After seeing The darkness takes over, I've decided to do a fic that I'll actually complete*. I've decided on updating once a week or more frequently than that. This is going to be a mixture of the games and the anime, with very few things from the manga. I'll also be dropping a lot of episodes out, so say goodbye to your favourite CoDs! I hope you guys enjoy this one, and don't forget to tell me your thoughts on this chapter.

Warning: This is going to be slightly darker than the anime, and death's pretty common, but it's not going to be a dystopia where people die because of a Tackle. But sometimes, people die at the hands of enraged pokemon - because they're not unicorns in disguise - and evil team members may have to kill people by using either their pokemon or weapons i.e guns and stuff. And sometimes, the goodies have to kill the bad guys.

That being said, let's get on with the story. R&R!

Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon, and this is going to apply for ever chapter.

Note: I would also like to give a shout-out to The Straight Elf, because I drew inspiration from him and most of this is from Traveler since I absolutely didn't know what to do. Like TheLeadBrick pointed out, it is rude for me not to give credit to him/her.

Tomorrow's probably the most important day of my life, he reflected. He then shook his head as he turned off the lights. No, tomorrow IS the most important day of my life.

He had been eagerly waiting for this ever since last month, when the final year of the Trainer School had ended, and he would be getting a pokémon of his very own. Ash had been weighing the pros and cons of each of the starter pokémon of the Kanto region since last month, heavily reading various books written by professor Oak on pokémon and types. Seeing his brother's pokémon, a Blastoise, Venusaur and Charizard, had troubled him even further and he couldn't decide which one to choose.

He reminisced one of professor Oak's seminar on pokémon evolution at the Oak's Trainer Institute just a few months ago. "Pokémon Evolution is basically metamorphosis," he had explained in the simplest of ways. "You will know when you're pokémon will evolve if you see them in a slightly unusual behavior of if there is any minor physical change in them."

Ash had also learnt that pokémon evolve purely by experience or by the energy radiated by evolutionary stones. The funniest par was that some pokémon needed the energy given off by trades to evolve into their next stages. But the best part was the new discovery in evolution in the Kalos region, something about Mega Evolution.

There were currently forty-six species that could mega evolve, but more were yet to be discovered. The best part was that the Kanto Starter pokémon could mega evolve too.

"Man, this is so hard," he complained to himself. "Now all three can mega-evolve, but Charizard has two mega evolutions! Beat that!"

The worst part was that those pokémon needed something known as mega stones to evolve, and they were rare – very rare. You couldn't just find them in your neighborhood. They were found in the worst and hardest-to-find places possible: in a Dratini's pond, in a raging desert or even very close to a Beedrill's beehive.

But he didn't care about that. He just wanted a starter pokémon. After fifteen more minutes of deciding, he finally settled on Squirtle, the water type pokémon.

…but Gary had decided on that too. And seeing that Gary was professor Oak's grandson, he had a minute chance of getting Squirtle.

Gary and he had been best friends from the start, and they used to go for movies together. They enjoyed their moments a lot. Well, the friendship lasted until they were fishing and found a pokeball in bother their hooks, and they fought and fought until they both came home with a broken nose and a pokeball half that split during the fight. But they kept it nonetheless. They both agreed that it was a good-luck charm.

"Ash, Honey, go to sleep now!" a voice called out from below. "You've got a very big day tomorrow!"

Ash grumbled before he took note of to his mother's command. He fished out the TV remote from under his pillow and stopped Agatha's and Bruno's battle midway.

Sighing, he tucked into his bed, put the alarm clock next to him and was about to switch of the lights before he yelled, "Hey, Red! Can you wake me up at eight o'clock sharp in case I don't get up? I seriously don't want to end up like you!"

Ash grinned as he heard a chuckle from downstairs. "Yeah, no problem, Ash," Red replied.

Ash grinned once more before he closed his eyes. About five years ago, Red had started his pokémon journey but got up really late, and he ended up with a Pikachu instead his desired Charmander. His rival-now-best friend, Blue, always mocked him till date about his antics once he saw the three pokéballs empty. Nevertheless, that didn't stop him from putting a pin up Blue's bottom and receiving his title as Kanto Champion.

After that, Red was rarely at home, therefore weakening Ash and Red's relation as brothers. He only used to come once a year, mostly during Christmas, but he had come this year for a month only because of Ash's big day.

The raven-haired boy shook his head as he focused on sleep. That was all he needed to get up as early as possible and get his wonderful Squirtle, provided Gary didn't snatch it from him…



Ash literally jumped out of his bed as a small burst of electricity struck him on his back, electrocuting him and making him open his eyes wide. He groaned as he turned, rolled down his bed and then glared at Pikachu, who was rolling on the floor with immense laughter.

"Finding that funny, eh, Pikachu?" Ash asked angrily. He weakly motioned to grab the yellow rodent, but the mouse pokémon simply scurried out of the room and left Ash in his half-sleepy state.

"Dammit!" Ash yelled. "Screw you, Pikachu!"

"Language, Ash!" his mother hushed as she entered his room.

"But…" Ash trailed off once he knew he lost the argument.

"Now get ready." His mother put her hands on her hips before giving a devilish smile at her son. "Or do you want me to call Lateralus and wake you up further?"

Ash's eyes widened in fear and terror. He jerkily shook his head and his mother walked off in triumph.

Lateralus was a Porygon – Red's Porygon, to be specific. Although now Red had decided to give it to Ash, since he had grown fond of it. Red had basically left Lateralus to help Delia in her chores, having a hostile relationship with Mr. Mime, and the two pokémon would constantly bicker between them and create a comical moment for the family. Red now decided to leave it in Ash's care and to check on him during his journey, which Ash readily accepted.

Ash had once got it to show and tell to school, where his classmates were surprised by him bringing in such a rare pokémon, but they were even more surprised by the name given to the Porygon. Ash had shown the class a few of its attacks, such as the basic tackle and a Psybeam.

"Why'd you name it Lateralus?" a student would ask.

That was when Ash would give a big grin. "Well, I didn't name him Lateralus, my brother did, and there's quite some logic behind it. You see, 'Lateral' is a part of the word 'Quadrilateral', which is a polygon, of which Porygon's body shape is made up of. Plus, it's a Tool reference. Cool, no?"

But the students would merely stare at him with blank expressions and avoid him for the day.

Ash turned to the clock beside him and saw the time – 8:30 AM. He smiled as he got up and changed into his clothes in a matter of seconds, but his mother forced him to go for a bath and freshen himself up.

He later went down to enjoy a breakfast of cold milk, toast and eggs. Ash gobbled up about six eggs before he let out an enormous belch, disgusting his mother and earning a howl of laughter from Red.

"Oh!" Delia exclaimed as she wiped a plate clean and looked at the clock. "Ash, you better get going. Don't you have to get there at nine, as you told me?"

"Oh, come on, mom!" Ash groaned. "I'll go there in a few minutes." He looked at the raised eyebrow and quickly added another sentence. "But, if you're telling me to do it, then I'll have to go." He got up from his seat, dumped the plate in the sink and added another task for Mr. Mime to do.

"Good. I'll have your backpack ready by the time you come back."

Ash smiled at her and nodded, the excitement killing any words he might have said. He walked off in the direction of Oak's lab, and he smiled and waved to some of the people that wished him good luck on his journey. Pallet was such a small town that everybody knew that he and a few other kids would be starting today.

He then met Leaf. She waved to him and walked closer to him, and he took a quick glance at her. She was wearing a crimson skirt and a baby-blue top, matching with her white fedora. A half pokeball sign was etched on the fedora and she adjusted it as she blushed once she saw Ash.

"Hey, Ash!" she greeted.

"Hiya, Leaf!" Ash sounded a tad bit surprised. "I didn't think that you'd come so early."

"Well, since you announced that you'd be coming so early to the whole of Pallet town, I decided that I would join you," Leaf replied, blushing once more.

They talked some more about which starter they would want and Leaf told him for the umpteenth time that Bulbasaur is the best pokémon ever. Ash rolled his eyes as he digested the old opinion of hers before they saw Ritchie.

Ritchie was dressed in primarily green, but featuring a few spot of yellow on him. He was wearing the green and yellow 'Johto Winner's' hat, which had a blue front, along with the blue-green jacket covering most of his green shirt. His pants were green too, but a hint of yellow could be seen on them.

Ash tugged on the front of his cap as Ritchie walked forward, ready to start the age-old argument.

"Why are you wearing that silly hat?" Ritchie asked. "The Johto Winner's hat is way better than yours."

"Oh, yea? Well, the Pokémon League Expo hat is promoted by LANCE!" Ash countered, screaming the last words.

Although Ash and Ritchie were the best of friends, they could never stop arguing on this topic. Leaf was usually around to stop the fight. She was basically the group's pacifist.

In no time at all he was at the large white building. Its windows looked shiny in the sunlight, and he saw that three other kids were standing in front of the doors. Ash walked up nervously, but before he could greet them a familiar, irritating voice broke out from them.

"Oh, look!" Gary said arrogantly. "It's the loser. I'm surprised that you even showed up, y'know. Everyone knows that I'm going to beat you."

Ash was about to snap back when professor Oak entered the room. He carefully placed the books in his hand on the table and welcomed them.

"Well, well. It seems all of you are here on time," Professor Oak said, giving the four a smile. "I know all of you are very excited. A whole new adventure awaits you all! It's the incredible world of pokémon! Your journey with your partner pokémon will have many fun times, but also there may be dangerous times as well. If it ever comes to that, you must use your pokémon to protect you. Always remember this, though. Your pokémon are not just there to protect you from danger, they are also your friends and partners. Do you understand?" They all nodded.

This is it. I can't wait to get my new pokémon! Ash thought to himself in pure joy.

Here it is, Leaf thought to herself. Bulbasaur, here I come!

Heh, the world will finally know what a real trainer is, Gary thought with arrogance.

This is so exciting! Ritchie gave a huge grin. I can't believe it!

He led them into a large room with a large computer on one side. In the hub of the room was a circular table with three pokéballs sitting on top of it. Professor Oak stood next to it and smiled reassuringly at them, and it was then that Ash noticed a small problem.

"Professor Oak…?" He asked quietly. Oak looked at him curiously, and despite knowing the man for years Ash found himself regretting speaking up. "There are only three pokéballs."

Oak looked confused for a moment before he realized the problem.

"Oh! I must have made a mistake," Oak said, cheeks turning red from embarrassment. Ash and the other two trainers looked at each other anxiously, not sure if they would get their starters today.

"Don't worry." Oak said as he saw the look they shared. "You'll all get a pokémon. One of you will just have to wait a few minutes for me to procure one."

They shared a sigh of relief. Oak smiled and continued.

"Now, who is willing to wait on their pokémon? I don't want the others to have to wait."

Everyone shared a moment of silence. Gary wasn't paying attention since he was sure to get one of the three pokémon no matter what. The other three trainers just looked at each other, silently hoping that one of the others would volunteer.

After a few moments passed and it became evident that no one was going to say anything, Ash spoke up. He felt a lump of disappointment in his throat as he realized he would have to wait but decided it didn't matter. As long as he got a starter it was fine.

"I'll wait," He said sadly. Oak looked impressed with him and smiled.

"Good. Just let the others get their pokémon and I'll see if I have any others ready." Oak turned away from him and addressed the others. "One of the pokéballs contains Bulbasaur, the grass-type pokémon, one contains Charmander, the fire-type pokémon, and the other contains Squirtle, the water-type pokémon. Choose your pokémon wisely. Who would like to go first?"

"Ladies first," Ritchie said, making Leaf smile.

Gary simply shrugged. "As long as I get a Squirtle, I don't care." He turned and smirked at Ash.

Oh, how Ash felt like jabbing him in the face! But he kept the feeling aside and saw Leaf hurrying to Bulbasaur's pokeball. She pushed the middle button and a sparling beam shot out, materialising the Bulbasaur on the floor.

"Bulbasaur!" the pokémon cried out, making Leaf smile once more and bend down as she rubbed Bulbasaur's head.

"Bulbasaur, would you like to travel with me?" she asked.

The pokémon paused for a moment before signalling its approval, making Leaf squeal in joy as she absorbed Bulbasaur back into the pokeball in her hand.

Ritchie then went next and grabbed the Charmander's pokeball, releasing the flame pokémon out of the pokeball. Charmander growled in approval before the pokémon was absorbed back into its pokeball.

"That leave's Squirtle to me, then." Gary snatched the last pokeball from the circular table and released the pokémon contained in it. Apparently the Squirtle took a liking to Gary, but only because the turtle smiled at him.

"Now that you have your pokémon, could you please return them? I have an important announcement."

Gary grumbled as he returned his Squirtle and cockily stared at his grandfather. Leaf and Ritchie didn't say anything and just looked at the old professor. Ash followed their example.

"Now that I have your attention, I'm going to give you each a project to work on during your travels. You see, recently I invented a machine called the pokedex. It collects a detailed amount of information on pokémon, but I need someone else to search the world for me. I'm too old to gather them myself, so I'm entrusting each of you a pokedex to collect the information for me."

With that said he opened up a small bag on a table in the corner and withdrew four small red computers. He handed one to each of them, and Ash looked at curiously before wondering why he had four pokedexes ready but only three pokémon.

"Err, Professor Oak?" He asked. The old man looked at him after he had given Gary a pokedex. "Why did you have four pokedexes but only three pokémon?"

"I have lots of Pokedexes in that bag." Oak explained. He turned back to the new trainers. "Once you activate the pokedex and put your information in it will serve as your identity. Now, the pokedex gives you information on any pokémon you come across. For example, it will give you what type it is, what it likes to eat, what species it is, and will tell you what moves it knows."

Ash's eyes widened as he heard just how much the pokedex could do. Professor Oak continued to list its features, which revealed that it had information like the pokémon's habitat, gender, and a detailed description on the species. When he scanned something with it the pokedex it would give a basic summary of the pokémon, but to learn more about it he had to actually open it up and read.

"Make sure to activate the pokedex at your earliest opportunity. Ash, please stay in here."

He made sure to activate the pokedex while he was waiting. It was a simple process that began once he turned it on and all he had to do was put his name and other information into it.

Professor Oak finally came back holding a plain pokeball. Ash jumped out of his seat in excitement and anxiously waited for Oak to give him his new partner. When Oak held his hand out Ash practically snatched the small orb out of his hand and stared at it in awe.

"Now, this pokémon is very special," professor Oak said slowly.

He pressed the release button and eagerly watched as red energy shot out of the ball and coalesced into a small, purple creature. Ash was momentarily disappointed at not getting Squirtle, but that was soon forgotten.

The red beam shot out of the pokeball and landed on the table as it began to take shape. The kids all waited anxiously to see what kind of pokémon would come out of the pokeball. The shape the beam was taking became clearer, and it was soon obvious to everyone that it wasn't going to be a Charmander, Bulbasaur, or Squirtle that would come out. The beam finally stopped shooting as the pokémon began to appear.

The pokémon was bipedal, with a dark-purple body and pale-blue gemstones for eyes. The pokémon also had a red gemstone on the chest, and the pokémon curled before acknowledging Ash's presence and staring at him. After a while, the pokémon grinned broadly before tilting its head sideways.

It was a Sableye.

*Since 90% of you guys didn't see the asterisk at the upper A/N, I'm going to clarify something: I am NOT discontinuing The darkness takes over . I am merely saying that it's on hiatus, and I'm having major writer's block problems for it, so I've kept it at the side for now.

Now, for the rest of the author's notes!

That Porygon nickname sounds very geeky. I was first going to keep it as Norton but then my friend, who aces at mathematics, suggested me this name and I thought it would fit in. Expect me to make Ash give nicknames for most of his pokemon and I'll delve deeper into the meanings of the nicknames.

Then, I would like to say that Red is NOT Ash's father, but another guy is. I'm not going to spoil it for you guys now but I'll give you all a little yet big hint: you'll see him in Sinnoh (that is if I decide to continue this further than just the Kanto arc).

So I've included Ritchie and Leaf. Leaf was because I felt like including her, and Ritchie was probably for the same reason too...And I wanted him to make an early appearance rather than a later rival. And yes, another of Ash's rivals is going to make a very early appearance, so stay tuned to find out who he is!

...And I think that that's all. Let me know what you guys think and I'll see you guys next chapter!