I saw Zootopia last night and I was inspired to write some Nick and Judy fluff because they are so cute and I just dhabjgoagwndiqg.

Anyway, with a random word generator and my noggin, I'm going to write some oneshots surrounding them. I hope you all enjoy!


Judy unlocked her apartment door and collapsed on the rickety bed, not even bothering to change out of her uniform. She sighed into her pillow as her mind swirled with thoughts about Nick. Judy noticed that as she hung out with her partner more and more, those little butterflies in her stomach constantly fluttered, she blushed almost all the time, and she always babbled on and on. Judy tossed and turned, trying to think of a reasonable explanation of why this kept happening. However, the more she thought, the more her mind brought the same conclusion:

She was falling for him.

Judy groaned and stared at the alarm clock that sat on her desk. As she squinted to read the time, Judy eventually could read the numbers and letters as 1:43 A.M. She sighed and plopped back down, making an attempt to close her eyes and get some sleep. But Nick just kept appearing in her mind. After a few minutes of this, she jolted back up, with those damned butterflies in her stomach again, and glanced at the clock.

1:57 A.M.

Judy huffed in annoyance and hopped out of bed. She needed to go see Nick and tell him how she felt around him. She could not take this anymore. This whole thing had been driving her nuts and making her lose sleep for months. Judy grabbed her keys, left her apartment, and was on her way to his house.

"Okay," Judy mentally told herself as she walked. "I'm going to go to Nick's, telling him how I feel, and whatever happens..." she stopped walking for a moment, suddenly a bit uneasy and unsure.

Judy was tempted to go back to her apartment and just forget about this idea. But a little voice in the back of her mind told her this needed to be done. After all, they were best friends. If he rejected her, he would likely do it gently... Or at least she hoped so.

Once she made it outside, she regretted not bringing a coat for the unexpected cold night. But Judy knew that if she went back to her apartment for anything, she would likely convince herself not to do this and just stay inside. Judy wrapped her arms around her torso and walked her way to Nick's home. Luckily, it wasn't far from where she lived.

After what felt like an eternity, Judy finally reached 1955 Cypress Grove Lane. She quickly turned her head to the right, hearing some loud, drunken shouting in the distance. Nick did not exactly live in the best part of town and even though she was a cop and could take care of herself, she didn't want to cause any unnecessary trouble here.

Judy exhaled in an attempt to calm her growing nerves and gave herself a pep talk. "Okay, Judy. You can do this. You can do this. Just tell him how you feel." Her breathing hitched as she formed her shaky right hand into a fist and knocked on his door.

Her stomach twisted into knots as she heard the sound of locks being opened. Nick swiftly opened the door and smiled when he saw her. "Judy!" he started, crossing his arms. "I didn't expect to see you here, especially at this hour of the night."

"N-Nick, uhh, there's something, uhh, that I-I need to, uhh..." Judy mentally slapped herself. Articulate she wasn't. She just looked at the fox. He was in a dark yellow shirt and some sweatpants. His hair was disheveled and sticking out in random places. Judy wondered if she woke him up. She had a sudden feeling of regret.

Nick chuckled. "Please, Carrots. Come in. I was just watching some TV," he said as he held the door open for her. Judy blushed for the millionth time that morning. He always gave her the nickname "Carrots."

He sat down on his lime green couch, motioning for her to join him by patting on the cushion beside him. She sat down and glanced at anything but him. Judy noticed that his apartment was an absolute mess, but did everything in all her power not to grimace at the pigsty. The last thing she wanted to do was hurt his feelings. Not wanting to look around anymore, she just glanced down at her fidgeting paws. Nick saw that she was obviously nervous about something. He put his right paw underneath her chin and made her look up at him.

"Judy, are you okay?" he asked, his tone filled with concern. She stared into his emerald eyes, getting lost in them. Her mouth suddenly felt incredibly dry and she became more squirmish. The conflicting war within her kept going. Her heart was screaming at her to tell him, but her head said she would only get hurt.

Judy fearfully licked her lips and finally said, "I-I don't really know why I came over... I-I'm sorry." She mentally cursed herself. This was her chance and she completely blew it.

Nick just smiled. "That's okay. I mean, isn't it okay just to come over sometimes? Even if it is," he glanced at his alarm clock that was right beside him, "2:17 in the morning?"

Judy just laughed. "Yeah. I guess so."

Awkward silence filled the apartment, both wanting to start a conversation, but not knowing what to say. Judy was incredibly uncomfortable. She looked over at Nick and figured he might be too. She slowly got up and made her way toward the door.

"Well, Nick. It was nice seeing you this early morning, but I should let you get back to what you were doing..." Judy said in a sad tone, but having a fake smile on her face. "I'll see you at work tomorrow."

She turned the door handle with her right hand and felt a paw grab her left. Her face immediately heated up.

"Wait. I've forgotten my manners... Well, the little manners I have," Nick started, laughing nervously. "I don't want you to go. I don't mind your visit. Please," he turned her around, gripping both of her paws and pulling her closer to him. "Stay."

She grinned widely. "Okay. I'll stay. For a little bit."

They walked back over to the couch. The two of them talked, laughed, and watched movies airing on the television for hours. Judy felt relaxed and content. She was beside her best friend and she did not want to be anywhere else. She leaned her head against Nick's shoulder, becoming very drowsy. Nick looked down at her and gulped, a bright blush starting to form on his muzzle. Slowly, he put his arm around her shoulder, gazing down at her as he did so.

"Thanks for letting me stay over, Nick." Judy said, her thoughts becoming cloudy as sleep started to take over.

"Y-You're welcome, Judy." Nick responded. He began to look at everything but her. The TV was blaring in the background, playing a romance film. The two leads were infatuated with each other and were kissing. Nick sighed in annoyance. The movie was just making him more nervous.

"Hmm," Judy started, her eyes completely closed and she talked in almost a whisper. "I love you..."

A few seconds later, she seemed to have realized what she said because she jolted up and looked at Nick, who had a sly smirk on his face. Oh please... Judy thought. Nick, please, please say you didn't hear what I said... Oh Lord, please...

"You... Love me?" Nick asked slowly as he brought Judy closer. Her stomach dropped and her heart was beating so fast. Judy thought it might burst out of her body.

"N-No! I mean, uhh, I love, uhh..." She was trapped. Judy needed to think of an excuse and fast. Nick smirked at her. He had her where he wanted her, like a predator when it caught its prey.

She took a deep breath, then continued. "I mean, I, uhh, love... your car! Yeah! I didn't finish my sentence, and I wanted to tell you that I love your car!"

He looked at her, confusion evident in his face. "But you told me every time that you took a ride with me that you hated my car."

"Yes. Yes I did," she started. "But now, I love the, uhh, antique-ness of it. It's, uhh, cool." Judy said, emphasizing the word "cool." She really hoped he bought her very ridiculous lie.

Nick chuckled. "Alright. Suit yourself, Carrots."

Judy leaned back on his shoulder and buried her face in his shirt, trying to hide her embarrassment from him. Soon, however, sleep started to take over her. Nick had the remote in his paws and was flipping the channels, anything to get away from the ungodly long romance film. Suddenly, he heard quiet snoring beside him. He glanced down and saw Judy sound asleep, her left arm wrapped around his waist. He put down the remote and held her in his arms.

Thoughts began to flood his mind. He wished he wasn't so afraid to tell her. He wished that he could call her his. He wished that they could be a little bit more than best friends... But the reality came back and hit him like a ton of bricks. Nick knew they couldn't be more unless they both were not scared. He knew though, that right now, they were petrified. He thought back to the mere moments ago when Judy was denying saying that she loved him because of fear.

However, as he looked down at her, he could see everything. He could see them being together, getting married and starting a family. That was something that he desperately wanted. That was something that he believed, hell, even knew would happen. But at that moment, Nick was happy with just having a crush on her and her obviously having a crush on him. Nick came to the understanding that is was okay to take this whole thing slow. It was okay, for the time being, that they were just friends. But that realization didn't stop an idea coming to his head.

Looking down at the bunny he loved, he leaned down and lightly pressed his lips to her forehead. Judy smiled and sighed, wrapping both arms around his torso. He hugged her, not wanting this moment to end. He didn't know when there would be another one like this. This few minutes with her was too perfect.

"I love you too," Nick quietly said, mostly to himself. He was not quite ready for her to hear his confession yet. He kissed her on the forehead again as sleep started to overcome him as well.

One Week Later...

Nick and Judy were standing outside of the bunny's apartment complex. Nick was complaining as Judy was being stubborn.

"Come on, Carrots! Just close your eyes!" Nick whined.

"Just tell me what it is, Nick!"

"No! It's a surprise!"

"Fine!" Judy exclaimed, not particularly wanting to listen to her best friend, but just going along with it to stop their bickering... And partly to make him happy. He pushed Judy forward, making her walk toward whatever thing he wanted to show her. With each step she took, the more curious she became.

"Alright. Open your eyes!" Nick exclaimed.

She did as she was told. In front of her was a car... A really crappy car. She turned around to face him, incredibly confused.

"But Nick. This is your car."

"I know," he started. "You said last week that you loved it so much, so I'm giving it to you."

Her eyes went wide and her mouth agape. She completely forgot about her stupid lie. Nick laughed immensely, knowing exactly what her reaction would be. He fell on the ground, giggling as Judy joined in with his laughter, making the two of them very late to work that day.

And there it is! My first oneshot! I hope you guys liked it. I plan to write many more in the near future. Also, I apologize if this first one seemed a little jagged and uneven. It's been a little while since I've written anything.

That being said, be sure to review! I would love to hear your critiques and improve my writing for next time.

Thanks so much for checking this out!
