I have officially come to terms with the fact that I have a problem. I keep starting stories and then getting bored with them before I finish them. I really wanna finish this story because now I actually have an idea for the end. However, it's your job as my wonderful readers to provide me with encouragement so I get reminded that I need to update my stories. So, please, bombard me with constant messages asking for the next chapter. In the meantime, please enjoy this snippet of some Sam and Ember moments. If you'd like me to ship it, I won't complain.

Sam groaned as she plopped down on the front steps of Master's mansion. They weren't home. There was no reason for her to come here. And now here she sat, with a dead phone, a bookbag full of homework and no more cash to pay for a bus ride home. She was stuck and she had no plan on how to get home.

"Just had to act on impulse, huh punk?" a voice said from behind her.

Sam turned to see Ember grinning with her arms crossed.

"Punk? What kind of name is that?" Sam said, standing, too tired to ignore the comment. "And I thought it was a good impulse."

"Well here's the thing, baby pop. Daniel and Mr. Masters are in Gotham for the weekend. The entire place is empty. All the servants went home. And you're alone." Ember smirked, putting her hands on her hips.

"Is there a point to this conversation? I'm tired and trying to assess where I'll be sleeping tonight."

Ember smirked again as she walked down the steps to face Sam.

"Lucky for you, Daniel anticipated you'd do something like this so he had me stay here to make sure you didn't get yourself killed. I hate it but Daniel knows what's best so you can stay here for a night to get your energy back." Ember tossed her hair over her shoulder and turned to open the large doors in front of them.

"You're helping me? Danny knew I'd do this?" Sam asked, following the girl into the mansion.

"Yeah, he's brilliant, you know. Absolutely amazing. He knew making you leave last weekend wouldn't be the end of this bizarre idea that he's a stolen child and that you have to get him to his family along with the fact he's constantly in danger because of being overworked and surrounded by ghosts." Ember rambled, waving her hand around as she talked. "He also predicted you'd be suspicious of me and rush over to the mansion as soon as you got the idea into your head that I was a ghost."

"You're not?"

."No, I am. I just liked that he predicted it so quickly. I've only been at that stupid school for a couple days. I'm in charge of keeping an eye on you and protecting Valerie in case a ghost ever came by trying to get to the Master's family through her. I'm not saying she can't fight, bitch is a blackbelt, I'm just saying ghosts are tougher than any form of fighting that you living's seem to have."

Sam nodded, ignoring the obvious praises toward Daniel.

Before deciding she was curious about it.

"Why so much praise towards Danny?" she asked.

Ember gave her a look like she was an idiot before rolling her eyes.

"First of all, his name is Daniel. Secondly, you don't know him, he's spent so much time making his father happy that he's never got to enjoy anything for himself. He's constantly studying and practicing just to make sure he's ready for when his father gives him the company. His mother isn't the only one worried about him. Sure, Vlad has some good traits but he's blind to the weight of stress Daniel has on his shoulders. Now he has ghost powers he has to learn to control in addition to his already packed schedule." Ember slumped into one of the chairs surrounding the dining room table. "Sometimes, I just want to take him away from it all, ya know?"

Sam was silent, completely consumed by her thoughts until the question was addressed to her.

"Why don't you?" she asked. "I mean, Danny isn't even from the Masters family. He should be living free like a normal teenager. I don't know why, but I saw Danny with Plasmius in his room the other night. Danny didn't seem too nervous around him though."

Ember rolled her eyes, her face morphing into her default smirk. She rested her arm on the back of the chair and grinned at the goth girl.

"Plamius took Daniel away because his family didn't know how to protect him. Daniel is more than capable of protecting himself than those idiots that were his parents."

"But you just said you hate that how Danny lives now." Sam said, shock in her voice as she leaned forward.

"I do. I just know he's more capable now. He's more able to whatever he wants in this family with all us ghosts than those imbeciles and assholes at Casper High." Ember stood. "Come on, let's get You something to eat and then I'll show you your room. I'm in charge of you until Daniel and Mr. Masters get back. Then, we'll figure out what to do with you."

Is it a bad thing I'm constantly trying to find the exact center of the keyboard on my laptop?