Really? Another series? Glutton for punishment, that's me...

Sherlock and John stared at each other over the debris and settling cloud of brick dust.

On the concrete floor between them lay the remains of a wall that had been pushed (with malice decidedly aforethought) from where it had stood, precariously balanced on the first floor or the derelict house.

A noise from above broke the spell and Sherlock sprinted off, John close behind him as they raced up the stairs.

"That way." Sherlock pointed left as his feet took him to the right.

"Be careful." John huffed, his Sig already in his hand as he slowed his pace and slipped into the shadows.

Ahead of Sherlock the would-be killer dodged in and out of bare, dilapidated rooms looking for an escape.

And ahead of the would-be killer John stalked forward, eyes adjusted to the gloom as he watched for subtle shifts of shadow. He didn't have to wait long.

In one smooth movement John located the man and stepped out in front of him, Sig aimed and deadly. Seeing he was trapped the perpetrator looked first at Sherlock, then back at John.

A kind of slow motion horror filled John as he noted how close to the collapsing outer wall the man was, but his voice froze in his throat as, without realising the danger the man stepped back...