"Severus, Ari, and you too , Tom." Rab said, "I would like to request a paternity test for Ari so that we can ascertain if Ari is my son or Reg's."

"But I was told Reg was my daddy." Ari said, innocently. "Is that wrong?"

"I was with Rab around the same time because of something Reg did." Severus explained. "It's a simple potion even you children could make it. "

"Daddy, can that be our first real potion?!" Ari frowned, " Does that make Rab my mommy?"

"The mommy is the one who gave birth to you." Rab said with a wicked smirk at Severus who was glaring. "That was Severus."

"So Daddy is actually Mommy?" Ari asked, head cocked to the side. "When I grow up big like Daddy am I gonna be the mommy too?"

Severus and Tom both chocked on their drinks and it took them awhile to recover.

"That should not be talked about until you are older. " Severus replied, "at least ten years older. "

"I'm just curious. " Ari said.

"So our first potion?" Tom cut in. "We'll be able to brew a Potion that cannot blow up. That's great but you better keep an eye on Weasel."

Severus and Rab both agreed silently.

"Today, we will be brewing your first potion." Severus told his first years. The six year olds all blinked at him.

"YAY!" Ari cheered loudly.

"About time." Ron grumbled but quietly.

"Sir, may I move tables please?!" Dean Thomas had his hand in the air. Neville Longbottoms soon joined his. "Uh, both of us."

"Very well, you may share with Crabbe and Goyle."

"HEY!" Ron yelled, after the two other boys. "Why are you going to sit with the slimy snakes?!"

"Detention, Mr. Weasley." Severus sighed, he was really getting annoyed with handing this boy detention. "Now since this class has grown to include all the first year students I've gotten permission to have a second teacher join us. " Rab appeared leaning against the desk. Ari was betting on a Disallusion charm. "This is Rabastan LeStrange. He will be walking around and helping me make sure you don't find some way to blow yourselves up. "

"But, Mommy this potion isn't volatile." Ari said,

"Ari, you're grounded, you can't read a book for two hours after school."

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Ari burst out crying. Dudley and Hermione, who were sharing Ari and Tom's table, covered their ears as was most of the class. By now they all knew that to Ari that was more torture than grounding or even detention. "Mommy's being mean!"

Tom hugged Ari and rubbed his back trying to calm. But Severus held firm at least for as long as he could.

"I blame you for this!" the class watched Severus growl at the smirking Rab. "He only started calling me that because of you."

"It is the truth." Rab said, mildly. He walked over to Ari. "Ari, if you calm down and do your work. I'll read you this really rare first edition book I found for bedtime. Two Chapters. "

"Promise?" Ari sniffled, looking up at Rab with tearstained eyes. "New Daddy promises to read two chapters?"

"I promise."

"So being a fag runs in the family." Ron said in disgust. "That's one messed up family ."

"What are you implying?!" Dudley demanded. "There is nothing wrong with two guys loving each other!"

"You a fag too?"

"No , I'm not!" Dudley stated, grabbing Hermione's hand. "But I don't care that Ari and Tom are or that Uncle Sev and Uncle Rab are!"

"Me either!" Hermione said, "and I'm a Muggle Born!"

"What 's that got to do with it?" Draco asked.

"In the Muggle World Homosexual or same sex or gay relationships are seen as bad and in some places even evil." Hermione informed, sounding as always as if she'd swallowed a dictionary. Though with her Intelligence level maxed out along with most of study skills that assessment wasn't far off. "I was raised to believe that but I don't at all. I'm happy for my uncle! I'm happy for my brother in all but blood! you should be ashamed of yourself!"

A loud chorus of agreement followed her chastisement.

"20 points to Ravenclaw for standing up for your friends." Severus said, shocking the class into silence. "and 10 more for standing up for friends from another House. "

Ari was still sniffling but had calmed down enough to be allowed to brew the potion .

"This Potion is extremely easy. It is among the easiest in our world. " Severus told them after glaring at Rab until he let go of Ari who instantly had Tom's hand in his own. "Can anyone tell me what Paternity means?"

He got a lot of confused looks. Of course his four had there hands up. Severus sighed,

"Very well, Ari explain so everyone can understand. "

" Paternity means that if the Potion is brewed properly and we add a bit of parents we'll be able to see if they really are our parents. Like your daddy could not be your real daddy. And it can help people who only have one parent see if they found their other parent."

"Correct 5 points to Slytherin."

"Oh," one of the Ravenclaw first years said, fixing her glasses . "but why do we need this potion?"

"You don't." Severus said, " This just happens to be an extremely easy potion which is almost impossible to blow up."

He got nods.

"Now we will start by taking some notes."

They started taking notes as Severus talked. Then began preparing their ingredients finally they began brewing.

"What are your cooking levels?" Ari hissed at his friends.

"1." Dudley said, "I didn't see the need to grind it."

" 10." Hermione said, "Why?"

"Max." Tom shrugged, "I knew it would come to this."

"Potions work off of our cooking levels." Ari mumbled to them. "When I read that I maxed it out right away. "

"Oh, crap I'm doomed. " Dudley cried.

"Game Pause!" Ari cried, Rab and Sev both spun as everything paused. "Okay, you two grind, grind, grind. You'll blow our reputation around here if you suddenly suck at one subject. "

The two set to work. Luckily the ingredients they were using were a lot of the random ones they'd found on quests or just decided to gather to up their Forging levels. Tom and Ari sat back relaxing.

"What is going on?" Sev demanded walking over to them.

"We didn't know our cooking skill determined our Potion's skill." Dudley cried, sure enough his potion fizzled on him. "So Ari is letting us grind. "

"Good." Severus scoffed, "I can get some grading done."

"I'll help you. " Rab followed. "I am your teaching assistant after all."

"FIRE EMBLEM!" Ari cheered pulling out his game boy. He'd fallen in love with the game. "YAY! "

Tom for his part went to do some of the quests popping up around the room. After awhile it appeared that Ari was fed up with his game , he kept getting someone killed in the level and in Fire Emblem if you get someone killed they are gone, and was tired of starting the chapter over so he joined in the quests as well.

After what seemed like every Hermione declared she'd maxed out her Cooking skill. Dudley it seemed was not meant to cook he was still having trouble. Severus and Rab, having finished their grading, came over to help him. Books only taught you what you needed to do actually doing it was another thing. Hermione quickly joined in the quests.

Finally, Dudley too managed to get his cooking level to max and everyone quickly scrambled back to their spots and unfroze time. They all made the potion one last time and Ron somehow managed to blow up his cauldron causing them all to have to run into the hallway and Ron be taken to the infirmary because the explosion had knocked him into the wall and he'd hit his head hard.

Everyone else had handed in their potion. Neville had managed green goop at least. He was crying over it. Dean was rubbing his back and telling him it would be okay that they would some of the older kids to help them or give them pointers.

Ari miffed beyond miffed as he suffered through his two hour book ban. He was okay though because he was sitting in his mommy's lap learning a new skill. Knitting. Hermione said her old Muggle mother used to do it and had taught her. So now she was teaching them. It was annoying them because they had to start from level one and weren't really learning anything. Dudley had a huge knot on his head because he'd made the mistake of calling Knitting "Woman's Work" because he'd heard his father say it. Hermione had pulled a bat out of her inventory, they weren't sure where she'd found a metal Muggle bat in Hogwarts , and hit him repeatedly until Rab had stopped her.

"Alright. " Severus told the room . He held Ari's potion. The final one he had to grade. The whole family was there. Draco, also with a knot because he'd agreed with Dudley, and Dora were there as well. "Rab as requested a test to see if he is Ari's father. I was with Reg around the same time then Reg said something to drive me off and I found myself with Rab. So he's within his rights to ask and Ari has agreed. So Ari your two drops of blood please." Ari nodded and cut his finger two drops of blood later he was being healed by Remus. "Rab." Rab did the same. The Potion turned green. "Well, there you go... "

"DADDY!" Ari beamed holding his arms up. "Daddy, up!"

Rab scooped his son up into his arms and kissed his head. His little Princess. He scooped Tom in to his arms as well. Ari instantly was hugging Tom who hugged back. Rab smiled at both of them and Severus with love in his eyes.