Chapter 5:

A month had passed and the couple returned from the doctor's with an excellent check-up. Beast Boy's medicine was improving his condition and slowly but surely, he was making his way as close to his old self as he can be. Roxy was always around to keep him calm and he saw her as his child. He began calling himself "daddy" for comedic effect. He was sitting on the couch with Roxy laying in his lap receiving a beloved belly rub, when Raven came up behind the couch and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing his cheek.

"I can see you're a lot happier. I'm not sure if it's the medicine or the puppy, but I don't care. I love seeing you happy."

"Yeah, I feel there's been an improvement in the last month and I'm comfortable with where things are going with you and wouldn't mind taking things to the next level." He turned his head and pecked her lips.

"Well," she seemed shocked, "In that case there's something I need to tell you."

"What's that?" He asked intrigued. She came around the couch and sat facing him.

She sighed, "There's really no gentle way to put this, but there's going to be another reason to call yourself 'daddy'."

He smiled, "I know."

"I know it's spontaneous news and I didn't know exactly how to tell you but-."

He grinned sly and raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean you knew?" She asked.

"Baby, you're talking to the King of the Animal Kingdom. It's a primal instinct to know when your mate is pregnant."

"Ew. Don't call me your 'mate'. That just sounds weird," she laughed.

"You're right. Maybe I should start calling you my fiancé."

Her mouth dropped.

"I never had time to leave and go pick out a ring, but it's on my to-do list."

They both laughed, "It's on your to-do list? I made it on the to-do list. I feel special."

"Well, you are. You're my baby and I love you."

This was the first time he'd said he loved her.

"You said it…" she was shocked.

"Of course I said it. I say what I feel and I love you. I want to pick out a ring for you and move into a house and start our family."

"I thought you weren't one for spontaneous plans?" She giggled with excitement.

"I'm not. But this is something I've been thinking about for a couple weeks."

"Couple weeks? How long have you known I was pregnant?"

He thought in his head and casually did the math, "Eh. Two weeks?"

"And you didn't tell me!"

"Uhh… I didn't think I was supposed to."

"I found out two days ago… you knew two weeks ago… Something's wrong with this scenario."

He shrugged, "Doesn't matter. What matters is I get to spend the rest of my life with the woman I love and my two beautiful children and their favorite puppy, Roxy."

"Wait, two?"

He winked. She couldn't take her excitement anymore and pounced on him for a tight hug.

"You're scaring the dog," he laughed.

"I'm having twins?!"

"Uh. Excuse me? We're having twins. I believe I did half the work, if not most."

"I'm too excited to even care about your smartass comments right now."

"How 'bout this? I name the boy, you name the girl?"

"Will you stop ruining surprises for me? How do you even know the gender right now?"


"Well, I don't know about you, but I've already had a baby name planned out for a while."

"Oh yeah?" he asked. "Let's hear it."
"Emma Elizabeth."

"Not bad. I like Michael Taylor."

She laughed and tears of joy formed in her eyes.

"I love you, Gar."
"I love you too, baby. I know I'm not the best with showing you my affection, but you mean the absolute world to me and I want to give you what you deserve." He leaned over and kissed her passionately.

Well, that's that. I decided to give them a happy ending with a family. My story (if you care) was attempting to have a relationship with an OEF soldier who had come home with PTSD. I never understood what it meant to take care of someone with that condition until he and I had our thing. Even though it fell through, still one of the best relationships I've ever had. Hope you enjoyed!