Girls und Fury

Chapter 1: I though Tanks are for girls…

"Mmmmmm…. If you're gonna eat sum' bread… it's gotta have strawberry jelly filling…"

~Miho Nishizumi

"Such a beautiful day…" said a happy looking young girl with above-shoulder length brown hair, average height, slim, wearing a Japanese seifuku uniform with green collar and skirt with the school bag in her hands.

The young girl was strolling blissfully down the street in what seems to be a small rural town. On the way, she took a deep inhale as she passes by the local bakery before she yelped "Aieeee! The breads sure smells guuddd!"

The young girl then arrived in front of a large entrance to an very,very large high school with the name being written on the gate's "Ooarai Prefectual Girls High", there is also a an Insignia representing the school on the wall of the main building that can be clearly seen from afar. She took a deep breath and exhale with a bright smile before proceed into the school's ground and continue inside of the main building.


The girl with short brown hair was sitting alone in her classroom,staring at her notebook,ruler and pens being neatly placed on her desk silently, it wasn't long before that slience was broken.

"Hi there, I'm Saori, Saori Takebe" said a cheerful girl with below shoulder-length ginger hair as she approached the Short brown hair girl who seems to be a new student.

Then another girl approaches the New girl, with long black hair, a warm gentle smile ever resting on her angelic face, she's quite tall. She smiled at the New girl and said with a warm, soothing voice "I'm Hana Isuzu, nice to meet you"

The new girl seems somewhat shy and flusttered by the two girl's friendliness, but it didn't stop her to smiled back at them and said "uh..Hi, I'm Miho, Miho Nishizumi, nice to meet you two aswell"

Saori leaned toward Miho and grinned "Oh c'mon, no need to be so shy,So.. do you have a boyyyfriendd~~~?"

This instantly started Miho as she jumped with her face crimson red. Saori laughed playfully as she said "I take that as a no"

Hana awkwardly said to Saori "Please Saori, I don't think you should ask that kind of question on to anyone on their first day at school… Anyway, you want to have lunch with us?" and gave Miho yet another smile radiated with warmth.

Miho seems shocked as she asked "m-me?"

At the cafeteria…

"Told ya she'll took the bait…" said Saori with a playful tone as she,Miho and Hana were lining up to received their lunches.

Hana,who was standing next to Miho said "Actuall… we're really wanted to talk to you for a while now.."

Saori added in "yea, you're just sitting there…spacing out and everything, it gave you a very…interesting aura"

Miho suddenly look at Saori and said "You was born on the 22 of June"

She then turns to Hana and continue "And you were born on the 16 of December"

Hana seems impressed as she nodded "why..yes I was"

Saori was the same as she said "Wowee, you actually remembered our birth date?"

Miho nodded "Yes, I've memorized everyone's information from the school's resume It'll be esier for me to make friends"

Saori then said "I KNEW you were an interesting person…hey, can we call you by your name?"

Miho then blushes and wiggle her head in joy as she said "You mean like… "Miho"? Eeeekk, it's great!"

As she said so, the lunch lady handed her a delisciously looking Tuna dish.

At the lunch tables…

"So as it's already too obvious, I've just moved here to Ooarai" said Miho with a excited tone.

Saori, who was enjoying her lunch said "Is that so? I'm telling you, life is full of unexpected turns and diddly dang pits… like love triangles… getting rejected even BEFORE you even confessed…finding out that yer' boyfriend is a womenizer that currently dating like.. 8 girls at the same time … going out with a ultra-handsome guy JUST~~~~ to find out he's gay after 8 months… you know.. those kind of stuffs…"

Hana then asked "So how come you have to move here? Is it… family related issues? Like you parents have to work far from home? Or… You know… battling over the Will?"

Miho seems sad as she slightly lowered her head and said "N-no…that's not it…"

Hana seems to understand that Miho doesn't want to talk about it, so she quickly said "Oh, we better eat before they got cold.."

Miho quickly acknowledge and speed up her chewing.

Somehwhere within the school's building…

Inside of a large room with curtains barely open, there was three female figures, one's sitting on a rotating executive chair and two more standing in front of her, they seems to be discussing something. The girl on the right said "Are we seriously going to accept this experimental program?"

The girl sitting on the chair replied "Yes we are, this is a big opportunity for our school…We already arranged the settlements for the transfer students from the United States and their host parents… They should be arriving here sometimes tomorrow… make sure our new transfer students will receive a warmth welcome…"

The girl on the left said "I understand the important of this program, but.. it's…"

The girl on the chair said "I know what you're thinking but you have my word, nothing bad is going to happen… I might even dare to say…we might be able to make some great international impressions…"

The girl who seems to be in charge rotate her chair toward the window behind her and said "Oh and I've also been informed that the new students can speaks fluent Japanese so, I don't think we're going to need any translator…"

Back at Miho, Hana and Saori's classroom. Saori asked her two friends "Hey, wanna' get something to drink after school?"

Miho seems excited as she said "Oooooo~~~, just like we're the 3rd years"

Saori then rest her chin on the desk as she said "Actually I have something to say… I think I've might attracted too many boys.."

Hana seems to know where this is going as she said "Oh not this again…"

Saori ignored her comment as she continue "I mean loads of boys have been approached me lately.."

Miho asked "ap-approach?"

Saori replied "Yea, the boys in the neighborhood near my house… They'd be like "Good mornin' or… "How're you doing?" and stuffs.."

Hana cut Saori off "I told you that was just normal friendly gestures…"

Saori pouted "But..they all like me I just know it"

Hana rolled her eyes "ok, ok, they like you…"

Miho smiled "Think about it Saori, your friendliness …well,that alone is enough to attracts just about anyone…"

Saori slightly blushes as she look away for a bit.

Miho gave her another smile "I was so happy when you called me by name… You're a truly wonderful friend"

Saori whispered to herself "Omg that was so~~~~ cheesy…" but obviously was was really flattered by Miho compliment.

Hana said to Miho "You're a great person too"

Miho blushes as said "Wha? No no no… You're great too.. You're always so calm and strong…not to mention… super mature… I-I'm jealous"

Hana shook her head with a smile "I doubt it, people call me "stiff" lot's of times"

Miho seems surprised as she said "No way"

Hana nodded "Yes way, it might because I do a lot of Ikebana when I was a's my family tradition"

Miho sounds excited "Wowiee! I wanna try it too, sooo~~~ graceful and feminine, I mean…"

The girls's little chat was interrupted when the classroom door slide open. And 3 girls walks into the room.

The first girl who stood on the far left have above-shoulder length off black hair, a stern expression, wearing the same uniform as everyone with an addition of a black neck ribbon with the knot being presented in the front. One of her more noticible feature is that she have one sighted left eye which she have to wear a one-sided glass.

The second girl on the far right have chocolate brown hair and being tied up in a rollcake style other than that nothing about her really stands out, except for her large chest.

The last girl stood in the middle, she's pretty short, small build, have dark orange,near brown twin pony tail hair, and seems like she was eating a pickled cucumber.

The girls in the class seems to recognized the three, especially the short girl as they silently mutter "The student council president? What is she doing here?"

The girl with the neck ribbon pointed at someone in the class, prompting the girl in the middle to raised her hand and waved as she said out loud "Heyyyy~~~! Nishizumi-chan!"

This started Miho as she fidgeting "Wah… Uh.. m-me?"

Saori leaned toward Miho's ear and said "That's the student council president, deputy president and the Propaganda president.. just releax ok?"

The Student councilmen quickly surrounded Miho as the black neck ribbon girl said with a stern voice "We need to talk…"

Before Miho can said anything, the twin pony tail girl said "About the extra curricular activities… Could you be so kind and… pick Sensha-do?" as she quickly wraps her arms around Miho's shoulder.

Miho seems nervous about this request as she replied "Wel uh…but…w-we don't have Sensha-do here…"

The neck ribbon girl leaned next to Miho and said "It have just been reactivated this year.."

Miho then said "But.. I transferred all the way here because I heard there is no Sensha-do in this school…"

The twin pony tail girl taps Miho's shoulder and grinned "Welp, I guess it's must be fate then"

Miho shyly objected "But… I though I have the right to choose whichever activities…"

Before she could finish the sentence, the twin pony tail girl gave Miho a big slap on her back and said "Motion carried, no further discussions" before the three of them walk away, leaving Miho standing there motionless.

The sad yet blank look in her eyes remains the same as the background switches to various places in the school she remain like that in class, the bathroom, recess, the blackboard when she was called up to solve an equation, instead she wrote the word "だけど" (pronounce in Romanji: dakedo, means But) repeatedly which creeps the teacher and her two new friends out.

The teacher then awkwardly said "Miho? A-are you ok?"

Miho seems responsive as she said "Oh.. yes" but her eyes stays the same

The teacher then said "Listen, if you're not feeling well, you should head to the nurses office"

Miho didn't say a word as she turns away from the board and walks out of the classroom, looking like a zombie, with the chalk still in her hand.

Seeing Miho in such a state prompted Saori and Hana to raised their hands with Saori said "Teacher, I have a stomach ache"

While Hana said "I have terminal cancer"

The nurses office…

The girls was lying next to each other on three separate beds. Saori said to Miho who was still had her face under the blanket "Uh… Miho, are you… alright?"

Hana didn't even wait for a repsond from Miho quickly asked "If you want to go home early, I'll get your bag for ya'"

Miho slowly pull the blanket down as she sighs "No.. I was just.. thanks"

Saori then asked "Say what did the council president talk to you about anyway?"

Miho was reluctant for a bit before she said "we-well, it's bout reactivating the school's Sensha-do activity…"

Hana tilted her head "Sensha-do, that P.E activity for girls? What's that got to do with you?"

Miho sighs "They want me to sign up for it"

Saori said "Wait, wh-why?"

Miho pull the blanker over her face again as she muttered "It's …"

Saori said "maybe it's something horrible from the past… like… you got into a love triangle or with one of the student councilmen..something like that perharps?"

Miho quickly objected "No, that's not it"

Hana smiled "To be asked by the student council president herself, you must be an experienced war hero…who rides into battles and just… blew everything away with all your might?"

Miho said "It's…nothing like that"

Saori then asked "Then, why?"

Miho then said took a deep breath before she said "It's… just that my family have a very long time tradition with Tanks"

Hana and Saori's eyes lit up as she heard it.

Miho then continue "But… let's just say, I have some unpleasant memories about it… so.. I just can't"

Saori said "I see… Look, nowaday Sensha-do is no longer a mandatory activity so you don't have to worry"

Hana nodded "Yea, we'll go with you to their office and decline together"

Before Miho can even say thanks, the school P.A system began boardcasting a very familiar voice,seems to be the neck ribbon girl. She said "Attention all students, reports to the School P.E building immedietaly, I repeat, all students reports to the school P.E building immedietaly"

The P.E building…

The room has been filled with every single students with their attention directed toward the councilmen standing on the stage, with a security line formed by other members of the council.

Miho look around as she asked "I wonder what it is…"

Saori answered "Beats me" with her eyes still looking at the stage.

Hana said "If the prez calls, you better be there…"

Miho then said "Wow… you guys are pretty… obidient…"

The neck ribbon girl then spoke "Everyone be quite, here is the presentation video about the new school activity and our new exhange program"

As the lights darken, some students can be heard chattering "wait, exchange program?"

Then the video starts, with a big title that reads "Sensha-do"

The first image show a British Mark V WWI Tank, seems to be in tip-top conditions followed with a female narrator's voice "Sensha-do…"

Then an image of a WWI German's Mephisto tank was being shown, followed by the narrating "… It's a tradition, culture..a way for female all around the world to train and better themselves…"

Miho sighs as she saw various images of Tanks and numerous crews rush to their vehicle as the narrator continues "… A way to hone in to your grace,humility and pride…In other words, Sensha-do is a way to help us became true women, as hard as steel, as agile as the caterpiller tracks,as accurate and powerful as the main cannon…"

The tank from the video fires a shot that startled the students, but there is one girl, with long black hair and a white headband doesn't seems to be interested as she was dozing off as the video went on and one girl with short, dark brown and kind of poofy hair was actually weeping during the video. In the crowd there seems to be a group of students dressed in Nazi Germany Afrika Corps uniform silently watching the video.

The narrtor then said "… Also, a few years back, the Europeans countries,and the United States of America have decided that Sensha-do is no longer exclusive for females, numerous schools in the States have began teaching and forming many Sensha-do groups, activies, Tournaments that males and females crews can compete equally…"

This seems to came as a shock to the students as they're all start chattering about it. Miho seems to be curious aswell.

The narrator continues "…While it's a positive,healthy and revolutionary steps for this graceful art, it's still being very slowly accepted in Japan.. thus the United Nations have all agreed of funding an experimental exhange programs… each country will send a tank crew of a certain gender group from a school of their choosing to another school from another country… and the latter will send a tank crew of the opposite gender group of their choosing… with hopes that both will be able to learn from each other, form a strong bond, friendship and help spreading Sensha-do even further…"

As the video ended and the light being turn back on. The student council president steps up and said "Alright everyone, as the video have mentioned… This years our school have been chosen as part of the exchange program, and our exchange partner will be.. the United States!" proudly.

The students was chattering louder as they heard it. The council president then continued "They have already sent their chosen Tank Crew over here and we've already sent our, the boys should be arriving tommorow via air travel… Anywho, if any of you want to sign up, do not hesistate, hey It'll make you more popular with the boyss~~~"

Saori have her eye lit up and her jaw dropped as she heard it while Hana touches her cheek with one hand and said "It sounds… so awesome~~"

The neck ribbon girl then spokes "In the coming years there will be a National Sensha-do Tournament being held, so the Ministry of Education have urges that we should increase the teaching of this paticular activity from now on"

The council president then said "So, I'll say it again, we will reactivate our Sensha-do program along with taking part in the experimental exchange program, there will be lot's of benefits for those who do~~~, Deputy President, if you'd please?"

The large chest girl nodded as she said "Whoever got the best results will receive 100 free lunch coupon, 200 excuse notes for tardiness… and all of their other subjects marks will be tripled!"

This news instantly woke the girl with the white headband.

"I'm in" said Saori as she walks along the hallway with Hana and Miho.

Miho seems surprised to hear this. Saori continues "I mean… boys these days love girls with an attitute and strong right? If I join, I'll be loved by every boys in the country… heck.. the world even…"

Saori then put one hand on Miho's shoulder and said "You should sign up too, I mean it's your family tradition right?"

Miho still doesn't seems to be willing to sign up as she lowered her heads.

Notices this, Hana comfort her "It's ok, I understand, Ikebana is my family tradition but I've always wanted to do something more… Interesting…"

Hana then proudly declared "I'll sign up for Sensha-do"

This surprised Miho as well. Saori then said "Relax, just give it some thoughs ok?"

And with that the three says their goodbyes and went home.

~~~~Somewhere on the sky above the vast ocean~~~

A C-130 Hercules with an small,visible American flag pained on the side hull was flying, pressumly toward Ooarai to drop off the exhange students and their Tank. Inside was a large vehicle being covered with canvas. There're some chairs, a small toilet booth for long travels, a radio and a relatively large tent being strapped down on the floor.

There seems to be people inside, as a young, high pitched voice can be heard "uh… Don, you have any more space over there?"

Another voice, this one is deeper and sounds more mature spokes "Nope, you can hug Grady if you want…"

Another voice spokes in respond with a playful tone, this one have a mild Southern accent and kind of raspy "Oooo~~~ You like bad boys ain't cha Norr~~~man?"

The high pitched voice replied "I rather hug a missile"

Yet another voice chuckled and said, with a smooth,calm tone "Hey Grady leave Machine alone… you don't want him to cry again"

The high pitched voice repiled "Hey I did not cry Bible… it's a disease, that made my eyes sweat when I'm angry"

Then everything went quiet, when suddenly a loud,obnoxious snore emmited from the tent, it was not any of the 4 other voices since they all grunted in annoyance once they hear the snores.

The deep,mature voice then said "This gon' be a longggg~~~ trip boys… hey, who got my pillow?"

The next day…

"I'm sorry…I-I ju-I just can't" Miho said with her head lowered, looking down on her extra activity paper, there's a circular check mark at the box for some other activiy.

As Hana and Saori look at Miho, some memories fragments of her past began to flashes through her mind, she saw her old tank being flipped upside down and her hands struggling to swim up from under the water,seems like nearly drowned due to an accident involving Sensha-do in the past.

Miho was brought back to reality when she heard Hana said "It's ok Miho.."

Miho look up to see Hana and Saori switches their choices away from Sensha-do, which she quickly protest "No! You guys shouldn't do this because of me"

Saori comforts her "Oh c'mon, it wouldn't be fun without you"

Hana nodded "Beside if you do this with us, it'll just bring back your traumatic memories right?"

Miho was touches by her friends consideration, she gave them a big bright smile and a blush on her face.


As the girls was having lunch in the cafeteria, they heard the neck ribbon girl's voice on the P.A system "Nishizumi Miho, class 2-A, report to the student council office immedietaly,that is all"

This worries Miho as she gulped and starts trembling, but Saori and Hana quickly comfort her with Hana saying "It's ok Miho, we'll go with you"

Saori added "yea, I'm sure it's nothing dire"

Student council office…

"What is the meaning of this?" said the neck ribbon girl as she showed the girls Miho's activity choice paper.

There was no answers from Miho.

The council president sighs with disappointment as she said "so you really are not going to sign up for Sensha-do?"

The large chested girl drop her head in disappointment aswell and sighs "It's over then… it's the end for our school…"

Saori quickly protested "What's wrong with you?"

Hana frowned as she said "Why would you force her to sign up when she have already declined?"

Saori nodded "Miho said she don't want to drive a Tank, and you can't make her"

The council president then smirked "One more protest from any of you and you're all expelled.."

This shocked the girls as Hana quickly said "You're threatening us now? How petty"

The neck ribbon girl calmly replied "She's not bluffing… you better believe it"

Saori snapped back "You can't do that! That's a Dictatorship move"

The council president replied "It is one of our rights"

Miho is staring at her feet, biting her lips as she think to herself "They're here…because of me… because of me… because of me…No… Not again…"

Miho suddenly shouted "I'm sorry everyone!"

Her apology started everyone. Miho then took another deep breath and look straight into the council president's eyes and declared "I will join the Sensha-do club with them"

Both Saori and Hana turns back at Miho and said in unison "say wha~~~~~?"

The large chested girl seems to be overwhelmed by this decision as her eyes began to water before she said "Oh..oh thank god…"

The neck ribbon girl gave the three a sastisfying smirk while the council president did the same.

Just then they heard a very distinctive engine sounds coming from the school main gate down below which can be view from the student council office. The 6 girls went over to the window, look down at the school ground to find a M4A3E8 Sherman tank slowly rolling in. The other girls from the classes also poke their heads out of the windows to take a look out of curiosity. Some of the even been heard saying "Wow…I've never seen boys driving tanks before, I'm so nervous…"

Upon closer observations, Miho then said "76mm M1A2 main cannon…,one .50 cal Browning M2HB mounted turret, one .30 cal Browning M1919A4 coaxial gun and another .30 cal mounted on top…"

As she look at the rugged surface, the dark green paint with rusted spots here and there, not to mention dents on the hull indicated that some tank shells have bounced off of it before. But what caught her attention was the 4 pieces of wooden logs being strapped to each sides of the tanks, 2 logs on each sides. There was also many metal plates being welded into the main cannon, for more protection on the field.

Miho then said "… it's really impressive, the Sherman was not the best Tank out there… especially when using it agaisnt a Tiger… but these guysdecided to use logs as spaced armor and metal plates for extra thickness agaisnt superior firepower… if they also know how to manuveur the Tank tatically, they might actually be able to beat a Tiger head-on…"

Miho didn't even noticed the 5 girls was staring at her, astonished by her extensive knowledge about Tanks.

The Sherman stopped just after it went through the front gate. The students was on the edge of their heels as they heard sounds of the hatches being unlock.

Soon they all pop open, the first crew member came out of the main cannon's hatch. It was a young man, caucasian, about 17, dark blue eyes, dark blond hair, he sport a slick back pompadour with an undercut. The guy wore a authentic WWII tanker zip up jacket over a standard WWII allied infantry olive shirt with the olive cargo pants and boots.

As the first guy jumped off the tank, the second guy exited from the main cannon's hatch. He's around the same age as the blonde guy, caucasian, rather slim but well-build, he have black, short hair,slightly messy with the same undercut as the blonde guy, he wore a green long sleeve shirt with both sleeves rolled up,accompanied with a pair of wool work gloves, along an olive overalls packed with wrenches, screw drivers and various tools in its pockets, indicating that he's the mechanic and possibly the tank loader. He also wore the same pair of boots.

The mechanic guy then sat on the main cannon's barrel as he took out a metal flask and took a couple of gulps from it before he winked at the girls above. Though doesn't look like an honor student, his smile does managed to swoon some girls as they blushes at his wink.

The hatch on the right of the Tank torso pop open, and a chubby guy exited from it. He's about 17, black short hair,no undercut. His complexion is a bit brown,indicating that he could be of spanish descendants. He wore a goggled cap, and the same outfit as the blonde guy. He was holding a half eaten bowl of instant ramen, seems like the guy was quite enthusiastic about trying out the local food already.

The chubby guy swallowed another bite as he said to whoever was still inside the Sherman In English "Hey Bible, you should try this out it's freaking delicious" based on his accent, he was of Spanish descendants.

Then a familiar smooth,calm voice came from the tank as the another guy exited from the main cannon's hatch "I prefer eating the real thing in a restaurant Gordo, it have the REAL local flavor in it… I have delicate taste bro…"

The guy,whose name seems to be Bible,who was also a caucasian, probably the same age as the other 3, was pretty neat, from his left combed hair, fully zipped up WWII Tanker jacket and the same olive pants and boots like his crew mates. He look at the girls above and quickly bowed his head to greet them. This gesture also managed to win him a lot of warm replies from the girls.

The chubby guy,who name seems to be Gordo turn back to the tank and knock on the hatch on the left just above the coaxial gun and said, still in English "Hey Norman, get out here! I'm sure the girls gon' love you"

There wasn't any reply as the hatch shortly open, and a guy, looks younger than the 4 crew members, with a complexion as white and smooth as a doll, a pair of eyes that as blue as the sky and a hip short, dark brown hair. He wore the same uniform as his teammates. The young man, whose name seems to be Norman slowly exited from the tank and shyly waved at the girls with a shy smile on his lips.

The girls went wild soon as they saw Norman. Who seems to fit their "dollface moe guys" type.

The blonde guys then spoke to his teammates with a deep, mature voice "Aight' gentlemen, please tell me none of you have suffered amnesia from… last night incident… cus' we're gonna have to speak Japanese for the next few years…" The blonde guy then dash his eyes at Gordo.

Gordo then said "Aw c'mon Don, I said I was sorry"

The mechanic guy chuckled and said with a raspy voice and a mild southern accent "Seriously Gord… ooooweee! That discharge smells like somebody taking a dump in Chernobyl, wrap their dung up, piss on the bag, open it up then take another dump, wrap it back up then feed it to his dog… then when the dog poop it ba…"

The blonde guy, whose name seems to be Don cut the mechanic guy off "Alright, alright Grady we get it, it was some Bio-Terrorism level fart ok?"

The mechanic, whose name seems to be Grady shrugged as he jump down from the tank as he saw the three girls from the student council coming out from the main building and approached the crew, followed by Miho, Saori and Hana.

Don and remind the guys one last time "Aight' boys, starts using those 5 years you spent in Japanese language class… thank god it saved my grade since I'm suck at Chemistry…"

Before the council president can even talk the 5 guys quickly bowed their heads and said in unison, in Japanese "Sore wa totemo yasashiku shite kudasai watashi no saisho no jikandesu…" (It's my first time to please be gentle)

This made the six girls blushes, seems like in the fit of nervousness, pressure and possibly panic of trying to make a good impression, the guys said the wrong sentence, they awkwardly look at each other before they quickly correct themselves, in unison "Watashi wa sore ga anata no subete o mitasu tame ni ureshīdesu imi shimasu" (I mean it's nice to meet you all)

This made the council president laughed, though her deputy wasn't as amused. She then spoke "Nice to meet you boys too, I'm Anzu Kadotani, the student council president"

She then gesture her hand toward the neck ribbon girl and said "This is my deputy, Momo Kawashima" which Momo responded by slightly bowed her head to greet the exchange students.

Anzu then pointed at the large chested girl and said "And this is Yuzu Koyama, our president of the propaganda division".

Yuzu shyly bowed her head and said "Nice to meet you all"

Anzu then look at Miho, Saori and Hana who was checking out the boys tank. Miho still looking at the word "Fury" written on the main cannon barrel with white paint with great curiosity.

The council president then gesture her hand at the three girls and said "Oh and this is one of our school newest Sensha-do members, Miho,Saori and Hana, your teams will be sharing the same hangar from now"

Miho, Saori and Hana quickly greet the boys when they hear they're being introduced.

Don then turns back to Anzu and said in japanese "I guess it's our turn prez… I'm Don Collier, people call me Wardaddy"

Grady then winked at Momo who retain a blank,cold as ice expression as he said in japanese "Names Grady Travis, or Coon-ass, but I prefer just…Coon, but you can call me whatever you you like."

Gordo then said in Japanese "I'm Trini Garcia, or El Gordo, you guys have some great food by the way"

Bible then spoke in Japanese "My name is Boyd Swan, my friends call me Bible"

Norman took a deep breath before he said "Um… My name is Norman Ellison… Don usually called me… Machine"

This kind of made the girls curious, there doesn't seems to be anything about Norman that earns him the nickname "Machine".

Anzu then said "Alright, now that we're properly introduced, let me show you guys and girls your hangar" as she gesture at the two groups to follow her and her deputies.

"What…the heck…is that…pile of junk?" Saori said as she looked at the old tank parking inside of the hangar, with the carterpillar track broken,the surface of the hull was heavily damaged by times and rust.

As Miho,Hana and Saori jump off Don's Sherman tank that they were offered to ride on, Anzu said "Well the Sensha-do program in our school was shut down for quite a while… we sell lots of tanks for scraps money… you know, for funding…"

Saori said "You can't expect us to drive this hunk of junk?"

Don, who have just got out to his tank after it parked near the old unidentified tank that belong to Miho's crew said "It's not FUBAR to me…"

Miho then approached the tank, carefully examine it as she said "Yes, the cartepillar track can be repair, a bit cleaning here and there and this beauty will be back in action in no times.."

Grady added in as he unloads the crew's luggage being strapped to the back of the Sherman "I can weld those tracks back together in seconds.. no biggie"

Miho smiled at him "Thank you so much mister Grady"

Grady nodded back as he help Gordo set up the tool cabinets while Bible and Don bring out a couple of lounge chairs.

Anzu seems impressed as she said "You boys sure packed a lot"

Don nodded "Yep, we pratically lives in the hangar prez, gotta find ways to make ourselves comfortable"

Anzu then said "Welp, I'll leave you guys to get to each other better… I look forward to our times together in the coming years,see ya soon" and left with Momo and Yuzu.

Now there are only Don and Miho's crew left with an akward silent.

Don then decided to broke the silent as he said "Hey, you girls need help with that?"

Miho who was obviously glad to hear so, smiled brightly "Yes, thank you so much"

End of Chapter 1