I pull my glasses over my eyes, willing the dark shades to block out the glaring sun. I mentally curse Kate for taking me out for drinks last night. I normally don't do the whole bar hopping thing but I didn't have much choice last night. We were out till way past midnight. I knew I shouldn't have been out that late getting drunk. However, by the sixth shot and third margarita, I had forgotten all about my big job interview today.

I take slow steps towards the tall, gleaming building. Grey Law. My former boss, and good friend, Elliot, had done me a huge favor in referencing me to the head of this grand law practice to give me an interview for his assistant job. I wasn't going anywhere at me desk secretary job at Elliot's construction business so I decided I needed to get another job that will possibly get me started down the right path.

I downed the last of my coffee and take off my glasses before entering the intimidating building. Despite my my hangover, I was feeling extremely nervous. I've spent the better part of my two years out of college at Elliot's company. I didn't even really interview for the job. I just got it due to Kate's relationship with him. I sigh. Don't freak yourself out Ana. You got this!

I step off the elevator on the top floor and walk over the secretary's desk. She's busy answering phones left and right, all the while writing down details on her notepad. It looked like mayhem but for the petite blonde woman, she was doing well. I waited patiently, tugging on my skirt and blouse. She finally notices me and gives me a prompt smile.

"Anastasia Steele I presume?" she asks and I nod. "Right, follow me." She grabs an ear piece and sticking it in her ear before proceeding down the hall. I do my best to keep up with her without falling over. She opens a door to a conference room and lets me inside. "Mr. Grey will be with you shortly." She closes the door and I take in the large room. An elongated table that probably sits twelve people takes up most of the space. A giant monitor screen hangs on the wall opposite of me. A conference phone sets in the middle of the table. It's quiet and intimidating in here. I pull out a chair and take a seat while I wait for this Mr. Grey.

Ten minutes go by and my anxiety starts to build. This is probably just a tactic that corporate lawyers use to scare their potential employees. I take several deep breaths and close my eyes. My eyes shot open as I hear the door finally open. A man in a dark gray three-piece suit walks, with a folder in hand. He takes a seat across from me and I gulp as he opens the folder to reveal my resume. He reads it, not making any comments towards me. I just sit there. He gives off the aura of authority and power. I didn't know if I should say something. Before I can convince my mouth to talk, he looks up at me.

My eyes nearly bug out of their sockets. Holy shit! That's the guy from last night. My heart beat picks up pace.

"You okay Miss Steele? You just went pale." he asks and I can't form a response.


"Okay, let's get started shall we?" he asks, not even flinching at the slightest. I try to push away the thoughts of last night and focus on his questions. After the interview, he leans back in his chair and rubs his right forefinger across his chin. "Can you start Wednesday?" he asks folding his hands.

"Oh yes, definitely!" I respond with a little too much enthusiasm.

"Great, I'll have Paul draw up your contract and send it over to your home address. Welcome aboard Miss Steele."

"Thank you so much, I look forward to working with you." I stand up to shake his hand and he follows suite. Before I decide to leave, I turn around to face him again.

"Sir, if you don't mind, can I ask you a question?"


"Off the record?"

He nods. "Go ahead."

"Do you remember me from last night?" I ask, my cheeks burning. He looks shocked by my question.


"I…well…if I'm going to be working for you, I just don't want what happened between us last night to impact our work relationship."

He doesn't say anything and then it looks like something clicks in his head. He gives me a soft chuckle. Now I'm the one confused.

"Let me guess. You went to Trouble last night?" he asks and I nod my head.

"I'm terribly sorry Miss Steele but you have mistaken me for someone else."

I raise an eyebrow in confusion. "Well it's kind of hard to mistake somebody like you." I blush even more when I realized what I just said.

He chuckles again and stands up. "I appreciate the compliment but this happens to me more than you think." He takes out his phone and shows me a picture.

Oh. My. God. There's two of them?!

"I have a twin Miss Steele." He answers my inner question. I look back up at him. Way to embarrass yourself Ana.

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry." I apologize and he shrugs. He slips his phone back into his pocket.

"No worries. Like I said, I get it a lot. A lot less now that he doesn't spend so much time in the office anymore."

I cock my head at him. What?

"Walk with me?" he asks and I nod. We make our way out of the boardroom. We turn down the hall, away from the secretary desk.

"My brother and I built this law firm from the ground up. A couple of years ago, he felt like this wasn't satisfying him anymore so he built Trouble. It's his pride and joy now; his baby. That club is where he spends most of his time unless I need him for something necessary."

We stop in front of a pair of double doors. He nods towards the name plate. Christian Grey, Name Partner.

"Christian is who you met last night. I'm Colton Grey, Managing Partner. And your new boss." He smirks at me.

"I'm so embarrassed."

"Don't be, at least you got to know one of the partners. He treated you well, I hope? I would hate to lose another assistant so soon."

"No worries about that. I'm terribly sorry. I had no idea you had a twin brother."

"It's all good, come on. I'll introduce you to Paul so you can negotiate your contract."

After I leave Grey Law and climb into a taxi, I immediately dial Kate.

"Don't worry Ana. You'll find something else." Kate answered.


"I'm assuming you didn't get the job."

"No, I got it."

"Then why are you calling me?"

"Cause I have something to tell you. Geez, thanks for the confidence boost by the way."

"You know I'm always here for you. So what's up?"

"You remember that guy I told you about last night?"

"You mean the one you ditched me for half an hour for a quickie in the back office?"

I blush. "Yes that one."

"What about him?"

"He's my new boss's brother."

"What? How do you know?"

"I kind of accused him of banging me last night…"

"Nice going Ana, how in the world did you get that job?"

"How was I supposed to know he had a twin brother that looked exactly like him? Anyways, he was pretty cool about it. Explained it to me and all is good."

"You're one lucky girl Ana Steele. Are you going to bag his brother now too?"

"Eww Kate, no! He's my boss."

"He's single right?"

"I can't believe we're talking about this."

"What if you meet him again?"

"I don't know. I can't really avoid him now."

"What do you mean?"

"He works at the law firm too."

"No shit, really?"

"Yes really."

"What a fucking small world huh?"

"You're telling me."

"Now you two can have like hot, office sex."

"Bye Kate."

Author's Note: This idea has been running through my mind for weeks so I thought I write it. Anyways, finally caught a break from school work. Will update stories soon.