Author's note:

This is a small drabble I came up with... it's kinda funny and fluffy...:) enjoy and review XD

"Can't we just do a simple ceremony?" Tigress asked him, frustrated.

"Sure, but we still got to invite people," she sighed.

"Po, this is more complicated than I thought," Tigress said as she hugged Po. The panda just chuckled and rubbed her back.

"I guess, but its all for us," he said, planting a kiss on her forehead.

"Yeah, but we are not going to get it on time. I can't seem to like any red outfit that comes my way, Viper doesn't know what to do for the cake, Crane is panicking with the decorations, and we still don't know who is in charge of the ceremony!" Po only widened his eyes.

"And on top of that, you don't have a suit and the wedding is in 2 months. Oh, and we haven't sent out the invitations," Tigress added. Po sighed. He wasn't one to actually know how weddings are supposed to work. And Tigress is the one who knew what she wanted and how she wanted it done.

"Don't worry, we'll get it right," Tigress groaned.

"Po, I'm doing all the work here, and that's all I have heard you say before," Po smiled.

"Ok, maybe I haven't helped. So how about I figure everything out from here on out?" Tigress broke the hug and looked at him. She smiled.

"Really?" He nodded.

"Great! Then I'll just find my outfit! Oh, the notes I took are on the counter!" The feline ran out the room right after kissing him on the lips. Po could hear her shout at Viper and then more footsteps, soon follow by some slithering...

Oh gosh, now what was he supposed to do? Tigress trusted him and... he widened his eyes, realizing he might as well be doomed. Well... there was someone who could help.