Chapter Text

Lexa missed her cat.

He was a black and white tabby, all purrs and cuddles and the only constant, especially for comfort, in her life, at least until now.

Lexa was 12 years old, Costia had gone and she had just ran away from a particularly harsh beating, so was doing her best to avoid home.

Rain was pouring from the sky, unhesitant in soaking everything in its path. Lexa was shivering and wrapped her arms around herself, a futile attempt to fight the cold.

She felt depleted, her energy emptied, so after wandering the streets for about half an hour she gave up and sat down heavily, tears streaming down her face.

She couldn't comprehend why her mother hated her so much, why her purpose in life was to see Lexa suffer. Anya had been sent away to stay with Indra when Lexa's gift had been discovered, to allow her mother more focus in training her youngest daughter.

This meant that Anya remained blissfully ignorant of the brutal side of their mother (ignorance that would only remain for a few more months). Lexa helped keep happy presences up, not wanting to upset Anya, or put her under the same shadow that she was, but she did stay in constant communication with her sister, who also went to every single one of her shows.

However the separation from her Anya meant Lexa was more lonely than ever, the only reprieve she found was with Costia, her partner for duo competitions and first love, even if it was in the child-like sense.

Infact, that made it more pure and naive. It felt as if nothing could get in their way, they were unaffected by any adult reservations.

Until Nia ruined that as well. She paid off Costia's mother, bribed her with an extortionate amount of money to persuade a move to England.

And just like that, her best friend of 6 years was gone.

Lexa didn't even get a goodbye, she just woke up one morning and went to Costia's house like usual, to receive no answer. The same went on for a week, until Lexa's concern outweighed her fear and she questioned her mother.

Which led to this predicament, but at least she got her answers.

Lexa was also worried about her music, the problem had gotten worse with age and Costia leaving seemed to make it 10 times worse. It was like a darkness suffocated her, muffling music and sometimes even rendering her incapable of hearing it, meaning muscle memory alone is how she got by, it was a heartbreaking experience.

Everything Lexa loved and cared for was disappearing and she was helpless to stop it.

Familiar hyperventilating started, along with a rapid heart beat and her held felt like it was closing in on itself. Lexa leant her forehead onto her arms and closed her eyes, desperately trying to grasp at the control which was so quickly slipping away.

Suddenly a small squeak broke through her thoughts.

Bewildered, Lexa spun trying to find the source of the noise. She held back her sniffles and hastily wiped her eyes, suddenly on full alert, shrugging off the fog that had started to cloud her thinking.

Movement, a shift in a pile of flattened cardboard boxes, caught her attention and Lexa cautiously walked towards it, reaching out with one hand to push them apart.

A tiny, shivering, ball of fur was curled into itself and large blue eyes peered up as it's only, measly, shelter was taken from it.

Lexa's eyes widened in both wonderment and shock.

"Hey little guy," she spoke softly, aware that he was probably tentative around people and aghast at the thought of scaring him

She slowly reached out to him, before picking up his soaked body in one scoop. He let out a feeble, miserable sound, before resigning to his fate and curling against the new warm source provided to him.

She smiled, heart melting at the sight and hugged him closer, trying to pass on whatever heat she could.

A slight rumbling came from the animal and Lexa realised he was purring as she stroked behind his ears.

She sighed, "Just like me aren't you buddy, abandoned, scared and lonely. Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you.''

Lexa managed to hide the kitten from her mother and he was the only thing that kept her sane. She cared for him and loved him with everything she had and likewise he enjoyed being doted on and adored.

Eventually Lexa named him Heda, due to his habit of butting his head onto her when wanting attention.

Lexa managed to keep him hidden for a whole 2 years, until she didn't have to anymore, as her world spun on it's axis and everything changed.

Now Lexa was desperately missing Heda, she knew Anya would be taking good care of him, however that didn't lessen the ache in her heart, not too dissimilar to the feeling of homesickness.

She sighed heavily, the sound drawing the attention of her companion.

''What's wrong?"

Clarke's concern made a small smile rise to Lexa's face and how could she reply with anything but the truth.

''I wish we were allowed pets.''

Clarke stared at her for a moment before nodding.

"Yes, I've argued a dozen times with my dad about that particular rule. What pet do you have?"

"A tabby, I've had him since I was twelve."

The two girls were sat in the common room, after returning to the school and suspiciously not being able to find Raven and Octavia. They tried interrogating Monty and Jasper, but even Lexa's infamous glare couldn't weasel any information out of them. Octavia must have some pretty good blackmail hanging over their heads.

Clarke smiled sadly, "who's looking after him?"

"My elder sister, Anya. You probably saw her dropping me off."

"Oh right! I've seen her before as well, having a meeting with my dad. Little did I know it was about you."

"Odd. She never mentioned coming here before," Lexa mused.

"Maybe it just slipped her mind?"

"Perhaps. I'll ask her sometime."

Suddenly a mischievous smirk appeared on Clarke's face, instantly putting Lexa on guard.

''Hey, Lex?" Clarke asked in that tone of voice which meant she wanted something.

Lexa narrowed her eyes, both at the nickname which they were both getting far too accustomed to for her liking, and out of suspicion.


"When is your birthday?"

"Why?" Lexa asked, still on the defensive and bewildered with where that question came from.

Clarke, ever the picture of innocence, just looked at her with largened blue eyes and a tilted head.

"Because I have a desire to know the date of which my friend came into existence of course."

Lexa had contradictory feelings about the word 'friend.'

On one hand she was thrilled, it was the first time, in a long time, that she had been regarded to as a friend and Lexa was far too self criticising to ever assume the title herself, but on the other hand her stomach dropped, because a blue-eyed, golden haired, angel was calling her friend, with no indication of anything more.

Lexa was shaken out of her analytical musings by a light touch on her arm.

"Thirty-first of October," she hastily replied, because if she didn't distract herself with the whole purpose of the conversation she may have blurted out something completely unnecessary like, 'what does friend mean?' or 'is there any hope for something more?'. Things Lexa really didn't want leaving her mouth, or even her unconscious.

"Well that was easier than I thought," Clarke said, to which Lexa just shrugged and replied wittily.

"If my friend wants to know the day I sprung into existence, I will tell her."

"Well, thanks, it is information I will forever cherish, but you do realise the irony?"

"What irony?" Lexa replied, trying to remove the bitter taste that arose with using that accursed new word.

"You are terrified of horror movies and yet are born on the one day when all the things on screen come to life, usually in the form of tiny humans wanting sweets."

Lexa laughed unexpectedly, "I have never seen it like that before. I guess that explains why I never really liked my birthday."

"Never liked your birthday?! Have free gifts, lots of attentions and parties done something to offend you?"

Lexa's smile faded and she knew they were getting into dangerous territory.

"My birthdays have, mostly always, consisted of piano lessons. Although my mum would let me leave practice an hour early which was nice, plus she was less harsh. Anyway, parties were never really in the picture."

"Harsh, with your practice? What do you mean?" Clarke asked, concern and confusion written on her face.

Lexa realised her slip up too late and rather than trying to correct it, she tried to cover over it.

"Well my birthday's weren't too bad, Anya would always surprise me with a gift and so would my aunt." She was careful not to indulge in any further information this time, as she really didn't want to start talking about Costia.

Clarke frowned, not convinced.

"No friend of mine escapes a true Griffin style birthday celebration."

Touched, but wanting to change the subject and move the limelight away from herself before the emotions became too overwhelming, Lexa moved onto a lighter and more impending topic.

"So, what should we do about the trap that is no doubt waiting for us?"

Clarke hummed, considering it.

''Well, I don't know about you, but I would prefer to get them before they get us."

Lexa grinned, worries disapparating for the time being.

''Clarke. I think I know exactly what we can do and who we can recruit to help us."

"Come on Indra, please!" Lexa pleaded with her aunt, willing her to agree.

"Absolutely not. It would reflect badly on me to be so juvenile Lexa and quite frankly I would have expected better from you," Indra scorned her, but it's harshness was lost due to the mischievous twinkle in her eyes, a mirror of her nieces.


"No buts. The decisions final."

Apparently that's when Clarke decided to intervene, laying out a simple, but immensely effective argument.

"It's for Octavia."

Indra's mouth curled into a smirk, "I see. Well in that caseā€¦"

Lexa's smile widened by the gleeful, almost wicked, sounding laugh which Clarke let loose, followed by a prediction.

''Oh, this is going to be so much fun."

Poor, unsuspecting Octavia had no idea what was in store for her. However, she and Raven had conducted a plan of their own; Operation get Lexa and Clarke to share the same bed, aka 'Wed Clexa Step 1."

Before constructing their masterpiece, the duo had waited under their respective beds for a rather uncomfortable time, until their favorite couple-to-be had stuck their heads in to try and locate them. As they left, Octavia heard Clarke grumble, something about sticky popcorn hair.

''We are such good friends," stated Octavia, as she and Raven cleaned remains of any superglue that had, unsurprisingly, stuck to their hands.

"I'm not so sure our roommates would agree with that O," Raven picked at the glue with a disgusted look on her face.

"Appreciation can come in different forms. I will accept their gratitude in the role of bridesmaid."

"Not maid of honour?" Raven gasped in mock shock, "Don't say you're going modest on me!"

"While I am very deserving of that position, it wouldn't be fair to ask Clarke to choose between us. So I think a joint position would be appropriate."

"Wow, thanks, that's oddly considerate of you Octavia."

"Hey! I can be considerate." She replied with a pout and scowl.

"Of course, you're the poster girl for it," Raven rolled her eyes, "And what about Lexa, doesn't she get a say in the maid of honour?"

"Oh please, she is so wrapped around Clarke's finger that she would let fucking Murphy take the role if it made her happy."

Raven laughed, "that's more like the Octavia we know and love. Actually I don't think Lexa has met Mud Boy yet. That's an introduction I can't wait to see."

With a grin, Octavia nodded in agreement, already visualising the carnage.

"Well Raven," she said as the two girls walked out of their bathroom and admired their handiwork, "I think that is a job well done, if I do say so myself."

With wicked grins, they patted each other on the back.

"Revenge almost complete. I just have to go put them off the scent with a more well-used, if predictable, technique."

"Poisoned palette?"

"You know it, now, let's get this shit started. "

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