Hey readers! This is a Zootopia fanfiction story. I have just seen Zootopia the other day in theaters and fell in love with it. I also thought up a great idea for a fanfic story of it. So ladies and gentlemen, please enjoy chapter 1 of A Soon Found Love!

The city of Zootopia has just been turned into a great place for animals big and small, at the hands of the smart and determined bunny cop Judy Hopps. But it could not be done without the help of the sly and courageous fox Nick Wilde. Together they brought to justice a fiend who had been experimenting a toxic flower on mammals, turning them primitive and savage. The flower, also known as the Nighthowler, was a toxic flower in which if its pollen is inhaled or injected into the bloodstream of a Zootopian, turned them primitive. Causing them to go back to their savage animal ways. And the fiend was none other than the Assistant Mayor of Zootopia. She had tried to make it look like it was the mayor himself, but he had been experimenting on the savage victims trying to find a cure for the Nighthowler's toxin.

At first everyone believed it was the mayor himself behind the savage outrage, and Judy had said that perhaps the savaging missing mammals may have went savage due to a DNA issue in all predators, hurting the feelings of her friend Nick Wilde. He was enraged at her conclusive assumption, and left her side. Soon Judy had found out vital information to solving the case, but needed Nick's help to find out for sure and then prove it. But he did not take too kindly to her proposal, and would only accept a dearest apology. Judy pleaded and begged, and ended up saying just what the sly fox wanted to hear. He forgave her, and together the team of a sly fox and smart bunny went on the prowl to find the true culprit of the savaging mammals.

They found that it was the assistant mayor, who had now become mayor with the arrest of the original mayor. She in turn tried to frame them, then dispose of them once she had all the evidence needed to prove it was her. But her plan backfired and she was brought to justice. Making Zootopia a better place for all animals, big and small. And Judy Hopps gained a partner in her line of work. Nick Wilde became the first ever fox cop, but more precisely, Judy's partner.

It was now a full month after justice was served and Zootopia was turned into a slightly better place for everyone. Judy Hopps still lived in her small apartment, and Nick Wilde had found shelter in a small house not far from her place. They worked together in Zootopia's police force now.

This particular day, more precisely; night, was one in which Judy could not sleep. It was a hot and humid day, and the night hours had been just as hot. Judy was in her bed, tossing and turning, trying to fall asleep. It was just too hot! She sat up in her bed, now thinking to herself that there was no use in rest now. She grabbed her phone and turned it on, examining the screen for new notifications. None. Not even from her parents. She put in her lock screen pattern, and the screen changed to the phone's home screen.

She opened her call and text app, looking through her contacts. She remembered Nick had given her his number in case she needed to get a hold of him. She opened his conversation with her, and the last activity in it was from a few days before when they were discussing what they would do the weekend to come. It was late Friday night, which meant the weekend was right around the corner.

She sighed and contemplated sending him a text. But he was asleep. She didn't want to wake him. But then there was the possibility that he could not sleep either with this heat. Screw it, she thought. She tapped the send message space and her keyboard popped up. She typed out her message and hit send. Hey Nick, you up? I cant sleep with this heat, the message read.

She waited a moment, and then the small text below her message appeared, saying he had seen the message. Then the three dot icon from his end appeared, he was replying. Nah, lost all hope of trying a bit ago. Need some company? His message read. She smiled slightly and brought up her keyboard and began to reply. That would be nice. Thanks Nick, her reply read.

Alright, I could use some company myself too lol, his message said. Uh, hey. Is it alright with you if I swing over your place? I got nothing better to do. Judy was a bit shocked that he wanted to come over, but she could use the physical company. So she replied saying Sure, come on over. He seen her message and replied with Alright, I'll be there in 5.

Judy smiled and turned her screen off, and set her phone down. She was in her night outfit, a white tanktop and thin silk shorts. She figured this was enough clothing for company to be over. Hell, it was only Nick. What problems could occur? She she turned on her light and sat down in front of her mirror, looking herself over for eye crust and any nighttime body affects. She looked fine so she sat and waited for Nick's arrival.

Five minutes passed, and she heard a soft knock at her door. It was Nick. She opened the door and greeted him with a smile. He returned the smile and let himself in. She closed the door behind him and sat down on her bed.

"Thanks for coming over Nick. I could use the company," She said, looking up at him.

"Hey, no problem. I had nothing better to do," He said with a soft chuckle, sitting beside her on the foot of the bed.

She looked up at him with those big adorable bunny eyes that he sometimes teased her about to have a good laugh with her, and he couldn't help but smile at her. She blushed a little as she tried to return the smile.

"Those eyes..." He softly let out. She blushed and turned away shyly.

"I know... stereotypically cute..." She chuckled softly.

"No..." He placed a paw on her shoulder. "They're beautiful."

She was shocked by his words, and turned her head to face him. She was blushing, but looked up at him with those eyes again. He practically melted on the inside.

"Th-... They are?" She said shyly. He nodded in confirmation.

She sighed, not knowing how to react. So many thoughts wizzed around in her head now, she couldn't think straight. Her mind was racing as she just sat there. Nick slowly brought his muzzle down by hers, and very softly nipped her lips. This completely surprised her and she looked up at him in shock.

"What do you want me to paint a picture here?" He said to her. He sighed and came clean. "Alright... I think im starting to fall for you..."

Now HE was the one blushing. Judy had never seen him blush. It actually looked kind of cute.

"N-Nick?" She shyly said, returning his attention down to her.

She looked up at him, then brought her muzzle up to his and softly kissed his lips, sitting back down. Now he was too was in shock of the moment. She smiled weakly up at him.

"I think im falling for you too," She said.

They embraced each other in a hug, holding each other. Nick never knew how soft her fur was until now... He held her to him and slowly laid back on her bed. She curled up close to him, laying her head on his chest. They cuddled with another in her bed, having their paws locked together as they laid there. Judy could hear his heartbeat, consistent, and enticing. She smiled and enjoyed the sound of it, as if she could sense it yearned for hers. She slowly closed her eyes. Nick looked down at her, enjoying how cute and beautiful she looked. His never acknowledged dream had become apparent and came true. He never let go of her, and she never wanted him to.

So that was chapter 1 of this new story. I hope you liked it! Stay tuned for future chapters of this story! Please leave a review and pm me on how I did! Peace!