A/N: And the marathon continues introducing another short story of mine. As always the prologue is 1k+.Hope you guys enjoy!


"I can't believe you're doing this to me!"

"Misaki please calm down."

"Calm down? Calm down? Why don't you calm down this!"

"Misaki put that chair down-"

Misaki Pov

You're coming in a little late on everything that has lead up to this event. We need to take a stroll back to how we got here. What caused me to act this way. Let's go back to where it all started.

Tokyo Law firm

IIth of March


I sat in my office counting down the hours until I would meet up with my current boyfriend Mitsuo Tachibana. We had been dating for about five years now and hopefully we could get through another five years. I wasn't really fond of guys back in highschool but he somehow managed to charm his way to my heart. I actually truly love him and didn't want to lose him.

He called me this morning and told me to meet him at the restaurant where we had our first date at 8 pm. According to my best friend Sakura, it meant he was going to propose to me. I tried to convince her it wasn't like that. That all he wanted was to take me out to dinner but she didn't buy it.

She explained to me that the reason we're going to the restaurant we had our first date at was for him to bring up old memories for when he proposes. I couldn't deny that it felt like he was planning something. We never went to that restaurant for a very long time since we were both busy with work. Was Sakura right?

If he really was going to propose to me was I completely ready for it? I stared at the photo on my desk which shows both of us. We look truly in love in that photo. I know I'm ready.


I had left work around quarter past seven. I needed to prepare a proper outfit for our date so instead of staying to work overtime I left work early. I wasn't usually so fussy about dressing up and Mitsuo didn't care about what I wear most of the time but since tonight might turn out to be a special night for us and something I will remember for the rest of my life, I want to at least remember being dress decent.

I stare at myself in the mirror. Considering I did my makeup myself, I look pretty great. Enough to knock Mitsuo out of his chair if I do say so myself.

Ok! I have to leave now or I'll be late. Purse, phone, car keys... check!

Hopefully, I'm off to be engaged.


I wasn't too late thank goodness. I walked up to the front desk and told them the name of which my reservation was under.

"This way ma'am," They welcomed me politely leading me to my table.

I smiled as we near the table. Mitsuo was there already. He stood up the moment he noticed me coming but didn't smile in return. There was something off but I pushed it aside for now. He took his seat when the hosts leaves. Weird. He always pulled out my chair for me. What was happening?

I pulled out my own chair and sat down.

"How was your day-"

"Let's just order something first," He interrupted me. What the hell was his problem? If something was wrong with him he could just tell me.


"Waiter!" He called to the waiter that showed me to the table. "Bring us two glasses of your best wine."

The waiter nodded and hurried off to prepare our drinks. None of us said a word while the waiter was gone. What was up with him today? Something was seriously up with him.

The waiter came back with our drinks on a tray. Perfect timing. The tension was suffocating. The waiter placed the drinks on the table.

"Please call on me when you're ready to give your next orders," He said bowing and then leaves us alone.

"I got the promotion I have been working so hard for," Mitsuo finally spoke taking a sip of his drink.

"That's great! You've worked for it," I beamed excited for him. I knew how badly he wanted that job. He is finally going to work as the right hand man for the company's CEO.

"There's just one thing wrong."

"What?" I wondered out loud. What could be wrong with him getting this promotion.

"You," He answered so simple.

"Me!?" I exclaimed in confusion. What was he talking about?

"Yes you! I have this promotion now and well you see that means I have a little status in the company so I can't be seen with just anyone," He explained with an apologetic look on his face.

"Just anyone? Mitsuo, I'm your girlfriend. I have been for the past five years. I've been there when you had nothing."

This guy was seriously pissing me off. Where had my boyfriend gone? Who was this stranger?

"Yes but you aren't the ideal woman I want to stand by me at our company parties. I want someone who can reflect my status," He carried on not seeming to understand he was hurting my feelings. "You understand why we should part ways now right?"

"Did you seriously plan to dump me at this restaurant?" I muttered agitated.

"Isn't this just a regular restaurant?"

I was shocked. How could he not remember when I did? He really did not care about our relationship.

"I can't believe you're doing this to me!"

He held up his hands mid air motioning for me to relax. "Misaki please calm down."

This made me even more mad.

"Calm down? Calm down? Why don't you calm down this!"

"Misaki put that chair down-"

"Shut up," I yelled towards him. I had to calm my thoughts. I let the chair go back to it's original place. "I hope you're happy because I'll make you regret dumping me this way."

I walked off from our table not wanting to talk to him anymore. How could he do this to me? To us? This is what I get for trusting a man.

Somehow I end up in a bar drowning a glass of alcohol down my throat. It was the best way for me to forget the night. For me to forget what that jerk had done. The first guy I ever love and he did that to me. I felt hurt, betrayed to a point where words can't explain.

"Oh, why isn't it my next door neighbour?" A heard a voice say.

I turned to the direction it came from and saw the blond guy who lives next door my apartment. No one knew much about him. His job, family they were all a mystery.

"What are you doing here drinking miss lawyer," He asked taking a seat next to me.

I glanced at him. It wouldn't hurt to rant my anger for my boyfriend on someone else so I did. He sat there quietly digesting my every word until I finished.

"So he dump you in the restaurant you had your first date," He spoke now understanding my situation.

"Yes," I answered trying to drink more alcohol but he stopped me.

"So how do you plan to get back at him for that?" He questioned me.

"I actually don't know..."

"Do you want me to teach you?"

"Teach me what?" I wondered.

"Teach you how to become a woman he truly regrets dumping," He explained more clearly.

"Why would you help me?" I asked curious. He didn't even know me.


I nodded yes.

He simply answered, "Because I'm bored. But...do you accept?"


He smirked for some reason. "Great! I'm Usui Takumi. Your new coach."