The Tendo Manor

Kisara Tendo stood in front of her grandfather, Kikunojyo Tendo. The man who had raised Rentaro but also the man who was ultimately responsible for all the evil that had happened in her life. She knew he was the most dangerous foe had ever faced and despite his age his swordsmanship was undeniable. But she had to win. The Tendo line would die with her. She would not allow her last relative to produce any more children.

"If you kill me it will be those you care for who will suffer. But I will forgive you if you end this foolish crusade. "

Kisara hesitated she knew the danger this man posed. "I care for no-one." She lied. While she had probably hurt them she still cared for them, but she had to do this. She could show no weakness to this man. That would mean her death.

"We'll then we'll see the truth of that soon enough. But remember I warned you. It will be the one you care for most who will end up torn in two."

Kisara pulled out her sword certain this was a trick. "You're bluffing."

Kikunojyo Tendo pulled out his sword. "I never bluff."

Their blades met instantly Kisara could instantly tell the difference with this foe. He wouldn't be overwhelmed like shad managed to do against most of the rest. She swung again but was easily blocked. This was the skill of a master, rather than instantly going for a win he was waiting for a weakness and capitalising on it. She had to finish him before he found that moment. The exchanged blades for 20 minutes every moment seeming to move so slowly. Both of their stamina was failing and they needed to finish in one hit. Both went for a decisive blow abandoning but Kisara's slight speed advantage proved the difference he only managed to glance her arm when she just bout managed to stab into his torso. She quickly pulled out her blade despite her wound. Blood began to pour out of the old man. Kikunojyo Tendo fell down. "My wound is mortal" he acknowledged holding his hand to the area where the sword had penetrated "you win our battle."

"It's over. Finally." Kisara fell down to knees in exhaustion

The Kikunojyo Tendo slightly chuckled "you think so?"

Kisara smiled in relief "the Tendo's are finished."

"You still live. As long as you do our family lives. I respect you for clearing our family. You are a worthy successor" retorted Kikunojyo Tendo

Kisara wrapped a bandage around her arm. "Unless I choose to die. After all I only need to miss my treatment and I'll die." Kisara smiled

"Then you still lose or at least Rentaro does." Retorted her grandfather

Kisara's expression changed immediately to fear. "What do you mean?"

"I warned you before. You finish me it'll be the one you care for who will suffer most."

"Are you saying that people will try to avenge you?"

"Possibly but I mean just for Rentaro." Explained Kikunojyo Tendo struggling to breath

"I don't l-care for him"

"Then I suppose you don't care that his parents are both alive and I am the only one who knows where they are."

"You mean…"

The old man began fading, his eyes getting heavier as the blood poured out "yes….you may as well have killed them yourself. He'll never find them. All thanks to you. All you had to do was ask for forgiveness and I would have told you. After all I didn't have long left regardless I am an old man. Now you killed his foster father and any hope of finding his real parents. Do you think he will forgive you?"

"Tell me or else."

"Or else what? Time's…. up." Then his eyes closed.

"NOOOOO!" exclaimed Kisara.

Kisara looked at the body of the man she had just killed. She had thought after finishing off the Tendo's she would feel a sense of peace, but now the internal strife was worse because her grandfather was completely correct. If Rentaro had not hated her before he would now.

"I will find them for him….somehow." with a much resolve as she could muster. Unsure if this was vow that was even possible.