I wrote this for Klayley au drabble week. But the deadline is gone so I thought I'd just post it here! Do read and leave a review!

"Run," he whispers in her ear as they stand surrounded in the middle of nowhere. A small part of her brain wonders why he even bothers to whisper as everyone present has super hearing but the other part is stuck onto his words. He again whispers it, this time as a command as the vampires surrounding them grin viciously.

"I'm not leaving you here alone," she says through clenched teeth, tightening her hold around a sleeping Hope by a fraction.

"You have to. I can't have you or Hope in danger," he again growls urgently. She shakes her head, "I said I'm not leaving you here, alone."

He stares at her for a moment in frustration before saying,"You have to go. They are here for me. Not for you or Hope. I'll be fine. Do I need to remind you how precious the one you are holding is? She's going to need her mother more,little wolf," he growls out as the vampires begin to move towards them. "Run, Hayley, run," he pushes her out of the way as one of the group attacks suddenly.

Before she knows it, he has pulled the heart out and is grinning with the blood still dripping from his hands. "Who's next?" He asks in a playful tone while the rest of the group bare their teeth at him.

"Go," he screams again as almost everyone attacks at once and her heart skips. How could she leave him there alone and how can she stay and put Hope in danger? In a split second, she decides she would run to the car and get help. They had left their phones back home with Freya but as it was a road, there had to be someone with cellphone passing by. She starts to run, away from the fight, towards where she thinks the road is. Hope looks up at her with sleepy eyes as she hides behind a boulder hearing sounds of being pursued. She hopes that the child won't make a sound to give up their hiding place as she is almost awake. Its almost silly, because they find her themselves. There are three of them, all big and burly, grinning at her with hatred in their eyes.

"That's his child isn't it? You are his wife," one of them speaks up.

She doesn't answer, instead clenches Hope closer to her. The wheels in her brain turn at full speed as she tries to find a way out but they stand surrounding her, closing off any possible ways of escape.

"That's the child? Why should he have a family when he took ours from us?" Another pipes up, hatred clear in his eyes.

The third one simply jumps at her, fingers closing around her throat and the two other smile. She gasps for breath as Hope buries her head in her chest. Lightening suddenly strikes and in the distraction that it creates, she lands a swift kick to the man's stomach before breaking his arm with her free arm as she settles Hope on her hip with the other. The moon suddenly goes behind a cloud, swathing them in darkness and she bends down and takes out his heart before any of them could understand what was happening.

The moon comes out again and they look on with astonishment at the heart and the body lying a few feet from them. The girl and the child had ran off. They start running in the same direction they can hear her pattering feet, with the desire to kill her and the child.

She runs without stopping, not even knowing the direction until a large hand weighs down on her shoulder and she is thrown back against a tree. She shields Hope from the impact and the little girl whimpers. Hayley gets back to her feet as the two close in on her, a set of fingers almost reaching her heart. She prepares to defend until suddenly they are both thrown back followed by a tirade of sickening sounds. Her first thought is that Klaus has somehow managed to kill all of them and was back but then she realizes that her savior wasn't as tall as him and he seems to have dark hair.

He turns around with bloodied fingers and face and she tries recall where she had seen him. He grins at her, a smile similar to Klaus' and she stares.

"Hello, darling. You must be Hayley, the Queen," he says strolling over to them.

"I- yes- Klaus!" She suddenly says.

"Oh Nik will be fine. He can hold his own, believe me. Also, Elijah is with him," he wipes the blood from her face with the sleeve of his jacket and she still tries to figure out who he was.

"Thank you," she stammers out finally.

"Oh,darling. Don't thank me. Thank Freya," he says in a chirpy voice. She slumps down to the ground exhausted.

"Hey, you okay?" He asks in a concerned voice. She still can't place him even though he looks and sounds familiar.

"Yeah.. Just need a minute," she says as Hope buries her face in her neck.

"That's my niece, right? I never got to meet her," the boy says in a wistful voice. She looks up at the word niece. "You are Kol." She whispers, the fact suddenly clicking.

"The only one," Kol smirks at her in a disarming way and she sees the resemblance. Even though they were half-brothers, there is a lot of Klaus in Kol. He sits down beside her on the ground and Hayley looks at him in question.

"Nik and Elijah will find us. Don't worry,darling. They'll be fine. You'll be fine. I'm here for protection," he answers the unspoken question.

Her heart suddenly feels for the 19 year old Original sitting beside her on the forest ground. She had heard that he was killed, again, by their own eldest brother Finn. Just because he was trying to help his siblings and niece. He might be the craziest of them all yet there was a boyish innocence about him. Later she likes to think that it was because of that her lips uttered the next words: "Would you like to hold her?" Even she is surprised at how easily she offers Hope up to someone she knows just by his name and all for a total of 4 minutes.

"Can I?" The excitement in his voice is evident as he looks at her with hopeful eyes.

"Yeah sure," she says with a smile. Before she could hand over Hope, he pipes up again,"is she asleep? Wouldn't want to disturb the little witch's beauty sleep."

"She woke up when I started running. I think she caused the lightening," she explains and promptly places Hope in Kol's lap. The child looks up at him with curious eyes.

"Hello Princess. I'm Uncle Kol," he says in a gushy voice and the child suddenly flashes a toothless grin at him. "She's beautiful," he adds to Hayley without taking his eyes off Hope.

"Yeah. She is," she let's out the breath she didn't realize she was holding.

Hope reaches her tiny hand to touch Kol's face as he gazes at her, love evident in his eyes. Hayley, too exhausted closes her eyes only to jump a moment later as a loud crash echoes.

"Its just Nik who is being a daft as usual. Elijah is usually the silent one. Nik likes to make an entrance," Kol laughs and Hope to giggles. Kol turns his attentions back to the baby just as Elijah and Klaus come to a stop beside them.

"Hayley! Are you ok?" Klaus asks, squatting in front of her.

"Yes. Thanks to Kol," she replies wearily.

"I'm glad we were on time. When Freya told us that she felt uneasy, Kol asked her to do a spell for your safe passage. Then we realized it couldn't be completed as you were already in trouble. Kol and I ran out at once," Elijah explains their sudden appearance quietly.

"Thank you Brother,both of you," Klaus says sincerity clear in his voice.

"Yeah... I'm carrying my niece. So keep your hands to yourself, all of you," Kol says, not quite ready to part with the hyper-active baby in his arms as Klaus helps Hayley to her feet.

She sways, the fatigue and lack of blood taking over. Klaus catches her in his arms before she hits the ground, whispering,"I've got you,love. I've got you." Hayley stays in his arms while Elijah walks ahead of them, scouring for any left enemy. Kol brings up the rear with Hope settled contentedly in his arms.

"Where are we going?" Klaus asks, curiosity taking over.

"Home, brother. To make new plans and disappear. All of us. We are not going to leave you two alone especially after the events of tonight," Elijah says in a low voice and answers Freya's call.

Klaus hears her frantic voice on the other end as Kol says in a clear voice,"Always and Forever Nik. How can you forget?"

He gives Kol a genuine smile as his heart warms at his words,"Yes. Always and Forever."

Please leave a review if you like it or for any prompt.