"Doctor McGucket, how's your arm?" Soos asked.

"Ah, it'll be fine." McGucket said, waving a hand. "Now—"the older man looked Dipper in the eye- "How are you feelin'? "

"Okay, I guess. " Dipper said, blinking slowly. "I have to stay here all night. "

"Eh—that's okay, son. They just want t' keep an eye on ya t' make sure there's nothin' that got knocked loose in there. "

Tate came in just then. "Dad—why'd you leave the—oh—" McGucket's son grinned gently when he saw Dipper. "How are you feeling, Dipper? "

"Better, thank you. "

"Excuse me."

They all turned to see a nurse at the door. "This young man needs his rest. The doctor will want to do a test, soon. "

Mabel frowned and looked at the floor.

"It's okay, Mabel." Dipper assured her. "Maybe you can get together with Candy and Grenda and have one of your—"-he made a face—"—sleepovers. "

His sister grinned weakly. "Yeah. "

Tate placed a hand on his father's shoulder. "Come on, Dad. I need to get you home. You need some rest, too."

McGucket rolled his eyes, but there was still a sparkle in them. "Oh, all right. " Looking at the twins he said, "I'll be seein' you two tomorrow. "

As Tate guided his father out the door, Mabel pursed her lips, then called out, "See you later, Grunkle Fidds!"

Dipper grinned and followed her lead. "Take care of your arm, Great Uncle Fiddleford. "

The old man stopped and looked over his shoulder at them. Mabel thought she saw a tear in his eye. "I will, Dipper. I look forward to seeing you both t'morrow. "