Of Names

Author's notes: Non-sex chapter, oops. At least it's a two for one day. Also, these two were the ones I had in my "ready to go up" file so it might take a little bit for the next chapter...not that it's unusual. Arg. Sorry? *pouts*

WARNING: Mention of mature subject matter including boobs, lesbians, bondage sex, swearing, and general no-plot sex in every sense of the word...er, every other chapter besides this one.

I don't own the Naruto-verse. I'm just borrowing for the Hell of it.

"What about Hideaki?"

Hizashi looked up at his wife and frowned. Sarada was seven months pregnant with their first kid, a boy, and they still hadn't decided on a name. For some reason, she wanted an 'h' name. It was cool of her to want to keep on with the Hyuuga family traditions but...

"I have a cousin named Hideaki and he's a jackass," Hizashi said.

She hummed at him and he went back to cleaning his kunai. How the Hell he managed to bang up his kunai on an information gathering mission was beyond him but his weapons needed to be in good working order. Sure, he might not get another mission for months but that didn't mean he could let his precious weapons get ugly.

"Hiro?" Sarada suggested.

Hizashi lifted his head to watch her arranging flowers in a vase. She didn't like keeping still while she was pregnant so he didn't mention she had arranged these same flowers yesterday. No need for her to punch him through a wall.

"One of my cousins just had a girl and named her Hiro," Hizashi said.

Sarada winced but nodded. He found a knick on his kunai and began scrubbing it away as Sarada kept arranging the flowers Ino-sama had given them a few days ago.


Hizashi had no doubt his little peanut would spread happiness in the world but the name sounded weird. Besides, people would shorten it to Hiro or Yuki which was plain wrong. And there was the fact...

"Another cousin that's got a stick up his ass for being from the "Main" line,"

"You have too many relatives,"

"I hate most of them,"

Hizashi winked when she raised her eyebrows at him. She grinned and went back to putting the flowers back into the vase.

"I hope you don't include Shi, Shun, and Hatomi in that list," Sarada said.

Hizashi snorted and flicked his kunai when she looked at him. He caught it and frowned when he noticed it was off balance. He had taken too much off one side in sharpening it. Time to even it up.

"Shi and Shun: never. Hatomi and me, well, you know we've got a weird relationship," Hizashi said.

Sarada nodded with a grin on her face. Sure, he loved his sister but she could be a royal pain in the ass sometimes, especially on missions where it was the two of them. He swore she had gotten the Hawk mask to spite him in getting the Boar mask. She could've chosen the Tiger or Monkey but no, she had to pick the Hawk.


Hizashi huffed. They didn't need to name their first born like a Hyuuga despite the fact the kid would carry the last name. Well, hopefully. Hizashi and Sarada had agreed to keep their last names and let whatever eyes their child got determine whether they were a Hyuuga or Uchiha. Onyx would mean Uchiha with Sharingan while gold like his or white like his dad's and the kid would be a Hyuuga.

If the child came out with one of each, well, they could pick when they were older. Sakura-sama had told them it would be hard to test genetically for which eye trait would be more dominate considering both he and Sarada weren't full Hyuuga or Uchiha.

"Hizashi, what about Hikaru?"

"Relative Hikaru was one of the ones who held Shun down,"

Sarada scowled then shook her head. Hizashi fixed his kunai then tossed it into the air. It was perfect again so he put it to a side before plucking another one from the to-be-cleaned pile. Sarada finished with the flowers then put them on the table, shifting the vase around to get the perfect angle.


"Relative who wanted to marry Hanabi-sama even though he's like twenty years older,"


"Yeah, she gave me permission to make him a pin-cushion. It was a great day,"

Sarada got the perfect angle on the vase then came into the living room where he sharpened his hoard. She said nothing about him leaving his weapons around as she eased down onto the couch before picking up her knitting. Their kid wouldn't need store-bought clothes. The sheer amount of booties, hats, and onesie Sarada had knitted would keep the kid clothed for a year or more.




"It'd be weird,"


She rolled her eyes at him but the little smile on her face meant she didn't mind too much. The light clicking of her knitting needles was soothing as he continued polishing his kunai.


"Just because it means beginning and he's our first kid,"

"Fine, fine,"

She shook her head at him this time before pulling more yarn for the hat she made. He would laugh if their kid was allergic to the wool she used. She'd punch him but it'd be a fun fight. He tossed up his kunai and grinned before catching it and putting it in the finished pile.


"Three relatives have that name including a girl,"

"But it's not unisex,"

"Like that matters,"

Hizashi offered her a shrug when she raised her eyebrows at him. She went back to knitting, a little frown on her face and her eyes slightly narrowed. Her eyebrows had come together a bit as she thought.


"An elder and a new born,"


Sarada kept knitting as her frowned deepened. They had been playing this naming game for the entire day. Hizashi was impressed she knew so many names that began with the letter 'h' for their son. Really, he wouldn't care what his son was called.


Except that. And everything else she had suggested today. It wasn't his fault the entire Hyuuga clan liked to use names beginning with the same letter except for the rare occasion.

"One letter off from Hiden and one of my relatives—"

"Has the name and he kicks puppies,"

She gave him an exasperated look when he blinked at her. He coughed to hide a laugh but she shook her head at him before ignoring him for hat number twenty-three. It could have been hat twenty-four, really, he had lost count and she used neutral thread which all kind of looked the same to him.

"I don't think I've seen anyone kicking puppies but I wouldn't put it past some relatives," Hizashi said.

"Yeah, I wouldn't either. Haruo?"

"It's summer,"


"That would confuse people,"

Knitting needles hurt when flung by a pregnant, skilled kunoichi like his wife. Hizashi would have to remember that. He tossed her needles back to her and she muttered before going back to it. He knew she hadn't meant his name as a potential name for their son but it was fun to tease her. Besides, she didn't stay mad at him for long.

"We need to name him," Sarada said.

"We still have a few weeks," Hizashi said.

She sighed but nodded. They spent the next few minutes doing their thing and he tossed up another kunai before catching it and putting it into the done pile. Hizashi got to his feet when a knock came to the door and grinned when mom and dad walked in.

Mom carried a huge bowl full of food while dad had one hand on mom's lower back and the other at his side. Hizashi took the food, knowing if he didn't mom would smack him with it. He got his wicked aim from her so decided it best not to test it.

"Hey sweetie, hey Sarada," mom said.

"Hi, thanks for the food," Sarada said.

"Yeah, thanks," Hizashi said.

Mom pulled his shirt so he bent so she could kiss his cheek. He couldn't help being a foot taller than her. He had the same problem with his wife but normally Sarada jumped into his arms. The shift in her center of gravity had kind of stopped that.

Mom went to go sit beside Sarada while dad took a seat in the big comfy chair in their living room. Hizashi put the food away (chicken fried rice) in the fridge along with the various other leftovers mom gave them. He did find the two bowls they had finally emptied.

"Here, these are yours," Hizashi said.

He placed them on the table and mom thanked him before going back to talking to Sarada about how Sarada felt. Sarada kept knitting and talking to mom so Hizashi went back to his kunai as dad got comfortable in the chair behind Hizashi.

The door opened a few minutes later to reveal Sasuke and Sakura-sama. Sakura-sama sat beside Sarada on the couch while Sasuke sat stiffly in the other chair across from dad. Hizashi felt a flash of annoyed chakra from dad but said nothing. He tossed his kunai and caught it before putting it in the done pile.

"So have you guys figured out a name?" Sakura-sama asked.

"I'm trying to but Hizashi keeps shooting them all down," Sarada said with a sigh.

"Why?" mom asked.

"Hyuuga relatives," Hizashi said.


At least dad agreed with him. Sasuke smirked but it disappeared quickly when Sakura-sama rolled her eyes. Mom shook her head as Sarada finished the hat. She tossed it onto the table then let out a breath.

"But hey, we still have weeks," Hizashi said.

"I'm not going to have you calling our son peanut, butter-muffin, lumpy, bumper, or any other weird nickname you come up with until we have a name," Sarada said.

Hizashi grinned.

"So I can do it all I want after, sweetie?" Hizashi questioned.

She stared at him for a moment then snorted. She had a smile on her face while mom and Sakura-sama laughed. Hizashi heard dad hum from behind, amused, and saw Sasuke raise his eyebrows in question. Hizashi didn't feel like explaining.

Sasuke. Hizashi considered it a moment. Everyone loved he had been named after his long-dead grandpa and it was an honor to carry on the name. Maybe they could do the same with their son.

"Hey, what about Itachi?" Hizashi asked.

He felt the murderous chakra rise from behind him and was glad he had a kunai in his hand even if it was dull. Hizashi saw Sasuke's eyes widen and his jaw drop then he made a face like he walked into a pile of mud or something. Mom and Sakura gaped at him while Sarada tilted her head to a side. She shook her head.

"That's too weird," Sarada said.

"What? Why?" Hizashi asked.

Sarada stuck her tongue out at him and he tried not to smile. Win the discussion first then kiss his wife for being too darned cute.

"Naming our son after my dead uncle?" Sarada questioned.

She grimaced then pouted. He stared at her a moment then shook his head. He flicked a kunai in the air then put it aside.

"Um hi, I'm named after my dead grandpa," Hizashi replied.


Hizashi looked between dad and Sasuke who had synced. They looked as stunned as he felt. Mom laughed outright while Sakura-sama covered her mouth with a hand. Sarada rolled her eyes but had a smile on her face.

"Why?" Hizashi asked.

"It would be strange and he was my brother," Sasuke said.

"Most people do not believe the truth behind Itachi's actions," dad said.

They both made good points. Hizashi shrugged it off glad dad had gone back to lounging comfortably and not about to kill him for suggesting a name.

"Anyway, are there any 'h' names you guys can use without it reminding you of a relative?" Sakura-sama asked.

"Apparently not," Sarada answered. "I'm pretty sure I've tried them all."

"Hn, there is a master list if you wish," dad said.

Hizashi stared at him and saw dad smiling lightly. Hizashi sighed before looking to Sarada who had an interested look on her face. Hizashi groaned.

"It doesn't have to be an 'h' name. Besides, screw Hyuuga tradition," Hizashi said.

"That's my boy," mom said.

Dad hummed from behind him and Hizashi smirked. Sarada huffed but inclined her head. Her eyes landed on his kunai then looked to mom. A smile came on her face.

"Ryuu," Sarada said.

Hizashi opened his mouth then closed it. Dragon. He had no problems naming their first kid dragon considering his and his mom's signature attacks.

"Hyuuga Ryuu," dad said.

"Or Uchiha Ryuu," Sasuke said.

"Sounds good either way," mom said.

"I like it," Hizashi added.

"Ryuu then," Sarada said.

Hizashi smiled. It had taken them months to settle on a name and today had been day, well; he lost count of Sarada offering a name and him saying no or him saying a name and her making a face. He wouldn't mention how Hyuuga Ryuu sounded better but his son had a name. An awesome name too and one that had special meaning for the whole family.

Hizashi completely understood what dad meant about the awe of holding his newborn would never get old. His son, Ryuu, stared at him with huge golden eyes as he sat on his mother's lap. Sarada was grinning despite being exhausted and having her hair a sweaty mess around her head. Her glasses were off and she held Ryuu tightly around the waist as he stared at his little sister in Hizashi's arms.

His daughter had been born about an hour ago and Hizashi couldn't stop staring at her. He couldn't tell the color of her eyes because she refused to open them. It meant a good indication of Byakugan but there was still time for onyx eyes to be revealed.

"Hi pumpkin," Hizashi whispered when she yawned.

"Why's she food?" Ryuu asked.

He grinned when Sarada poked him in the back. He winked at her and she shook her head at him. Hizashi winked.

"Because we don't have a name and your dad likes weird nicknames," Sarada said.

Ryuu blinked then met his eyes. Hizashi nodded and Ryuu looked down at his sister again.

"Her head is pumpkin," Ryuu said.

Hizashi kept his laugh back as Sarada groaned and laid back in the bed. His little girl kept napping and Hizashi grinned. Dad would love to see little pumpkin in the morning and Hizashi couldn't wait.

"Daddy, what I?" Ryuu asked.

Hizashi looked to his son and kissed Ryuu's bare forehead. Ryuu didn't understand what all the forehead kisses meant but he would someday. They would mean so much more to his son then.

"You're muffin," Hizashi said.

Ryuu gaped then pouted. Hizashi watched as his son shook his head, thick black hair flying everywhere at once.

"No wanna be food," Ryuu said.

"Ha," Sarada added.

Hizashi rolled his eyes then shifted so he lay down beside his wife. Ryuu sprawled between them and kept staring at Hizashi expectantly.

"Fine, fine, how about, cutie-patootie?" Hizashi tried.

Ryuu made a face which made Sarada laugh.

"No," Ryuu said.

"Honey bear?"



"You bad at names,"

Ryuu had a pout on his face but Sarada was laughing her butt off. Pumpkin made a little whining sound and they all went quiet to look at her. Sarada hummed and Hizashi looked to her.

"What about Hana?"

"Here mom, hold pumpkin,"

Hizashi offered mom his little girl and mom grinned before taking her first granddaughter. Hizashi wasn't going to make pumpkin his last child, no way. He was planning to have a full house like he had grown up in. Besides, it'd be fun to have a sort of competition with Shun when it came to how many kids they had.

"Pumpkin, I'm starting to think that's her real name," mom said.

"She food," Ryuu mentioned from the floor.

Dad hummed in amusement from helping Ryuu play with his shinobi toy set. Sarada grinned from her position at the stove. Hizashi grabbed the bowl his wife needed from the shelf way above her head and she nodded in thanks.

"We've combed through every baby book," Sarada said.

"And we still can't agree on a name," Hizashi said.

"Poor little buttercup," mom said.

Hizashi coughed to hide a laugh when Sarada rolled her eyes. She shook her head then smacked him with a wooden spoon. He yelped but laughed at her exasperated look. Hizashi heard dad chuckle and went back to helping Sarada with lunch.

"Honestly, we've tried every name," Sarada said.

"Still say we should stick with pumpkin. I mean, we've been calling her that for two months," Hizashi said.

This got him another smack but he didn't mind so much. Mom was cooing at pumpkin while pumpkin smiled and giggled, golden eyes bright. Sasuke was disappointed neither of his grandkids had Sharingan but dad was bursting with pride both would end up Byakugan users. Apparently dealing with non-pure breed Hyuuga and Uchiha, Hyuuga trumped.

"You can't call her pumpkin," mom said.

"Thank you," Sarada said with a grin.

"How about dumpling?" Hizashi suggested.

Sarada shook her head at him but mom smiled. Dad snorted and Hizashi turned to see Ryuu looking at him in amazement.

"Why always food?" Ryuu asked.

"Because it's fun," Hizashi replied.

Ryuu blinked then looked to dad for an explanation. Dad shrugged.

"Your obasan does the same," dad said.

This made Ryuu shake his head. Dad chuckled at Ryuu but continued playing shinobi with him.

"Butter muffin?" Hizashi offered.

"No, no food. What about Aya?"

"Urg, too simple. Sakuro?"

"What? That's too close to my mama's name. Suko?"

"Sounds funny. Ine?"

"Where are you pulling these from? No, jeez. Dori?"

"It sounds like a fish. I thought you said no food?"

Hizashi yelped when something smacked him in the back of the head. He saw Sarada got the same smack and stared when mom glared at them. Pumpkin was in her high chair, happily cooing.

"I won't have my granddaughter having some crazy name. Kaida, after my mother," Tenten said.

Hizashi ignored dad chuckling and looked to Sarada. There were tears in his wife's eyes but a huge grin on her face. Hizashi grinned and nodded.

"It's perfect! Thank you Tenten," Sarada said.

"Why didn't you name Hatomi after grandma?" Hizashi asked.

Mom shrugged before pulling little Kaida into her arms.

"I liked the name Hatomi. Plus I had a feeling our first son would be Hizashi. See, if Shi or Shun had been girls or if Mr. Grumpy-puss would've wanted more kids then there would've been a Kaida," mom explained.

"Ah but then Hizashi would not be able to use the name," dad said.

Hizashi knew what was coming. Mom all ready started glaring but dad had a coy grin on his face.

"It was fate," dad said.

Hizashi laughed as mom groaned. Senbon flew through the air but dad caught them. Ryuu didn't even move and Hizashi couldn't help being proud of his dragon for that.

"We've talked about you and that f-word," mom muttered.


Dad's amused sound. Hizashi shook his head. He had a dragon and a "little dragon." Hizashi had no issues with this and hoped his dragons wouldn't mind more little ones. Hizashi still wanted a team or two and Sarada was totally okay with it. Besides, coming up with names wasn't all that bad.

So, I totally found "Kaida" on a name generator site that didn't have meanings then went to look it up and boom: Kaida means 'little dragon.' It works. Reviews welcome.