A/N: Come March 30th, Meet the Robinsons will be celebrating its 9th anniversary. Starting today (March 1st) I will try to post 1-2 short drabbles every day, until we hit the anniversary (March 30th). Maybe even longer, if I still have ideas.

Please note: These drabbles will be posted in no particular order. Some of them might not even connect with each other. If that's not the kind of story you like to read, I wouldn't bother with this.

Story ideas are welcome! Thanks for reading! And keep moving forward!

Disclaimer: I do not own Meet the Robinsons or any of its characters.


He'd been waiting for this day for as long as he could remember.

Cornelius held onto his Franny's hand as tightly as she was gripping his, whispering kind, positive words as she performed miracles far beyond his science.

All that constant planning, precise calculating, careful timing...and suddenly, he was here.

After a moment with the nurses, the child was passed to him, as Franny was still recovering from her previous feat.

"Do you have a name?"

He heard his wife give her naturally bubbly, albeit exhausted, laugh before she replied. "He's has a name picked out since we first started dating."

Cornelius chuckled before smiling down at his newborn son. "Hello again," He said, lightly tapping the infant's nose with the tip of his index finger. "Wilbur."


"Hey there, Carl!"

The robot turned quickly to the voice, a bit of hysteria in his voice. "M-Mr. Robinson, good to see you."

Unlike most of his family, who'd finally grown accustomed to calling him Cornelius, Carl had moments where he would bounce from calling him Cornelius to Lewis and back. He assumed it had to do with Carl's programming. Since he created Carl when he was still often referred to Lewis, he figured it just stayed with him. Like a hidden file on your computer that you can't see, but still shows up from time to time.

But there was only one reason - one person, really - that caused Carl to call him in such a formality. Wilbur.

Cornelius crossed his arms over his chest and chuckled through a quick eye roll. "Alright, where is he and what has he done?"