((A/N) To important stuff first. I know you're going to start calling me out for this, which is why I would like to point this out: Since the Death Eaters destroyed all Muggleborn records between 1997 to 1998 during Voldemort's reign, and Ouran Highschool Host club was 17 and 16, estimated, around 1997. I know this because the flip phone, which was used by the host club, came out in 1996, and the club evidently had it for some time, so I'm just estimating. So, it would be entirely possibly for their wizarding records to get lost.

Also, to let your know, I've only watched the anime (millions of times) and I am only on the seventh book of the manga, so bear with me, okay? And yes, I know that Tamaki is French and Japanese, and the rest are Japanese too. Just...imagine them magically teleported to London, okay? Disclaimer: All rights to Ouran belong to Bisco Hatori and all rights to Harry Potter belong to Joanne Rowling.)

Title: The host club causes havoc (again!)

Genre: Romance/Humor

Pairing(s): Main Pairing: Tamaki Suoh X Haruhi Fujioka. Side Pairings: Ron Weasley X Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy X Astoria Greengrass

Synopsis: The Ouran Highschool host club go to Hogwarts, and all hell breaks loose! It sees you simply can't keep these boys (and girl) under control. Of course, they are in the middle of a bloody family reunion with dear old Voldemort, but since when has that ever stopped the rambunctious hosts?

(Conversation held in 9:00 AM, Suoh second estate)

You're a wizard, Tamaki Suoh.

I? Wizard? What the hell are you talking about, lady?


You are a half-blood.

But-didn't you say that half bloods had one parent as a wizard?

Your mother was a witch.

Mom? She was-


Good luck, Tamaki Suoh.

Wait! Are my friends coming as well? If not, then I would like to refuse.

Oh? What friends?

Kyoya Ootori?


Haninozuka Mitsukuni, Morinozuka Takashi, Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin, and Haruhi Fujioka.





"Tama-chan, Tama-chan!"

Tamaki Suoh looked playfully at the blond boy next to him, his dazzling eyes shining brightly. It was the day. He wa currently sitting at the middle of Platform 9 and Platform 10, waiting for the rest of his friends to show up. Hani and Mori were already there. "What is it, Hani-senpai?"

Hani wrapped an arm around his leg and smiled brightly. Passerby stopped and stared. After all, it wasn't a normal day that two very good looking boys appeared in a train station, especially not, judging from their appearances, rich ones.

"When is Haru-chan and the others coming over?"

"They should be here soon, Hani!"

Hani smiled brightly and nodded, making an adorable squee! sound, and some of the girls who were passing by internally fainted.

Hani then turned to the man who was currently hoisting him above his shoulders, wearing an award winning poker face. "Takashi?"


"Takashi, what house do you think I'll get into? Hufflepuff sounds nice, I hope they have cake! I heard they have a Great Hall. Banzai! I hope it has cake! Do you think they will have cake, Takashi?"


Tamaki was grinning at the aforementioned conversation, when suddenly and large jolt made him come back to his senses.

"Senpai, Gomen! Hikaru pushed me and I stumbled and fell, and gomen!" There was no mistaking this voice, it belonged to Haruhi Fujioka. Tamaki tilted up his head to see two twins snickering. While half-heartedly glaring at them, he returned his gaze back to Haruhi.

"Sore wa daijobudesu, Haruhi. Is Kyoya arriving soon?"


Sure enough, as the words were spoken, the host club's resident shadow lord arrived quietly next to Tamaki, who screeched and fell onto Haruhi.

"Kyoya, don't do that!" There was a muffled choking sound coming from beneath him. "Oh, Haruhi, gomen." Tamaki got up and half-heartedly glared at Kyoya. "Just because you're a shadow lord doesn't mean you have to be all….shadowy."

Kyoya rubbed his fingers onto his temple. "I'm surrounded by idiots." He sighed.

Haruhi cleared her throat.

"Perhaps we should actually board the train now?" She suggested, pointing to a clock that showed that there was only fifteen minutes till the train left. She frowned. "Hang on, when did that clock appear?"

"It was always there, just located where you couldn't see it."


"Haruhi's right, we should board the train now." Kyoya said,smoothly picking up his luggage and disappearing through a wall.

Hang on…

"KYOYA?" Tamaki's voice rang out through the station. Several passerby turned to stare at him, before dismissing this as a normal occurrence. A hand shot out discreetly out of the wall, and grabbed Tamaki's hand, and pulled him in.

"W-" Tamaki managed to get out, before he saw that he wasn't in King's Cross anymore. Well, he was, but in a different...area? Region?

"I just teleported." He whispered, awed.

Hani and the twin's voice rang out. "Don't tell me, boss, that you never even asked the nice old lady about what to do when you reached the station?" said Kaoru teasingly.

"Oh, shut up."