A/N: This chapter is very M-rated.

It was his comlink that broke the silence, the calm. At first, he ignored it, deeply entrenched enough in the Force to tune it out, but the second beep was louder. Ren opened his eyes and looked towards the device. A glare wasn't enough to shut it off. A Force shove could send it crashing into the wall, cracking on impact with both the wall and the ground, but only a few people knew his comm code, and they were the type of people he would do well not to anger.

So Ren thumbed the button. "Ren." He didn't bother to keep the annoyance out of his voice.

"You should have picked up sooner." Hux. He should have known. Who else would the universe send to pester him at a time like this?

"Why are you comming me?"

There's a pause at the other end. That couldn't be good. The general did not make social calls. Or, more correctly, he hadn't until the recent shift in their relationship. "I want a status report on operations onboard the Finalizer. I've allowed celebrations to continue until twenty-one hundred hours on Starkiller, and was wondering what policies had been put in place." Business, then, at least supposedly. How dull.

"You would contact the bridge directly if that was all you wanted. I'm sure one of the idiots you promoted would fawn over the opportunity to report to you directly." Unnecessary, perhaps, but he hadn't had many opportunities these last few days to upset Hux. Everyone needed a hobby, yes?

The other line was quiet for a few seconds. "Am I to assume, then, that you are alone?"

Ren wasn't sure if that was meant as a scolding or an honest question. "Your officers are capable enough to be left alone for a few hours."

"And here I had been led to believe they were all idiots."

Ren could think of no response to that. "Why did you call?" Please, he silently begged, please distract me for a few minutes, drown them out so I can't hear them.

"I do want to know what's happening on the bridge, actually."

"I assume they're fine. I have had no emergency calls from them." Hux wasn't going to escape this so easily, no matter how he tried. "And?" he asked, his words pointed.

Now was when they would discover what happens when an unstoppable force meets an unbreakable wall. Ren had his predictions. Time to see just how well he knew his general. "I think you just wanted to talk to me. Couldn't get over how much you missed the sound of my voice." A part of him hated that bit of swagger, that bit of Solo, that crept into his voice at times like this, but he knew that Hux loved it. The man wouldn't admit it – of course not, Hux was too prim and proper for that – but Ren could tell.

He could picture the general now, probably in his office, maybe his bedroom, frowning at that. "I assure you that I've been far too busy to notice your absence." An image flashed through Ren's mind of Hux in the command center on Starkiller Base, an officer or two listening in on their conversation, worried at what their general might have gotten himself into.

Oh, that image was just too tempting. "Then perhaps it's my dick that you're missing." That would be sure to cause any eavesdroppers to abandon the conversation as quickly as possible.

Hux huffed. "I'm not going to dignify that with a response."

"Feel empty without me there to fil you up? Come on, General, you can tell me." This was far too much fun to even consider abandoning course. He felt a grin starting to pull at the corners of his lips, and Ren did nothing to fight it. This was a dangerous path, for it would be all too easy for Hux to end the call right now, and then he'd be alone with his thoughts again, but he couldn't help himself.

"I just wanted to say hello." Hux's words suggested regret, but the tone of his voice revealed no such emotion.

"We both know that you wanted to bask for a few extra minutes in the glory of your successes." And there was where the Organa slipped in. He chose not to dwell on that. "I saw your speech."

Hux perked up at that, if only slightly. Ren wondered if anyone besides him would notice the change. "What did you think of it?"

"You were incredible." It would be a lie to say anything else. Passion had rolled off of him, infecting everyone in the plaza. Hux's usual staid and stoic self had abandoned him during those moments, and Ren had been captivated. Thinking back to it, he could feel interest piquing in his groin, and he spread his legs a bit to release some of the pressure. "I couldn't stop thinking about it afterwards."

"I am glad to hear it was effective."

He hardly allowed Hux to finish his sentence. "Are you alone?"

"Yes. I would have stopped this conversation several minutes ago if I wasn't."

"You don't want your troops to know how much you want me?"

"That's hardly appropriate," Hux snapped.

"You aren't arguing the point." His hands wandered downwards to palm at his erection through his trousers. "While I was watching, I couldn't take my eyes off your mouth. All I could think about is how good it feels on me." Hux inhaled, his breath almost a hiss, and it pushed him forward. "A man with the power to destroy worlds, and yet he gets down on his knees and sucks my dick." His hand's motions had sped up now, rubbing back and forth in a way that was doing nothing to relieve the tension building inside him.

"Tell me more."

"You're in your bedroom?"


"Go grab the lube, then come back." In the moment of silence that followed, Ren stretched out with the Force, locating the bottle of lube he had stashed in his drawers for just such occasions and guiding it into his free hand. He struggled to open it with one hand as he pulled his pants down with the other, eventually setting aside the bottle to focus on his clothing.

"Finished." There was no way for Hux to know what he'd been doing, no way he should know that he'd won their little race, but the note of superiority was there all the same. He'd have to see what he could do to get rid of that. "Ren?"

He slicked up his hand and returned it to his newly-exposed erection, doing his best to hold in a moan. "Are you ready?"

"Of course."

"Lay back on the bed with your legs spread." His hand resumed its earlier motions, and Ren's eyes drifted shut as he imagined Hux following his command. Hux would still look meticulously well-groomed, he decided, and nearly unaffected. But if he looked closer, Ren would see that slight change in his eye color that came with arousal, the pink tinge to his cheeks. His general couldn't hide his interest entirely. He thrust upward into his hand at the thought.

"Tell me what you're doing to yourself."

"Just touching myself a bit." More than a bit now, for he was pumping his hand up and down in the steady rhythm he usually preferred, but this was supposed to be about Hux.

"If you're going to let this be over with so quickly, I'm going to go put my clothes back on."

"No!" That came out more desperate than he had intended.

Hux paused for a few seconds, allowing the threat to fully sink in. "Move your hand away."

Had it been any situation, he would have been defiant, but now, he didn't dare. The cool air felt even colder against his erection, still wet with lubricant, but he needed the sound of Hux's voice.

"Now," Hux added, convinced his orders were being followed, "Tell me what we're going to do once you come back to base."

His tongue felt heavy, but Ren knew the only way he would find any release tonight was if he started talking. "I'm going to find you. I don't care where you are. I hope you're out with the troops." Once the words started coming, they flowed through him without a conscious thought. "I'll drag you away and back to your quarters. Maybe I'll give an excuse of an emergency that we need to take care of, but I probably won't. I want them to know how much you want me."

Hux groaned, and it sent a jolt through every nerve of his body. "I rip your shirt as I'm taking it off. You want to be mad at me, but you aren't, because all either of us wants is for me to be inside of you as quickly as possible." He wanted nothing more now than to take his erection in his hand and stroke himself as he continued through the rest of this, but surely Hux would stop him. "Your skin bruises so easily when I bite you, but that's not going to stop me. You'll have bruises up and down your throat for days afterwards." Biting, it had quickly become clear, was one of Hux's biggest weaknesses. He could turn the man into putty in his hands in seconds with just a few nips to his shoulders. "Are you going to beg for me after that, or are you going to make me work harder for it?"

A few ragged breaths passed before Hux answered. "I'm not going to give in so easily."

"I'm not so sure. Think what a mess you are right now." Mess, a word certain to get a reaction from the general. "What are you doing to yourself?"

"Stroking myself off."

"No, tell me more. I want to be able to picture you." He had long since forgotten about the cold of the durasteel floor against his back, but when he tried to shift, his back screamed against the pain.

"I'm in my bed, over the covers, with my legs spread the way you said you wanted them to be." He should have known that Hux would deliver a full report with minimal prompting. The man was always efficient, sometimes maddeningly so.



"Good." He could see it perfectly, but it wasn't the image he needed right now. "Roll over onto your knees, ass up in the air. I want to see you open and ready for me."

There was a pause as Hux shifted. "And what are you going to do to me now?"

"I'm hardly going to bother with preparing you. You're so ready for me that you only let me get one finger in before you're begging." He would trace the contours of Hux's back, stopping to admire the freckles there, as the man squirmed beneath him, anxious for it to be over.

The real Hux, he assumed, was not far off, for he was moaning openly now. "Don't hold back. I want to hear how good this is for you."

"Ren, Ren, kriff."

"It's going to be tight when my dick's first inside you, and for a minute, we're both afraid I've ripped you apart. But then it's so good, and it's so tight that neither of us can think anymore, and we're like animals. I'm going to pull on your hair as I fuck you, General. We both know you like that." In his imagination, the gel was slick and greasy on his fingers, but he did not let go as he pistoned his hips against Hux's. "You're a moaning mess now." The statement worked equally well as observation and fantasy. "We both know you're not going to last much longer."

"Ren, Ren I-"

"I know, Hux. Let it come. Come on, I want to hear you. I want to know how good I'm making you feel right now."

He counted four more pants before Hux groaned, and it was all too easy to imagine the man coming all over his perfectly pressed white coverlet. Ren's hips thrusted into empty air at the thought. His erection still begged for attention, but he still denied it. Tonight, permission would come from Hux and Hux alone.

"You may get yourself off now." He sounded far too put together for a man who had fallen apart not thirty seconds prior, but Ren had come to expect that of Hux. He didn't question the order, jacking himself off with more force than was probably necessary. His moans punctuated the silence as he worked, too focused on his own pleasure to process Hux's encouragement. He came embarrassingly quickly, making a mess of the floor around him, but Ren was too far gone to care.

His heartrate had not yet slowed back to normal when he again heard Hux's voice. "If you have nothing else to report, I should return to my duties." There was regret there, but it stung all the same.

"No, I have nothing else."

"Goodnight, Ren. I look forward to your arrival on Starkiller."

"I'm sure you do."

Hux ended the call, and with the click of the line closing, Ren was again alone in the silence. And in silence, the world of death and despair, those of the Hosnian system would ensure he was never at peace again.