Chapter 9: It Wasn't a Dream (Part 1)

Note: was meaning to post this a lot sooner than now, but I forgot about it ^^' I will try to post/type some more chapters here soon, but I am more focused on my others first while this is sorta of here. So no promises on fast updates or anything, sorry about that. Please leave comments please~~

It had been a few since the bizarre dream, but it was almost completely forgotten when I was rushing around to get ready for my carination that was only a couple days away. Mikasa was organizing how everything was going to go, and how it was going too guarded, while Jean and Armin tried to keep me from flying off to the fields any free chance I got to get away for this mess of people.

I sighed for the twentieth time in the past hour as Armin and Sasha dug through my closet in search of something "appropriate" to wear to the carination, where most of the keeps people would be attending since it is a big thing when the crown is pasted down.

"Eren, it's not that bad," Armin said tired of my bitching through the last few days, "You should be happy that you are going to be king soon." He said giving one of my shirts a strange look before throwing on the ever growing pail of clothes on my bed.

"Yeah! Also think of all the good food that is going to be served," Sasha said beginning to droll at thought of the feast that would be held after everything. I just rolled my eyes at the two, it's not that I am not happy that I am going to get the crown here soon, it was just that I was hoping everything would be worked out by the time I got it instead of my rule being through war time.

"Eren do you have any good clothing for this?" Armin said as he once again throws another article on the bed.

I got up from the chair I had been sitting since they came in and demanded to let them riffle through my clothes so I can have something nice to wear, "Yeah, I should," I mumbled, "It might be under my bed since I hate those stiffy clothes and never want to wear them." I got down on to the floor, and stuck my hand underneath my bed.

"Really Eren, you put them underneath the bed?" Armin said with a sigh, "You should have given them to me or Mikasa to look after if you didn't want them in your closet. I stuck my tongue out at him when my fingers brushed against something cool. What the hell is that? I thought as I looked underneath now I saw something glisten when I did which I thought was strange, so I graded and brought it closer to me.

It was a ring, it was a silver with a black onyx sitting on top of it; it was designed for a man with how large the band was for it. It was a simple made ring, but it isn't something you would find here, it was then I thought back to the dream and what Levi pushed into my hand. Fuck. It hadn't been a dream, fuck what would he think when I nodded and never showed?

I pulled the ring out from underneath my bed and hid it from both Armin and Sasha.

"Okay you two get out now!" I said my thoughts rushing all over the place on what to do.

"But Eren we are trying to help you pick an outfit." Sasha whined. While Armin gave me a strange look trying to figure out what was going on. Sorry little mushroom I can't tell you just yet.

It took a couple minutes to usher them from my room, and few strange looks from them as well. But I could care less I needed to figure out what to do about this. I mean if I show up now would I be killed on the spot? Would I still be welcomed into their kingdom? If I showed up would I just be used as a bargaining piece in this war? There were a lot of questions I didn't have the answer to. I slide my back down the door trying to figure out what I would do. Would I stay here and risk the anger of the snakes on not showing up when I promised or do I go and see if I can make peace with them.

I sat there for what seemed like hours trying to think of the best plan of action was. I sighed dusting myself off after sitting on the floor to long. Well it looks like I will need a change of clothes. I changed quickly then stopped, how am I going to tell someone that I'm leaving and not for them to follow me. It took me a minute before I remember an old signal that I used with Mikasa, Jean, and Armin when I wanted to be left alone for a while. I wrote a quick note saying that I went out for a bit, saying that I needed to be alone to work on a strategy that might take down the snakes once and for all. With that I sat it on my table knowing someone will come by my room sooner or later to come and get me for something.

I started my way out then froze thinking I should bring a knife, away to protect myself. I stood there contemplating for a moment then continued walking out, taking the risk of not having a weapon on me of any sort.

It took me a couple hours to fly to the outskirts of serpiente lands, I landed in an opening of trees changing forms to continue my journey on foot. I wasn't too sure how the little truce Levi promised me would held up if I flew all the way to the palace. It wasn't even after a moment of me landing I felt a present slowly winding their way though the shadow of the trees closing in on me.

It took everything I had not to change forms and fly away from the approaching danger; outstep from the shadows a man and a woman, their eyes gleaming as if I was some sorta of treasure.

The woman had strawberry blond hair, and these beautiful color amber eyes, she was dressed in a white button up shirt and had a tan jacket over it with a strange symbol of blue and white wings overlapping one another. She had on some tight pants, but that allowed her to move freely as she wished. She also carried a staff that was almost taller than herself, hanging on her back. The man of the two had blond hair that was put up in a bun, keeping from stay piece falling into his eyes, he wore the same thing that the women was wearing, but had a green cloak on that had the same strange symbol on it.

"Well look what we have here, Eld," the woman spoke breaking the silence that had envelop us, "a small little bird has strayed on to out hunting grounds." She took a step closer to me while her partner stayed closer to the tree line.

I tensed wanting to keep my eyes on both of them, but not wanting to turn around in a circle as she walked around me. As she made her way around me she stopped right behind me and kicked my knees causing me to tumble to the ground I tried to get up but the staff that was hidden till now hit me on my back keeping me on the forest floor. I bit my lip not allowing a yelp to escape my lips. She than proceed to bound my wrist limiting my escape even more.

"Eld, check him," She said once again to the man that hasn't moved from his spot. She stood in front of me not her staff pushing my face into the ground, but here I sat trying my best to say as calm as possible.

I felt Eld run his hands through my clothing checking for any weapons that might have been on my person, but frowned when found nothing. He reached into the pocket where I put the ring and pulled it out.

"Th-That's-" I didn't get a chance to explain myself when I felt the staff bite into my back once again halting anything I had to say.

"Look here Petra," Eld said showing her the ring that he just found. The woman, Petra, brows came together in confusion.

"I was tempted to kill you right here, but Levi would be mad if we did that," Petra sighed motioning for me to stand.

It took us 30 awkward minutes me stumbling through the woods to get to the serpiente palace. When we reached the front gate, two more guards joined us, and lead us in a labyrinth of a maze of twist and turns. It looks like escaping from here will be highly impossible for me. We came to these solid wooden doors which open up to this grand dining room.

There in the room was a long mahogany table, the floors made of dark snake skin in these elaborate patterns that seem to dance through the room swirling into one another making it look like dancers. A hit once again to my legs causing me to almost face plant into the cold hard floor, if it wasn't for one of the convent placed staffs that was in front of me I surely would have face planted.

"You go get Levi, tell him he is need in the dining hall." Petra said pointing to one of the guards that were guarding the door. I almost laughed thinking that they need so many guards to keep an eye on one unarmed tied up hawk; but I thought back to when Isabell was captive with us and how many guards where in one room when mom and I visited her.

I was pulled from my thoughts as those grand doors open showing the king of the serpiente, Levi Ackerman. Petra walked over to him slipping her arms around his waist pecking him lightly on his check, I felt my own checks warm at the display, but no one else seem to blink an eye on what was happening as if this was a normal thing.

"Petra," Levi sighed sounding a little annoyed even though his face didn't show it, "What do you need I was in an import…" He cut himself off when his eyes met mine grey eyes flashing with anger.

I shook underneath that white hot gaze, fears of dying entered my head for the second time that day.