The people in Odaiba were unaware of the danger that is coming. That was until those in the center of the city heard something. They all saw the skies turn dark as the clouds covered it. The portal Hydroumon opened up was in that area of town and his army walked through it and the people ran scared. Hydroumon walked through and breathed in the real world air.

"My new kingdom." Hydroumon said as a tail grew out of him. His metamorphosis was still progressing as he was slowly taking over the real world.

Hydroumon's Castle

All of the digidestine and their digimon were still unconscious. All of them were slowly beginning to wake up.

"That's one guy you really don't want to annoy." Ross said.

"Is everyone okay?" Sora said. No one seemed to have sustain any serious injuries or broken bones and all the digimon were still able to stay in their strongest forms.

"Why didn't Hydroumon finish us?" Cody said.

"I overheard him say that he wants us to anguish in our failure." Lillymon said.

"Have we failed? Hydroumon is in the real world and Davis is gone." Tai said and everyone was starting to feel the anguish Hydroumon wanted to put in them.

"No, we couldn't have." Kari said.

"We haven't failed." T.K. said. "What is wrong with all of you? Why do you want to keep giving up before the battle has been decided?"

"It's next to impossible to defeat Hydroumon." Izzy said.

"He's more powerful than Malomyotismon. He's practically invincible." Cody said.

"There hasn't been a single enemy we've met that we can't beat. If we're still alive then we must still be able to fight." T.K. said.

"How can you still have so much hope? Even if it is your crest, surely you must see that it's next to impossible." Joe said.

"I guess that T.K. has inherited Davis' spirit." Magnamon said. "For that, I thank you. If it weren't for you T.K., Davis and I would still be serving under Hydroumon's power."

"That's why we have to keep fighting. Davis is still in Hydroumon's clutches." T.K. said. "For a moment, I could feel him fighting Hydroumon. He's fighting to regain control, but he's losing. I say we give Hydroumon one last strike. We either come out as the victors or dead. That's what we were meant for as digidestine. I just need to know if you guys are with me." T.K.'s spirit glowed brighter than they ever have. If he could still fight, they all would as well.

The Real World

All of the digidestine had their digimon revert back to their rookie forms, except Magnamon, and reemerged in the computer room, but the entire room was dark. You could barely see anything in there.

"Why are the lights out?" Mimi said.

"Hey, take a look out here." Ross said as they all looked outside. The skies were dark, there was no power around, and all the people were missing. "I've heard of ghost town, but this takes it to a new level." All of them were wondering what was going on out there, but no one said as thing as a roar kept all of them.

"What was that horrible sound?" Biyomon said.

"It sounds like it isn't all that far." Tai said. They all ran outside, but it was all the same. It was dark and deserted. There wasn't a sign of life anywhere.

"Where is everyone?" Yolei said.

"There's no way Hydroumon could have wiped everyone out already." Joe said.

"They aren't." They all looked across the street to see Gennai carrying a sheathed sword.

"Gennai! What happened, where is everyone?" Izzy said.

"They were either captured or in hiding by Hydroumon." Gennai said. They all heard the roar from before and they saw a purple dragon with multiple heads and the rest of its body serpent like at the top of the tallest building in the city.

"What is that thing?" Mimi said.

"That is Hydroumon's true form, the Dark Hydra." Gennai said. "The form he was in until now was a seal. That was until he gained the power from Davis' crest and took over."

"So that's why he was so interested in Davis. He wanted to use his power to restore his true form." Ken said.

"It got worse when Davis was growing more powerful. The more powerful Davis became, the more power Hydroumon would have. If you don't stop him here and now, it might as well be the end of the world." Gennai said. "I know you'll want to be the one, T.K."

"You would be right." T.K. said.

"Take this." Gennai said. He unsheathed the sword and it looked like it was made from crystal or marble. "This sword should infuse the power of your crest with it. This might be the only weapon that can truly harm him." T.K. took the sword and it began to glow a yellow color.

"Let's finish this." T.K. said. At the building where Hydroumon rested, his whole army gathered around him like guards ready to protect their king.

"It's marvelous." Hydroumon said. "The world will soon be mine." He was bathing in his triumph until he heard a commotion happening down below. He looked to see the digidestine with their digimon fighting. "You insects again. You should have stayed away."

"Why don't you come down here and fight us yourself?" Tai said as he pulled his eye down and stuck out his tongue.

"My mistake for not finishing you off. Destroy every one of them!" Hydroumon ordered. As they were fighting, Kari and T.K. with Seraphimon and Magnamon were sneaking behind the building.

"Alright, we have to strike him while we can." Seraphimon said.

"Kari, I think it's best that you help the others. This is my fight." T.K. said.

"I know. I just want to make sure you'll come back with Davis." Kari said.

"I will. I made a promise two years ago and now is the time for me to fulfil that promise." T.K. said.

"I'm going with you." Magnamon said and T.K. agreed. He reached inside his pocket and put on Davis' goggles to show that he held the courage and strength to end it all.

"Take me up." T.K. said. Seraphimon grabbed T.K. and both digimon started flying. They thought they had the element of surprise, but that was a mistake. One of Hydroumon's heads saw them as they made it to the roof.

"Did you honestly think you could sneak up on me?" Hydroumon said and one of his heads breathed out purple fire. The two digimon moved out of the way. Seraphimon let go of T.K. and he rolled on the roof. Hydroumon turned completely around and T.K. saw that Davis was in the chest surrounded my multiple smaller dragon heads made of energy.

"This is your last chance to release Davis or you'll be killed for sure." T.K. said.

"Don't you get it? You can't defeat me. I am invincible." Hydroumon said. The smaller heads launched themselves at T.K., but he used the sword to cut them down. Seraphimon and Magnamon flew around Hydroumon and kept pounding him in any head they can.

"Dark Dragon Demise."

The heads launched multiple attacks of flames and energy blasts. Seraphimon and Magnamon tried to avoid them, but it was difficult. Maganmon avoided a flame, but got blasted by energy into a building.

"Strike Of The Seven Stars."

Seraphimon launched his stars and managed to hit a head, but it didn't do much good. Hydroumon brought up his tail and swatted him away. T.K. was running to Davis. He cut down as many heads as he could, but there were too many. Soon they coiled around him.

"It's over. Down below, your friends are slowly being demised." Hydroumon said as the digidestine and their digimon were being pushed back by the dragon soldiers. "They will die with everyone."

"Damn you! You won't win. There will always be light in your darkness." T.K. said.

"You foolish boy. Your crest is of hope. There is no hope in this world. Hope is for fools who hold no power. I hold power and I'll crush whatever you believe is hope." Hydroumon said.

"You're wrong! Hope is what keeps all alive. Hope is what gives us the will to fight. You could never take that away from us." T.K. said. "Failing to see that will be your destruction. I made a promise and that allowed me to give hope to others and myself. I've kept that promise for years and the time has come for me to fulfil it." He was able to move his arm and slashed away at all the dragons as he was glowing as bright as an angel. Seraphimon and Maganmon followed his lead.

"Strike Of The Seven Stars."

"Magna Blast."

Both of them launched their attacks and blasted him. T.K. kept going and was able to make it to Davis. He kept slashing the heads away as he reached out to him. He grabbed Davis' arm and tried to pull him free.

"It's time to let my friend go!" T.K. shouted. He pulled with all of his might and was able to break Davis free. He tossed the sword in and pierced Hydroumon. "Seraphimon, Magnamon, end this now!"

"You've got it." Magnamon said.

"This nightmare is coming to an end." Seraphimon said. The two of them overlapped their hands and created a ball of light. It wasn't just the power of those two. It was the power of Davis and T.K. coming together. They launched a brilliant gold beam and it blasted where the sword was. It was like the sun was rising inside of Hydroumon and the light was burning him.

"NO! NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Hydroumon roared as the light exploded into a pillar of light. Light was entering the city again. The sky cleared and Hydroumon's army turned into dust and the building was turned into a crater. All of the digidestined opened their eyes and saw everything that was happening.

"What happened? Did we win?" Matt said.

"I think so." Ross said.

"Wait, where are Davis and T.K.?" Kari asked. They all looked around to see if either of them survived.

"Guys!" They saw T.K. come out with their digimon and had Davis leaning over his shoulder. He moved himself and showed that he was alive and everyone was happy.


The Next Day

Davis and Veemon returned home and his family was never happier in their lives. He was glad to be home himself and was never going to doubt their love for him again. T.K. returned the goggles and was proud to wear them again.

"Feels good to be home again?" He saw that Kari was by his bedroom door. Veemon decided to give them some privacy and stepped out.

"What are you doing here?" Davis said.

"Just came to see how you were doing after the other day." Kari said.

"I'm a little sore, but I'll be fine." Davis said. "Listen, T.K. actually told me what happened that night. He told me that you loved me." That was what Kari blushed. "How can you still after everything that just happened."

"I don't care about that. You came back and that's all I ever wanted." Kari said as she walked over to him. "I'm sorry I never recognized your feelings before, but I want to start again."

"Does this mean what I think it means?" Davis said.

"It does." Kari said. She placed her hands on his face and kissed him. The reason Davis left was proven wrong and what he wanted all along was now with him. "But don't ever leave me like that again." She warned him by poking his chest and he gave a nervous smile as the two embraced each other.



T.K. stood on the roof of their building and stood at the clear blue sky, glad that it was all over.

"There you are." He saw Ross came up behind him.

"Hey Ross." T.K. said and Ross stood next to him.

"So I guess everything is as normal as things get for you guys now." Ross said.

"Yeah. At least until the next bad guy comes. What are you going to do now? Gennai brought you here to help us." T.K. said.

"I kind of like this place, but America is my home. Maybe I'll swing by every now and then. So what's going on with you and Davis?" Ross said. T.K. looked down to see Kari and Davis holding hands. Davis saw him and waved. Friendship was made even stronger, the danger has passed, and the promise to a friend was made.