Star: Well...Um...

Jem: Are you sure you want to do this?

Star: Well it's Shugo Chara and Miraculous so...

Jem: This'll make it the fifth story your going to have to write. Do you think you can handle it..?

Star: I can make time... after all this is new and I would like to see how this goes...So hello everyone! And welcome to my story 'New Adventures Await in Paris!' and I do hope you guys will enjoy it!

Jem: Star Amulet does not own anything but the plot.

Raindrops fell from the dark grey looking sky as Marinette gave out a sigh. Today she was planning to hang out with Alya, but now it seems quite impossible for that now.

"Cheer up, Marinette. You'll see. The rain will lift up soon and you'll be able to meet Alya." Tikki encouraged as she saw Marinette's moody look as she continued staring out the window. She thought about what Tikki said, but at the rate the rain was falling, it seemed like it'll last the rest of the day. A sigh left her lips as she wondered about how to free herself from her current boredom. Alya already canceled their plans till further notice, and there was no Akumas to fight. She moved back from the window and sat on her chair; crossed legged; thinking of what to do. She scanned around the room looking for something to entertain herself with. Until she looked at a piece of clothing she was working on, a small smile formed as she moved her chair towards the piece of clothing.

"Might as well." Marinette said as she felt an inspiration on what to do next. Despite the weather outside, it seemed like it wouldn't affect the sun within her. As she distracted herself, time flew by quickly and she paid no mind to it until her mother called.

"I'm comming!" Marrinette shouted; putting her things down. Her kwami was hiding within her hair as she went downstairs. Her mother looked happy and excited in which Marinette wonder "What is it mom?" She questioned.

"Oh Marinette, it seems like we have new neighbors!" She said quite excited.

"Really?" Marinette said; now wondering about her new neighbor. Marinette's mom nodded.

"You're father and I met them a while ago while coming back from the market. They were putting their stuffs inside their home by the time we arrived, and had a small chat with them." Marinette's mother started as Marinette listened. "Oh, and they also have a daughter your age." She said; catching Marinette's attention. A smile spread across her face at the thought of a new friend. As her mother continued talking and saying about giving them welcome cookies, Marientte decided to help out her mother with them wondering about her possible new friend.

Amu gave out a sigh as she set down a box filled of her stuff into her new room. Wiping sweat and some rain off her face, she sat down on her new bed; looking around at her new room. A small smile on her lips. Although, it was soon replaced by a small frown as she layed on her bed; staring at the blank ceiling.

"Cheer up Amu!" Her guardian character Ran said; waving pom poms around; trying to cheer up her bearer along with other three guardian characters: Miki, Su, and Dia.

"I know..." Amu started as she looked at Ran. "It's just...I just miss home" she said; staring back at the ceiling with a sigh. Her guardian characters looked at each other slightly upset. Amu was just remembering the good byes of her friends hours ago.

Amu just finished packing up all her stuff as she closed the last box with tape. She stood up straight as she looked at her now barely empty room. She felt a frown on her lips at the thought of leaving home and her friends behind, but there wasn't anything she could do about it. After all, her Mother found a well paying job in Paris. Apparently, a well known fashion designer would like her to work on magazines for his new/future designs and collections. Along with that, her Father could also help out as a photographer for the models and get payed as well. They needed the money as well, since they were having difficulties with their old jobs, so it was good news for them. But that meant they would have to move to Paris, France. As much as Amu was happy for her parents, it was upsetting she had to leave her friends behind. The sudden sound of a door bell brought her back to reality and out of her thoughts as she called out.

"I'll get it!" She said as she exited her room, ran down the stairs, and opened the front door to see the face of her friends. A small smile appeared on her face as they greeted her. They all decided to hang out before she had to leave completely. After all she was their friend and the fact she had made a great impact to everyone of them made it even harder for them to say good bye. Amu called out to her parents saying she'll be with her friends for a bit. Her parents agreed and let her be knowing how special her friends were to her.

Amu said bye to her parents and left with her friends as she enjoyed her last day with them. They all went to different places and revisited a few places; remembering the wonderful memories. Their last stop: the Royal Garden. Amu stood at the entrance of the place while her friends walked towards the table within the garden, while Amu remembered the first day she arrived and was invited by Nadeshiko. A small laughter came out as she remembered the day Nagihiko told her he was Nadeshiko. She couldn't help but think how he was able to keep it hidden and how she never realized it, but everyone else did or basically already knew. Memories filled her mind as she walked around the garden. That was till Rima stopped in front of her; handing her a card. Amu curiously took the card and looked at it. The Joker. She looked from the card to her friends; questionably.

"To us, you'll always be our Joker and no one will be able to replace your spot from it." Rima said; a small smile on her lips.

"And we hope that when you return, you are willing to take on the responsibilities as the Joker once more." Nagihiko said.

"After all, our friendship wont be complete without you." Tadase said with a smile.

" and Yaya and the others will miss Amu-chi!" Yaya said; holding Amu's hand.

"You guys..." Amu started as she stared at them.

"Of course, just because your far away in Paris doesn't mean you'll start losing connection with us." Kukai said as he wrapped an arm around Amu's shoulder with a grin. Amu smiled and gave out a small laugh.

"I won't. I'll make sure to stay in contact with all of you guys."

"Don't forget to also come and visit sometimes." Utau said; arms crossed over her chest.

"I think I should be the one saying that.." Amu said and Utau smiled.

"Yeah, once I see if I can preform in Paris, I might as well bring the others to visit you. Of course, I don't guarantee bringing soccer boy here." Utau said; pointing towards Kukai. Amu shook her head as she saw Kukai start an argument with her. She was definitely going to miss her friends and the atmosphere around the place, but she knew she'll come back; hopefully soon. But she enjoyed her time with her friends as much as possible. By the time they all left the royal garden, the sun was setting and she had to go home to finish packing the final touches, so that the next morning she's on the airplane; flying to Paris. Upon reaching home, her friends came along for their final good byes and a huge group hug. One by one, they all left; wishing Amu a good time and hopefully make new friends there. After all, someone has to take their places while they're so far away from each other. But never take the places within Amu's Heart.

Amu sat up in her bed once finishing her flashback and looked out the window from her room. The rain had stopped and the sun was shinning brightly; a few clouds here and there. She got off her bed and opened her balcony window and step out, leaning a bit on the railing; taking in the fresh air, despise it raining hard moments ago. A small smile appeared as she took in a wonderful view of Paris. Maybe she had not wanted to move here, but she wonders what adventures might Paris bring for her.

To be continued...

Star: and thats it for the first chapter I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter of this story and are enjoying it and awaiting for the next chapter so stay toon and see you guys in the next chapter! And please Review, follow and/or favorite. Thank you!