
Olivia pulled out her phone to snap a picture. Ed had his arm around the back of Noah's chair and was pointing to a player in the outfield. They exchanged an animated conversation about something she couldn't make out. Satisfied that she'd captured some good candid shots of her boys, she turned to catch a few more pictures of the rest of the gang.

They'd had to reschedule Noah's batting practice event due to Olivia's recovery. It was originally planned for the weekend after their beach trip, but Ed and Noah weren't willing to leave her alone that soon. She wanted to be annoyed, but she and Ed were both so thankful that she was okay and that Noah was starting to cope better. She agreed to their plan to try to postpone.

It had taken three weeks before she could go back to limited, part-time desk duty, two-more for full-time desk duty, and it was likely going to be another month from now before she was cleared for full duty.

She tried her best to enjoy the extra time with the kids, but the whole family would be glad when things got back to normal. Regardless, it was late July when they were finally able to reschedule the event.

When Ed first called to ask about rescheduling, he only said that his wife was ill and could they please postpone. The woman who answered the phone said she'd have to check with the manager and call him back.

Two days later, Ed got a call from the Mets Manager. He asked what was wrong with Noah's mom. Ed didn't want to elaborate on their personal lives, so he just told the guy that she was a cop who'd been injured in the line of duty. That only led to more questions which Ed reluctantly answered.

As soon as the Manager learned they were a family of cops with more than three decades of service between the two of them, everything changed. They were upgraded to the Corporate VIP Package for the first available game of their choosing. That included not just watching batting practice from right behind the cage, but also Sky Deck tickets for the game for 24 people.

At first, Ed resisted thinking they were just going to be used as some sort of publicity stunt. But the Manager persisted. He promised that their privacy would be respected and that the team wasn't in it for anything more than to give back to some of the city's finest. Ed finally agreed.

Normally, neither he nor Olivia were ones to accept such things and he had to notify 1PP to make sure it wasn't a violation of the rules. They got approval, and Ed convinced Olivia to just enjoy the perk.

So, an ecstatic Noah not only got to bring an even more excited Evan and his mom, but also a couple other friends they met at soccer camp. Olivia invited her whole squad plus Barba, who sat in the back of the air conditioned portion of the box typing away on his phone and completely ignoring the game.

Amanda brought Jesse to keep Nicole company. Currently the two girls were sitting at a table coloring. The baseball game wasn't enough to keep their interest. Amanda was talking to Carisi. He'd come alone but was always a hit with the kids, who called him Uncle Sonny, much to his delight.

Fin showed up with a date. Apparently she'd been around for a little while because Ken's family seemed comfortable with her. Ken brought his partner and all three of their kids with him.

Melody and her sister were replenishing their beers before heading back to the seats in the front of the box. Between shuffling kids to camp and school and between offices over the years, Melody knew most of the kids and parents who were there. Her sister was eighteen and visiting for the summer before starting college upstate in the fall. So she knew a handful of people as well.

Olivia had tried to convince Ed to invite a couple of his friends from work. He refused saying that the other members of the squad wouldn't be able to relax with members of 1PP mulling around. He was probably right. And by now, Olivia's work family was as much his as hers. So that rounded out their group, almost.

Olivia snapped a few more pictures before being interrupted by a hand on her shoulder. She didn't have to turn to know who it was, the one person who rounded out this group.

She smiled as a cold beer was placed in her hand. Then she turned and clinked it to his bottle of water.

"To family," she offered.

"To family," Cragen echoed. They settled into a couple of seats near the back, so they could take in the game. He waited a few minutes before asking her the question that had been on his mind for weeks.

"They still calling you?" He asked.

"No," she answered quietly.

He didn't push. He didn't have to. He knew well enough that her decision hadn't been easy, but had been necessary.

A few days after they returned from the beach, Kathleen had called Olivia to see if she wanted to meet for coffee. All Olivia told her was that right now wasn't a good time.

A week later, she got another call. Olivia briefly explained what had happened. Kathleen immediately offered to help out.

Olivia didn't know how to deal with Elliot's kids now that she and he had agreed to go back to goodbye. At the time, she didn't want to bring it up with Ed. They were both still dealing with the aftermath of the past weeks and months. The kids were still on edge. It didn't seem right to add this to his concerns, so she'd called Cragen.

He understood the situation as well as anyone and had a unique perspective on Olivia and Elliot. He cared about them both and always tried to advise solutions that were fair to all involved.

Cragen had agreed with Olivia, that it wasn't likely she could keep in touch with one or more of Elliot's kids without him creeping back into her life. Something else they agreed on, that chapter in her life needed to remain closed.

"It broke my heart to cut ties with them, especially Kathleen." She admitted.

"I know," he gave her a sad smile. A part of him couldn't believe the outcome. A part of him saw it as inevitable. It was like they'd been destined to combust in one way or another.

"I told her she could always count on me if any of them needed something," she quickly added. "Whatever that means."

"I'm sure she knows, Liv." He knew. She might not be able to be friends with Elliot's kids, but if they truly needed her, she'd move mountains to help any of them. Even Elliot.

Cragen's words soothed the remnants of ache. Somehow, she believed him.

"What's so serious over here?" Ed interrupted their moment. He knew that Olivia thought he didn't know about Stabler's kids calling her, but he'd accidentally heard her telling Kathleen goodbye. He quickly realized that she didn't know he was within earshot.

At first he was tempted to be upset they were calling her. Upset she was taking the calls. Upset that she didn't mention it to him. But if anything had come out of the craziness of the first half of this year, it was that their relationship had gotten stronger. Their family was stronger.

There had been many days along the way when he honestly didn't know if that would be the case. There had even been a couple times when it seemed the opposite. Yet here they were, celebrating their family with their friends.

"We're just waxing poetic about the good ole days," Cragen joked.

"Well, get over here," Ed said as he nudged Olivia's arm. "Come on, Carisi's insisting on group photos."

Ever since Carisi got his first "real" camera, he'd become the de facto squad photographer. Sometimes they all wanted to shoot him, but they always appreciated the photos he captures. Half of the pictures Olivia had of the kids came from his lens.

Half an hour later, they'd taken what seemed like hundreds of photos in dozens of configurations. Just the kids, just the squad, various families. By the end even the adults were groaning at Carisi to let them get back to the game.


"It was a good day," Olivia said with a sigh, as Ed walked in clad in only a towel. They hadn't gotten home from the game until after eight, so by the time the kids were in bed it was almost ten. She took a shower and was now sitting on the edge of their bed in one of Ed's old NYPD t-shirts, her hair still wet.

"Yeah, it was." He answered simply as crossed the room toward the dresser. He grabbed another t-shirt and some boxers and dropped them on the bed while he finished drying off.

Normally, it was one of her pet peeves. He just got out of the shower, wrapped a towel around his waist and started walking around the room leaving wet footprints everywhere. Tonight, she was more interested in the wet body beneath the towel.

"Where do you think sex fits in the spectrum of desk duty and active duty?" She asked.

He almost dropped the towel at her words. When he looked up at her, he noticed that his t-shirt was all she was wearing.

"Woman," he warned. "The doctor said four more weeks for active duty."

"But I'm feeling so much better," she whined and leaned back on her elbows, crossing her legs. She didn't miss the heat that flashed across his face.

He knew she was feeling better, but her lungs still weren't 100%. Her check up last week confirmed they were better but not quite full capacity. She'd been off oxygen since the first week out of the hospital and kept insisting that she felt fine.

As long as she didn't over do it, she seemed to be fine. Her external injuries had healed. All that remained were a few scars that would probably fade over time.

"Olivia," he said and continued to get dressed.

She rolled across the bed so she was right in next to him. "See, look how easy I move." She waggled her eyebrows at him.

She was trying to kill him, he thought. That was the only explanation.

He didn't say a word but just watched as she pulled herself up to her knees in front of him. He stayed completely still, towel still in hand, as she leaned forward and kissed him.

He tried to let it be just a kiss. He tried to ignore the way she pressed her body into his. He was failing, miserably.

"Are you sure this is okay?" He nervous about her health, but he wasn't a saint. With their fight about Stabler, her initial injuries and this long ass recovery, it had been months. Right now, he wanted nothing more than her, but he wasn't sure.

"Well, we're probably not going to set any records tonight," she said with a bit of a smirk. "But I'm not gonna break."

"I seem to remember you telling me that once before," he answered studying her face.

She knew he was watching her breathe. Watching, analyzing, deciding.

"Ed," she said wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down onto the bed with her. "I know my body. I'm okay."

It had taken a little coaxing, but she knew she'd win. Normally, after such a long time, they'd be fast and frantic, but Ed drew it out. He insisted on taking charge and keeping it slow. It was tender and easy, like coming home.


Ed woke to a dark room and an empty bed. A quick look at the clock showed that it was almost two in the morning. He slipped out of bed and made his way down the hallway. He knew where he'd find her.

On his way, he peeked into Nicole's, then Noah's room. They were both sound asleep with their covers pulled all the way up, a sure sign that Olivia had recently been there.

The first few weeks after the beach had been really difficult. Noah still had nightmares. Even Nicole had a couple. Olivia had been stuck with a portable oxygen tank for a week and then was very limited in the two to three weeks following.

Just when everyone's nightmares started to subside, she went back to work. It was only part-time at first, but it set everyone back. Noah flipped. He didn't want her back at work. He'd feign illness, refuse to eat or speak if she wasn't there. Since she hadn't understood as much, Nicole fared better, but she picked up on Noah's emotions. It was two weeks of hell.

But each day got just a little bit easier. Noah saw the counselor several times during those first weeks before tapering off to every two, then three weeks. Now they were planning on monthly until they got into the new school year to make sure he was getting settled. He was learning to cope with the danger of Olivia's job and the traumatic events of the summer.

Despite how it sometimes seemed, they were all doing quite well. Ed took a moment to be thankful for the peaceful sleep of his children before padding down to the living room.

He found her sitting in one of the overstuffed chairs by the window with a cup of tea and her tablet. She had a smile in her eyes as she tapped the screen.

"Carisi sent the pictures?" He said softly. She'd heard him coming, so she didn't react to the sudden intrusion to the silence other than to nod.

She was sitting sideways in the chair, so her legs hung over one of the arms. He bumped her back with his thigh as he wedged himself onto the other arm. She accommodated his intrusion by scooting out a little, so he could rest against the back of the chair.

He peered over her shoulder and saw a blown up image of just their family. Ed and Olivia each had an arm draped around the other and he was holding Nicole. Noah was standing slightly in front of them and Liv's free hand was resting on his shoulder. Mr. Met was just entering the frame and threw up jazz hands.

At the time, Carisi had been annoyed that the mascot messed up his Tucker family shot, but it turned out to be everyone's favorite. He sent one with Mr. Met and one with him unceremoniously cropped out.

"That's a good one," Ed said quietly.

"Yeah," she answered with a tear in her voice. She wasn't sure why she felt so emotional, but it just felt good to be basically back to normal.

"You okay?" He knew she was, but he wanted to leave the door open for her to talk to him about anything on her mind.

"Better than okay," she answered and let her head rest on his arm that was laying on the back of the chair.

"Any other good ones?" He asked before reaching over her and tapping one of the thumbnails on the bottom of the screen.

An hour later, he'd somehow wedged himself under her on the chair, and they sat there scrolling through pictures from the game laughing at stories attached to each. Finally, she yawned and flexed her back.

"We should get back to bed," he said. Then he took the tablet from her and put it on the table next to them.

She leaned into him as they walked down the hallway."Mmm," she sighed and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Yeah," he answered. Then he pulled her closer and kissed her temple.

As they headed toward their bedroom, neither heard the notification on the tablet as a new image popped up in the shared album. It was another one of just their family, a candid photo of the four of them at batting practice.

Ed and Olivia were next to each other on bleacher seats. He'd just given her a quick kiss, so they were close and looking right at each other. Nicole was sitting on the row below between their feet. She was looking up at them with a goofy grin. Noah was standing on the row behind them looking slightly down with his hands on their shoulders. They couldn't have posed a better picture if they'd tried.


a/n: Okay, that's all for this one. To everyone who's kept up from the beginning, caught up in the middle or just discovered, thanks so much for making my first foray into ff a positive experience. While I didn't want this one to end, I felt it completed it's arc.

However! Since it's seemed to be a popular one and I love it so, I'm thinking of doing some one shots or other longer plots in this same universe - past, present and future. Yes?