I won't let you, you bastard! Honestly, you're even worse than Valtor..."

At this Sky stopped laughing and looked at her in such a ranging way. She could tell he was fuming for what she had said. Maybe she had pushed him off the edge this time, but he did deserve it. He did deserve the truth from her. He was acting even worse than that damn hell of a wizard.

"So you actually think I'm worse than that hell of a demon!" He spat out to her angrily.

"Actually, yes! You had laid your freak'in hands on me, six years ago! And I will never forgive you for that!"

"Really? So you think I was the one who laid my hands on you first. You're dead wrong sweetheart! It is you who had started this war and I'm going to end it, but we're going to have to wait on that first."

That made her flinch from the inside. She was completely terrified of him. The way he looked - he looked like he was really going to kill her at the moment.

"You..." Bloom harden her eyes on him, "...I never even had touched your precious girlfriend! Get that into your brain, Sky!"

Bloom yanked her arm away from Sky's grasp looking at him with her fierce blues (that no longer had any type of feelings for him). This man - who she once loved was now a monster behind the mask. A mask that no one could see. Truly he was. She never knew the real Sky at all, as if he was hiding all these years behind that fake mask.

She will never again allow him to touch her again. Never again. The next time that he just laid a single finger on her - she will burn him like hell to make him remember to not to touch her ever again.

"Let's see who going to really lose in the end," Bloom laughed as she past him - seeing his reaction to that.

If only...if only they could see the real truth behind all of this...oh they'll be sorry for what they've done. They'll be sorry of ever accusing me and first one who's going to beg for my forgiveness is Sky! I can't wait to see their priceless faces!

A smile appeared on her face. She couldn't wait till the day to be upon her. The day of the truth.

The night that she remembered she'd been woken-up was the same night that Arena was murdered.

"Get up Bloom, now!" a voice had shouted at her to get up. Bloom moaned and rolled to the other side of the bed and this time the voiced had yelled even louder and harder.


Bloom woken up slowly wondering why was this voice waking her up in the middle of the night. "What's going on?" she asked tiredly.

"I think we all know what's going on?" Stella said, her eyes hardening on Bloom.

"What?" Bloom asked again wondering what was wrong. Why was Stella waking her up in the middle of the night like that?

"Don't give me that face Bloom like you have no idea what's going on!"

"Okay, calm down Stella, explain to me what's going on?"

Stella rolled her eyes at Bloom. "Come on, Bloom. You've been pretty jealous that Sky's dating someone else other than you. First, it was Diaspro, okay made he lied to you, but you wouldn't let the damn thing go. Second, when he broke up with you all what you did was complain about it. Thirdly, you were so jealous that had to kill Arena!"

"What the hell are you talking about Stella! I didn't kill her!" Bloom seethed angrily at her best-friend who was now thinking that she was a murder for what she done. But she wasn't the one who had done it. Someone framed her and she knew it. Now, her best-friend was believing that she's a murder.

"Yes, you did Bloom!?"

"First of all Stella, if I was here sleeping all night and I was not out during the night what makes you think it was me. And Second of all, I don't know how she even looks like!"

Stella shook her head at Bloom, thinking that it wasn't the truth that she was lying to her.

"Come on Stella, I'm your best friend! You have to believe me!" Bloom pleaded to her to believe her that she wasn't the one behind this. It was someone else's entirely. They could've framed her for it!

"NO! I saw you with my own eyes, Bloom," she paused, "you were running away, laughing about it."

"ME! Have you lost your mind, Stella?"

"Have you lost yours!" Stella retorted back.

Bloom looked at her; she saw one thing in Stella that she never saw before: hatred and disbelief.

"So you don't believe your best friend, then maybe we shouldn't be friends." Bloom replied a bit sadly.

"Ya, maybe we shouldn't. I wouldn't want to be friends with a killer, who would be?"

"Is everything okay?" a voice called out behind her. She turned around to see her fiancé who had a worried look on the face.

"Ya, everything's fine," she sighed, almost giving it out a way. Darren noticed her tone - that way she said everything's fine had meant that Sky had done something to upset her.

He came closer to Bloom and cupped her chin up to face him. "Did Sky talk to you or do something to you that made you upset?" he asked, a bit annoyed that he was hurting his fiancé. He wanted to give Sky a punch in the face to make realize that if anyone had messed with his fiancé like that.

"Don't start, well, not now." She grabbed his arm - telling him it not really reasonable to go after him right now. It was only natural of him to threaten her when he saw her around. But the next time when Sky threatens her again, she will let Darren give him a major kick in the ass.

"Where we you?" She decide to the change the subject - no longer wanting to talk about Sky or any of her friends.

"Well, you have to guess who I was talking to?" He grinned at her.

"Let me guess, was it Dana?"

"Nope. Harder."

Ugh. Why did he had to play this game of his?

"Hum...was it Crystal?"

"No, you're going to have to take a good crack at it!" he chuckled.

Hum...who was it that I haven't have talk to in a while? Diaspro. She's my new-best friend. We'd became friends ever since about what happened to Arena. She was the only person - who I knew - believed me at the time and we kind of hit it off ever since. Something told me if we haven't been fighting over Sky we would've probably become good friends.

So Bloom smiled at Darren smiled at him sweetly. "Was it Diaspro?"

He grinned to me, and said, "how do you know?"

"Let says I took a pretty good guess at that," Bloom giggled.

"Besides, she wants to talk to you."

"I know we haven't talked in so long."

"I just saw her a few minutes ago, and I told her that I would get you."

"Really?" Bloom said in surprised tone.

"How did she knew that we were here?" Bloom asked.

"Well, I guess she tried to call you first and you weren't answering so she called me and asked me about you and I told her where we were going," Darren replied.

She smacked him in the arm.

"What was that for?"

"Nothing, nothing," she giggled, as Darren led the way to where Diaspro was. At least, Bloom considered as a friend in the past and now they were best-friends. They shared everything about themselves and it was all real not fake like. Who knew one simple change - would change them and become good friends.

Bloom and Diaspro entered the gym (although they both aren't going to train right this second or today, but the next time). Once they did, they could see all eyes were on them, and muttering to one another.

How annoying they were? They were gossiping about them well in particular Bloom.

The fairy of the shinning sun had walked up to them both with a smile on her face. Bloom identified that smile of hers. It was fake. She'd always been fake all her life (well to her that was).

"Hello, Diaspro," Stella greeted.

Bloom knew what she wanted from Diaspro. Of course, like what she done in the past - turn everyone against her. She was pretty good at convincing people - but Bloom knew that she can't turn Diaspro against her, because she was the only one who offered her a hand during her time of need."

Bloom saw the looks on Diaspro's face. She knew she wasn't buying into it. She simply knew what Stella wanted from her.

"Hello, Stella." she said flatly.

Bloom saw the nervous look on Stella's face since from Diaspro's attitude towards her wasn't welcoming at all. If anything, it was neutral and a bit cold.

Without any warning, the glass had shattered down the ground causing everyone to hush down as they saw a figure floating in the air. A witch who had magic looking down at them with glee in her eyes enjoying what she was looking at. She was looking at terrified fairies. The young witch knew that they were terrified of her because she had power and they didn't. But she sensed there only one person in this room who had that powerful magic and she was determined to get what she wants.

As she floated down to the ground with a devious smile across her face - they knew they shouldn't do anything. Who knows what she could easily do now?

The way she walked up to the former Winx Club and Specialist made them feel nauseated at the sight of her. She had sensed their fear - fear of her.

"Who the hell are you?" the one with short spiked magent hair yelled at the witch who was smirking at them.

A wicked smile appeared on the witch's lips. She liked that she had power and that everyone respected. It made her feel utterly powerful, and no one can stop her.

She felt a sudden magic wave hit her. The magic; it was here in this very room. She hit the jackpot.

"Okay, so, one of you has magic so who is it?" She asked sharply, cutting to the chase.

Then she saw a red-haired girl step up with a determined look on her face.

"I do!"

Selena could see the way she was narrowing her eyes on - focusing on her. That the red-haired fairy didn't like her tone of voice - of asking who was the one who still had magic.

"What in the hell do you want?" The red-haired girl asked, even though she had asked who had magic left; she wondered why she was asking that question in particular.

"You!" She spat out in delight - that the girl had easily told her that she was the one who has magic left. A powerful magic indeed.

She laughed wickedly, "now, fairy, why would you tell me that?"

Bloom looked at the girl. It didn't bother her at all - in fact, she seemed a bit weak from her magic vibe that she was sensing.

"You do know that I can defeat you!"

"You? A fairy...defeat me!"

"You don't know me, witch!" Bloom sounded dead serious - that no one even made a single comment or tried to but in.

Selena's smile faded away. This fairy was trying to threaten her and she doesn't like anyone who stands up to her challenge and this fairy was. How foolish of her - of trying? Didn't fairies always learn from their mistakes? Never ever do a challenge with a witch.

"No fairy should dare challenge me!" Selena hissed angrily - at the redheaded fairy.

"You don't scare me!"

"We'll bet on that, FAIRY!"

Selena took her stance and readied her powers - as Bloom transformed into her Enchantix form. Bloom felt like everyone was spatting their jealousy on her her, but now it wasn't important - what was important is to take care off that silly witch.

Selena sparked up her magic and summoned legendary monsters - that everyone thought was a myth in the Magic Dimension.

"Get them!" She snapped her fingers towards the Winx and Specialists who dodged the horrifying monsters (monsters from the season six such as children of the night - vampires, and from Linphea those tree monsters or whatever it is, ect...).

Bloom summoned a barrier around all of them even thought most of them don't deserve it, but they don't deserve to be ripped to shreds by those savage beasts. Bloom used her inner powers and summoned out the Dragon Flame to defeat those wicked creatures. Most of them were burned by it's powers but some remain immune to it's power.

Selena looked at the red-haired fairy's powers. The power that she was had was incredibly powerful. That's what Acheron had sensed earlier. He wanted this rare powers of hers, but in order to do so, she had to find a way to defeat this fairy and bring her to Acheron.

"Demon's of Oblivion!" Her magic was so dark with power that nearly burned Bloom's pale skin.

Bloom's blue eyes glowed a dark amber color. Bloom herself was fully engulfed in her powers; she had to summon the most powerful magic that she had ever done - the day she had finally ended Valtor or defeated him and locked him up for good never ever to be seen again.

As Bloom let her range of power go - Selena was immediately tossed back to the end of the wall. Selena had to admit one thing about this fairy - she was the real deal. She was like no other fairy. She somehow liked how she was being challenged that made her want to be even more powerful than she is.

Most of the other fairies she had faced - aren't up to her challenge they would most likely lose the fight within minutes. The girl was different. She looked at the fairy who was most likely gloating in the air that she was right. That she wasn't afraid of her nor her challenge. She vanished knowing that she already lost the battle, but she'll come back to her. Oh, she will very, very soon. She left with an echoing wicked laugh - telling them that this wasn't the end it was only the beginning.

As Bloom fluttered back down, she noticed that the Winx especially Sky were giving her glares. Though Sky was the first one to speak out of the group.

"What the hell Bloom?" He snapped at her.

But Darren immediately came to Bloom's side and looked at Sky (for the very first time in person), and said, "get the hell away from her, Sky! She saved all of your sorry asses from that bitch of a witch that you probably couldn't even defeat on your own!"

Sky wanted to give him a punch in the face, but Darren quickly dodged his hand and blocked it with his own.

"Not too quick aren't we Sky!" Darren smirked at him - enjoying Sky suffer from his wrath.

Sky took his hand back to his side and grinned at him angrily.

"No one told her to save us!" He exclaimed in frustration as his fist were in balls right now.

"Excuse me, you're missing the point here. We can handle ourselves without magic!" A blond woman had stepped up aiding Sky's side.

"Um...are you sure, 'cause what I remember is you couldn't even defeat Valtor, so how could you stopped that hell of a witch?!" Bloom scorned at them - watching each one of their reaction.

"Now," she crooned at them, "...why couldn't you defeat Valtor? I only wonder why?"

"Damn you! You are..."

"...Are what Sky?" she grinned at him playfully.

"I know why because your powers are no match for his Dark Dragon Flame."

Now, everyone was quite. They knew one thing: she was right about that, but it certainly does not apply to everything.

"...So if I were you, quit your moping and start acting more mature!"

Then Sky noticed that Diaspro, Flora, and Helia were taking her side. They knew she was telling them the truth: the one thing they knew she was right on, but refused to believe in.

"Oh, so look who we have here! Three betrayers." Musa said.

"I can't believe you would actually side with her!" Aisha hissed at them.

"Oh, please, you guys are really that ignorant and stubborn?" Diaspro said, narrowing her brown eyes at them.

"When are guys seriously going to end this ridiculous feud?" Flora asked.

"Oh, since when did you believe her Flora?" Tecna asked.

"And Diaspro, since when did you ever like Bloom?" Sky questioned her.

"Sky, everyone deserves second chances," she said.

"Puff...ya right, she had never had given you a second chance," he responded back rather coldly and harshly.

"Actually," she sneered at him, "she did give me a second chance, Sky."

"Your all too damn ignorant that you'll never give her a second chance." Helia said.

"Not cool dude," Brandon said, shaking his head at him.

"I thought you were better than this, Helia," Riven laughed.

"Come on, lets go guys. We don't need to stay here any longer," Stella said, as she was the first one to leave and the rest had followed her - trailing her like as if they were stray puppies.

Bloom looked at her friends, and focused on the core of her powers. She summoned two colored gem flames. One of them gem flames was a bright pink and the other dark red. She gave the two pieces to Flora and Diaspro.

The gem flames were in their hands.

"What is this Bloom?" Flora asked, as she was looking at the pink gem flame that was in her palm.

"That's a piece of my Dragon Flame which would give you strength."

"Thank you, Bloom." Diaspro said, and they both hugged her.

"So have you have you done what I asked you to do?" he asked, Selena who wasn't worried about a thing.

She looked at him with a look, "it seems to us that fairy has a powerful magic at the tips of her fingers. She nearly defeated me."

He glanced at her, "but do you know the exact source of her power?"

"I do. Its some kind of Legendary Dragon Flame or something that as she mentioned a word 'dragon' in it. Her powers had manifested in a reptilian dragon. I have never seen such power. She defeated every creature that I threw at her."

She watched as Acheron was pacing around the room in enjoyment for what he was hearing from her. "Do you know the tale of the Great Dragon?"

"This sounds interesting."

"Oh. It is my dear. The power of the Dragon's Flame is Legendary. It created the entire Magical Universe and formed all magic with it's fiery breath. The breath of life that gave life to the universe. After many centuries of creating the realms and bring life to each one - the Great Dragon decided to rest and laid on the world called Domino.

Soon, before he vanished completely he gave the royal family of Domino all it's power to keep the Magic Dimension safe from the forces of evil and the power of the dragon had been passed on for generations."

Selena was stunned about it's history. That girl who had fought and nearly defeated her was the keep of the Dragon's Flame.

"Then the girl is..."

"She's the keeper of it's power and by the way I know her ancestors very well - a family of superior power and they never had once led astray from the path of light!"

"Then, maybe I should give them a visit."

He shook his head at her. "Why not?"

"Because they are powerful - mess with one and another would defeat you. They're extremely powerful. Maybe we'll do that when have that power - we could destroy them for good."

"But first, we should we should begin with our first attack in the realm of flowers - Linphea."

Diaspro, Flora, Bloom were walking down the halls of Red-Fountain. The sun was already setting. The Headmistress Faragonda gave Bloom a dorm to stay in, though Diaspro and Flora wanted to stay with her which she happily accepted of them. Though Helia told Flora that he didn't mind that if she stayed with Bloom for a few days as he would be staying with Darren.

Bloom knew one thing that Diaspro knew off of her - that she has a daughter from Sky.

Diaspro saw tears on Bloom's face. She knew it was 'them' again who must've threatened her to become like this. Diaspro had welcomed Bloom on Eracklyon with open arms.

Diaspro easily saw the pain in Bloom's blue eyes. She was clearly upset about something. Bloom was gazing out the windows her knees up to her chest as her arms were wrapped around herself - around her knees - crying.

"What's going on, Bloom? What happened?" Diaspro asked, with a sorrowful look across her face. For the first time, she cared about Bloom.

Bloom couldn't face her. She didn't know how Diaspro would respond or react to this. "...It's Sky..."

"Sky what?"

"...he...he...hurt me..." she said sobbing, barely hearing a thing what she was saying.

"Hurt you?" she furrowed her brows at Bloom, and added, "hurt you - as in yelling at you - or something else?" Her tone was filled with worry. She knew Sky her entire life; she knew he wouldn't hurt anyone...oh...

"Can you please tell me...Bloom..." she pleaded to Bloom to tell her what's going on. Why was she this upset?

Bloom composed herself, and wiped the tears off of her face. She looked Diaspro, with a look that Diaspro had never seen before. She was truly broken, and sad. Something she would never see in Bloom.

"I-I...I'm pregnant, Diaspro." She said, in a shaky voice. Diaspro was startled by the news that Bloom had given her. It simply bewildered her - she would never imagine that Sky would do that.

"...So...Sky's the father, right?"

"He is..." Bloom found herself sobbing again. She never wanted him to be the father of her baby not after what he did to her. But he raped her; hurt her...it made her hate him.

"I hate him..."

"Shhh...Bloom everything's going to be fine." Diaspro hugged Bloom for comfort. She never would ever think that Sky would do that - not in a million of years.

"Sky's a real jerk. He just likes to mess with us!" Diaspro snapped. Bloom looked at her confusingly.

"What...I thought you loved him?" Bloom hiccuped.

"Not anymore. He's not what I used to think of him. He just uses us and dumps us like any other guy. There's nothing special about him. And I forbid you to tell him that you're pregnant with his child."

Bloom laughed and said, "that I can agree on!"

Ever since then, Diaspro and Bloom had been close friends ever since that day. They were anti-Sky now and they liked that.

Later that night...

Flora, Diaspro, and Bloom were having the time of their lives. They were enjoying each other's company. Bloom wanted to let on the secret that Diaspro knows of. About her daughter - her sweet little girl. It was time to tell Flora the truth. She knew she could trust Flora with the news that she's going to tell her.

"Diaspro, maybe it's time to tell Flora about the secret?" Bloom whispered to Diaspro.

"Hum...but she can't tell Sky about it, remember."

"I know we're on the anti-Sky side." Bloom smiled to her.

Bloom looked at Flora who was wondering what were they talking about. Flora hasn't seen Bloom smile like that for a long time. It was good to see her smile again.

"I want you to be in our little secret club."

"Wait, you two have a secret club?" Flora asked, as Bloom and Diaspro both nodded.

"Well, it must be something that no one knows of right?"

"By the way, me and Bloom are on the anti-Sky side, and since you'll be joining us - you're also going to be on the anti-Sky side as well."

Flora's green eyes widen about the anti-Sky idea that they both made up years ago.

"Wow! So what is it?" Flora asked as she sat besides Diaspro.

"You have to not tell Sky about it, promise." Bloom said.

"I promise - you know me Bloom."

"Okay, remember that I told that Sky raped me?"

"Ya. But what does that have to do with what you're going to tell me?" Flora asked curiously.

"It has everything to do with it. After a few weeks, I discovered that I...was well...pregnant with Sky's child..." Bloom trailed off, hoping that Flora wouldn't flip out or anything, but she was surprised but remained calmed about it.

"You were pregnant?" Flora said, still shocked.

"Ya." Bloom sighed.

"And let me guess, since you're telling me that - so you actually have a kid?"

Bloom nodded.

"Do you have a boy or a girl?"

"Girl! Her name is Brianna." Bloom smiled and showed Flora a picture of her daughter and parents who shared this big family picture.

Flora looked at the girl - she could defiantly tell it was Bloom's and Sky's daughter with her combination look from both of her parents she had inherited. Flora assumed that the two people behind her and her daughter were her parents. And Bloom had gotten her looks from her mother.

"Bloom you look like your Mom a lot." Flora commented.

"You should see her father," Diaspro looked at Bloom and grinned and added, "he's totally hot looking."

Bloom's cheeks turned red from what Diaspro said.

"Really?" Flora asked.

"Diaspro! He's my father, come on!"

Diaspro gave Flora the look and nodded.

"You should see him in person. He doesn't even look like he's a father." She winked at Flora who was smiling innocently, while Bloom groaned.

"Bloom, you probably got the hottest dad, just saying."

"...And her Mom is also very pretty. I could've sworn that they were twins and not mother-daughter."

"Wow. Something tells me you visit Bloom a lot." Flora said, a bit shock in her voice.

"I did." Diaspro smiled.

"So...anyways...you can't tell Sky about it, please." Bloom pleaded to her.

Flora thought about it for a moment. Sky raped her and never asked how she was doing afterwards so he doesn't deserve to know about it. "Don't worry, I won't tell her. I promise you Bloom."

1) Okay, this chapter finally done. It was a little challenging for me - for how I was going to write this chapter especially the whole thing with the Winx and Specialist with Bloom. The scene with Sky and Bloom seeing each other after six years was a bit hard to write since...well...there's a lot of tense between them. Bloom totally hates him still! She even said that Valtor's better then him. Ouch - that pissed him off, but serves him right.

2) Helia, Flora had finally sided things with Bloom. Happy news! :-)

3) Now Acheron discovered a great power - Bloom's Dragon's Flame. Now, they are plotting to destroy each realm one by one...

4) Bloom finally told Flora that she has a daughter from Sky, but told her to keep it as a secret and not tell him about it.

5) Ohh, looks like the rest of the Winx are pissed at Flora for siding with Bloom.

6) Bloom was so generous that she gave Flora and Diaspro a piece of her Dragon Flame.

7) Wonder what's going to happen in the next chapter as Acheron and Selena are going to make their first strike on Linphea. What's going to happen? Will all the Winx be there even though they are pissed at Flora or not?

Next Chapter Called: Linphea, Here We Come

~Morosely2101, see you to next chapter XD...