Chapter 3 - Hell's Plane Demon

Walking down the street I headed towards the house that held the demon. It was a few days since Oliver had gotten that case. And from what I could get from the prism, they had yet to get rid of it. Walking next to me was a demon who decided to come help me remove this pest.

He was an Owl Demon. I had ran into him at the castle's library, when I was about to leave for the human realm. The owl's name was Gabriel and he was currently sitting on my shoulder. Some humans stopped to stare before moving on, Gabriel was fine with humans ever since one saved him from a group of men who tried to pluck him.

But that's another story for another time.

"My Lady...we have arrived."

I nodded as I saw the SPR van outside, it was an expensive looking house so I had to wonder how I was going to get in. I grinned as Gabriel's claws gripped my sleeve and flew me over the fence. Seeing the cameras I wondered if I should scope out the place before showing myself to the other humans. But then again if they tried to exorcise Gabriel there would be hell to pay. Of course my demon was bound to me so it would be hard for them to do so, but it would still piss me off either way.

Deciding on getting a feel of the place and setting up a "Factor" here so I wouldn't have to stay in the human realm for a long time, I started to walk around, not caring about the cameras. If they saw me that was fine, after all I was going to outlive them anyways and even though I held a grudge against them I knew their time would be short if I looked at it in a long run. Like before, I'll make sure they don't die by demon means but under no circumstance was I going to prolong their lives.

Seeing as I got a good feel of the land I decided to make my factor. A factor is a temp home for the Demon Plane's folks to reside in. Only if they were in danger of course. And normally it would have to get approved of the Ruler. Which I was, though on an off note I wondered if Gabriel was only coming to get to experience the Factor. Since the higher the skill of a demon or ruler the more comfortable it would be for them.

"You're not wrong my lady." Gabriel stated while cleaning his feathers. His voice was monotone but I could tell he didn't want to use the factor of a ruler for the single purpose of a vacation. I petted his head in which he preened at. I don't mind him wanting to think this as a vacation, for most of my demons they think going to the human world as a punishment. Mostly since they most go as a "Calling", so going and getting to stay in a "Factor" was considered a vacation no matter what they were sent to do in the first place.

Walking to a corner of the lot, away from cameras and the path of the house. Gabriel flew and landed on a branch to keep watch while I set up the Factor. Getting through the chant, the markings of my factor appeared on the ground. It was a light lavender mixed with a dark purple. Finishing the chant the ground stopped glowing and had a black markings for the factor that was there. My owl demon then flew around for a bit.


Then I saw them. The shiki…

Holding my arm up, my demon landed on my arm and I put up a barrier to keep the shiki from attacking my demon or me. I knew what this meant. SPR was closing in. And I couldn't have them try to cleanse my factor while we hide in it. So sure enough the members of SPR came into view.

Monk, Ayako, John, Masako, Yasu, Lin and Oliver…

They seemed to stare while I stared at them still in my barrier. Monk was the first to express emotion other than shock. "Mai-chan!"

He tried to run over, only for my barrier to push him back. I frowned at them. And Gabriel made an unhappy noise. It was normal for the demons to be protective of their ruler but with mine they are extra protective since they knew my history. As I had told them the first night I became Queen of the Demon Plane.

Turning my attention back to the humans in front of me I saw that Gabriel had transformed from an Owl to his demonic form. Monk was standing in shock as Gabriel held Monk by the neck. Gabriel was sort of still in my barrier while Monk was not.


"Lin!" Oliver shouted, in of which I chanted and protected my demon.

"Mai what are you doing?!" Oliver stated, the others where just as shocked.

"Owl...put him down. Come here." I held out my arm.

"Mai, a demon won't listen to you." Masako stated as she covered part of her mouth with her sleeve.

But what shocked them was when my demon did listen to me, he reverted back to a normal owl and flew to land on my arm. I petted his head to help calm him down. "I won't take kindly of you attacking my demon again. So let us do our job and we'll get out of your hair."

"And what job would that be?"

"To take care of the demon that's here." I stated simply, not moving from my barrier. "Are you going to attack us if I lower the barrier or am I going to have to keep my barrier up until we leave?"

I stood still, wait for their choice.

"My Lady if these humans are a bother I can easily get rid of them. No need to ask them." Gabriel stated causing my old family to tense at the sound of his monotone voice.

"Still owl this isn't our home. You have better manners than that." I smiled at him and patted his head again, which lead to him preening once more.

"Mai...what did you mean, this isn't you're home?" Yasu asked while watching my owl demon.

"Watch your tongue human. You are speaking to the Ruling Queen of the Demon Plane. I should spear all of you for the past insults you have caused my lady." Gabriel stated with a bit of emotion. I sighed, I knew any of the demon I could have brought would have an issue with my old family.


"My lady doesn't need you. You should just leave so we can take care of the demon." Gabriel stated ignoring me, his tone was a mix of mono and angry. But in all,it would seem he was ignoring me. I frowned he was trying to get them to attack first so he could retaliate.

"Silence." I stated with a growl. Gabriel flinched and shrunk in himself. I sighed at him. I could feel the fear in him at my word. While I never harmed my demons the last ruler had and many more before me. I patted his head. "You have better manner than this owl. I don't expect you to be friendly with them. Just behave as best as you can."

"You are most kind My Lady." he stated as my owl demon lightly headbutttd my cheek. I smiled a bit at the affection before turning to the other people in the room.

"So what's your answer?"

"Mai...what happened to you?" Ayako asked.

"None of your business. Will you let me and my demon work on dealing with the demon or do you plan on trying to kill it yourselves?"

"I don't think you take this very seriously Mai. A demon will easily kill you with your abilities." Oliver stated. Gabriel growled loudly, which was more menacing since he was still an owl.

"Oliver...I'll be blunt with you…" I stated as I continued to pet Gabriel. "I'm no longer human."

Sorry for the wait on this, got hit with a major writers block. I'm hoping this will help and if anyone still wants to help pick the pairing for the story, so far I'm leaning for Lin being paired for Mai. However romance is mostly like going to be slow. Happy reading and I will be trying to update faster. Thanks for those who kept with me in this long wait.