This fiction focuses on Anduin Baratheon, the only true son of Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister. He is the son that Cersei could have had if she had not aborted it.

He basically looks like Squall Leonhart from Kingdom Hearts if you are wondering.

Read and see how Anduin Baratheon becomes the King that Westeros needs to survive the coming of Winter and Dragons.

Third Person POV

Red Keep: Kingsguard Training Yards

Crown Prince Anduin wiped the bead of sweat from his brow as he faced the veteran leader of the Kingsguard, Barristan Selmy, in a sword spar. He brought down his sword from the side and the Kingsguard blocked it and returned a counter attack from the other side. The Prince returned it and knocked the sword to the side and attacked the sudden open spot, but Selmy shuffled sideways, fliipped his sword, and attacked vertically. Anduin spun and blocked the blade, meeting the kingsguard in a stalemate.

"You have improved, prince." Selmy stated proudly.

"I still have much to learn." Anduin noted and knocked Selmy's sword down with his sword's handle and brought his sword to Selmy's neck and stopped.

Anduin heard clapping and looked up and saw his father, King Robert Baratheon, First of His Name, and other titles. "That is my son! I would expect nothing else from you!" He roared with proud and Anduin straightened up and bowed his head.

"Thank you, father." Anduin stated and turned to Selmy as Robert left. "Thank you, Ser Barristan. Your training is finally paying off." The veteran smiled with pride and replied. "It was your diligence, not my training, my prince."

"Perhaps it was both." Anduin smiled too and they shared a good laugh. "I must go to the Small Council. Accompany me, Ser." Selmy nodded and the two of them walked toward the Small Council Chambers.

As Selmy followed the prince from behind, the Kingsguard could not help but feel pride at the Crown Prince. At age 18, Anduin was already a full grown man. He possessed medium long dark brown hair, a mix of his father's and mother's, but his mother's sharp face. He had his father's eyes, though they were much sharper and clearer, like those of a predator. He had his father's stature of his younger days, with height rivaling his fathers with a slimmer build. There was no doubt that he was his father's son physically, for he possessed an extremely muscular, yet lean build.

But unlike both of his parents, Anduin showed extremely focus and intelligence at what he did. Anything he did, he did with all his ability, be it his education, sword training, and politics. Perhaps it was his father's decay that made him work harder.

Anduin had surprised everyone when he took his father's position on the Small Council at age 13. Despite his status as the Crown Prince, Anduin had seen clearly the debacle the Kingdom was going towards and decided to take action. In two years time, Anduin became a true Master of the Small Council, effectively running the kingdom in all but name only.

Robert had left his son to do so while he whored about at that time. Anduin did feel slight disdain at his father's actions, and even managed to stop his father from financially bankrupting the kingdom by denying his father his lavish luxuries. Some saw this as treason, while Anduin saw this as damage control. Eventually Robert decided to leave Anduin alone, seeing that Anduin was his true heir and he should control the 7 kingdoms.

Anduin and Selmy arrived at the Small Council chambers, where Varys, Petyr Baelish, Renly, and Pycelle were waiting for them. They stood up as Anduin entered the room and as Anduin sat down, the other sat down as well.

"I hereby call this small council to session." Anduin said with confidence and turned to Baelish. "How goes the finances, Lord Baelish?"

"Extremely well. Ever since your Grace ordered all of the poor people to be evicted from the Flee Bottom and had it refurnished for the foreign merchants, our income has tripled in two years." Baelish spoke stiffly and Anduin nodded in approval. "And those poor people? I had ordered them to be used in farming."

"They are helping my lord and have produced acceptable turnouts." Varys noted.

"Define acceptable, Lord Varys." Anduin's eyes narrowed and Varys stiffened as well.

"They have produced 100,000 bushels of wheat and barley, my lord. But to feed those people, they had to use half of them." Varys noted and Anduin closed his eyes to ponder, every eyes on him. "Barely enough to cover the costs..." He muttered.

"Very well. No punishment this time." Anduin opened his eyes again and spoke. "But I expect those numbers to improve by half. Inform the farmlords of this and remind them what happens if they fail." He ordered and Varys nodded.

"Any other whispers?" Anduin asked.

"There are whispers in Pentos, my prince." Varys noted. "The two Targaryen children..."

"Viserys and Daenerys." Anduin noted. "What about them?"

"I have heard that their host, Merchant Lord Illyrio Mopatis, has arranged a marriage between Daenerys and Khal Drogo of Dothraki." Varys noted and the small council went silent for a bit.

"What threat are they to us?" Renly, Anduin's uncle, snorted. "Dothraki can't cross the sea; every child knows that."

"It is not that they can't cross the see that concerns me, uncle." Anduin snapped. "It is that they have a potential army." Renly looked down embarassed and Anduin sighed.

"We will let them be for now. Meanwhile, have the ship guilds design a new battleship that can instantly sink ships." Anduin ordered Renly. "I will not be caught off guard by them."

Renly nodded bleakly and suddenly, Anduin missed something.

"Where is Jon Arryn?" Anduin asked. "The Hand of the King hasn't shown his face in two days."

Pycelle coughed and stuttered. "My Prince. Lord Arryn has...died today of a fever."

"Died today from a fever?" Anduin leaned back on his throne and mourned his deceased advisor and silently spoke a prayer. "Tell me. Is this fever contagious?"

"No milord." Pycelle said. "He must have caught it when he came back from the Flea Bottom."

"And why did he go to the Flea Bottom?" Anduin asked and the council was silent. "Collectively all of you in his chambers have spies than rest of the kingdoms combined. Do you mean to tell me that you have no idea what he was doing there?"

All Anduin got was silence and Anduin sighed. "Lord Varys?"

"Lord Arryn had been seeing visiting several establishments in Flea Bottom, including a whore house, blacksmith house, and several orphanages." Varys answered timidly.

"Strange events rarely coincide." Anduin muttered. "I want people there interviewed. Ser Barristan." He turned to him. "Have the City Guard question them. Thoroughly." Barristan nodded.

Varys handed him a piece of folded parchment and Anduin looked up and raised his eyebrow. He crunched the paper in his hand. "Anything else?"

"My lord...your father wishes to go to the North." Baelish noted and Anduin frowned.

"The doubt he wants Lord Eddard Stark to be our new Hand." Anduin commented. "Is he going alone?"

"No, my lord. He intends for everyone, including yourself, to go to Winterfell. In two days." Littlefinger commented and Anduin silently groaned.

"That man can't stop making trouble for me." Anduin whispered so that only he could hear. "If he wants to go North, let's indulge him. But I intend to name a Hand in a few days."

Anduin stood up. "I will hold Small Council tomorrow at the same time. Dismissed." He exited the chambers and the Small Council members breathed sighs of relief.

"Prince Anduin is surely living up to his role." Renly joked. He was actually quite scared of his nephew; while he had his parents' mixed looks, he had Stannis' mindset, which Renly always despised and feared.

"He is the active future king, why wouldn't he be." Barristan noted.

Baelish said nothing and exited the chambers. and Pycelle shuffled out slowly.

Cersei POV

Anduin went to the bathhouse and got cleaned up and walked to his father's office to work. He was surprised to see his mother there drinking wine.

"Mother?" Anduin asked and Cersei Baratheon turned and smiled.

"Anduin." She spoke, put down her wine cup, and hugged his son, who returned it. "Busy already?"

"Yes." Anduin walked around and sat at his father's desk and pulled out a parchment, ink well, and pen. "Doing father's work is not easy."

"You are doing fine, my son." Cersei sat in front of him and Anduin raised an eyebrow at his mother's drinking.

"Little early to be drinking, isn't it?" Anduin asked and Cersei gulped her drink.

"Such standards should not apply to us, my son." His mother put her cup down. "So, what are you doing?"

"Choosing a new Hand of the King." Anduin began to write on his parchment. "Jon Arryn died of a fever."

"Yes, I heard about that..." Cersei spoke it in a fake, sad tone. So fake that Anduin picked it up right away.

"Another news." Anduin leaned on his chair and put his hands together. "I heard that Lysa Arryn and her son fled the capital yesterday..."

"I didn't know that." Cersei looked at his son. "But why does not matter so much, my son?"

"Because they believe the Lannisters killed Lord Arryn." Anduin spoke and Cersei was silent. "Did we, mother?"

"Nonsense." Cersei gave Anduin a smile. "We had no reason to. Arryn was one of your father's greatest supporters, and we have to fill his seat with a capable man."

Anduin leaned back on his seat again. "And you have a list of candidates, I bet." Cersei sat down in front of Anduin's seat.

"Of course, your grandfather."

"Grandfather is Warden of the West; he is needed there." Anduin argued. "And grandfather has no real successor behind him, unless you count Uncle Tyrion."

"That monster will never be Lord Paramount of the Rock." Cersei bitterly spoke. "You should have killed him."

"Uncle Tyrion is useful; he has done more for our family than Uncle Jaime." Anduin continued to write. "In fact, he is coming here tomorrow."

"Why?" Cersei asked, clutching her goblet tighter. Tyrion was far away at the Free Cities. As long as he was far away from her, she didn't care.

"He asked me to fund a project of his. And I am inclined to listen." Anduin smirked. "It is not another whore house, mother. I told him if he wasted my time I would throw him off a cliff."

"He IS a waste of time." Cersei emphasized and scoffed. "Your dwarf of an uncle is a stain on the Lannister name. I don't know why you approve of him and give him such important duties."

When Anduin became active Crown Prince, leader of Small Council, he made Tyrion his diplomatic agent across Westeros. Tyrion acted as the Ambassador of the King, who would travel from Westeros to even Free Cities for business.

Cersei saw how Anduin became close to her stain of a brother. Ever since they were young, the young boy would eagerly toddle to the uncle and ask him for help with a book or writing. Tyrion treated him well enough, Cersei had seen, and soon Anduin saw Tyrion as a mentor and a friend. Even a trustworthy partner; something even Cersei herself was jealous of.

Ever since Anduin was born, she had tried to connect with Anduin so that she could be his main advisor. After all, her husband ignored her so she didn't care about Robert. However, Anduin took heed from those he deemed 'experts' instead of his mother. Separating family matters with business, that is what Tywin noted and appraised. Still, Anduin came to her during his most vulnerable times, when he was filled with doubt about his skills. Cersei loved those moments, when she would comfort him in a way only mothers could.

"I indulge his fancies and he expands the Crownland's trade and politics." Anduin sighed. "And he is capable, unlike some."

"You should have your brother Joffrey take over. He is five and ten and needs to travel and see the world before he rises to his position." Cersei asked too sweetly for Anduin's taste. "Or better, have him manage King's Landing."

"I will give him a position fitting of his skills." Anduin looked up from his paper. "If he does not rise to occasion, then I have no reason to give him anything." He continue to write and his mother suddenly slammed her hand on the table.

"You always favored others over your own family, Anduin." Cersei spoke sharply. "Why? Do you hate your family that much?"

Anduin glared at her and stood to his full height, towering over his mother. "I am the Crown Prince and Future King of the 7 Kingdoms. There are 7 Kingdoms, and there is one of me!" He roared with confidence and Cersei froze. "I make hundreds of decisions everyday that affect the lives of millions! I can't just give a position to anyone I know! I need to trust in their abilities before I consider giving them anything."

Cersei's eyes widened at her eldest son. She only felt the same way when her father was scolding her personally. That towering presence of unrelenting strength.

Anduin may have inherited her looks and Robert's build, but it was Tywin's mind that made him a truly formidable person. Tywin himself came to the Red Keep many times to speak to Anduin about politics and business. The Old Lion did not show it, but even Cersei knew that he was trying to mold Anduin into his mirror image. Anduin was perhaps too strong to be molded, but indeed his political sense has sharpened to a deadly precision. Cersei also knew that Tywin would have preferred Anduin be his own heir if possible; he had the Lannister looks, after all and definitely the mind.

Tywin had Anduin live in Casterly Rock for three years when he was only nine, and according to Cersei's spies and family members alike, Tywin treated Anduin with gentle, yet exacting education. Apparently Anduin absorbed his lessons like a sponge and even helped Tywin managed the Rock's matters in politics and money.

"I swear some of his ideas were foolhardy and ridiculous, but they all worked in the end." Kevan Lannister, her uncle, spoke with undeniable pride.

What was even more baffling was how Tywin held Anduin with very high esteem and pride. The Old Lion was known for his nearly-untouchable expectations and he was rarely impressed. But Anduin met and exceeded almost every one of his expectations.

However, she heard that one thing that Tywin failed to do with Anduin was his ridding of compassion for others. Anduin hated to see people suffer, though he knew that pain was inevitable in this world. When Anduin came back to King's Landing, with a profits from his ventures, he had totally restructured the half-ruined part of the city. He tore down he dragon pits, the Flee Bottom, and other ruins and refurnished them into properly buildings. The poor children he had put into build orphanages and the adults he had put to work in another idea of his. Not only did this increase the revenue of Kingslanding by tenfold, but he garnered the love of the people. Anduin didn't care for the profits; he cared for the smiles for the children he had saved.

To commemorate his own achievements, he had two giant statues, each half size of Hightower itself, of a Golden Lion and Bronze Stag. Underneath the statues was a giant colosseum made for melees. Melees would allow knights and non-knights from abroad to participate and fight for patrons and Lords. The revenue from the colosseum was more than enough to cover expenses. The 'Furious Stag and Roaring Lion' it was aptly named. And it was named the Tenth Wonder of the World.

He also made strict laws not only in Kingslanding, but also in other cities about child labor and treatment. To enforce these laws, he merely sent the Songs of Castlemore with the letters, and everything else was history.

Already Anduin commanded the respect and fear from both Lannister and Baratheon Houses. Unlike Tywin, he was willing to use force personally. Like when Lancel Lannister helped Joffrey hold down a maid to have her raped for having silently laughed at them. Unfortunately for them, the Crown Prince inherited his father's fury. Anduin personally beat the two of them. He gave Joffrey a black eye and beat Lancel to the point where the young boy nearly died. Kevan Lannister, Anduin's great uncle and Lancel's father, had to beg Anduin to stop. Even today, Lancel's face was slightly lopsided and broken, a testament to what happens to those that act dishonorably in front of Anduin. Tywin reprimanded Anduin for attacking a family member so barbarically, but Anduin argued and announced that any Lannister who acts dishonorably will suffer the same fate, for he does not deserve the name Lannister.

He justified it to Tywin. "If they want to be considered nobility, they better act like they are noble in mind and body. If they are not, they are defects of their bloodline and should be removed! Tell me, Lord Grandfather. Are you willing to defend a disease? Or will you cut it out so that the rest can live!?" Anduin said to Tywin with such confidence that Tywin gave a genuine smile, which hadn't happened after his wife died. Anduin was only twelve years old and only came to Tywin's shoulder, but he spoke and roared like a true lion.

After that day, nobody in Lannister family, except Tywin, crossed Anduin's path without stiffening. The Old Lion did not openly smile, but his eyes showed pride at this. He knew that Anduin did not do this barbarity simply out of anger; it was a declaration to all, Lannister or otherwise.

Back to the topic, Anduin's relationship with Joffrey was never pleasant. The younger brother was constantly jealous of the first born, perfect prince who had two things Joffrey always wanted: the Crown and Robert's approval. Cersei saw how resentment between them grew as years went on. On several occasions she tried to mend the gap, but Joffrey didn't even try. The mother in her could only weep as her two eldest sons became bitter enemies.

Anduin's eyes softened and dropped down on his chair. "Perhaps Joffrey needs an opportunity more than a position. A chance to prove himself."

"Y-yes..." Cersei stammered, still recovering from Anduin's shouting. "He is so hungry to get your father's approval."

Sighing, Anduin took another parchment and started writing. "I am sending Joffrey to the Rock. Grandfather will perhaps teach Joffrey a thing or to about governance. Joffrey is perhaps the closest thing Grandfather has to an acceptable heir currently, so it should be fitting."

Cersei smiled, reached out, grabbed Anduin's hand, and kissed it. "Thank you, Anduin."

"Trust me Mother. I take care of my family." Anduin smiled. "But as a King, I cannot prioritize the Royal Family alone. I have to make use of everything and everyone I have."

"Of course. You have become such an adult that I forgot." The Queen Cersei stood up. "You won't regret this, my son."

"It is not in my hands now, Mother. Joffrey is in Grandfather's hands." Anduin reminded and continue to write as his mother left the room.

Anduin continued his work as Cersei closed the door.

Her heart was still thumping from Anduin's outburst, but a sure warmth came to calm it.

Later that day, Anduin had ravens sent to the Stormlands and the Rock. With Jon Arryn dead, Anduin had to fill that seat. He wondered whom he should bring to the Small Council.

After dinner, he sat down again at his table in his office and pondered.

The obvious choice was his grandfather, Lord Tywin Lannister. The already proven Hand of Aerys the Mad King, Tywin would no doubt be the most qualified. And yet, Anduin didn't want to. While he respected his grandfather's authority and mindset, he did not agree with his goals. Tywin did not care about the rest of the 7 Kingdoms, only the Rock and Lannisters. This narrow mindedness threatened everything Anduin had built and he could not allow that.

Then there was his favorite Uncle Tyrion. Tyrion had Tywin's wit and cunning, but lacked severity. No doubt that he would come to have seriousness, but that would take too long. Furthermore his mother would burst Anduin's ears arguing against this.

Finally, there was Stannis Baratheon, Anduin's next favorite uncle. When Anduin became the active Crown Prince, he made Stannis the Lord of Stormlands and brought Renly to Small Council. This appeased Stannis and thus made the newly made lord more loyal to him than to his older brother.

Oh, and there was Ned Stark, but to Anduin that was out of question. The man was too noble and honorable for his own good; he would be torn to shred by backstabbing politics.

Or perhaps...there was a way to get them both...position them in a way so they would protect Anduin's interests while clash with each others'.

There was a knock at the door. "Come in." Anduin spoke and Myrcella and Tommen entered the room.

"Here are my favorite lions." Anduin chuckled as his two youngest siblings ran and hugged him. They quickly jumped on his lap and they had their daily delightful conversation for the day.

Anduin had a great relationship with his siblings (with the exception of Joffrey, of course). Even though he was busy taking care of the Seven Kingdoms, he always put aside sometime for both Tommen and Myrcella. He had protected them from Joffrey's bullying and acted as their father-figure at times.

"I heard from Father that we are going North!" Myrcella spoke and Anduin nodded.

"Yes, father has planned that. Without my consent." Anduin growled and Tommen put his head on Anduin's chest.

"Are you coming with us?" Tommen asked.

"I have to. A foolish King's order is still a King's order." Anduin tapped his younger brother's nose and Tommen giggled. "So are you excited?"

"Yes, I am!" Tommen literally bounced in his lap. "I want to see the old castle and stuff!"

"Me too, though I hope it is not too cold." Myrcella whispered.

"Don't worry, I will protect both of you from any danger, even cold." Anduin whispered and his siblings cuddled into him. "Now, come. Time for your bed." He lifted the two of them easily and went to their bedrooms, his kingsguard behind him. He put the two siblings to bed and walked out to see his uncle Jaime.

"Handful, aren't they?" Jaime grinned and Anduin grunted. The two Lannisters walked together silently to the gardens. Anduin stared out into the dark sky littered with stars and Jaime stood guard.

'Stars look bright tonight.' Anduin said and Jaime looked at the sky as well.

'They do.' Jaime smirked. 'You know, you are like Rhaegar in a way.'

'Don't tell my father that, or he will have your head.' Anduin said and the two of them shared a small laugh. 'Seriously, don't say it.'

'Maybe I will to get a rise out of him.' Jaime said. He looked at Anduin as the Crown Prince looked at the sky. It was clear that although Anduin was not his son, he definitely had his mother's physical traits. Strong Lannister traits of intellect and looks. And he acted almost nothing like Robert, other than his strong like for combat. Jaime had hated Anduin for his father, but over time, he grew to love his nephew. His nephew loved and protected Myrcella and Tommen and tolerated Joffrey.

He himself wondered if Anduin knew his relationship with his mother. Probably he knew, Anduin probably didn't care, understood, or bother to judge. He was just that kind of person, that kind of king.

'Would you care?' Jaime asked.

'Not really. It would do him some good, though. He would finally get off his arse and do some exercise while chasing you.' Anduin chuckled, but then his face turned solemn.

'Grandfather told me something, and strangely he was too eager.' Anduin frowned as he spoke.

'What? The Hand of the King, position? Robert wants to put the honorable Ned Stark in that place though.' Jaime answered.

'I have my own plans for that and already sent a raven to Winterfell.' Anduin noted. 'But not that, he wants me to force Father to abdicate and take the throne for myself.'

Jaime raised his eyebrow. 'He said that?' Jaime knew that Anduin was now King in all but name and it was only a matter of time before Robert would die from whoring or drinking.

'Word for word. Grandfather is getting desperate. He wants to put himself as Hand, put you as heir, and consolidate Lannister power to the throne.' Anduin looked at Jaime. 'I can only imagine what he also planned.'

'You already have an idea.' Jaime asked and Anduin nodded.

'He wants to create a 'Royal Army.' He commented and Jaime's eyes widened. 'It is obvious. Lannisters are the richest, but you can't eat gold, or fight with it. To effectively use it, you have to spend it that much wisely. And the gold mines are not infinite. So you invest it in either army or food.'

Jaime continued to listen to his nephew. 'And he wants me to organize and lead it as King. An army that responds only to the King will have other implications.'

'But you have to feed and arm the army, continually.' Jaime argued. 'And who would be in the army?'

'Surely the first years will be somewhat expensive, as we will have to pull it from our own pockets. But with the Royal Army present, the need for individual armies will become lesser and in the end, there will only be one army, under one leader and under one purpose.' -Anduin argued. 'At least that is what I think anyway. It is logical. Lannister would thus control the money and the army. The feeding would come from others instead.'

Jaime was amazed at Anduin's ability to see through the Old Lion's plans. Then again, the boy-no-man, was raised by the Lion and by what he heard, absorbed nearly everything like a dry sponge.

'Of course, the organization will be more difficult. I would have to pull the commoners with no great love for their country, train them to brutal shape, and then use them. The entire training alone would be about 2 years non-stop with 4 million gold in total.' Anduin groaned. 'And I just started to make decent profits.'

Varys POV

The Spider tapped his smooth hands in his room, or lair, the prince labeled at one point. For many years, he was secretly a Targaryen loyalist, after seeing the disaster Robert Baratheon turned out to be. He and several merchant lords of Essos had then planned to put back the Targaryens back on the Iron Throne. But he slowly changed his mind after seeing Anduin.

The Crown Prince was perhaps the best thing that ever happened to Westeros, especially after the Targaryen War and his father. He had the mind of the most cunning lannister and body of a Baratheon, not to exaggerate, and he had no doubt that the prince would only become greater as he grew more.

Ever since he returned from Casterly Rock, his mind sharpened to fine precision by his grandfather, Anduin had taken Kingslanding by storm, no pun intended. He refurnished Kingslanding to greater heights than it ever was and removed the Crown's debt with his business ventures.

His business with Littlefinger was however his most favorite. When Anduin first entered the Small Council, he learned of the Crown's Debt and secretly worked with Varys (he somehow knew that the Spider did not steal the money, though he did take a risk). After a lengthy observation and investigation, The two of them found out that Baelish was borrowing more money than necessary and investing them in his own business ventures.

And the way they confronted Baelish was perhaps the most fun the Eunuch ever had in his life.


Anduin sat at down at the dinner table with Varys at his side. He was eating the cut up steak and potatoes while Varys had a cup of wine.

'Sorry I am late, my lords.' Baelish arrived and gave them a mock smile. 'I had to finish a little business.'

'No worries." Anduin put a piece of meat in his mouth. 'Please sit. Can I interest you with some dinner?'

'How generous of you, my prince.' Baelish sat across from Anduin. 'Yes please.' Anduin nodded to the servant and the servant gave Baelish a plate with a lid. Baelish lifted the lid, but instead of food, he got something else.

'My prince, I am afraid I got the wrong plate.' Baelish looked at the prince, who was smiling. He turned to Varys, who was showing his mocking smile as well.

'No, it is now. Please.' Anduin pointed his fork to the paper. 'Open them and eat.' He turned back to his food while Baelish looked at a small pile of rolled paper tied with strings. He opened one of them and his face paled.

'I was surprised that the amount you invested in your wine and brothels equaled the difference of the amount of money you borrowed and the the amount that was actually needed.' Anduin drank a cup of water. 'Huge amount. I wondered why you were so good with investments. Now I see.' He clapped his hands.

There were several steps and Baelish turned around. In the shadows were the Kingsguard, who guarded all the doors, including Ser Barristan and Ser Jaime, who stood behind Anduin. Jaime shook his head with mocking disappointment while Barristan glared at him.

'Care to explain?' Anduin asked.

'My prince.' Baelish spoke, trying to reduce the stammer. 'I was merely thinking of the Crown's best interests by investing the money into profitable ventures so that we could pay off the debt.'

'Then you should have looked for the cheapest ways to spend money.' Anduin noted. ' If you look at the other scroll, you should know that you ordered the most expensive. Always.' Anduin scooped up his potatoes and ate them 'Some Coin Master you turned out to be.'

Baelish gulped silently, though his pale face made Varys almost grin with glee.

'You sure covered your tracks well. It took Lord Varys over several moons and it took several of...other loans to confirm.' Anduin grinned. 'Lord Varys? Anything to add?'

'Nothing you haven't said, my prince.' Varis gave an effeminate laugh, making Baelish red with anger. 'Why wonder what should be done?'

Anduin looked at Barristan and nodded. The Lord Commander tapped his sword hilt to the ground and the Kingsguard pulled out their swords. Baelish's eyes darted for any place to run. It gave Anduin and Varys great pleasure to make it squirm.

'Wait.' Anduin raised his hand and the Kingsguard sheathed their blades. 'Lord Varys, I asked you before how much is Lord Baelish's entire investment worth.'

'Indeed, my Prince.' Varys took a piece of paper from his sleeve and gave it to Anduin. The 14 year old prince looked at it and smirked. 'I am willing to make a deal with you, Littlefinger.'

'Y-Yes my prince.' Baelish nervously stated.

'If you pay off the entire Crown's debt to the Iron Bank and the Lannisters, I am willing to let you live.' Anduin stated.

'But...that is 4 million dragons!' Baelish stood up in outrage, but Barristan cleared his throat and the shrewd man sat down.

'I know. And you entire investment is half of that. But as you are the Master of Coin...I know you can pull more than your weight.' The Crown Prince grinned.

Baelish snarled and growled.

'Oh, and I already told my grandfather about you try to bolt and get out, and I will merely confiscate everything and sell it anyway, with you being hunted to the end of your life.' Anduin finished eating and wiped his mouth. 'But I am willing to let you live and let you remain as the Master of Coin so that you may rebuild your reputation and remain being useful.'

Baelish was about to argue, but Anduin lifted his finger. 'Oh, and you will not be given a swift death if you run. Lord Tywin wishes to set an example if you do. I suppose that tale would be called the Last Song of the Hummingbird'

Littlefinger's shoulders slumped. 'I surrender to your conditions.'

Anduin looked back and grinned at his uncle, who patted his shoulder. Barristan himself gave a small smile.

Flashback End

Prince Anduin was a peculiar prince. He was much like Prince Rhaegar than King Robert or Tywin in that he cared for the Kingdom as a whole rather than one specific family or himself. He was also very kind and compassionate to others, with the exception of Joffrey and other arrogant people.

But unlike Rhaegar, Anduin possessed a ruthless side not unlike that of his grandfather Tywin. Lannister cunning, the Kingslayer commented. And he had the Baratheon mentality of never giving up and determination to succeed.

In other words, he was basically the King Westeros currently needed.

Varys wondered what he should do. A part of him still wanted to return the Targaryens to the throne in hopes of a better future, but he saw how the current prince was already paving the wave to that future.

Then he realized how he could accomplished both. The Spider grinned and even pulled himself a goblet of wine for his idea.

Next Morning in the Prince's room

Anduin started off his day with an intensive physical training he learned while traveling to Essos once with his uncle. He saw the gladiators training inhumanely just for the pleasure of the bloodthirsty crowd, and a part of him was inspired by that.

Lifting heavy objects such as logs and metal bars in certain positions, climbing rope, doing squats, and all that. These types of training were rarely seen in Westeros, but Anduin used this training to develop his body to its current physical form. He still had some places to grow, but he was getting stronger everyday, thanks to his training.

'My Prince.' Anduin turned and saw Varys skulking out of the shadows.

'Varys. I didn't summon you.' Anduin wiped off the sweat from his brow with a towel. 'What do you want?'

'About the future of the Seven Kingdoms, my prince.' The bald eunuch bowed. 'I apologize for bothering you so early. But I had an idea about the Targaryen children.'

The Prince looked at his advisor with an amused expression. 'How so?' He spoke as he sat down on a nearby chair

'I have heard that Ilylio Mopatis still has the Targaryen children with him. The marriage arrangement has not yet been completed. With your permission, I would like to bring them here.' Varys bowed his head and Anduin frowned.

'Bring the two last Targaryens to kill them, Varys?' Anduin raised an eyebrow. 'Tell me what is going on in that web of yours.'

'One of them, Viserys will have to die, of course. But the girl...Daenarys...I believe that she would make a perfect bride for you.' Varys remained bowed and Anduin said nothing.

'You are currently the true ruler of Westeros, my prince. But your father still holds the crown. And your father, unfortunately, is hated by more people that he would like to admit.' Varys explained while Anduin listened. 'That is primarily because he won the war against the Targaryens. You of all people know that there still are Targaryen Loyalists in Westeros.'

'And you are among them.' Anduin added and Varys fell silent. 'How long, Varys? Since the beginning?' Anduin was extremely dangerous, not only for his fighting abilities, but his intelligence. He always suspected that Varys had a hidden agenda, and tried to find what he really wanted from the Game of Thrones. Vary's offer gave him what he wanted, and Varys fell for it. One word from the prince and Varys, with all of his plans, could be destroyed. Varys knew that he had to play his card more wisely than he had ever before.

Then Anduin gave a gentle laugh to disperse the tension. 'Don't worry. I am not surprised that you are. After father isn't exactly a good king.' He stood up from his chair. 'You are a spider...that wants its web intact no matter who is leading the kingdoms. I knew that the moment I first met you.'

'My prince, you are too kind.' Varys put his two hands in front of him and held them together. 'You should know that if you marry her, you would put all of the loyalists down.'

'That is if I marry her and everything else goes right.' Anduin answered. 'Have you taken into account that this Targaryen girl may actually hate us, especially with her brother telling her the horrors of Baratheon and Lannister? Or about the fact that the non-Loyalists look at Targaryens are the tyrants they became in the end? That the current King still hates them with passion?'

'Of course, my prince.' Varys spoke. 'But you can solve all of them. Grant the Targaryen girl a pardon, charm her by telling her what really happened in the war, and marry her. As for the King Robert, his opinions would not matter much once you become King.'

Anduin frowned. 'You speak too freely, advisor.' He spoke dangerously and Varys bowed his head. 'But you make decent points and for that, you will keep your head for time being. But the next time you speak as such, your tongue will be the next to leave your body.'

'Understood, my prince.' Varys said with a mental breath of relief.

'You are also forgetting another thing.' Anduin lifted a finger. 'That girl is not the only girl to consider as my future Queen.'

'You have ideas, my prince?' Varys asked as Anduin stood up.

'That will come up with the Small Council.' The Crown Prince spoke. 'Now leave me.'

Small Council Chamber

Anduin sat at the head with his small council. The only difference this time was that his mother and her two brothers were at the table as well.

'I am currently considering my future Queen.' Anduin declared and he definitely had everyone's attention. 'I suppose all of you have worthy candidates?'

'My nephew.' Tyrion, who sat to his left, smacked his shoulder. 'I should have known that you grew in more ways than one since I saw you.'

'Some ways, Uncle.' Anduin answered with a brief smile. 'Back to the point. Thoughts?'

'One of them could be Margaery from House Tyrell.' Pycelle wheezed. 'She would make an excellent Queen.'

'I beg to differ.' Cersei snapped and the aging Maester shrunk in his seat. The current Queen looked to his son. 'Anduin, why all of a sudden are you thinking about marriage?'

Is she scared that she will lose her station as Queen? Anduin thought before answering her. 'Simple, Mother. As the Crown Prince, I will have to marry and have heirs. I am 18 and therefore eligible for my full station and authority. I am merely thinking about my future.'

'An excellent idea!' Everybody turned to a roaring Robert Baratheon entering the Small Council. Everyone, including Anduin, stood up to greet the fat king. 'And I have a perfect girl for you.'

'Who, your grace?' Anduin asked.

'Why, Ned Stark's eldest daughter, whatever her name is!' Robert laughed as he walked to Anduin and smacked his back hard. 'You need a Northern girl, Anduin. A strong northern girl!'

'A Northerner!?' Cersei barked. 'There is no way a northerner could be fit to be the Queen of Westeros!' She spoke and Robert turned to her growling.

'Don't you question your king, woman!' Robert spoke, but Anduin put a hand on his father's shoulder.

'Father, you make a good point.' Anduin said and now everybody looked at him.

'What?' Cersei stuttered, not able to believe that Anduin was supporting her fool of a husband.

Her son began to walk around the council chamber. 'One of the main reasons the Seven Kingdoms held was because the Starks stood by the Baratheons. Sure the Lannisters supported, but it was the Northern steel and loyalty that rallied others to the Baratheon banner during the previous war. Marrying Sansa Stark would further cement that loyalty.'

Robert nodded. 'Absolutely. I knew that you were born with a bright head on her shoulders!'

'But there are other candidates as well.' Anduin spoke. 'As Maester Pycelle mentioned, Margaery Tyrell would make an exception queen. A scheming one, yes. Then there is Arianne Martell. Marrying her would lessen the tensions between the Crown and the Martells.' Anduin listed. 'And some others beyond the Narrow Sea.'

'Beyond the Narrow sea?' Robert asked. 'Who were you thinking of, boy?'

'Just some.' Anduin smirked. 'But the truth of the matter is...I know none of them. Therefore I cannot trust them to bear and raise my heirs effectively. So why don't we...have a tournament?'

'A tournament?' Tyrion smirked. 'With you as the prize, nephew?'

'Something like that. A tournament where the ladies would compete for the place of the future Queen. The Queen of Westeros must not only be intelligent, loyal, but also strong of mind and body. That is the ideal queen. This contest will allow me to choose the best of them.' Anduin sat back in his chair. 'Varys.' He ordered and the eunuch bowed slightly.'Send invitations to all of the unmarried noble ladies in Westeros. Inform them of this contest...I am sure that they will be more than willing to participate to become the Queen of Westeros.'

Robert laughed and smacked his son's back again. 'Now that will be the best thing in decades!'

Varys smiled. He knew that Anduin just gave him the approval for his earlier proposal. 'I shall at once, my prince.' He left the small council chamber as quickly as he could.

'I have a vision not only for Westeros...but for this entire world.' Anduin leaned back in his chair. 'And for my vision to become reality, I need power and those who are capable of wielding it. This is only the beginning.'

'Quite the idea of introducing your plan, Anduin.' Tyrion spoke as he and Anduin played Cyvasse. 'Is it finally time?'

'It is.' Anduin moved Heavy Horse to take Tyrion's Trebuchet. 'For years I have carefully gathering as much financial and political power as I can. It is finally time to go with my vision.'

'Still, your vision is very grand.' Tyrion moved his Dragon back. 'I still have hard time discerning it because you won't tell me everything.'

'You know more about it than anybody, uncle.' The prince moved his spearmen. 'And you are the only one who is aware of my vision. So how is the diplomatic mission going?'

'Very well.' Tyrion placed in front of Anduin a small sack. 'These plant can grow anywhere and very rapidly.'

Anduin opened the sack and held its contents, small black seeds. 'We will need these for the coming winter. The Starks tell the truth. The Winter is Coming. And I will not sit by wait for that Winter to wash over us.' He placed the sack to the side. 'What about the nobles in Essos?'

'Not much different from those here.' Tyrion sighed as he fiddled with his King. 'Heads stuck up so far up their asses I am surprised they can breathe.'

'Then they will have to be eliminated, just as I planned.' Anduin spoke.

'And what is your plan, my son?' They turned and Cersei was walking toward them. 'What does the future King plan for?'

'Secrets, my dear sister. Secrets.' Tyrion smirked and Cersei glared at him.

'Get some wine.' She ordered and her brother, still smirking, walked away to get some wine. Cersei took Tyrion's seat and looked at Anduin. 'Anduin?'

'Yes, mother?' Anduin looked at her.

'What is it that you can tell your uncle and not me?' Cersei asked with pleading eyes. 'Have I not earned your trust? Do you distrust me so?'

Anduin shook his head. 'My, mother. Very dangerous. That is why I can tell a part of it to Uncle Tyrion.'

'Just what is it about, my son?' She reached out and held Anduin's hand. 'Tell me.'

Anduin looked at her straight in the eye and spoke two words. 'World domination.'