A. N. : Sorry for the wait, lots of things happened, but all that matters is that I sent my bachelor's paper ! Next chapter will for sure be next tuesday, the way it should've been had this one been posted on time. Anyway, this chapter. Today's title is brought to you, once again, by sacrificial rites. You'd think the most important part would be the killing of the animal, and that's not wrong per se, but another essential part of bloody sacrifices around the world is making sure the whole altar is covered in blood. It's interesting, I think. Also, the contents of this chapter deserve a warning in my opinion : we've got violence, hand to hand combat and swordfighting, and the consequences thereof, namely physical injuries and death. I'll post a short summary in the notes of the next one for those who don't do well with this stuff, don't worry.

Sokka's boomerang strikes true.

The sword held above Suki's head flies off with a sound not unlike a chime, right as Toph and Zuko reach the ground below. Appa lands, then, boomerang coming back to Sokka's hand, the rumbling of a ten-ton bison weighing on the floor meshing with that of Toph's earth wall, growing fast between Zuko's sister and the rest of them.

Sokka jumps down, keeping an eye on the others to make sure they're all in position, but really his attention is on Suki.

She stares right back at him, eyes wide, upper body still not quite back up from the position she held a moment ago. Time stops for a second, as Sokka looks at her – alive, alive – takes in her bound hands, the weaponless executioner by her side, the female guard nearby, the guy a little farther behind, and Suki – Suki, hair wild, tired, maybe a little thinner than last time he saw her but alive

She starts shouting then. Sokka is running to her – are you an idiot !? – and Dai Li agents slide down the walls – it was obviously a trap ! – and Suki struggles to get back on her feet while the guard nearest to her regains her bearings and presses on Suki's shoulder – I never wanted – and no, no, this isn't the face she should be making, why does she look so sadI never wanted any of you to risk your lives for me – her foot locks around the guard's ankle and she uses her weight to press on the other leg and they both tumble on the floor, Suki on top, the guard's knee letting out the disgusting sound of burning wood cracking as Suki lands on it and the guard screams

On his left, Sokka catches a glimpse of Aang dodging some stones. Toph's wall explodes in a flash of light and the rumble of thunder, before growing back again almost immediately. Keeping the Princess unable to fight is one of the most essential parts of the plan, one they all agreed Toph would focus on, along with freeing Zuko's uncle from his expected bindings.

Suki is standing again as Sokka grows closer to the stage. Their eyes meet for an instant – thank you for coming for me, she says in a strangled voice, barely loud enough for Sokka to hear her. Then she ducks under a flame, shot by the guard who was at the back – Sokka can't see the executioner anymore, guesses they must be trying to retrieve their sword – closes in on the guy, dodges a few more blows, and then her foot whips the air, sole hitting the guard's chin – he stumbles backwards, tries to regain his balance, but Suki rams her shoulder into his chest, then, taking advantage of the guard's lowered head, slams her forehead in his face.

The two stand still for a time, slightly unsteady. Suki breathes heavily, the guard's blood on her head dripping down her nose, and Sokka missed her so much, it feels like she's never been more beautiful.

Free the old man first, she croaks in between ragged breaths. Sokka looks to his right, at Toph and Zuko fighting off Dai Li agents and a few Fire Nation soldiers, shrinks a little when the wall explodes again, watches as Toph interrupts her assault to stomp on the ground, crouches and slams her hands down, then raises them slowly at arm's length, all while Zuko does his best to handle the rest by himself, barely making any progress in getting closer to his uncle.

On the stage, Suki and the guard circle each other – the first one to land a blow again will win, Sokka thinks, and it looks like they both know it – the executioner climbs back up, sword in hand, and the guard with the shattered knee crawls on the floor, hand extended in Suki's direction, nails scraping on the wood with a trail of smoke.

Time stops once more. Sokka can't breathe.

The plan – the plan is for him to go and help Suki out, while Toph and Zuko free Zuko's uncle and the others take care of as many enemies as they can, making sure Appa can fly as soon as they're all on his back. That's the plan. But the reality of this fight is different from the theory and Suki wants him to prioritize Zuko's uncle, and Zuko's sister is giving Toph more trouble than expected, on top of the other guys she has to go through, and Sokka –

Sokka has to make a choice. He – why is it always him who has to –

A Dai Li agent flies over his head, screaming. Sokka blinks. Runs forward and leaps on the stage as Toph shouts that she'll be fine – just go save your girlfriend Snoozles – then draws his sword and stares down what feels like death personified.

He trusts Suki to handle Broken Nose, doubts Broken Knee will crawl fast enough to be any trouble soon. Which leaves Sokka to deal with the one other person here with a sword.

They're less massive than Phat, and shorter than Master Piandao. No way they'll try to overwhelm Sokka with brute force, unlikely they'll use the same dramatic flair and misdirections as Master Piandao or Jet – if they're supposed to cut heads and do it well, then Sokka would bet on something direct, precise, and probably immediately lethal. Sort of easy to anticipate, harder to parry, and with no second chance if Sokka fucks up.

Great. Wonderful. Just what he needed, someone who fights in a way he is absolutely not familiar with, and who will not hesitate to kill him. Cool.

Sokka throws boomerang at death's head, anticipating a dodge, twists to avoid the retaliating thrust, takes a step back and almost stumbles as death's sword slices right where his neck was – there's a stinging sensation under his chin like when he struggles to shave, and that was too close, dammit ! He needs – he needs death just – just a few steps to the left, jabs and slices like he's aiming to maim their left side – no, not like, he would very much appreciate it if they lost some mobility before he loses some vital organ – and they avoid it all, sidestepping his blows with the assurance of someone who studied swordfighting for way longer than three days, until –

Boomerang shines in the sky and Sokka lifts his eyes without thinking for just an instant, realizes his mistake as death's sword thrusts upwards, he raises his free arm and twists his upper body to try and avoid – the glint of metal comes down like lightning right as the sword pierces through Sokka's left forearm, slices up between bones and reaches his shoulder – he chokes on a scream, reflexively raises his other arm – boomerang strikes true, as always, way more reliable than its owner, and death stumbles, lowers their head in an almost graceful bow –

Their neck meets the arc formed by Sokka's sword.

Sokka falls to his knees as death's head flies off, and he thinks maybe giving them this nickname was a bad idea.

It just – doesn't exactly feels like he beat death when he – when he has a sword pinning his arm to his shoulder and fuck, it hurts, and that's – can't all be – 's not all his own blood on the – the down, the – the floor, right ?

He thinks he hears thunder somewhere.