Chapter 1 – Through the Trump Portal

To many a window may appear as a useful but bland object. Often taken for granted; windows sit idly while we go about our day to day lives. However, to Donald, windows are most important. So important that he spends much of his time sat facing one. The large window located on the highest floor of Trump Tower is his favourite as it allows him to see a large part of the city below. Sometimes he wonders if the city stares back.

Donald perched on a large leather chair in his usual spot next to the window. He sipped his coffee while his eyes scoured the city bustling below him. He liked this area, it made him feel superior. The grey walls reflected the light and made the office feel open while the single desk in the centre looked much too small for the room.

Donald wheeled his chair over to the desk and checked his smartphone. He huffed as he noted that he was losing in the current polls. Picking up a dart he flicked his hand in the direction of a Hillary Clinton poster. He missed.

Trump flinched as a nearby desk-phone rang. Before answering he glanced back over to the city.

"Soon you will be mine," He whispered deviously. The phone felt cold in his hand as he lifted it to his ear.

"Yes?" Donald questioned.

"Sir, you are requested on the lower floors. They told me to tell you it's code 2187 sir," A clear voice sounded through the phone.

"Well you tell them I said I'm on my way," Donald replied as he rose off of the chair and looked one final time back to the city before sighing and marching to the door.

As he reached the elevator he looked behind him to check for followers. With no one there he stepped into the elevator. As the silver doors closed he moved quickly over to the keypad. He hovered his fingers over the word 'Trump' and tapped the 'T' twice followed sharply by the letter 'P'. A ping played quietly and he smiled to himself. He expected good news from the scientists. The elevator plunged down through the tower at a rapid pace but didn't stop at the ground floor. In fact, it travelled continuously down for a good minute before coming to a halt. The doors opened dramatically and he stepped out with his head held high.

The lab he entered was filled with people. Running like mice they worked on different stations. The walls were painted a clinical white colour and silver aluminium tables were scattered around the room. Thick panes shielded the scientists from ongoing experiments. Trump did not look around for he knew exactly where he was going.

A scientist with a crisp white coat and grey hair walked forward to greet Donald as soon as he saw him.

"Mr Donald Trump Sir," He dipped his head in a respectful tone.

"I trust project 2187 is going well," Donald spoke whilst beginning to march to his destination.

"Yes Sir quite well. We believe it is actually complete and safe for human use," The scientist replied as he caught up to Trump.

"Believe?" He questioned and his beady eyes pierced down upon the scientist.

"What I meant to say sir is it is complete and fully functional. It will take you to your desired location in one piece," The scientist stuttered and almost stumbled over his feet as he stopped outside a glass door. "It's through here sir," He held the door open for his boss.

Donald went through the open door and his eyes rested on the contraption residing inside. The walls were clear and he could see everyone working outside. There was a silver metal circle in the centre of the room. Nuts and bolt dotted the circumference and it was connected to multiple wires which were connected to many different computers and machines. There were three scientists in the room. One was standing next to the machine while two others worked away at computers.

"Donald," The scientist who was stood by the machine smiled. Trump nodded his head in turn and returned the smile.

"Gerald," Donald replied. Gerald cleared his throat in the direction of the two other scientists and they stood up immediately and left the room. His face turned back to Trump and he began to speak.

"The portal we have worked on is finally complete. Just as we suspected, the Star Wars universe is a real universe and this portal should get you there. May I ask though, how do you plan on acquiring the force powers? I always thought you had to be born with them" Gerald's smile vanished and his cold hard expression returned. Donald chuckled quietly and shook his head.

"The force surrounds all of us Gerald. After seeing the movies several times I have reached the conclusion that I am indeed force sensitive I just need to grow my powers. Once I have mastered them I shall return and use mind tricks to…" Donald stopped. His eyes tightened looking for the right word. "Encourage the people of America to vote for me." He finished and waited for a response from Gerald.

"That is a very thoughtful plan. I struggle to believe we actually managed to create this machine. It took some time but we did it in the end. Now you shall embark on your journey. I personally suggest you find Luke Skywalker. He'll help you with your powers," Gerald spoke with an almost emotional tone.

"I think you'll find I have a much different plan my friend but thanks for the advice. I would like to leave now if that's alright with you," Donald lifted his head up at the portal as he ran through his plan in his head.

"Certainly!" Gerald moved with pace over to the computer and began typing in several passwords. "Are you sure you want to leave in those? I wouldn't say your suit is appropriate."

Donald adjusted his outfit and stepped towards the portal.

"I would have to disagree. This is my image. Besides, who can resist a smart looking man?" Trump flashed him a cheesy smile and Gerald looked away almost embarrassed.

"Of course," Gerald finished and tapped a key on the keyboard. The portal whirled to life; shaking slightly. The area inside the portal shimmered and Trump brushed his hand over the top causing a rippling effect on the surface. Gerald nodded once to Trump. "Good luck Donald,"

"Yes." Trump answered and he leapt through.