this is the last chapter.
It's really short, but I wanted to finish the story and preferably without killing any other characters so I guess it's an epilogue.

Thank you for reading and commenting.

He's dead.

That's all Nick could think about. His father was gone.

"Nick?" Amanda moved closer to him and he realized he's been silent for a while and she was worried.

"Makes sense" he said "we both know how people like that are treated in prison" Nick got up but wasn't sure what he wanted to do, where he wanted to go. The floor felt cold under his bare feet and it was the only thing he could feel.

He was numb.

He thought about it when he saw the man and the dream…Nick didn't believe in that, he couldn't predict the future but still. He was gone.

"Nick" Amanda's voice was so tender it seemed like it was caressing him.

Nick heard her get out of the bed, he heard her footsteps as she walked towards him. Felt, finally something other than the cold floor, her hand on his back.

"Nick" Amanda kept repeating his name because she had no idea what to say.

"I'm sorry" Nick turned abruptly, realizing he was in a bubble for the last couple of minutes, just staring at nothing "I just don't really know what to…I need to let Sonya know"

"It's too late. You can call your sister and mother tomorrow"

"You're right" he sat back down and Amanda followed "I think these have been the worst few days in my life, and I have a lot to choose of"

She leaned her forehead on his shoulder to hide a slight smile, he was right. Nick had been through a lot but the last years were good for him, for both of them.

"I'm sorry Nick"

"I'm not sure I am" he felt Amanda move her head and looked at her "I'm not sure I'm not, after what he did, after everything I've been through with his man I never expected it to end like that"

"No one can expect this, none of it. But here we are" she entwined her fingers with his "and it's ok not to be fine"

"I think I'm even…sad" he looked down on the floor, feeling a bit ashamed of himself, even after everything, his father died.

Amanda didn't say anything, her hands wrapped around him in a warm embrace and she held him until they somehow fell asleep, waking up to the cheerful voice of their son saying "I'm up"

It's been a tough morning, trying to act natural around Ethan, hearing Nick's conversation with his sister, how he told her everything, how he tried to comfort her while she cried on the other line and then hearing him talk to his mother.

She explained everything to her captain and the man told her to take as much time as necessary, but he did say he hoped it wouldn't take too long.

Cesaria came back from her vacation the following day to help Nick and Amanda with Ethan. She's been holding on to the good memories she had from Nicholas and forgave him for all the pain as a way for her to move on, she knew Nick couldn't and she couldn't blame him, they just didn't talk about it. Right now, her son needed her and she came back.

A few days later…

The cemetery was quiet, Nick couldn't even hear a bird. The ceremony was over and he was standing there with Amanda, leaning on a tree, staring at the sky. Funerals were never easy but this one, with it being the end for someone who didn't even get a chance to start his life, it was much harder.

It was only the two of them, Sonya didn't want to go and Cesaria watched Ethan. So Nick was there, feeling Amanda's hand holding his, saying goodbye to his brother again.

They received Silvia's belongings and found a book, The balloon that flew away. The same story they read the baby the night he died. Nick didn't know if she saw it at their place or not, but it was new and he figured she bought it for her son. They named the baby after the character of the boy in the book.

"Ready to go home?" Amanda asked after a few minutes and Nick looked at her, she looked so beautiful in that moment, not because of her appearance, but because of what she made him feel, how she was there for him, the way her touch made things better somehow, made it tolerable, he knew he could make it with her close to him.

He gave her a tender kiss and said "ready"

"Daddy look!" Ethan ran to his father the moment he walked into the house.

It didn't take long for Nick to understand why the boy was so excited, Gil and Zara were both standing in the kitchen.

He gave Amanda a questioning look, the kids weren't supposed to be there today, but he was happy to see them.

"Surprise!" Ethan exclaimed, explaining their presence.

"Hey dad" Zara walked towards him and gave him a long hug.

Nick realized they knew and that was why they were there, he didn't tell them, but the story wasn't a secret and he wasn't surprised they found out.

Gil hugged him too and then turned his attention to Ethan was wanted to show him one of his games.

"Not too long" Cesaria warned "food's almost ready"

Nick watched his youngest child playing with his siblings and smiled, he had good kids.

"Let's go help your mom" Amanda touched his shoulder and he followed her to the kitchen.

A few minutes later they were all sitting around the dining table, eating, talking, laughing.

A family.