Her long black hair flowed in the wind, a smile graced her lips as she caught the smell of the familiar salty air. This was her home, this was where she grew up, where she became the woman she is today. Everything was perfect, her life was perfect. She wanted to graduate high school, she had her sights set on college. She had the perfect little family, herself, her mother, her father and her adorably annoying younger brother. No matter what, they had been very supportive of every decision she made, even if they didn't agree with them.

Then there was her fiancé, the man she has fallen in love with and the man who saw the best in her, even when she didn't see the best in herself. To be honest, at first she didn't think too highly of him, maybe that was because everyone knew the reputation his father had or maybe it was just because, at the time, she truly was not interested in getting herself into a relationship. But that all changed the day she decided to visit First Beach.

She loved the beach, everything about it was so relaxing. Here she could forget about anything and everything. She remembered the day he approached her and asked her to join in their friendly game of beach volleyball. She reluctantly agreed, it wasn't that she wasn't great at sports, she was. It was the fact that the people she would be playing with, although most are more than likely related to her, she never knew them. Yeah, she recognised them, knew their names even. But, to be completely honest, most of them, if not all of them, probably didn't even realise who she was.

It didn't take her long to get into the game. Beach volleyball was her favourite after all. For the first time since she could remember, she was really enjoying herself. Although the people surrounded her were almost strangers, she felt like she belonged here.

The game had come to an end and she made her way towards her beach towel, him hot on her heels.

"Thanks for inviting me to play. I really enjoyed that," she smiled as she took a sip of her water, "I haven't played beach volleyball in so long."

"Don't mention it, Leah." He smiled, "Who would have thought you were so good at it! I always thought you were more into your books than anything else,"

Leah shrugged her shoulders, "I used to play all the time as a kid. My family would always come down here to play. I guess I just got so focused and invested in getting good grades so I could hopefully one day go to College."

He sat down next to her, taking the bottle of water she offered to him, "College, ha? Where would you like to go?"

"I haven't quite figured that out yet," she laughed, "But I want to become a Doctor and then someday open up a Doctor's office on the Res to stop everyone from having to travel to Seattle. It would be much more convenient, especially for the elders, if we had one here."

"That sounds like a great idea, Leah. It's great you know what you want to do," He turned to her and smiled, "I, on the other hand, have no clue what I want to do after I finish school. I've always said that when I get old enough I would leave the Res and explore the big wide world. But I don't know if I would ever be able to do that, I don't think I could leave this place for too long."

"Travelling would be awesome," Leah smiled, "If you one day, do decide you would like to travel around and you would like a travel buddy. Keep me in mind." She meant it as a joke, but he took it seriously.

"Really? You would actually want to travel with me?" he laughed.

"Why not?" she shrugged, "It could be fun."

From that day on, every day they would meet down at First Beach. At first it was just because they enjoyed each other's company, then it became more. So much more.

"I love you, Leah." He laughed as she tackled him to the ground. Hearing this made Leah freeze and stare up at him.

"You love me?" she blinked, hoping that she heard him right.

He sat up, taking her in his arms and letting her rest her head on his shoulder. "Yes, Leah. I do. I love you so much more than you could ever imagine."

A happy sigh escaped Leah's lips, "I love you too. You mean everything to me, Sam."

Unfortunately for Leah, this fairy tale that she was currently living, wouldn't have its happy ending.

Sam started drifting away from Leah during their senior year. He would leave at the most inconvenient times, make up excuses as to why he was standing her up almost every day. It got to the point where he disappeared for two weeks, with no call to anyone.

"I've had it, Sam!" Leah shouted as he, once again, had to leave unexpectedly, "I've had enough of this shit! Why can't you tell me where you are going? Why can't you just stay here with me? Is that too much to ask?"

Sam hated doing this to Leah, he really did. Though it didn't seem that way to Leah, he still loves her, he is still unconditionally in love with her. "I'm sorry, Leah. I wish I could tell you, I really hate doing this to you, you have to believe me."

She shook her head, trying to fight the tears from falling from her eyes, "I c-can't believe you, Sam. You haven't told me the truth as to where you go! What am I supposed to believe? Do you know how many nights I have stayed up, waiting for you to crawl in through my window like how you used to? It's got to the point now where I always lock it now! I miss you, Sam. I miss us! We aren't the same anymore,"

"We aren't the same people we used to be," he muttered.

"I am. I am still the same Leah you met in school, the same Leah you invited to play volleyball at first beach! I am still the same Leah. But you aren't the same Sam. The old Sam would never hurt me. He would always tell me the truth, he wouldn't stand me up without good reason!" she finally let the tears fall, "Why can't you be that Sam again?"

He stepped closer to her. His heart ached when she took a step back and shook her head, "People change, Lee-Lee. I'm sorry that person had to be me. I'm sorry I hurt you, I don't want to. If I could tell you, I would. But I can't."

Leah watched as Sam's eyes began to water up. He doesn't have a right to cry! "You do not get to cry, Uley! You brought this on yourself."

"No I didn't. Do you think I want any of this? Do you think I want to be the one to hurt you? I hate seeing you like this, I hate seeing what I'm doing to you. I can't control this, Leah. I can't control what I have to do," he sighed, "I'm just following orders…"

"Following orders?" she whispered, "What orders are you talking about?"

"I've said too much already, lee. I have to go," He turned to leave, knowing that he won't be back to see Leah tonight, but he would come and see her tomorrow. He stopped dead in his tracked when Leah began to speak again.

"You walk out that door, it's over Sam! You and I, it will be over the moment you step out that door." She screamed at him. Her sobs tore his heart, how could he just walk away from the woman he loved?

He stayed. But that was the last time he stayed by her side.

Leah had decided she needed someone to talk to, someone who she could confess all her feelings to and know she would never be judged, so she invited her best friend and her cousin down from the Makah reservation. Emily Young. Leah would soon realise that this was the biggest mistake she could have ever made.

"I-I don't know why he's avoiding me, Emily. I don't know if I can take this anymore," Leah sobbed as Emily held her close, "I thought he loved me. Was I wrong to think that we would be together forever?"

"No, Lee. You weren't. I have no idea what has gotten into him, but he sounds like he has turned into a complete ass!" Emily whispered, "If he isn't going to treat you right, then he doesn't deserve you."

An hour later, with Leah still letting out the occasional sob and Emily trying her best to comfort her, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll grab it, Lee", Emily went to stand up but Leah grabbed her wrist.

"It's ok, Em. I can get it, that's Sam's knock. He always knocks three time on my door, it's meant to be a reminder that he loves me." Leah quickly wiped the tears from her eyes and opened the door, "Sam,"

"Lee-Lee, I needed to come see you. I felt this pull to come to your house," Sam said frantically, "I-"

He was interrupted by Emily's bitter laughter, "You treat her like shit for weeks and now you come and Sorry isn't even your first word to her."

Sam looked up, the voice sounded so familiar, so angelic. Even though the person was obviously mad at him, "Excu-"his eyes locked with Emily's and he instantly felt like his world was now complete and his life had a purpose. Leah disappeared from his sight and all he saw was Emily, he felt all his love and feelings for Leah slowly disappear everything he felt for Leah was now what he felt for Emily. Emily Young.

"Sam," Leah whispered, she saw his eyes had been focused on Emily and her heart instantly dropped. She saw the look in his eyes, he used to look at her like that, "SAM!"

Sam slowly shook his head and looked up at Leah, confusion written all over his face.

"Pathetic," Emily mumbled, "You can't even look at her and apologise. I think it's best if you left,"

Sam suddenly felt his feet moving without his permission, she has said he should leave. So he was. He looked up at Leah and saw the tears fall from her eyes but he couldn't find it in himself to focus on her, his mind was full with the image of Emily. He saw Emily glare at him as she walked up behind Leah and gently pulled her back as she closed the door. It was then he took off.

Leah secluded herself in her room for a number of weeks the only reason she left was to go to school and that was it. No one, not even her younger brother Seth could get her to come out. Emily had been to visit and let Leah know that her and her mother were moving to La Push. Leah managed to give Emily a small smile.

She felt pathetic, crying over a guy who she knew didn't want her. He hadn't even been around to see her, he didn't even have the decency to call. She knew, even though it had never been spoken aloud between the two of them, that she and Sam were no longer an item. It took Leah a while, but she realised she couldn't lay around in bed all day and feel sorry for herself. Slowly but surely she managed to get up off her bed, head in for a shower and get changed into something decent. She decided it was time to go and see Emily, she hadn't got to have a proper conversation with her in so long.

She had to admit, it felt good to be outside.

As she began walking down the driveway of Emily's place, she heard yelling. She decided to come to a halt and listen to what was going on.

"No, Sam! Go back to Leah. You can't just come here and tell me you love me when I barely even know you! You love Leah! She loves you! Go back to Leah. I keep telling you this, every time you show up at my door!"

Leah's heart sank to the pit of her stomach and she felt the tears come to hears. She furiously used her hands to wipe them away.

"Please, Emily. I can't be away from you, you know why! I need you," Sam begged, that done it for Leah, she let out a loud sob and quickly covered her mouth, scared they would hear her. They did.

Sam's head quickly turned to face her a look of regret covering his face, as for Emily, she pushed past Sam to run to her cousin, "Leah!"

Leah couldn't take it, although Emily had obviously been rejecting Sam she still felt betrayed. Why didn't Emily tell her about this? Leah quickly turned on her heels and ran. She didn't want to hear what Emily had to say or even Sam, if there was even anything he could say to her.

"Leah, wait. Please," Emily cried. She knew she wouldn't be able to catch Leah, so she came to a halt and turned her attention back to Sam, "This is all your fault! Go back to Leah. Make this right!"

Sam refused to do so and made his way closer to Emily. "I can't do that and you know this."

Emily lost it, "You're a liar! You're leaving Leah just like your father left your mother. You are exactly like him!"

Sam felt nothing but rage, he felt himself lose control as he phased into his wolf form. Emily screamed in pain as she fell to the ground. Sam had phased to close to her, his claws making marks on her right cheek. Sam froze as he saw his imprint on the ground, eyes closed and a bloody scar on her face. He instantly phased back and picked her up in his arms. He took her to the only place he knew where a nurse lived, he took her to the Clearwater's.

Leah had kept running, she realised she had made it to First Beach when she smelt the salt in the ear and heard the soft crashing of the waves. It was there she broke down and fell to the ground.

"Leah," she heard someone softly speak. She turned her head towards the voice.

"Paul," she replied, she turned her head away from Paul to quickly wipe her tears. Once she had done this, she turned her head, only to find out that Paul had sat down beside her.

Paul was one of Sam's friends. Leah wouldn't go as far to say that they were good friends, but they were friends none the less. He always seemed a little too arrogant for Leah's liking, he always had a cocky way about him that Leah didn't approve of.

Paul turned his head to face Leah and saw the tears that were still lingering in her eyes, "You okay?"

Shocked by his compassion, Leah closed her eyes and shook her head, "I don't know, Paul."

"I saw what happened back there," he stated, "I don't live too far from Emily and decided to take a walk. I heard yelling. So I, being the nosey bastard I am, I stopped to listen…"

Leah sat there and once again closed her eyes and rested her chin on her knees.

"He's an idiot, Lee." Paul whispered, "I didn't realise you had heard all that too until I saw you bolt. I decided to follow you to make sure you were okay."

Leah couldn't bring herself to say anything else, she just sat there, looking into the distance. Her heart ached, her eyes stung from the tears she was trying to hold back. She didn't know how she was going to cope. Sam had been her everything for three years and now he was trying to shack up with her cousin. Emily… Leah would never understand why Emily hadn't come and told her about Sam's advances towards her. Why didn't she just tell her when she would come to visit? Although Leah didn't really speak to her, she still felt like she had the right to know.

"I-I don't know how I can live without him, Paul," Leah finally let the tears out and she tightened her grip around her legs, "He was my everything and now he decides he wants to shack up with my cousin. Am I not good enough?"

Paul was never one to show compassion, it was just the way he is. But sitting here, next to Leah he felt himself wanting to engulf her in a hug and tell her everything was going to be ok. But he couldn't. He didn't know if it would be.

"You are, Lee. You are good enough. I don't know what's happening with Sam, but all I can say is never think you are not good enough." Paul found himself wrapping an arm around Leah's shoulders and bringing her in close. This shocked both Leah and himself, "Look. Emily turned him away, Leah. I know how close you two are, don't blame her for all of this. Don't shut her out. Talk to her. There must be a reason why she didn't tell you. She probably didn't want to hurt you…"

"It would have hurt, yeah, but she still should have told me, Paul," Leah sobbed. She buried her face into Pauls shoulder as she cried, "I deserved to know instead of finding out how I did…"

Paul didn't know what else to say, he wasn't good with this stuff. So he just held her as she sobbed. They stayed there for an hour before Leah finally lifted her head from Pauls shoulder and looked up at him, "Thanks Paul."

"No problem," he mumbled, "We should get you home. I bet your parents and Seth are worried about you."

Leah nodded and they made their way towards her house. No words were shared between the two of them, only silence. But that didn't bother the both of them. They both preferred it this way. Once they had arrived at the Clearwater residence Leah went to turn around to face Paul to thank him. She jumped when she heard her name being shouted from her little brother.

"Leah!" Seth shouted, he bounded off the porch and engulfed her in a hug, "Emily's in hospital. Sam brought her around and said she has been mauled by a bear,"

Leah untangled herself from Seth and drew in a deep breath. "I need to get to the hospital,"

"I'll drive you, Leah. You're in no condition to drive," Paul suggested, Leah merely nodded and made her way towards the car.

"I'm going to go in with Dad later on," Seth said softly, "He had to go and talk to the elders,"

Before Leah knew it, she and Paul were pulling up to the hospital. Without thinking Leah threw open the door and bolted towards the entrance. Once inside she saw her mother looking very distraught.

"Mum," Leah sobbed. She felt herself being embraced by her mother as she broke down crying, "How did this happen?"

"Sam said you and Emily had gotten into a fight and Emily tried to chase you. He said she didn't know where you had run off to and she always knew you liked to go to the forest to think so she ran in there. He said that he couldn't find you so turned around to try and find Emily so they could find you together, it was then he heard her scream…" Leah zoned out as her mother continued speaking. This was her fault? Emily was trying to find her?

"I-I have to go and see her…" Leah trailed off as she wiped the tears from her eyes, "This is my fault."

Leah hadn't realised that Paul has made his way behind her until she heard his voice, "It's not your fault Leah…" Paul had heard the story Sue had told her daughter and knew that Sam left the real reason why Leah has run off and that angered him. Did Sam not have the guts to come clean to someone who had treated him like a son?

Leah ignored Paul and started heading towards Emily's room. As she made it to the door she saw Sam sitting on the side of the bed with Emily gently stroking his face. The door wasn't fully closed and before Leah had turned to leave, her whole world crumbling again she heard Emily whisper to Sam, "It's ok Sam. It's ok. I accept this. You and me, I accept this."

That's all it took for Leah to take off from the hospital, Paul hot on her tail.

Paul had been there for Leah from that day onwards, he slowly pieced her back together and they soon became inseparable. He wasn't as bad as Leah had thought he was. He was sweet, caring and knew how to make her happy. He became her rock and her best friend.

Leah had shut off both Emily and Sam out of her life. At first her mother had tried to convince her to go and see Emily but once she found out about Emily and Sam she understood why Leah wanted nothing to do with either of them. Emily had tried to go around to see Leah one afternoon when Sue had stopped her at the door, telling her that since Leah didn't want to see her. She let Emily know that she was not welcome in this house until her daughter says otherwise. Although this broke Emily, she understood and once again asked Sue to tell Leah how sorry she was.

Sam had tried to come around to apologise too and although Harry Clearwater knew the real reason why Sam was with Emily, seeing his daughter broken into pieces because of this boy made him not care for Sam in any way, shape or form. He warned him not to come back around here again and the only interaction that he would have with Sam was at council meetings. He even went as far as to put his gun to Sam's chest. Just for good measure. Leah was never bothered by Sam again after that day nor Emily.

Leah had a lot to thank Paul for. After that night at the hospital, Leah never thought she would be able to go back to being her old self. She still saw the looks of pity that people gave her but she ignored them and with Paul constantly by her side, she felt alright.

That was until Paul had disappeared with no warning and suddenly Leah had felt as if history seemed to be repeating itself.

I hope you enjoyed this first chapter. It has been two years since I have posted anything up on fanfitcion. I just lost inspiration. Recently I started reading the wonderful stories on here and I gained the inspiration to write this story.

I'm not 100% sure about the title, if you have any other suggestions, please feel free to let me know. Titles, for me, are the hardest to come up with.

Thank you for taking the time to read this first chapter. Please let me know what you think by reviewing.