Yô -0-)/ how long né? TuT gomen, I had a terrible month of September ugh ~~ I could write but I did it only when I went to bed on my phone and I happened to b always so f*cking tired that I fell asleep easily ~_~" Hopefully it's all over, for now and I am much more free QwQ!

Anyways, first of all let me apologize bc I said that I would write the love~love part this chapter pvp though I am doing it the chapter is SO long already (and they're not even doing it :V) so I had to divide it TuT so no love~love in this one... I think I won't divide it again, so next chapter will be where they make the baby T3T the precious being of this world ah~ But let me warn you in advance, it might be a very long chapter. My love~love scenes tend to be very detailed and explicit, bc of that I tend to write and write and write and I don't know when to stop XD BUT, I'm trying not to make it too detailed and explicit bc I want it to be romantic and special QuQ ganbarimasu~

Other than that, I hope you still remember half of the shit I've written before :v and forgive me for all my mistakes ~v~

Chapter VIII

Lying down on the wooden bed, over soft cushions, Luffy was worsening and very quickly. The boy had lost his consciousness not too long after getting back to the room. The side effects of the candy he had eaten had clearly reached his entire core by now. Although Luffy was strong, it wasn't surprising he would get poisoned and unable to resist at some point. Ace had tried everything he could remember so far and no longer knew what to do. Well, truth to be told, there was a certain magic he was refusing to spell. It wasn't easy to cast and it could be dangerous for the both of them.


The desperation Ace had been feeling over the past hour, as he tried incessantly to bring Luffy back to his senses, was only growing strongly and unstoppably within him. The quantity of magic he had tried to spell to help the boy so far, had been more than he had ever used. He was starting to lose his focus and the strength was leaving his body bit by bit. Although he was one of the strongest demons, even Ace had a certain limit. The aching sensation he had been enduring the whole time was getting too unbearable by the second; and he knew the cause of it. A single glance at the weak angel was enough to let him join all the pieces of the puzzle. Of course, he also remembered the mysterious fallen angel's words: '—the other will die as well. That's how deep and strong their bond is'. However, if not only related to their death, but also related to physical and mental wounds, then their bond also allowed them to feel the other's pain. Just like Ace had been feeling Luffy's emotions as if they were his own, and vice versa, the same would happen when one of them was in danger or hurt.

A sudden sharp pang in his heart made him hesitate and doubt yet again. He didn't know if this bond was a blessing or a curse anymore. If whenever he got seriously hurt, although not having suffered the same injuries as him, that would still cause pain to Luffy, then this was definitely a curse. Yet, if the opposite happened, just like it was currently happening, then it was a blessing because he would be able to share Luffy's pain, no matter how unbearable it was. In a way Ace would be much closer to the boy. How selfish of him to be happy over something like this at such a situation. But he couldn't help it. He knew Luffy too well, thus he knew that whenever he himself got hurt the angel would most likely try to endure the pain for his sake, however with such a deep bond it would be useless to even pretend not to feel anything.

Gently, Ace's hand enveloped Luffy's and brought it to his lips. His mouth placed a soft kiss over it. The desperation grew stronger as he realized how weak the angel's heartbeat was. Although his own heartbeat hadn't gotten weaker in the slightest, he was starting to feel a sharp pressure in it.

"You idiot!" He murmured weakly. "If you don't wake up after this, I'm going to kill you myself."

Determined, the demon let go of the angel's hand, placing it carefully over the bed once again. With a last glance at Luffy, Ace's eyes were softly closed for a long moment. In his head, he was starting to visualize the figure of his powerful ancestry. The need to cast this dangerous spell was undoubtedly existent, yet no matter the circumstances, Ace still needed the permission to use it. Even though his ancestry was no longer in this world, he was yet able to communicate with him through the powers he had gained from him.

After what seemed an eternity, Ace felt how a strong wave of power flowed throughout his body. He had been granted the permission, hopefully.

Putting a hand over Luffy's forehead, and another over his stomach, the demon muttered determinedly, "Lucifer, prince of heaven and king of hell, may your great power befall over me." As those words left his mouth, Ace's dark wings appeared magically on his back. Some of his feathers were tainted into the purest of the colors. Their white glow became dazzling for a moment. However, such an event had great consequences on the body of whom was spelling this magic. Ace's entire core was surrounded by an intense white flame. The pain it brought him was more than he could usually bear, however this was for Luffy's sake, thus he had to continue. Ace couldn't hesitate; not even for a split second.

With gritted teeth, the demon continued his dangerous magic. Yet, at the same time, countless questions and doubts ran through his mind.

Would this magic work? For moments he almost doubted it, yet he quickly grabbed onto his last ray of hope: his ancestry had never failed him.

"Oh! Look who's here. Hey, boy~"

Luffy looked in the direction of the deep and hoarse tone of voice, but his eyes were unable to see in such deep darkness. But, somehow, he felt a certain nostalgia. He felt as if he had been here before.

"Who's there?"

"Oh my, I can't believe that you became blind. Why is that, Luffy-boy?"

"Blind? Me?"

"Yes, after all you cannot see the light of your own powers anymore." Luffy's heart skipped a beat. He was starting to get a clue of where he was already. "I can't believe it though. I thought that you were different but it seems that you're losing yourself. I'm disappointed."

"Huh? What are you talking about? Where are you? Show up already! And help me to get out of here, I'm starting to get hungry~~" The angel bemoaned weakly. Following his desperate complaints, was a mocking laughter.

"Helping you to get out of here? But that is impossible."

"What do you mean?"

"Didn't I tell you? You're blind. Né Luffy-boy, are you losing the sight of what is important to you? What about your fervent wish? Something so simple yet so complex… Are you perhaps forgetting about it?"

"E-Eh?" Luffy's body shuddered briefly. He could feel it… The beat of his heart started decreasing all of a sudden, and with it, his will to live was abandoning him as well.

"See what I said? You're forgettingno, perhaps you've forgotten it already. How shameful, Luffy-boy…"

The strength of Luffy's body was vanishing quickly; unstoppably and the more the hoarse voice spoke, the weaker he would feel. Slowly, he fell onto the floor, and even though he tried to endure and fight against the sudden lack of strength, it was useless. His body wasn't obeying him anymore.

He was getting sleepy. So, so sleepy.

"A...ce…" His mouth murmured very weakly.

"Yes, I remember. That is the name of your wish."

Luffy's eyes were softly closed. He was unable to keep them open for another second. Yet, in his mind the image of a single demon appeared. He couldn't remember his name anymore, but he knew him. His heart knew him, he could feel it.

"Say Luffy-boy, shall I take him away from you? I think I would like to have him for myself. Such strong and unique power… Shall I steal him from you? He might come to love me more than he loves you. And the same goes for me. I will certainly love more than you."

Such statement enraged him. Luffy wanted, more than anything, to yell how wrong his powers were, yet his body wasn't following his wishes anymore. Also, he didn't know... Why did he even want to do that? Why would he do that? Why should he do that? No matter how confused he was, the rage wouldn't vanish at all.

A mocking laughter reached his ears. "I will let you see, how I will love and how he will love me and forget you, Luffy-boy."

Luffy's eyes were slightly opened. Very faintly, he saw the glimpse of an intense light, and while he tried to move and prevent the light from vanishing, he was unable to do so.

Soon enough, Luffy was abandoned in the darkness. In front of his slightly opened eyes, the single image of the demon he so well knew but couldn't remember the name of no matter what, appeared. Close to the demon, was the figure of a boy.

Was he seeing a mirage? Or was it because he was too weak?

That boy, looked exactly like himself. So he really knew that demon…

"I will let you see, how I will love and how he will love me and forget you, Luffy-boy." He remembered his powers words and his heart ached.

Why didn't he want such a thing to happen?

Why did he feel like part of him was dying?

He didn't like it.

He didn't want this.

But what should he do? What could he do?

He didn't know how that had happened. While he had been desperately trying to finish his powerful spell in order to save Luffy, he had been abruptly pushed away. The painful fall that came after that left him unable to react for moments. When he had finally recovered from the pain on his back and head, Luffy was unexpectedly awake and on top of him.

"Lu-Luffy?" Said male didn't reply; didn't react. His expression remained hidden behind dark locks of hair. Slowly, Ace's hand tried to reach the angel's cheek, and while he touched it, Luffy remained quiet. "Are you alright? Does your body hurt?" He questioned truly concerned. Yet, by doing so, Ace realized something important; his body didn't ache anymore. The burning sensation plus the sharp pressure in his heart had vanished. Also, the difficulty to breath was gone too. Did this mean that his magic had worked? But he hadn't even had the time to completely finish it…

As Ace struggled to find answers to all his questions, he missed to notice Luffy's action.


With Luffy's sweet purr into his ear, Ace returned to his senses. The doubts he had so desperately tried to solve inside his head vanished in the blink of an eye as he felt the angel's crotch against his. Through widened eyes, Ace looked at Luffy. The demon was shocked.

"Why is he-"

Interrupting his trail of thoughts, the angel murmured softly into his ear yet again, "Ace…"

The demon swallowed hard. His mind was suddenly blank. The abnormal behavior of Luffy was astonishing him to an incredible extent.

"Don't…" The angel's voice murmured with difficulty into the darkness. His blurry vision looked at the vivid image of the demon and himself. No, that wasn't himself; it were his powers controlling him. It were his powers approaching the demon; it were his powers touching him, getting closer to him.

He didn't like it.

He didn't want that.

Feebly, his hand tried to reach them, but to no avail. The closer it got to them, the farther they would get from his grasp.

"Don't touch him." His lips muttered weakly in desperation.

Ace's hands embraced Luffy's waist in confusion and anxiety. A gasp escaped through his lips as Luffy's tongue licked his earlobe languidly, and his teeth bit the white earring playfully. Unwittingly, his arms squeezed the boy's body as a slow shiver ran throughout his body. He wasn't understanding anything, yet he was unable to react at the angel's behavior. The strangest of it all was that he couldn't feel anything from the other male; neither emotions, nor pain, nor sensations… Nothing. Luffy was empty. Had his magic done that? Had his magic weakened their bond?

"Stopdon't… touch him." The angel whispered as he crawled weakly after the vision he was witnessing.

"Why? Is he dangerous? That's why you don't want 'yourself' to touch him?" A sudden voice asked and Luffy replied without thinking.


"Is it because he is a demon?" Another question, another fast reply.


"Then, why?" The voice sounded now much closer to him; almost as if someone was speaking into his ear. Yet, Luffy couldn't feel anyone nor anything there. Was he hallucinating due to his pitiful state?

As the doubts kept growing in his mind and heart, the voice questioned one more time, "Why Luffy? Why do you want to stop your own body from touching him? He is a demon and you are an angel. Isn't that reason enough?"


"Why? Say, do you know him?"

Did he?

His blurry vision focused on the demon's face. He observed him carefully; he tried to remember of him but nothing came to his mind. He didn't know him.


"But you don't want your powers to touch him, even though it's through your body. Why? Who is he?"

"I-" Luffy tried to remember him yet again, but it didn't matter how hard he tried, nothing concerning that demon came up to his mind. "I don't know."

"If you don't remember, he will be taken away. All of him will disappear. Are you okay with that?"

Luffy balled his trembling hands into fists against the cold surface. The rage within him arose at the mysterious voice's words. How many times had he to say that he didn't know that demon? He didn't know him. He didn't know why he didn't want his powers to touch him. He didn't know anything! However, he didn't want the demon to disappear. He didn't want him to be taken away. Why?

"That demon…" The angel started softly but determinedly. "...I won't let anyone take him away."

"Is that so? Then, who is he? Tell me."

"I don't-"

"You do! Who is he, Luffy?"

"I don't-"



"Look at them Luffy. If your powers kiss the demon, then it will be too late."

Luffy observed the small distance that separated the demon's lips from his own. He was running out of time, but he didn't know what to do. He couldn't remember him no matter what? Why should he care so much for someone he didn't know in the first place? This was infuriating!

"Luffy, what is your wish?"

The angel's eyes widened at the sudden question.

"My wish?"

"Yes. What is it that you wish for the most? What is it that you want to protect? What is it that you don't want to lose? If you answer this I promise you, I will help you to save that demon."

If to save that demon all he had to do was telling that mysterious voice his wish, then he wouldn't hesitate.

"Ace eh?"

"Then, once again, who is that demon?" The voice asked more confidently.

Luffy looked at the demon and in a daze he muttered his name, "Ace…" Instantly the strength returned full force to his body, and once again his mouth whispered softly the demon's name, increasing its tone bit by bit as Luffy's memories attacked his brain and heart like a hurricane.

"Ace! It's Ace! It's Ace! We've got to help him!"

"We do, but can't you see me yet, Luffy?"

As he heard that, Luffy looked back and right in front of his orbs was the intense reddish light of his powers. With widened eyes, the boy asked confused, "What are you doing here?"

Deep laughter came from the light. "The meaning of my existence is to be by my master's side. I am your powers after all. I can't leave your side neither do I want to do it, no matter what."

"Then, who's with Ace?" Luffy asked in a panic. If it were his powers then he could trust them, however not knowing who was controlling his own body was fearsome.

"I see. You can't see them yet huh."

"See them?"

"Ghosts. It's a ghost that is controlling your body. The reason why you couldn't see me and moving nor remember about Ace, was that ghost's doing. It was inside the candy you ate earlier. Due to that candy's effects on you, it easily possessed you. However its target was Ace from the beginning. The same happened the first time you encountered a ghost, am I right?"

Luffy remembered everything and nodded more concerned about Ace than ever.

"That happens because Ace is special. He is one of the strongest demons in hell. He is the descendant of Lucifer, the fallen angel that once ruled hell alongside Satan. And as Lucifer's descendant, his blood and powers can give immortality to ghosts."


"Then if we don't hurry and save Ace, he will die."

"Then we have to go! Help me to get out of here!"

"I can't do that. You can, though. Luffy, you should be able to communicate with Ace. Your bond is strong enough for that."

Luffy looked at the red light in confusion. He had no idea how to do such a thing. He wasn't understanding anything to begin with, the only thing he wanted was to get out of that dark place and save Ace.

"How do I do that?" The angel asked desperate. As his powers were about to reply, Luffy added impatiently. "Ah forget, I'll just call him myself!"

"Eh? But there's"

"ACE…!" Luffy shouted loudly over and over looking at the demon through that vision the ghost had left behind.

"Ah forget, just do as you please." His powers muttered satisfied enough with Luffy's determination. In one way or another the boy would do it.

"L-Luffy…" Ace whispered softly as the angel's nose brushed against his. He was confused but he knew that this had to be his magic's fault. So he would take responsibility—

All of a sudden a voice calling his name sounded inside his head. Instantly Ace pushed Luffy away from him, and asked threateningly, "Who are you?"

For a split second time froze, then the other male's mouth was curved into a dark smirk, while he spoke for the first time, "Ah and here I was thinking of killing you in a sweet way. Too bad for you, I guess."

To his surprise, Ace's mouth smirked satisfactorily. "Are you sure of that?"


Ace's hands grabbed the angel's face, pulling him closer. Their lips brushed ever so slightly. "Luffy, come!" His lips kissed Luffy's, and the ghost inside the angel's body was unable to do a thing but be kissed and pushed away from its rightful owner's body.

In less than a second, the tinkling of chains was the only thing that could be heard in the room.

Like I said, I've a lot of the chapter written, so I'll try to hurry up and update but I have yet to update my EreRi plus my SouHaru fics TuT I don't update them for way longer than this fic :V lol I bet that I'm hated by readers hahaha (still I'm sure that I'll end up updating the AceLu fics first x'3)

Bye~Bye, ❤⌒ヽ(*'ε^*)chuu*