A/N: And here it is! 13k views, 179 followers, 50 favourites and 49 reviews later and it's an amazing feeling to bring this to an end. When I wrote Yes, Ferret, it was with the intention to write and post something, and this one was to write something slightly longer..and finish it. So thank you to everyone who has read, enjoyed, or taken a chance with this fic. A special thank you to those of you who took the time to post a review: LadiePhoenix007, brookeworm, CheeseyBri, Gemmeta14, viola1701e, HarryPGinnyW4eva, GoodGirlsBadBoys00, howtoseedeer, annaea3077, wbm92, kamarooka, Frogster, RufusReads, R-E-B-E-C , MrsGinPotter, I was BOTWP, etuck89, White Bishop, exlibris93, pgoodrichboggs, xiongmao03 and all the Guest reviews!

Enjoy - and as always, reviews are very much appreciated :)

Chapter 8

1 Week later…

From the desk of Draco Malfoy

Listen Granger. This is ridiculous. Let's just discuss this like rational human beings

Dear Granger. It has come to my attention that I may have been a foul louthsome…

Granger, as your replacement rightfully pointed out, I do need to figure my shit out. Only you would hire someone so unbelievably haughty. She's good though. I guess I can't complain about that.


I'm so

"Bloody hell, bugger it all."

1 Week after that…

Hermione had decided to stay home that day…well...at Harry's.

She had taken some case files from work to keep her mind off of what was supposed to be the Fair Wages legislation court hearing date. But thanks to Malfoy, she had no backing and without backing, there was no way she was going to be able to give it the last push it so desperately needed.

Hermione supposed she could have appeared in front of the Wizengamot and made her case, but she felt fairly defeated at the moment. The worst part was that she was no better off than she was a year ago.

Well…she may be slightly better off. She did leave a dead-end job and affect more lives in a year than she had at the Ministry. She only had to sell her soul to do it.

Shaking off the impending thoughts that would lead her to another chocolate overdose followed by a bout of crying over a host of muggle romantic comedies on Harry's television set. Sighing, she opened a file and drowned herself in work (and hot chocolate).

It took Harry and Ron three tries to get Hermione's attention. She had learned to tune them out a young age so she didn't even notice them until Harry took the quill out of her hand and Ron was all about ready to pass out from his bellowing.

"Oh, I'm sorry," she said half-heartedly, dismissing them with her hand, "what are you boys doing here?"

"'Mione, we aren't boys anymore," whined Ron flopping down beside her. She patted him on the head as if to disagree.

"Ermm," said Harry, which is how he usually started uncomfortable conversations, "there's someone here to see you and we thought it might be better if we were here…just in case you decided to well…kill him."

At that point Hermione was sure she was going to Azkaban for three murders as Draco stepped in to the room nervously holding a sheet of paper.

She leapt from her couch wand drawn pointing it at her so-called best friends.

"How dare you," she hissed at them, her eyes glinting with anger, "Why the hell would you do this to me? Today of all days?!"

"Say, Potter, this may be the wrong time to say it, but shouldn't I be part owner of this place?" inquired Draco politely looking around never having been at Grimmauld Place.

She ignored Draco.

Ron and Harry trembled from her wrath, but spoke in their typical Gryffindorian fashion.

"Look Hermione, just hear him out. He promised that he would say his piece and then leave you alone forever," responded Harry as Ron nodded along.

"We'll punch him in the face afterwards if you'd like," he added as Draco shot them an irritated look.

Hermione didn't agree, but she also didn't say anything. A familiar pain started pulsing in her temples.

Draco cleared his throat.

"Well, erm…I just guess I needed this last piece of advice. You see, I had to speak at a press conference today and well it's the first speech I've ever written for myself, and I'm not sure if it was quite what it should of been. So yeah…" he said unfolding the piece of paper he had with him and taking a deep breath.

"Many of you have gathered here today for the announcement of a partnership with WizBot Industries. This partnership would be a strong feather in the cap of Malfoy Inc., bringing back the old way of doing business and benefiting each other's bottom line. This is what they call a win-win situation. Unfortunately, there is one rather troubling issue. A year ago, I made a promise to someone that in trying to take over the corporate world, I would also lobby to protect those who would have been taken advantage of along the way. Now, I know what you are all thinking…he's Draco Malfoy, my name literally means 'bad faith', he only cares about himself. And you know…you're right…or you used to be. I always thought I was the one who got the raw end of the stick…when you have Voldemort living in your house, you adopt a rather 'woe is me' attitude that stays with you. The problem is, that attitude never left, and I kept finding excuses for my lack of caring, my lack of action and my all around selfish lifestyle. But, then someone reminded me…what it is truly like to be disadvantaged, that there are those beings out there that have little to no control over their future and therefore are treated unfairly. I was once on the wrong side of the fight, I was taught to see others as below me, to take advantage of what I thought was their weaknesses, and to treat them as such. I knew I was wrong, but I never understood the passion with which those around me fought for others, cried for others…bled for others, until someone showed me why it matters so much. And in her strength, beauty and compassion for all, I realized my own failings, and she eventually became the force in my life…pushing me, expecting me to be better. She's rather like the beings herself, giving up so much, and asking for practically nothing in return. She asked me for one thing, and I couldn't even give her that. But, I'm no longer 16 and there are no excuses left for me to cling on to. So, today, I, Draco Malfoy, will be announcing my full support for the Fair Wage legislation and am strongly encouraging WizBot to take a look at their creature employment policies before furthering any partnerships. I will continue to champion this cause until we see it through fruition. I hope you will join me in making the Wizarding World a safe place for all animals, beings, creatures and beasts. You see, I've given my word to someone, and all I have left is my word to give….and I did not sleep with Astoria."

Draco finished his speech and looked up at the last sentence.

"I didn't say that in the Press Conference, but thought it might be a valuable footnote," he added lamely.

There was an awkward pause. Harry and Ron were sitting at the edge of the sofa looking between Hermione and Draco.

"Thoughts, opinions, constructive criticisms?" asked Draco cautiously.

"You had a few run on sentences," she responded woodenly.

Draco furrowed his brow, "Okay, right…erm…thanks. I should go…"

He turned to go as Hermione turned to face the other way while he left.

Turning back he took a deep breath and spoke quietly, "Um…I've been trying to say this for awhile…but…I…I'm sorry. For all the things, I did…and even more for all the things I didn't do."

And he was gone.

Hermione turned around her eyes filled with tears, "Did…did he…just…"

"Not a drink in him," confirmed Ron.

"Hermione, we just came from the Wizengamot. Draco…he kept the appointment. The Wizengamot, they ruled in your favour. The Fair Wage legislation is on it's way to becoming a reality," filled in Harry.

Hermione stared at him open mouthed and then looked at the spot where Draco had just stood. Harry and Ron gave her a smile as she wiped her tears and ran for the door.

30 seconds later…



"Why…didn't…you…tell me…about the Wizengamot!"

"Ouch, Granger, stop hitting me. Look, it's what I should have done in the first place. It was the stupid Gryffindor thing to do."

"It must have killed you then, but how did you even…"

"Well, I must start by telling you that…"

"And look…I know, I know I can have high expectations. And that I need to work on being more understanding…"


"And I have a hard time talking about my…feelings…"

"Granger! You also have a hard time listening when someone is trying to tell you that he loves you!"


"Yes. Also, the Board fired me. I am no longer the wealthy, powerful man you have come to adore."

"Um…I liked you despite those things, not because of."

"Yes, we will have to tide ourselves over with my Black family inheritance…remind me to speak with Potter about that."

"Actually…Malfoy. I have something to tell you."

"Yes, darling?"

"So…remember when you asked me to work for you?"

"Vividly. You implied I needed to get my head checked."

"Right…well…umm…as I was building up the Muggle Division…I kind of…"

"Out with it Granger, it really can't be that bad."

"Actually, it's kind of the opposite of bad. You see the Muggle Division belongs to Malfoy Inc."

"Have you been drinking? Of course I know it does."

"…but the content, the programs…the licenses…they belong…well…to you."


"Malfoy, say something. Look, I just…you kept saying how the Board had control…and this was all your idea…and you wanted it…so I did up the paperwork in a way..that wasn't really illegal…they just didn't…read the fine print."

"Granger, you are saying, you created a shell division and made me sole owner of everything under it?"


"And were you ever planning on letting me in on this scheme?"

"Well..I was going to tell you on my last day…and then all that happened…"

"You saucy minx! I always knew you had some Slytherin in you."

"You aren't mad?"

"Granger, you just told me that I have control over one of the most innovative and profitable divisions in Wizard England. You are getting the biggest office in the place once we set up…the uh…Muggle…Inc?"

"Malfoy, I may 'adore' you as you put it, but I will never work for you again."

"Don't be silly darling, I'll be working for you."

"How about we be partners…and we can work on the name…"

"I can live with that…now, I would very much like to go back inside and have you slip in to that disgruntled housewife number…."


"Yes, Granger."

"I love you too."

"Of course you do. Just look at me, I'm magnificent."


6 months later - 3 am

"Granger. I just don't know what to do."

"Malfoy, we've been over this so many times. I think purple and white are fine colours for the Muggle-cation branding."

"First of all it's periwinkle and not purple. Merlin Granger, have you learned nothing from me. I thought once we got in to a relationship you would at least listen to me properly."

"I learned to tune out Harry and Ron at the age of 12."

"Low blow Granger."

"Fine! People find that the colour blue is more calming, that's why Healer's offices are often painted a robin's egg blue colour."

"Excellent. Robin's egg blue it is. Now, shall I wear a blue shirt with a white tie or a white shirt with a blue tie with my suit?"

"Can't we discuss this tomorrow?"

"Come now Granger, these 3 am conversations are tradition."

"Malfoy…we live together, I see you all the time. You have an assistant AND your own life lawyer who can answer all these questions…shaking me awake at 3 am is even more annoying because I can't hang up on you…."

"You wound me."

"Good, now go to sleep, we have a lot to do tomorrow."

"I love it when you use your boss tone."

"Of course you do. Just look at me, I'm magnificent."

"Touché Granger, touché…now since we are up, why don't we get started on those bushy-haired platinum blonde brats…"

"I hate you Malfoy."

"Love you too, darling."

The End