I'm all for a Bonnie/Lydia friendship. Can you imagine?


It had been such a long time since Stiles had been to the counselor's office. There was a pale woman behind the desk this time with long blonde hair. He hadn't even noticed her before. Now, she was lecturing him about why his grades have been on such a downward slope. If he could, he'd say that he was recently possessed by an evil kitsune spirit and caused the death of a former student. Maybe then she would get off of his back.

"You barely have any service learning hours. That should be your main focus this year." She said. Stiles knew he should've knocked them all out before he got any deeper into this werewolf madness. "You could volunteer at the hospital." He thought of Ms. McCall. That would be easy hours. "And - hey! - we actually would need a tutor if you're up for it. If your classes know that you're tutoring, they give you more time to complete your work."

He thought about it. He never was that good of a tutor, not even to his own...Malia. But if it would get him some time to get his work done, he'd give it a chance.

"So, what, I just drive down to some middle school after the school day and gain some hours?" He asked. The woman shook her head. It had occurred to Stiles that he hadn't bothered to learn her name.

"Um, no, actually. I actually need for you to do me a solid and catch our new student up on the curriculum here. She's not from around here and with all the seniors stressing out, I just figured you would benefit from this more so than others. You two can discuss which days work best for you, but you could get from one to five hours each week. This is a sweet deal, Stiles. I wouldn't let it pass you by." She explained. Five hours each week? He'd earn his hours in no time.

"No, I'm total with you on this. Where is this new girl? What's her name?" He asked. She handed him a schedule. The top of it read: Bonnie Bennett, Senior. Her classes were insane, each being either honors or AP with no free period. There's no way he could help with this.

"She's a freaking genius. What would she need me for?" He asked, ready to throw the paper into the trash. She sighed while tapping her slender fingers on the desk.

"She came to me exclusively asking for a tutor. It's not up to me, Stiles. If you do choose to do it, I suggest you find her and make that clear."

"Alright. Thanks, um, Miss." He scurried out of his chair and through the doors before the awkwardness of not knowing her name would ensue. As he walked back towards his locker, he noticed Kira and Isaac, leaned over each other, whispering in frantic voices. His eyebrows furrowed. He never really did step back to notice that those two had become significantly closer to each other over the last few weeks. Maybe he'd see them sharing notes in study hall or eating off the other's tray during lunch, but he figured they were just extremely used to the other after all this time. It feels like it's been forever.

He said hey as he passed them. They turned to him, both with guilty looking smiles on their face as they waved him down. He shook his head and kept walking. He was sure Scott would get to the bottom of that in no time if he wasn't - his eyes shifted towards Scott's locker - fraternizing with Malia in the exact same manner.

He couldn't wrap his mind around what the actual hell was going on.

Next thing he knew, Lydia would be...talking to Liam. His eyes widened as the pair skipped by him, chatting rapidly about something he couldn't exactly make out. He realized that the puppy was officially a part of the pack, but what could he and Lydia possibly have to say to one another?

He opened his locker, confused. Then, Malia walked up to him in that cute, bouncy, new-to-having-human-limbs walk that only she could pull off.

"We're still going to your place after school, right?" She asked. He nodded his head. He never canceled his plans with them, not once. Malia grinned. "Great. Matthew from English asked me out. I didn't know what to say, so I told him I'd get back to him. Now, I have a valid excuse with evidence and witnesses. No offense to Matthew, I'm sure he's a great guy underneath all those pimples." She exclaimed. He smiled at her. She was adorable. He should've been threatened or jealous, but they had never put labels on anything. She had just gone out with some other guy the previous week. He was oddly alright with her catching up on the nine years that she'd missed out on.

"Happy to help. By the way, what the hell are you and Scott talking about over there?" He finally asked. Malia shrugged.

"Nothing," She said too quickly for his liking. "Just homework and stuff. He's helping me study, you know. I like his notes, they're simple." She explained. Stiles squinted. Scott took simple notes? He would have accepted it for now. "See you at lunch!" She scurried off back beside Scott.

Lunch was slightly less irritating. There were no longer strict pairs of random twos, at least. He sat in between Kira and Malia. Scott was in front of him with Lydia to his right and Isaac to his left. The table discussions today was Liam nearly blowing his cover in front of the school. Him and his damn temper tantrums. Everyone added in their designated input about the issue, leaving an empty silence to plague them. He decided it was his turn to say something.

"I'm becoming a tutor," He announced. Lydia's eyes widened. She leaned in closer as if she hadn't heard him the first time. She just needed verification. Stiles rolled his eyes. "It's for community service hours. It was a sweet deal, really, besides the fact that the girl I'm going to tutor is a Lydia-esque super genius." He elaborated. Scott smiled.

"Kinda makes me feel guilty about taking the easy route and making my mom fill out all those fake sheets of volunteer hours at the hospital. Kinda. I'm proud of you, though, Stiles." He reached across the table to dab his shoulder.

"Am I the only one hearing this right? Stiles is in charge of another human's education. Don't you think the poor girl is, I don't know...doomed?" Isaac chuckled. Stiles squinted at him. Lydia rolled her eyes.

"This coming from the boy who dropped out of AP history?" Lydia sassed. Isaac crossed his arms, defensive.

"No one told me how to do the freaking document based questions. I winged it, it wasn't my fault." He explained. Kira stole a french fry from his plate and stuffed it into her mouth. Malia leaned into his vision.

"You tutored me for, like, weeks. Couldn't you have gotten these 'hours' from that?" She presented an interesting question. Stiles could've cried. Why hadn't he thought of this sooner? "Also, why do we need 'hours'? Hours of what?" She asked. The table shared a collective groan. She still had so much to learn.

"What? No one tells me anything!" Malia gesticulated her arms outwards comedically. The table laughed at her, but it was Scott who kept it semi-serious.

"Don't worry, I'll fill you in," He promised, relieving her frantic mind. Somehow, Stiles felt that that should've been his line to say. He looked around to see if anyone had caught it, but Kira and Isaac were play fighting from across the table and Lydia was blushing down at her phone screen. Stiles still didn't understand what the hell was happening and quite frankly, he wasn't sure he wanted to anymore. He had been so closed off from his pack that he barely knew what was going on with them anymore. He was thinking that their special pack time tonight would change that.

It was Liam's idea, surprisingly - pack night. He was finally getting overwhelmed with his Beta duties and suggested that they just hang out for a night at Scott's house. They did. It was a relaxing night, to say the least, so they made it an annual thing. The beginning weekend of every month, they had been having pack night - alternating between everyone's houses. Sleeping bags were essential, as were snack foods and plenty of games to pass the time. This night Stiles would be the host and he was praying that it wouldn't become awkward. Everyone could tell that there was something off about him. He just hoped he could make it through just one pack night without someone making a passive aggressive comment about his silence.

He ditched the seventh period to wander the hallways for a bit. He liked the sound of his shoes pounding against the school floors when there weren't dozens of other shoes beside him. He loved that no one interrupted him, even if what he was doing wasn't allowed. He was nearing the main hallway when he heard someone familiar.

"Lucy, I can't do it." The soft voice complained. Stiles noticed the mass of brunette hair in his vision. "Well, it's not exactly better. I don't even know anyone." She whispered. He unconsciously slowed his pace. She was leaning her head against the lockers, one hand slumped beside her, the other holding her cell phone to her ear. "No, but it's not like anyone is jumping through trees to notice I'm here, either." She hit her head against the lockers, then yelped, immediately regretting that decision. Stiles smirked.

As if she could feel his amusement with her, she turned.

"Lucy, I'll see you at home." She ended the call and placed the phone in her bag, still looking at Stiles as he looked at her. "Uh...hi. Do I know you?" She asked, eyeing the rest of the hallways suspiciously. Stiles was caught off-guard by how great she looked, not that he was expecting a troll or anything, but...wow.

"Um, no, I was...I was just...I was not staring at you is what I was doing, I was just casually passing by in this general -" He gestured to the walkway dramatically, "Vicinity and happened to see you there talking on the, uh, phone. Nice to meet you! I'm Stiles." He stretched his hand out to her. She put her hand in his tentatively.

"Bonnie. Nice to meet you." She greeted, shaking her hand in his. She was very dainty in comparison. Stiles had to group that into his memory because most girls generally overpowered him. Then, he realized. Bonnie Bennett, his student for the next month or so. Before he could mention this fact, she swiped her hand out of his and adjusted her bag.

"I actually have to get to class. I've missed so much already, I can't exactly afford to ditch anymore. I'll see you, Stiles." She smiled once more before racing down the hallway, going the completely wrong direction, Stiles noted. He waited until she stopped and realized she was running towards the main entrance to laugh at her misfortune. She turned, flustered, then did an awkward jog back past him. "Just getting a running start."

He laughed as she ran opposite of him. Okay, so she definitely was not a mini Lydia Martin, at least not based off of first impressions. His just hopes that when he shows up to tutor her tomorrow she won't seriously consider him being a stalker.

"Stiles, you have to get in on this," said Isaac from his living room couch. His hands were furiously pressing buttons from the remote controller and his eyes were so locked in on the game, he hadn't noticed Stiles' look of indifference. Beside Isaac, Liam was making slower, more calculated moves on his controller. Stiles could already tell that Liam would win again, he was a natural at video games, especially enhanced with his wolf senses.

"Maybe later, guys," He told them, walking back towards his kitchen where Malia and Lydia were in the midst of some debate that had both of them rolling their eyes. They had barely noticed him there. Lydia held her phone up towards herself and made a duck-face.

"It's called a selfie, Malia. You can't have a phone and not know what a selfie is." Lydia judged, then handed her phone to Malia, who held it like a newborn. "You try," She ordered. Malia twisted the phone in her hands, then flinched when she saw her face in it, glowing with some filter.

"Weird," She mumbled.

"Not weird. New. Now, just smile into it and press that button right there. Okay. Okay, yeah, you got it. Less creepy, though. Cmon, turn to me." Lydia turned Malia's shoulder towards herself and took her phone, turning it on Malia.

"What are you doing now?" Malia groaned. Lydia smirked, eliciting a long pause in the room. Stiles felt uncomfortable watching them as they stared.

"You're really beautiful, Malia," She said. As much as Malia didn't want to give in and smile predictably, she couldn't help it because she could tell Lydia wasn't lying to her. Steady heartbeat and all. Stiles crossed his arms, taking in both the girls that have kissed him and then shown zero interest in dating him. Lydia snapped the shot and showed it to her.

"Hey. It doesn't look half bad. So, what now? How do you put this on, um...Entergram?" She asked. Lydia face-palmed.

"Instagram, sweetheart."

Stiles snorted. When had those two become so close? Both their heads turned towards him.

"Did you call for the pizza yet?" Lydia asked. He nodded. He needed to order six of them, all varying in flavor and topping because he had the pickiest pack anyone could ask for.

A loud shout startled the trio. Through the glass sliding door to his backyard, he caught Kira and Scott practicing lacrosse. Scott was on his back as Kira danced around him, expertly twirling the lacrosse stick as she would a sword.

"And Kira Yukimura wins once again! The crowd goes wild! Woo!" She yells while tapping around him. They shared a collective laugh as they stared at the pair. Malia and Lydia take that as their cue to join the two in the backyard. Stiles just stands there, thinking of how paranoid he was being earlier. Everything seemed fine. Different, sure, but fine.

When the pizza arrived, it was already gone. He had to fight his way to get his measly two slices. Malia challenged Scott to a pizza eating contest, earning a distasteful look from Lydia and approving adulation from the guys. Lydia, however, reluctantly clapped when Malia beat her alpha with seconds to spare.

Since it was Kira's choice for the movie, they have gathered around his couch half-watching a romantic comedy with Jennifer Lopez in it. Lydia was on the end of the couch, texting someone. Liam was in the middle, looking to be genuinely enjoying Kira's movie pick, but once anyone looked over to him, he'd pretend as if he weren't staring at the screen. Isaac was next to Liam with a stale face considering he wanted to watch a horror film. Underneath Lydia, Malia and Scott sat beside each other, almost snuggling as they struggled to keep their eyes open. Kira was under Isaac, hitting his leg every time he complained about the movie and made sure he kept his eyes on the screen - however, his eyes always found their way back to her. They either weren't telling each other something or they just weren't telling Stiles.

The movie was nearing the ending credits and everyone was about sleep. Kira fell asleep against Isaac's leg. Isaac was passed out, head facing upwards in the most uncomfortable looking position with slob falling down his open mouth and Liam's legs on his lap. Lydia had swatted Liam away every time he so much as breathed near her, but as she dozed off she accepted his head on head on her lap and placed her legs on his lap. On the floor, Malia and Scott had a blanket thrown over them now and they were lying side by side, Scott's arm wrapping her close to him. And then there was Stiles, awake on the loveseat, watching it all unfold. His father walked through the door quietly, only managing to make a few of them stir. On instinct, he closed his eyes and regulated his breathing. He could hear his father stop, the move on.

He was definitely getting to the bottom of this in the morning.