Cyborg Ashikabi

Prolouge: Rise of the Bloody Maelstrom.

AN: New stories are great aren't they? They provide new ideas and sometimes new and original ideas…Sort of. This one was on my must do list for some time, I just have a fancy of cyborg Naruto and i have seen a few fics that shows that and it tickled my fancy. So why not give a good bash at it I thought, why the fuck not I said. Because you currently are writing a current story on your gate fanfic? My conscious said. Ahem that aside *Pushes him to the side* yeah in hind sight whenever I get a good feeling about certain stories I have to do it, and I mean just do it.

Anyway a fair few warnings is that this fic may contain scenes that may upset a few viewers but it may be your own fault for viewing it as I have already set the age rating to mature. I am no pussy when it come to this sort of thing as I like dark and gritty and slightly offensive stories and I have seen some weird and dark shit on this site especially the naruto fics.

Expect minor crossovers

"Shhhhhh, I'm reading now" The reader shushed me as he placed his/her finger on my lips.

Err? Okay,see you at the bottom.

(Chernobyl. April 26th 1986. City of Pripyat. Narrator/Naruto's 3rdPOV)

Chernobyl, where it all began.

Where the pain from my scars itch the worst.

I remember clear as day on what a stupid mistake it was to go there when the evacuation sirens went off in Pripyat.

Me and my family including my godmother went to Ukraine because my parents were involved with an experiment in the nuclear power station based in Chernobyl. My parents were the leading scientists in charge of their own Cooperation UZU corp and one of the world's greatest companies at the time. My father's main field was robotics and computer manufacturing which he claimed he could have working robots in less than ten years rather than twenty or more. This had places such as Darpa, NASA and even places in the EU and the Soviet Union and even around Asia where companies were desperate for his secrets, of course none would dare go after him seeing that he is well protected from many places but that does not mean that some have tried.

My mother's main profession was medical and computing along with my grandmother who was superior in the medicine field and Kaa-chan in the computer field who was way beter than Tou-san ever was.

Tsunade , one of my godparents was the world's greatest doctor, she leads many medical companies around the world researching cures for the most deadliest of diseases. Even though that the technology was not much back then in some certain areas but she vowed to change that in the upcoming years. Another thing she was researching was that she hated getting old and the evidence showing on her face about her age even though she was in her thirties. Still she made some decent progress in finding ways to reverse aging on the skin and body it wouldn't be long till she had made a grand discovery.

And then there was me and my precious twin sister Naruko, or as some people liked to call us the prodigy twins, seeing that we were the youngest to create our own working robot since we were six years of age where most children in school would be making hand paintings and paper maches in school, to me that was pretty sad to know of how far we were from normal children at our age back then. The robot wouldn't be much to look at nowadays since it was pretty much a quadcopter drone but back then we created a massive fuss with our parents and in the scientific field and we ended up winning a Nobel prize. Kaa-chan was in tears of joy at that moment and nearly crushed our backs and nearly suffocated in her chest as she cried tears of joy and pride of her children. That moment when we received that prize felt like it was the best day of our lives back then and it had inspired us to be greater than our parents.

So we strived to do bigger and better than before but due to our age we still needed to learn the basics of each field we want to contribute in. school was no use, they could not provide the amount of information we needed so instead we were home taught by private tutors or our parents and godparents. They were a bit distraught that we refused to go school but they understood on why we wanted to do it, it's just that we stick out too much and that would make us a prime target of envious bullies who did not like us standing out from the rest.

By the time we were nine we were so far ahead in our studies that a universities PHD qualification even though it was hard but we still got it in the end. We just wanted to progress with our studies to discover new things like most children would act.

Me and my twin sister both contributed to the fields that my parents worked on and we were about level with all of them because we took it like completing basic maths homework, it was that easy for us were most people couldn't get their heads around it. But that's just us because we are surrounded by tech and all sorts of wondrous things at an early age.

But some things were not meant to be, for me at least.

One day in the residential homes in Pripyat for guests visiting the nuclear power plant, I was playing with my sister with a new robot I had created for her and it was a robotic dog. Not the best design now but it was at least 10-20 years ahead of its time. While she was playing with it in our room I went to the kitchen to get something to eat and drink for us.

And then I heard my godmother Tsunade on the phone with the loudspeaker on, even with it off you could still hear them loud and clearly. Apparently from what I heard from the panicked tone from my godmother and my mother on the other side something had went horribly wrong within one of the reactors in the power plant

But that was when I heard my mother telling Tsunade her and tousan's last word to us. I didn't want to hear it because at that moment I ran out the door and got on my bicycle and rode all the way to the power plant without anyone noticing my absence in the house.

Tsunade was called by my parents as an early warning before the sirens went off so we had a head start in evacuating first rather than the rest of the workers, it sounds pretty selfish but we were too important and precious to them to worry about anything else.

By the time Tsunade had found out that I was missing along with my bike she was in a state of panic to discover that I had heard the conversation earlier. She was about to grab Naruko and chased after me in the car but security personnel arrived at the house to escort them and get out as quickly as possible. Tsunade shouted and pleaded with them to go after me but they refused saying that it was too risky as the reactor was about to blow any minute.

The ride over to the power plant was gruelling on my legs but my desperation for my parents had exceeded over everything else. Cars and trucks were speeding past; none of the drivers paid any attention to the cycling child heading in the other direction, mostly because they are worried about themselves more.

Just as I was about to see the reactor in the distance as I peeked over a hill. A sudden white light enveloped the reactor number 4 that had scorched my eyes as the suddenness had caught me unaware and what came next was immense heat searing into my skin like it was cooking me alive and the blast had sent me flying off of my bike and crashing down the steep hill harshly and landed into a few trees and into a ditch. The impact from the blast had luckily sent me unconscious so I could not feel the heat burning but the impact had knocked me out for weeks until a search and rescue party brave enough to venture through the radiation in case of survivors. I had luckily been found but the damage was already done.

When I arrived at a hospital in Kiev, the doctors had tried everything they could but the heat had melted my eyes shut and I received second to third degree burns across my face and chest and my arms and my legs. The only place that had been saved due to the bike was my pelvis region.

The burns however could be treated easily but the radiation had triggered something worse.

My body was deteriorating rapidly not physically but when I am aging inside my body. The doctors said that I would not live to see past my eighteenth birthday. Tsunade being the prodigy she is felt powerless to know that she couldn't help me, the medical equipment was just not enough to save me and even if I waited for newer models to be developed I would be long dead by the time that came.

Naruko however took it the worst. When I heard the news that i was dying slowly I felt my world crashing down all around me, Naruko felt the same as she broke down clutching my hand but not so tightly due to my sensitive burns. She never left my side for days even weeks as I laid in the white hospital bed for what seemed like an eternity. I could not see anything around me as it was just pitch black. Some nights I had felt the burns piercing my skin as if someone had laid a burning rod of iron on my back. But the nightmares were the worst as I had woken up in the middle of the night clutching my sheets in fear and sorrow, the faces of my parents still on my mind and it still will be till the day I die. I could not save them, I was foolish to even think I had a chance to try even if I were older and stronger, I will still be weak.

(Think of the scene from music video Lazarus by David bowie where he is in the hospital bed, Good song though.)

Even though I still had enough life in me to live till my late teens I was forbidden to leave the quarantine zone due to radiation poisoning which will take time to cure but after that I would still be forbidden to leave as the slightest breeze of the outside wind and fresh air despite the power plant excess radiation through some parts of Europe and Russia will trigger immense pain from my burns so I was moved to an isolated area where there were no windows to keep me cool.

What's worse was that I was completely bed ridden. My body had lost it's strength and I only had enough strength in my arms and legs to move about, but it was so painful to move even an inch.

Tsunade was heartbroken at the sight and then turned to drown her sorrow in Sake, and lots of it. her friend, nephew and assistant shizune was absolutely distraught at the sight of her master in such a state. she tried everything she could to help her get back on track but it will be a long while before she could do anything yet.

It only got worse for us even though me and my imouto are the sole heirs to our parents company UZU Corporations we were too young to handle such a role and our godparents were emotionally depressed to take up the job.

I don't know what happened to it but when I was lying in bed I heard the radio next to my bed on the table that it reported that the company had gone off the radar. The headquarters was abandoned with every single data and equipment of important value was gone, everything wiped clean. I didn't understand at first but I felt that it was someone wanting my family's secrets and all I could was silently sob to myself but all of the tears had melted away leaving me with a wrap of bandages around my eyes.

As time went by, my sister and godmother's visits were less frequent. I felt relieved that they came to visit but at the same time it hurts to even think about what they think of when they see me, what are the expressions on their faces telling me.

A year had passed in that same hospital that had forbidden me from being transferred to my home where they could treat me, but they stubbornly refuse to let me out of their sight. They said I was lucky to even survive such a thing and even journalists were trying to sneak into my room for a few questions. Why would I want the world to know my pain? I have nothing left, I just wanted to be left alone.

My body had gotten worse as the doctors had predicted that I would not live past my eighteenth, I felt that it could less than sixteen. My body was severely losing weight and my muscle mass had withered. I could not eat proper food without throwing it back up so they hooked me up to a drip that barely sustains me.

I could no longer live my life anymore; I hadn't the strength to do anything. All I could do was lay in my bed wasting my time day in and day out musing about my short life.

The only thing I could even do with my time was feel sorry for myself and wallowing in regret, time was wasted that way but it was the only thing I could do.

And do you know what's worse? I don't have the strength to simply just end it right there. so I had to spend every day waiting for my slow, inevitable and painful death.

But as i was busy waiting doing nothing with my time, what I didn't know was that my sister and godmother was busy planning their time for a gamble that will change my life or end it.

(POV Change)

Another day of utter boredom and lack of sleep, these burns is preventing me from doing so. So what should I do, lie in my bed and do nothing again because my body is too weak to do anything? Sounds like a plan, a sad one at that but that's what I do every day. The only company I have is that damn radio next to my head blasting out the local Ukrainian radio station and all of their crap music I do not want to listen to or ever heard of.

It's been a full year that I had been in this damn hospital room/deathbed, my family or what's left of it has stopped visiting me a month ago. I don't know if should be angry at them but deep inside I wanted them to forget about m and move on with their lives so I wasn't hold them back, so in a way I was glad but at the same time I was hurt inside.

Then I heard my own hospital room's door open.

'hm must be the nurse's regular medical check-ups. Strange? She's early, or is she late? I don't know.' I thought to myself but was puzzled to my own question; I couldn't tell if it was day or night out there.

"Good evening Naruto sama, how are you?" Said a female voice that could've been either the nurse or a doctor.

"Are you seriously asking that question?" I wheezed out my reply in irritation and slight anger towards the voice, the amount of times he heard that was ridiculous, why ask that when it is obvious by his appearance.

"Oh, forgive me for asking. I was here to give you something that will help you sleep better and ease the pain."

"You have nothing to be sorry for, you were just trying to cheer me up, I should apologise for my tone. And I am glad that they are now giving me something to help me sleep better and make it hurt less whenever I am sleeping." I said in hoarse dry voice. It always hurts to talk as my throat always feels so dry.

"it's ok we just want you to relax and let us help you."

"isn't this hospital already doing that?" I questioned them stoically.

"This hospital is not doing enough, and I actually meant WE as in family." Said the mysterious voice as I could hear a slight break in her voice

"Wait ,what?" I said in confusion but I was then interrupted by a needle injected into me and releasing its dosage into me quickly sending me into unconsciousness.

"Shhh, it's alright Naru Kun. We promise that we will heal you, in fact you will feel much better than before, Just leave it to us." I could hear the voice as I was phasing out of consciousness. But the tone in her voice was concerning me; she meant family so it must be some of our family friends, but who?

Then I heard her giggle that sounded almost scary.

She said my family was going to save me right, but I though tsunade Oba chan couldn't heal me. so what are they going to do to help me, and why do I have the feeling it is going to be so much more than that.

Even though my eyes were permanently sealed my consciousness temporarily stopped paying attention to my surroundings.

'Maybe they do have a way? I shouldn't be underestimating my family especially my sister. Yeah, leave it to them that's what I will do they are sure to find a way to help get me back on my feet. But it will be nice to see Naruko again; I wonder how she is doing, and what she looks like now?' I felt excitement in a long time at the thought of meeting with my sister and family for so long that I couldn't wait to wake up again.

(Intermission. Still Naruto's POV)

Falling asleep and waking up does not make me feel like I was sleeping for hours but like for a few seconds of shutting your eyes and opening them again. Only for me to actually open them for the first time in a year since the incident, But everything was a bit blurry and everything was blue or it was probably that I still have bandages wrapped around my eyes.

I decided to take them off to ascertain myself that my family has kept to their promise.

When the bandages were off I found myself staring up at the ceiling light in its natural blue light, from my point of view that is. Had they already fixed my vision? They could've woken me up before then, I would've liked to say hello at least.

But what was indeed strange was that everything was showing blue, as in colour wise. I could see everything now but the colour of my surroundings was showing that everything was blue, very strange but i think it couldn't be helped; they may be able to fix that at some point.

I sighed in relief that my family had kept their promise, I knew I could count on them. 'wait? Why did I not hear myself sighing? No, why couldn't I sigh.' I thought to myself as I discovered something quite concerning about myself. I couldn't feel myself breathing.

I looked down to see a white sheet cover over most of my body obscuring my badly burned and weakened body. I shifted my arm to move the cover off of me. Till I realized that it didn't hurt to move although my arm felt quite sluggish at first. Until I could hear whirring noises coming from my arm.

I removed the sheets off of my body to get a good glimpse of my arm and I stared as my eyes widened in shock. My arm in appearance had a skeletal look but it was metal instead, my muscles were replaced with pistons and my veins and nerves with wires and tubes all contained in the metal skeletal frame that I could see one of the metal bone was open as it looked that it was not quite finished yet.

But what came next when I looked down at my body, my chest was exposed showing things that did not belong in a human body but put there deliberately. My whole skeleton was replaced with metal frames, I could not tell what kind of metal it was but I could tell it was something far stronger than the usual steel. My organs were gone and my heart was replaced with an artificial one. There was also armour plates covering in medieval style plate armour covering my abdomen like what they used on tanks or body armour that covered my abdomen and chest

I looked over to the surgical cart and saw that there was a mirror on it, so i reached over slowly as was not used to my arm and tried to pick it up albeit clumsily.

When I finally managed to hook one of my metal fingers around the handle I dragged it off the surgical cart not caring that I was knocking over surgical tools and a tray off of it as it clattered on the floor. The process of moving the arm was slow but I eventually lifted the mirror above my head and gazed into it with nightmarish horror.

My head was nothing but a metal skull with bandages still wrapped around my mouth. (Terminator T-800 skull from terminator that the eyes move around like actual eyeballs)

"…..!" I tried to scream but I had no lungs to draw in breath and I had no idea how to speak in this new body of mine. In my moment of fright i had dropped the mirror and it smashed onto the floor.

I wanted to scream out loud but I couldn't find any way to do so. This body was not mine; it was more of a metallic puppet.

"Onii chan!" I heard the unmistakeable voice of my sister, what is she doing here? Naruko ran up to me as I turned around to face her and she ran up to and glomped onto my chest. And I noticed something different about the both of us. She had grown slightly taller than the last time i saw her, probably about a few inches at least. Whereas my replacement body towered over her at a height of 6'2.

"I'm so glad you're alright Onii chan, now you can move around again. Isn't that great?" she said happily which kind of threw me off a bit.

'What is so great about the way I am now, what happened to my original body.' I couldn't form any facial expressions to indicate how I was feeling, I should be outraged but I just couldn't form anything against my sister.

"Naru Kun! I see that you have woken up. Well you were not supposed to wake up yet during the surgery and we were only doing the finishing touches." I heard another familiar voice and asi turned my head to face the owner of the voice to see that it was my godmother gazing at me with comforting eyes and smile instead of fear.

'How could she look at me like that, I am not something you could call human anymore' I thought to myself still feeling the shock of discovering my dilemma.

"Now don't be scared and think bad of us Naruto but this is something we had no choice in doing, I am sorry but we cannot lose you. I promised Kushina that I will protect you both and little Naruko will be heartbroken if she lost you. We rarely see her smile anymore; unless she is with you then she can know happiness again." she explained to me but still having a kind smile on her face but the look in her eyes had something showing that revealed that she may have suffered a lot during the past year. It was like she held a lot of obsession for me like she wanted me back from the dead.

"This body you see is a prototype for the future of robot pioneering that was supposed to be used for war but we needed to borrow it as this one was more special as it had the capabilities of brain transplanting and preserving the brain and allowing us to modify it. Your original body however is too damaged and poisoned to cure the damage to its original form, so we had to transplant your brain into this body here while we work on your human body to reverse the damage and perhaps make it better than before."

I widened my eyes even though I thought I could so I shifted my head in surprise instead. 'why would they do this? This is what they have been doing the past year, they planned this all along.'

"I helped too!" Naruko chirped cheerfully. I swung my head down to Naruko in shock to know that she was in on this as well. And I gazed into her slightly crazed look on her face of obsession she had for me. I meant that much to her that she would do anything to have me back in her life.

Tsunade was the same as she loved me like I was her own son and Naruko her daughter. "I am so sorry about this but you have to live with your current body temporally while we work on fixing your body, just be patient and leave it to us." She laid a comforting hand on my cold metallic face but I couldn't feel anything.

Suddenly there were tremors that shook the room and distant explosios happening somewhere in this place.

"what's happening out there!?" Tsunade had called out to someone outside the room and someone had rushed in to reveal my mother's friend Mikoto and Tsunade's assistant Shizune. "Tsunade Sama we're being sieged by the Soviets, they have found us!" Shizune cried out.

"Shit,No,no,no not now I can't lose Naruto we need to hide him.

*BOOM!* the far side of the room's wall had exploded and in poured Soviet Spetsnaz operators that rushed in with Ak74's pointing at us.

I instinctively held my sister protectively in my arms as she clutched onto me quivering in fear.

"Nobody move!" called out a captain behind the soldiers.

The captain walked up to Tsunade fixing her a cold stern stare. "Tsunade Senju, we're glad that we have finally found you after all of these seven months after that stunt you have pulled."

Tsunade glared at the Spetsnaz captain fiercely and stood in front of me protectively.

"Kapitan!" a soldier said in alarm as they had noticed me and were alarmed that I was a sentient machine and moving like a human. They raised their weapons at me and were so close to shooting me.

"No don't hurt him!" Tsunade pleaded as she stood in front of me shielding me from view.

"Stand down, and Tsunade what do you mean him? That robot is moving and is sentient; it even seems to understand the situation we're in."

"Onii chan is not an it! his name is Naruto and he is a human!" Naruko yelled at them as she was offended by the term it that they had called me to which I would've flinched at.

"Human you say,in what way is that human."

"Kapitan over here! A soldier called from another room.

The captain walked over to where the soldier had called him over to see that it was a pod but it had frost covering the door and window inside had showed a shadowy figure that couldn't be seen due to frost. The kapitan scraped away the layer of frost on the window to reveal a small child that was badly burned but had a stich mark on the side of his head.

The Kapitan recoiled in shock at the realization as to who Naruto was. He marched right up to where Tsunade was. "So this is what you have been doing with the runaway prototype, you stole this model off of one of our scientists and made it better in a way, but to use a child? Even Robert J. white was not that cruel when he performed brain transplanting on those poor you did this on him, who is he to you,your son?"

Tsunade looked down in guilt "Godson,and I like to think of him as one of my own."

"What kind of mother would do this to her own son then?"

"He was a victim to the Chernobyl disaster, we froze his body in hopes that we could restore it."

"And shove his brain into a metal body, hasn't the boy suffered enough?"

"He will forgive us, Naru kun always has been a forgiving person" she smiled to herself as a tear flowed down her eye

"I don't believe what I am hearing." The spetsnaz turned to me. "Hey kid, what's it going to be? I'm going to offer you a chance here. *Pulls out his AK* If you don't want to live as what you are now and end your suffering instantly I can give you a way out." He offered me a chance of a way out.

To me the offer was simply too tempting to pass up and I was almost convinced to nod my head until. "Onii chan no! don't leave me again, I cannot bear to live without you."

My sister is what is holding me back from that decision; if I ended my life right here then chances are that my family would do the same later on. Even though they were the one to do this to me, but I just couldn't handle the pressure of seeing my family sad.

As I was about to respond back to the Russian captain, a soldier with a communication backpack with a built in radio interrupted the both of us. " Kapitan! It's the Kremlin." He called over to him.

The Kapitan sighed and decided to see what they wanted; no doubt that it was urgent as they probably did not like waiting.

When he reached the radio I noticed that I could still hear him even if he was outside the hole in the wall and all of the activity happening outside was not interfering with my hearing. I could hear him and the person on the other end of the radio.

"What of the project?"

The Kapitan sighed "We recovered it but…"

"But what? Kapitan."

"She experimented on the robot and evolved it into something that is unimaginable nor is it doable by any normal means."

"What happened?"

"She converted the robot into a living sentient Cyborg with a human brain transplanted into it. the brain originally belonged to Minato and Kushina Namikaze's son who suffered from the incident at Chernobyl. " he pinched the bridge of his nose still in disbelief at the revelation.

The man on the other was silent for the first 30 seconds until he finally responded.

"Bring them in." the man ordered


"If what you say is true then Tsunade Senju has done us a huge favour and done most of the work for us in constructing a new weapon that will assist the Soviet Union greatly. That boy is the future of warfare as we know it."

"But sir he is just a child." He protested but failed to convince the shady voice.

"But nothing Kapitan, the President expects results and the Soviet Union needs it's weapon. The Afghan war needs to be brought to a swift end as we fear that we may eventually lose it due to some unwanted problems. You will bring them in Kapitan, do not test me on this. Do you understand the order?" The man on the other end threatened him as the Spetsnaz flinched at his tone and his head and shoulders sank.

"Yes sir, understood." He put down the radio transceiver and turned around back into the room and I could hear him whisper "forgive me." as he made the hand signal for them to seize us.

At that moment I felt a familiar emotion that I recognized flair up in my metal body. I glared at the soldiers that were moving towards us with weapons drawn.

"N-Nnn-No." I murmured out but it sounded harsh and metallic.

"What are you doing!"

"The kremlin demands that we are to retrieve our weapon back."

"You can't do this, He is just a child!"

"Correction Ms senju he was a child thanks to you and your assistants."

"…No." I growled and shook as I clenched my metal fists.

"No you're not taking him away from me."

"this is non-negotiable child, we have no choice."

"Then take me with you!"

"We can't allow that."

"It was my design and plan,it was mainly my idea and design for this. These people only helped." She confessed.

"Naruko!" tsunade cried out.

The Kapitan eyes have now widend. "You? Don't be absurd. That's impossible for a child to simply make something like this."

"Don't underestimate me, Dattebane! I'm not lying I am the daughter of two of the greatest scientists in the world. This sort of thing is where I shine, the same with my Onii-chan" she said to them seriously.

The Kapitan knew that she was not lying but still found it hard to believe.


"I hate to do this, but we have to bring her in. if she holds the primary knowledge of this project then we need to bring her in as well, plus she is a Namikaze so we will need her knowledge to assist us."

That response was my answer in retaliation towards them.

"NOOOO!" I screamed out as I jumped off the surgical table and grabbed onto the nearest Spetsnaz around the neck and snapped it like a stick. But I didn't feel anything as I simply killed him, my heart didn't hurt from fear but my mind kept on flickering from guilt and horror. So even though I could not feel anything from my heart I still had a brain to keep me human enough.

The Spetsnaz soldiers did not like what I just did and aimed their Aks at me.

"No, Stop!" the Kapitan tried to order.

But they were not listening as they had already pulled their index fingers on the trigger and the rifle roared in full automatic gunfire.

I noticed what they were doing as I grabbed onto Naruko and turned my back towards them shielding Naruko from harm.

"Blyet! Hold your fire you idiots we need that girl alive."

They listened in the end but were still concerned about me.

I let go of Naruko and turned around to face them and charged at, my movements were stiff but I could still get some speed out of it and when I get used to this body of mine.

I rammed my fist into one of the soldier's face covered by a balaclava as his face caved in from the impact and blood pooled out of the wound as it soaked the balaclava in crimson blood.

One soldier panicked and directly disobeyed the order to hold his fire in case of hitting the objectives, in his panic as he saw his comrade's demise he emptied his mag of his fully automatic AK straight at me.

I the bullets were heavy as they were fired from the rifle's barrel but the amazing part was that I couldn't feel a thing nor did the bullets do much. The metal exterior was incredibly dense as it absorbed most of the damage. But this was an AK that was fired directly at me at point blank range. The bullets were enough to slightly cause a fair amount of damage to my exterior body; I couldn't tell if there were any penetrations as I was too focused on these bastards.

I raised a hand in front of my face to deflect any incoming rounds to my face and when the soldier ran out of ammo in the mag I ran up to him and grabbed him, lifting him up by the collar of his neck and whipped out his sidearm from his holster.

I returned fire at the remaining Spetsnaz in the room, I never held a gun before but somehow I knew how to handle one and my accuracy is spot on. Perhaps now that I am part machine/computer my precision is off the charts.

The Spetsnaz ignored the pleas of his comrade as they too did not want to get killed so they just ignored him and continued firing hails of gunfire. The powerful rounds of the legendary Kalashnikov's tore through his flesh and bone as he was riddled with many holes. Blood splattered across my face and trickled down my metallic body, this only added to the effect that I now look like some killer cyborg from the future from one of those comics and some manga's that I read from time to time.

With precise accuracy I shot a new hole in their heads in the centre and they were put down for good. Till then more soldiers had poured into the room as they heard the gunfire. They immediately joined in the fight when they saw my appearance.

I advanced forwards while still carrying my dead hostage and fired back at them with this soldier Makarov pistol. One by one their numbers were dwindling but the rest of them presumed firing, their resolve refused to waver.

I killed two more soldiers and eventually I heard a click to notify me that the pistol mag had run empty.

So i dropped the pistol and detached a hand grenade off of the soldier's belt and pulled the pin out and threw it over at them.

Most of them were taking cover behind a wall and they immediately tried to scramble once they saw a live hand grenade suddenly rolling in front of them.

Because they were clumped up behind the wall, most of them were bumping into each other

The explosive power had torn off more parts off the wall and even shattered nearby glass of some of the windows and science beakers from the shockwave.

I observed through the smoke to watch for any more incoming threats, waiting for anymore to show up. Until I saw a round ball like object to roll up next to my left foot.

This peculiar object was what I assumed was some sort of grenade, but this was not any type of grenade I knew of as I was about to witness in a few seconds.

The grenade detonated in a flurry of electrical surge blasting out of its casing and enveloped my entire body. My body being mostly metal had conducted the most of the blast of this strange grenade and completely froze my body.

I couldn't move and my consciousness was fading again.

I then looked through the smoke of where the grenade came from to see the Kapitan holding the same type of grenade he had used on me.

"It's a good thing we had found these laying around; you should thank your father for this invention as he was the one to develop this EMP grenade here." He explained to me.

I felt so enraged at that info that they were using my father's inventions, they were not theirs to use as their own.

"Onii-chan/Naruto-Kun!" I heard my family call out to me and they tried to get to where I was from their previous cover behind the surgical table.

The kapitan pointed his pistol at them, he was really furious at the loss of his men and e will not let this mission fail and he will carry it through.

"Don't move! Do not try anything stupid you here. Now you will come with us to Siberia where we now expect you to work with us over there. if not then I'm afraid there is nothing we could possibly do for your brother. You lost most of your business so you can't provide the funds and support him by yourselves for long whereas we can. We will help support your project of helping your brother gain his body back."

"What of his current body he is in now."

"I'm afraid that our leaders will want him as a weapon, seeing that I have witnessed his combat effectiveness and my word that will be put inot the report. They will no doubt deploy him as their own personal weapon to use at their will."

"You bastard's I will not allow you to corrupt him like some mindless killer."

"This is non-negotiable and tell that to my men when they faced him. I am truly sorry but you will have to come with us. If you want to help the boy then you will have to come with us. Our country will support your project and someday this child may live to see his own body again."

They all clenched their teeth as they all knew he was right. They had lost the company due to many problems that have risen over the past year and they did not have the money to keep on supporting this project. And the body that I was in was stolen earlier.

"Hai, we'll go with you." Naruko nodded in defeat.

"Thank you for your cooperation, seize him." He ordered his men as they ran up to me and whipped out stun batons and jammed the tip of the electrical

My consciousness was fading and flickering like a TV as The electrical surge raced through my body's circuits and nerves as I felt as if my brain was being fried. When the pain became too much I had passed out as my brain fell into unconsciousness and my internal systems shut down.

But by the time I woke again, I was not the same. I was now a cold emotionless machine, a weapon of mass destruction.


[All systems online, all functionality is running at 100%. Mission: the termination of mujahideen leader Ahmad Shah Massoud, side objectives eliminate and destroy all hostiles in the hidden town]

Another year of experiments went by as my sister and godmother was forced to construct my body into the perfect war machine while the soviet scientists developed a program that will make me obedient and follow their every order that was given to me by the higher ups in the kremlin and the generals in the soviet military.

They had lied to my sister that they were going to help us by healing my body, technically they were going to heal my body but they wanted her to make my body stronger and better. Somehow they were keeping the body preserved and it was still alive even without the brain. The heart was still functional enough to keep the body going so they didn't have to worry about me suddenly dying from the stress of the many surgeries and experiments they conducted on my original body.

My current body was fitted with full body combat armour which was actually made up of an explosive ordnance disposal Armour. They wanted to build me as some sort of walking tank that can take a lot of damage, they were aware that my circuits and brain were the most crucial parts of my body so they added that armour as a precaution. The armour didn't weigh me down much as I could actually move around in this quite well.

(It's the juggernaut armour in Call of duty modern warfare 2)

But once I woke up I found myself staring at white text appearing in front of my vision and a picture of a Middle Eastern man. I know of this man, he was the leader of the mujahedeen rebellion against the soviets when they invaded Afghanistan. Have they actually found him?

Once I came round I realised I was stuffed into a small confined space, some kind of container that was mostly metal but there was a bulletproof viewing window in front of me so I could see through and was most likely bulletproof. The place I was in was quite loud and my first guess was that I was in a plane, why because I could guess I was in the bay of some kind of cargo plane and I could see a red light turning green indicating that it was clear to drop the payload of troops or equipment.

And that pay load turned out to be me.

The container slid out of the cargo bay doors by a rail system and I flew out of the back of the plane but just in time to release the parachute that will safely guide me down onto the floor.

The plane that was carrying me was soviet Antonov series cargo plane , I couldn't tell which one but I knew it was one of those as it was being escorted by four MIG 25s and 27s.

I could see it was dark outside, indicating that it was obviously night time. And I could see that I was in a mountain range. Did the soviets send me to Afghanistan; was it something to do with killing that man?

I eventually landed on the ground with a thud and the parachute covered the whole container.

Now that I had landed I tried to move and get out of this container, but strangely I wouldn't budge a piston. I couldn't move anything that I had told my body to do. It felt as if I was being ignored by my machine like body.

[Commencing start up procedure.]

'Wait, what? Who was that' I thought in confusion and surprise at the intruding robotic voice I heard in my head.

[All systems functional, mission is a go]

'What do you mean by mission?… who the hell are you!?'

Then my body suddenly reacted to the robotic voice and simply punched a hole in the lock of the container and the container simply opened.

'wha… what the hell is happening, why can't I move my body!?' I yelled out in vain as I tried but failed to gain control of my own body.

My body moved to separate compartment of the container and opened it up to reveal weapons or more specifically an M134 Minigun and a Milkor MGL grenade launcher but a shorter version and a drum magazine built into it. There was also a Bergen rucksack that was full of ammunition and an ammo belt that would attach itself to the minigun. (Kind of like the ironman backpack ammunition but it's the size of a Bergen backpack/rucksack.)

And there was also a duffel bag that was no doubt for spare weapons in case I ran out of ammunition, but how in the hell am I going to carry all of this weight.

My body simply ignored my doubts and simply picked all of them up without struggle and began marching towards a random direction towards somewhere within the mountains.

I had no clue where I was even going, was I following an objective? If that's the case then what in the hell did those bastards do to me. What about my sister, Was she forced into this?

My thoughts were soon interrupted as several floodlights had all been switched on I t could've blinded me but they were unaffected by the blinding light.

"You! Soviet scum. you dare just waltz up to our home and you think you alone could take our homes and lives away from us by yourself, you are either a fool or a madman!" A man who sounded Middle Eastern by his accent as he yelled at in anger.

And I now could see that i had arrived at a small mountain town that was well hidden in the mountain valleys. I was outnumbered and facing a heavily armed resistance fighters armed with multiple AK 47s, RPKs, PKMs, mounted DSHKs and RPGs

'Matte! I am not with them, this is all a misunderstanding! ' I tried to tell them but it was no use a I was shouting to them mentally not vocally.

[Targets confirmed, commencing termination and destruction of this town] the voice had said and I saw multiple lock on markers highlighting the many mujahedeen fighters.

'No,no,no,no Stop what are you doing to me, I don't want this!'

My body wasn't listening as it lifted its minigun and began to spin the barrel

'Run!' I tried to warn the rebels but it was no use.

*BRRRRT!* The sound of the Minigun roared in a loud buzzing noise that echoed throughout the valley

Without warning my body had begun to open fire at the line of rebels hiding behind loose stone walls and multiple pickup trucks and scavenged military vehicles as the awesome and destructive rapid fire decimated through the structures of the houses and vehicles had proved no match to the minigun

The rebels were caught off guard at the sudden attack and tried to return fire to which they did, but it barely did much to me. there were hundreds of rebels in this town or makeshift base and the firepower of their weapons were nothing to scoff at but most of them was pointed at one person…me.

The rounds failed to penetrate my armour but the impact made me flinch a little bit but did nothing to throw off my aim.

As many explosive tracer rounds had lit up a path of destruction in my wake as I saw many rebels being torn up in my line of fire. Many had tried taking cover behind cars and trucks but the penetration had simply torn through the body and blew up the vehicles.

One rebel had reached a mounted DSHK located on a tall building had cocked the machine gun and attempted to destroy me by laying suppressive fire.

The much heavier rounds of the DSHK had done some damage to me but my body reacted accordingly and I raised my MGL at him and launched a live grenade round at the roof he was on.

The blast from the grenade round had obliterated the roof and the man on the machine gun as he lost his legs from the blast and crashed onto a roof of an old early 1980s Mercedes car.

The defensive line was now faltering at the fire power and my body was now advancing towards the town.

Many rebels retreated back to the town and took cover inside the houses. I couldn't do anything as I was forced to watch in horror at this mass slaughter that was in no way it could be called a battle.

A few pickup trucks with mounted machine guns were racing up the street to support the already broken defensive line. They were in a bad spot as my right arm that was holding the MGL fired upon the pickup trucks and they all exploded in a massive fireball. The trucks that was following the leading truck had crashed into the back of the truck had flipped over and one of them had crashed into a house. Flames from the explosion had set fire to multiple houses and it was spreading fast due to where the town was located at in a valley and it was now a windy night that was fanning the flames.

In the first line of defence, there were hundreds of rebels slaughtered, when I moved into the burning shanty town which some of the buildings were made up of but some houses looked ancient like it belonged to history. But it mattered little as every building that housed a rebel was to eliminated. I could not fight against my body as it was ordered by the user's programming except my own will and pleads.

More and more rebels feel to the seemingly never ending firepower of the minigun, they all attempted to return fire from the roof tops and windows but the superior suppressive fire had torn through the walls and killed the rebels on the other side.

After thirty more rebels fell, the ammo pack ran dry and the minigun stopped spitting out hot lead. But then proceeded to grab the duffle bag and pulled out a customised AK47 with an extended barrel and a 100 round drum magazine with several more to spare and the Bullets were armour piercing for the added firepower. My body slammed in the magazine and pulled the receiver back and continued firing. The Fully automatic AK proved to be as much of a threat than the minigun as it was more accurate while the minigun was mostly just spray the target area and hope that you hit it.

The armour piercing rounds were simply proved to be no match against their vehicles as the penetration rounds just punched through the exterior with minimal effort, one Rebel was stuck in the passenger seat hoping not to get seen by me but I knew he was there and so my body shot a couple of rounds through the engine and exited through the glove compartment, hitting the rebel in the head whilst he was ducking down.

I then noticed something else that brought even more dread to my mind. There were civilians here, innocents that were being kept safe from the war. They were trapped in their burning homes and were incinerated by the violent flames. Women that I could see in their burkas were running away from me screaming in terror. The burkas were not helping with their running as some of them were caught on scrap metal or wild bushes or even tripping up on their own burkas. Any innocents that I saw was ordered to gunned down as per instruction. The town/village was to be destroyed and anything that was viewed as an enemy was to be killed.

One woman was running out of a burning home and tried to run to the other side of the street but I simply gunned her down without mercy. The woman collapsed on the dusty dirt road, And my body walked up to the deceased body of this woman, until I had seen what she was carrying.

"Mama." I heard a voice of a child, and at that point I realised the person I had killed was a mother desperate to get her child to safety. I saw a five year old girl crawl out of a blanket that the mother had wrapped her in.

"Mama, wake up." She tried to shake her mother to wake her up but she didn't realise that she never will wake up again.

I saw the look in her eyes as tears were flowing out of her eyes, i knew of that look. It was the same as mine when i lost my parents. But my parents were taken by an accident, her mother was forcibly taken from her by me, I killed her, murdered her. And I couldn't stop it.

The girl heard the heavy footsteps and the whirring noise and she turned her head to look up at the tall being as I looked down at her in her sad and fearful eyes as she did the same into my cold emotionless eyes that shone a demonic red like colour.

The barrel of my AK was now pointing at her small head and my finger on the trigger. 'No stop, please!' I begged.

"I'm scared, Mama, Papa, Help me." she wailed out as she cried.

My body ignored her sorrowful cries as it was going to execute her 'I'm sorry… I'm so sorry. Forgive me,…I'm so weak.' I cried inside of my mind but my tears were non-existent in this metal body.


But suddenly the execution was intervened by a speeding Toyota Hilux that slammed into me and smashed us both into a wall of a house.

(3rd POV)

The door opened and revealed to be the leader of the Mujahideen and he was furious.

"Sadia!" A rebel had rushed out of one of the houses he had been taking cover behind and ran straight to where the girl was.

"Papa!" the girl cried out and ran to where his father was.

"Just what in Allah's name happened here?"

"We were attacked."

"Attacked? But where are the other soviet forces?"

"There were none, it was just him alone or IT or whatever this thing came from."

"Just one being did all of this destruction." The leader looked over the destruction and the fire that was spreading all across the town.

"He just simply walked up to the entrance of the town out of nowhere, my guess of where he came from was that soviet cargo plane that had been reported to have dropped a payload of something that we couldn't identify. That could've been him."

"So he is a soviet then, go figure." He growled out and walked up to the wreckage of the pickup truck and the hole in the wall.

"Target confirmed. Ahmad Shah Massoud, primary objective located. Target must be eliminated at all costs." He heard the harsh metallic voicefrom the inside of the house.

"What the…?" As He walked up cautiously t the truck

The ruck was now being pushed back away from the hole and the giant was now crawling out from underneath the truck.

"What the hell are you!?" He questioned the being.

"Classified." the machine responded.

"You were definitely sent by those Soviet bastards, it's me that they want isn't it."

"You will *SZKT!* be eliminated"

"You first you monster" the father of the young girl had stomped up to the machine and pointed his AK his face and unloaded his whole magazine straight into Naruto's face

The rounds pinged off of the ballistic face mask that protected the face. The mask had broken apart after the last few rounds to reveal a frightening metal skull staring right at them.

"What in the hell have those bastards created. This thing is not human, it's a machine." The rebel said with fear in his voice.

Then suddenly without warning the machine had grabbed onto his shin and proceeded to crush it.

The rebel screamed out in agony as he collapsed onto the ground, he pulled out his side arm and shot at its arm. The bullets successfully forced it to let go and the rebel shuffled over to his comrades who helped him up.

The rebel was about to reload his rifle to finish the job but was stopped by the leader. "Enough I doubt that would do much besides we have to leave in case the soviets turn up at our door step."

"But that monster must die for killing my wife!" he cried out in rage.

Naruto had heard the enraged cries of the rebel and what he had called him, a monster. was that what he has become now he thought? the despair in that thought consumed him. 'perhaps he is right.'

"Then finish it quickly." The leader passed over an RPG to him which he accepted it gratefully and aimed it at the cyborg who stared at them apathetically. The RPG roared out as the round reached to where its target was but missed slightly and hit the wall of the house. The blast kicked up a dust cloud that obscured their view so they couldn't tell if it hit or not but they were satisfied when they saw the house collapsing onto the machine.

"Are you satisfied?" the leader asked the rebel to which he earned no reply as the rebel just looked at the smoke blankly. He got his revenge but in the end it changed nothing, his wife was not coming back.

"Didn't think so." He voiced out the rebel's thoughts. "Come we must leave for our secondary base, and I swear to you that those bastards will pay for this, this I swear to all of you, they will fall." He announced to all of the rebel fighters and they all responded with eagerly with a shout.


Hours passed straight into the morning sunrise shining over the afghan mountain passes. The rebels had long since left and the civilians were no longer saf in their homes and fled straight after them, fearing that the soviet will come to finish the job.

To which they eventually did come later on to retrieve their weapon. Several KGB agents and Spetsnaz operators were sent recover the weapon.

The weapon testing as they called the while massacre was announced as a success but failed to kill the leader. But it mattered not to them, they had him on the run and they were confident that they could catch him again. But it was nearing the end of the 10 year war that the west had called it the soviet's Vietnam War. The soviet leader could not handle the strain on its resources and the people were demanding for it to end, so eventually they pulled out. The whole massacre that Naruto had caused had proved nothing, it was all for a test to see the capabilities of his power. That information had fractured his already fragile mind from the whole ordeal, he couldn't voice out his objection as he felt as if he was imprisoned inside of his mind

Naruko and Tsunade was devastated to learn of what had happened as they learned that his mind was going through an emotional trauma, they didn't desire for this to happen but were forced to do their jobs and repair Naruto's body until he is wanted for his next assignment.

Begrudgingly they complied with the order and carried on with the research of a new body for Naruto and repaired his current body. The soviet scientists were ordered earlier to suppress his brain and mind and make sure it won't gain control over the body. A program that was installed into his brain via a data chip was created to combat his will, making him into what the soviets wanted, a glorified weapon that will not hesitate and carry out every order it is asked for.

The soviets later called for Naruto again as they feared that it was soon going to be the end of the soviet era. He was ordered to join many of the riot police in Moscow in case a riot broke out. Unfortunately one did breakout where Naruto was at, the civilians were getting riled up and even more angry at the sight of many riot police blocking their way and decided to charge at the police lines.

Naruto was at the front of the police line disguised as a riot police officer and simply slammed his metal riot shield at the horde of angry protesters without mercy, surprising and shocking many with his brute strength as they were all sent flying like ragdolls. Naruto injured many and some were even killed by the blunt trauma to the head as they all bled out, or even had their skulls break apart and fractured and even some of their internal organs collapsing from the impact.

He continued this for some time until he received the call to fall back. it was already lost, the soviet union had fallen.

But even if the regime had fallen, he was still kept Russia's prisoner by Ex soviet officials and a secret weapon for russia but kept a secret from the world even their own people.

When it reached a new decade he was called in again, this time to Kuwait. His orders were the destruction of the oil fields and any one that gets in his way either coalition, Iraqi forces, anyone.

When the Iraqi forces still held their grip over Kuwait Naruto snuck into the country and planted bombs on the oil refineries and destroyed them all. The Iraqis were confused over what had happened as no one had given the order to destroy them. Saddam however knew of this as he was warned by his contacts in Russia as they did not want those oil fields to fall to the western coalition.

It was later covered up as an attempt by Saddam and nobody knew of Naruto's involvement in that mission.

Soon the six month war ended in a decisive victory or as many had called it an outright ass whooping. The west had simply dominated over their enemies with their superior technology.

Russia knew of this and was now determined to one up over the west and ordered to focus on the project even more.

Finally in 1995 the results have paid off and Naruto's body had been restored, his brain was transplanted back into his original body and was ordered to undergo multiple surgeries such as the exoskeletal enhancement surgery, the enhancements however were too severe to allow him to live again as a normal human. His muscles on his exoskeleton body were enhanced to the point where the user's speed, agility, and strength could be used to run at high speeds to that of a super car that far out classes any Olympian athlete and he could even forcibly move a turret around from a T80 MBT. Even the muscles could harden themselves to prevent any penetration from an incoming 7.62x39mm round to a 50 calibre or possibly an anti-tank 20mm round but there were some scepticism about that one.

But in hindsight it was proving to be a huge success

All of the military nutcases wanted to arm him to the teeth in weapons but the scientists and Naruko did not want him to be all about guns galore.

Naruko who was leading the project was the one responsible for the main design of Naruto's body, she was proud of her self for giving a body to Naruto and even making a better one for him. But she hated the fact that they wanted her brother as a weapon of mass destruction.

She had no choice in the matter and was forced to give Naruto the best weapons that their parents had kept hidden from the world.

She gave Naruto their mother's project, the HF Blade or the high frequency blade the Murasama. A sword reinforced by a powerful alternating current that resonates at an extremely high frequency. The oscillation weakens the molecular bonds of anything it can cut, thereby increasing its cutting ability, striking, cutting, and thrusting attacks that is performed by the blade. There other HF swords but this one was the best of the best.

The Russian military leaders and the president were intrigued of the cybernetic bod enhancements and thus ordered for a field test.

Fortunately there was a conflict involving russia just around the corner in Chechnya.

Naruto was ordered to assassinate a group of notable leaders that hold some influence in the war but not too much; this was only a test so they didn't want to bring too much attention to themselves.

The results were satisfactory and rightfully so. The only downside was that he was only deadly in CQC combat, so military higher ups demanded for him to be fitted with ranged weapons that will even the odds.

They found out that Minato had found a way of shooting beams of hgh pressurized fire in a style similar to a euro fighter typhoon and some other Jet fighters similar to that one.

Naruko felt unsure about what they were demanding off of her, this powerful weapon would no doubt be draining on his energy.

She already performed multiple surgeries on his heart and this extra weapon fitted into the body would cause a lot of stress on the heart.

The scientists told her that there was nothing to be concerned about as they also discovered another project that the Namikazes were working on, they had discovered the notes regarding the Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell. Naruko scowled at the Russian scientists as they were sticking their noses where they don't belong. She also scowled at the fact that they would demand and threaten to convert his heart into the fuel cell or replace it completely. Naruko and tsunade didn't want that, they wanted his organs to remain in his body so they reluctantly complied with the order

Since the body had been unfrozen they had to forcibly age it to the point where he is supposed to be eighteen at that point in time so they did multiple surgeries on his body and worked on creating a synthetic skin using his DNA to replicate the skin and making it according to specification and prediction on what he would've looked like on his eighteenth birthday.

Naruko and Tsunade may have had a major hand in that department, Naruko specifically as per the blood trail leaking out of her nose whenever she was alone in the office working on the design of the synthetic skin and strangely many perverted giggling had occurred whenever the subject of preserving his… Ahem! "Reproductive organs" or enhancing it as she termed it. Many scientists felt an unnerving suspicion about what was happening in that office but ultimately ignored it.

So in the end of when it came to end of the millennium Naruto's body was finally complete. Naruko,Tsunade and Mikoto would've loved to celebrate on his new body. It didn't perform like a normal body but a working body would be what he would've wanted, it was better than lying in that forsaken and stuffy hospital room.

it was now the year 2001. They all shared a room with Naruto in it, each one sharing a drink and sitting in a chair infront of Naruto who was stationed in his pod. But no words were given to congratulate their achievements, their accomplishments just felt empty. Regret was the one thing on their minds, they knew that Naruto was aware of what was going on but was powerless to stop himself. And they too felt powerless to stop the soviets from converting him into a weapon.

Naruko stood up from her seat and walked up to the pod and opened it. she caressed his face lovingly but his face felt cold, tears wept out of her eyes as regret was wallowing up inside of her heart. "I'm sorry Onii-chan, forgive me for making you this way." She said regretfully as she embraced his body and rested her head in the crook of his neck as she wept into his synthetic and cybernetic shoulder.

"Professor Namikaze!" a russian voice called out.

"What is it now!" she spat back at the Russian man who wore a Black suit, an agent working for the Government.

"Do not take that tone with me Proffessor, he is to be selected for a special mission."

"What for, to fight another war that you guys were the cause of in the first place."

"Che humorous but no. this one involves a Japanese threat.

"What could happen to unnerve the Russians so much that it would involve the Japanese. The Japanese are too peaceful now to start up a war with the Russians."

"This threat concerns the whole world, japan included."

Naruko raised an eyebrow at that one. "So it's a terrorist threat?"

The Russian shrugged at that one. "Heh, more like a mad scientist and his assistant."

She hummed at that information "Ok." Telling him to explain.

"I'll explain while we walk, but first we must deliver him to the cargo bay we are shipping him to kamikura island."


It's an island that suddenly rose from the ocean after some tremors that were reported off the coast that struck Japan recently; we want that island, we as in every country involved in this operation wants it."

"You mean everyone is involved, including America?"

"America, Nato, Russia, heck even china was convinced to even work with the Japanese on this one."

"What the hell made everyone so jumpy just to want one uninhabited island that suddenly rose from the seabed, hell what did this guy or gal and assistant even do to piss you guys off so much."

"He made a huge discovery, alien origin. And I am not shitting you here."

Naruko Gaped "You might as well be because my bullshit metre has gone through the roof." She replied in disbelief.

"Very funny Namikaze but we have proof, see the satellite images here." He took out some photographs of satellite imagery on the island and it revealed a strange looking alien like ship. "well…shit."

"Indeed, we already sent out an invasion force to subdue that islan-." Matte,matte! So you're saying that you already sent out an invasion force. You lazy motherfuckers what the hell did you even need him for!" she interrupted him as she complained about that cerian fact.

The Russian suit growled in annoyance "Would you please listen, as iwas saying the last two invasion we sent out were unsucceseful."

"How so, it's only two people on their right."

"More than two I'm afraid, they got in contact with a few Japanese scientists so it's just them. what the main threat was is just five people."

"Just five against a whole invasion force?"

"The reports stated that they look strikingly similar to a human but were monstrously powerful. Aircraft blown out of the sky by strong sudden winds,earth collapsing underneath our tanks, computers and satelites were getting hacked into, our men were cut apart by a grey blur armed with a blade and worst of all our warships were cut in half by a sword about 1.5 miles away from the island."


"And that is where Naruto comes in."

Now Naruko was pissed."So now you want tot send my Brother away to the slaughter huh."

"Naruto is our only hope of getting what we want off of that island, we believe he is the only one powerful enough to take them on. You should know as you were the one who created his new body. It has already been decided Namikaze, Naruto will be sent along with the third invasion force, you have no choice in the matter"

Naruko's head sunk down and tsunade grasped onto her shoulder in comfort.

"Also you are to come with us to the sub."

Naruko's head lit up, they never let her even near her brother's command terminal/computer during his missions. So why the sudden change?

"His body is still new so we are keeping an eye on you while you operate on his system programming."

Naruko Hated that computer program they installed into his brain, to her it was a virus corrupting his mind. She knew she could remove it but at the cost of her own life, would it be really worth it? no, then Naruto will suffer just as she had when she lost him.

"Alright I will go with you, but I am doing this for him and making sure you guys don't end up destroying him again."

"Those programmers were not qualified enough to operate him, his new body is so much more advanced than his previous body."

"You're goddamned right about that, and I and Tsunade were the ones who gave him that power and I will determine and guide him on how to use it."

The agent nodded "Good let us be off." They all walked off to a Russian Typhoon class submarine whilst Naruto was sent towards an aircraft carrier.

(Prolouge end)

*Whistle* so what do you think?

Naruto's body is in fact a mix between Raidens cyborg body in metal gear rising and Genos from one punch man. I'd say that is pretty awesome.

Oh nooo that is not overpowered in the slightest so you say.

Neither is sinking entire fucking destroyers with one stroke of a sword, seriously how is that fair in the anime/manga of sekirei.

Well you all know what to expect in the next chapter so until then. and by the way i do not know the timeline of sekirei very well so i am randomly picking a year of the invasion, so there you go.

Oh and if you see the People who are expecting chapter three of my Gate:/Naruto crossover tell them my College are being assholes in holding me back.

Ta ta peoples.