Chapter 1:

Wil held his hand up to the Ellcrys running his fingertips against the rough bark. The only connection he now had left to Amberle. He knew he had been sitting here for hours, but he did not care.

He could not bring himself to say goodbye. He had already lost his mother, now fate was taking away the one women he would ever love. It just did not seem fair.

"Come back to me." He whispered as he leaned his forehead against the tree, "Please."

Allanon stood behind him, knowing that he should try to find a way to comfort the last of the Shannara bloodline, but at the same time not wanting to hurt him more.

He had known what the price to save the Four Lands would be long before he had sent Amberle, Wil, and Eretria off on their adventure.

"Wil. King Ander would like to see you." Allanon finally spoke up.

"You can tell the King, if he wishes to see me he can come here. I am not leaving her alone." Wil growled over his shoulder as another tremor rippled through him.

Allanon stepped forward, "Amberle would not want you sitting here like this."

Wil spun around and glared at Allanon, "What would you know about what she wanted. Amberle is gone. I've lost her, like I have lost everyone else in my life. My father, my mother, Eretria, and now her."

He fell to his knees.

Allanon walked forward and placed a hand on his shoulder, "She knew what she had to do Wil. She did what she had to, to save not only you but the Four Lands as well. She saved us all."

"And in doing so she gave up the life we could have had together." Wil replied as a tear rolled down his cheek, hitting the floor.

The doors to the sanctuary opened, and King Ander and a few guards filed in.

Wil did not even bother looking up as the King approached him, and Allanon.

"Ander can you not see that the boy is grieving. Can business not wait until he is able to stand on his own." Allanon whispered to the King as he stood in front of the fallen boy.

"The rover girl who left with Amberle and Wil is in the infirmary. We found her before sunrise at the boards of Arborlon." Ander stated.

Wil looked up at him, "Eretria is here?"

"She's pretty beaten up, but she will live. My best healers are looking after her now. You and her will always be welcomed in these hall. Amberle would want that." he replied. " I can have Catania show you to her."

Wil hesitated and looked back at the Ellcrys, "I…."

"She will be here when you get back." Allanon said before Wil could even finish his sentence.

Wil nodded. He wanted to see for his own eyes that Eretria was indeed alive and breathing.

Wil got to his feet slowly, with the help of Allanon.

Catania came forward and offered her hand to him as she bowed her head in respect.

Together they walked out of the Sanctuary and into the woods.

They remained silent for a time before Catania finally spoke up.

"I've known Amberle since we were children. She was always different from others. Not because she was a princess, but because she saw the world differently, she believed everyone was her equal." Catania said with a smile, "I remember this one time when her, Lorin, and I were…."

"I'd prefer not to talk right now." Wil stated cutting her off.

Catania nodded, "She changed much after her father died. I guess one would have to. She became so determine to win the gauntlet to prove to everyone she could do it…"

"Catania please." Wil warned.

"She loved you, you know."

Wil stopped and looked at her, "She told you that?"

"She didn't have to. It was always on her face when ever you entered the room." Catania stated. "I'm glad she found someone she loved in the end. I always thought she would have settled for Lorin even though she never truly loved him the way she loved you."

Wil smiled down at her and started to walk again, "She was something special alright. I just wish we had known each other before all this."

"I think she would have wish for that too."

The rest of the walk was silent, as they finished walking from the Sanctuary to the palace.

The halls were empty, no doubt everyone was in the courtyard mourning the loss of not only their fallen brethren but of the princess as well.

The only indication that anyone was around, was the few guards standing outside the infirmary doors when they reached them.

"By order of King Ander, Wil Ohmsford is granted permission to see the rover." Catania said stepping forward.

The guards looks at one another before nodding and stepping aside, each one grabbing a door handle and opening the door for them to enter.

Wil looked and Catania and she nodded her head towards the infirmary, "You go. I think she should find out from you about Amberle."

With that she turned and walked back down the hall the way they had came.

Wil turned to look back into the infirmary. Only a few beds had occupants, but only one contained the long dark haired human he was searching for.

Taking a deep breath he walked in with his heart in his hands.