A/N: This will be the last chapter. I'm not sure when I'll have time to start on the 8th, but it will come. Eventually. Until then, make sure you have me as a favorite author or on your author alerts list. You never know when you'll get a surprise!

TheRanger'sDaughter: There will be 1 major character you aren't used to make an appearance in the 8th. Liam's good for Elizabet right now. He's the only one that has lost a significant other. Yes, you'll find out what Neil was doing at the bridge...in 8.

Raider: Everyone who skims reviews will know by now you are my co-conspirator. Best of luck with your task :)

Disclaimer: I'm not John Flanagan.

Reese stood at the front of his fellow Araluens at the funeral of Prince Neil. Russ stood to his left, Russ' family just beyond them. Kane had been released from the medical wing just the day before. He stood with his arm around Gabby, keeping his back straight to keep from putting unnecessary stress on it. Gabby's arm was still in the sling. It would be several weeks before she could use just the splint, let alone go without any sort of immobilization. Robin stood on her father's other side. Her hair was still too short for braids or pins, but had brown out enough for her to wear a braided leather headband reminiscent of Clonmel royalty. It was fair. Her surname, afterall, was O'Carrick.

Mason and Scout stood with their children. Hazen stood with a solemn expression. So prince-like, but even Reese couldn't stand to make those comparisons today. Sean and Kineta stood nearby with Gabe between them. Elizabet stood in front of her family. She rested her hands on Noah's shoulders. The two didn't try to hide their weeping. They needed one another's comfort too desperately to part.

Neil's funeral was as simple as his wedding with an even greater turnout of mourners. The entire city wore black, casting an eerie shadow in every corner. Captain Warden headed the guard, as usual. Lady Carissa hovered near Scout, as usual, with both her children nearby. Tammy stood with them wearing borrowed clothes. Liam and Talia were somewhere with Caitlyn, Will, and Alyss. Daniel and Julia were the only ones to stay behind. Maggie had yet to change out of her sleeping gown, let alone venture too far outside Mara's bedroom. Caitlyn left Little Lina in Julia's care, as this was no place for a squirming toddler. Julia hoped Little Lina would bring out some of the old Maggie, the one that didn't rely on warmweed.

Reese watched the funeral progress quietly. Elizabet clutched Noah. Reese felt he should do…something but didn't know what. Once again he felt…well, inadequate.

Though she tried her best to focus on the funeral, Robin's mind would not stop turning. Her thoughts flitted through everything from who could be attacking the royal family to her parents' injuries to the company she'd apprenticed herself to. In a way, she was more employee than apprentice. Lucy had her salaried just as she salaried her workers, only instead of some title with a description Robin shadowed Lucy.

The procession to Neil's pyre began. Her father was under orders to stay at the castle. He wasn't well enough to tackle the trek downhill and then back up. He nodded to Robin and Russ as they fell in line behind Reese. Robin stuck close to her brother. Funerals made her uneasy. In fact, she hated them. She had to remind herself she'd come for Elizabet's benefit as she made her way down.

"You alright?" Russ whispered to her. Robin nodded. "Good."

Elizabet's numbness returned. She didn't say a word throughout the funeral. She managed to hold in her tears, but she didn't dare speak for fear of what may come out. She kept her hands on Noah's shoulders. He was taking all this as well as could be expected. There were a couple of nights she found him up crying. She'd sat up with him both times, though there was really nothing she could do to ease his pain. She didn't even know how to ease her own. She continued forcing herself to eat at meals. Sometimes it came back up. She continued having bouts of dizziness and cold sweats, but she learned how to anticipate the episodes.

She missed her husband. Being a young widow was not once something she considered for herself, yet here she was.

"Elizabet?" Noah whispered as Neil's body was prepped for the flames.

"Hm?" Elizabet managed to get out without sobs.

"You're going to keep me…right?"

Elizabet blinked several times. She knelt down next to her young brother-in-law and took his hands into hers. "We're in this together. Of course I'll keep you."

Noah wrapped his arms around her. Elizabet straightened up and turned her attention to the pyre just as the flames began to catch.

"Promise?" Noah whispered.

"I promise."