A/N: I originally posted the first two parts of this on Tumblr, then realized last night that it turned into more of a story than a drabble (as was my intention-that seems to happen a lot) so I'm posting it here to not bog my blog down. I had the thought pop into my head, and went with it, mainly because I'm starting to freak out over getting the rough draft finished for the opbigbang (about 3/4 done). But getting this short fic off my chest helped, so I should be able to focus/work on the bigbang fic again. And this fic I'm posting here is actually finished, so I'll just post it as I finish editing it.

Don't take this too seriously; I'm sure there's some ooc to be found in this fic, but at the time, I was having fun, so it is what it is. Also, the illness/disease Law has in this fic, in my head, was some variation of amber lead i.e. I made it up because I needed to write something, anything, and that something my mind was in the mood for was a shorter KidLaw modern AU. To be fair, I will warn that there will be angst, because I like it, and the last 2 chapters (an added sixth for an epilogue) will seem to come out of nowhere. And because I am a terrible person who enjoys tormenting characters that I like...during writing the ending, I decided to be horrible and change it as I wrote, read it over, and was like, yes, this will do. :D

And with that, I should be done with A/N's.

Disclaimer: I own nothing from One Piece.


Time: Start


Kid had a dirty little secret, and it just so happened that his dirty little secret had a secret of their own.

After a particularly shitty day with no new jobs to take in sight, Kid was eager to go find and engage his newly acquired lover of two weeks and the red head knew exactly where to find him.

In an abandoned apartment at the edge of town.

Kid let himself in; Law didn't seem to care about him coming at odd times of the day. This evening, however, was different than the others.

It smelled, for one, and not the smell of an abandoned building.

Tonight, it smelled more like shit and the metallic tang of blood. It didn't take a genius to realize that the hall contained two dead bodies, as Kid almost walked right into them in the shadows of the hall. Kid stopped dead at the sight, his lip curling over the fact that he had trod in some blood.

In his brand new, fucking expensive boots.

"Don't move a muscle." A cool, detached voice stated sharply.

Kid tensed but didn't move as he'd been asked, mainly because he recognized the voice as belonging to Law.

The man in question exited through a door to Kid's right, his front covered in blood, a cut on one cheek, and flushed from exertion. He also appeared to be annoyed for some reason or another at the red head's appearance.

"I wasn't expecting you tonight." Law said simply as he reached out and hooked a hand around one of Kid's upper arms. He led him around the pools of blood and into the room across the hall on the left.

"But you expected these guys?" Kid asked, a little out of it over the idea that Law had killed people. Or at least, the red head thought so, judging by the blood.

"I did but not tonight." Law wrinkled his nose. "Nor did I anticipate there being as many as there were." Lips quirked up into a brief smirk. "I wasn't quite finished." Inside the room, Law indicated a curled up and groaning figure of a man on the ground, trying, from the looks of it, to drag his broken body away from the dark haired man.

"Looks like they came worse off than you." Kid stated vaguely, as he noted that there were three still forms around the injured man. Kid stared some more, even if he was aware of the fact that Law lightly traced the muscles of his bicep.

Holy shit.

Law had killed five people and almost did in a sixth?

Kid felt weirdly proud that Law could take care of himself in a fight. It was rather hot, in fact.

The bloodied up Law seemed to figure out the red head's train of thought, because he left off tracing Kid's bicep and let go of it after patting it once. "I used the three in here as shields to avoid being shot." Law drew out a knife and raised his eyebrow at Kid. "Are you going to watch me kill a man or are you going wait in the bedroom?" At the red head's blank stare, the dark haired man added. "Don't be cute. I know you came here to fuck. It was written all over your face before you were sidetracked by the body." Law licked the flat of the blade and smiled darkly at Kid. "Don't worry, that's still on the agenda as soon as I'm done here."

Kid blinked and stared at Law, still processing what was going on, and dimly realizing that he found dark, murderous Law a great big turn on.

Law seemed amused by the red head's speechlessness and went about his dirty murdering business. Soon the only living people in that abandoned apartment were Law and Kid. And it had gotten quite bloody by the end, though Law merely sighed and made an attempt to rid himself of the blood on his hands with his already stained shirt.

"So, I take it you'd like to play with me now?" Law asked casually, after he'd tidied his hands as best as he could. The dark haired man seemed unfazed by the fact that he had casually murdered several people.

"I want to fuck you." The red head said softly. "Right now." Kid was surprised at the suggestion even if that was his original intention, as Law had stated earlier. It was more that he was prompted to say it forcefully and with feeling at the sight of Law all bloodied up and rumpled in appearance.

It turned Kid on.

"I figured as much? Didn't I say already I knew why you were here?" Law cleaned his knife fussily on his pants before sliding it into a case at his hip. "The bedroom is over here."

"No, I meant what I said. I want to fuck you right here." Kid insisted, and promptly divested Law of his pants and dropped to his knees with a low groan. "Fucking hell. You're sexy like this. Bloodied up and getting off on killing people. Look how hard you are already." Kid went down on Law enthusiastically, showing rather than telling the other man just how much he liked the sight.

"E...Eustass..." Law let out a moan and gripped Kid's broad shoulders and held on. The dark haired man started to helplessly thrust his hips in response to Kid reaching around and giving his ass a squeeze in order to bring him closer. To better lavish delicious attention on his dick. "More. Give me more."

Kid pulled drew away abruptly at that. Grinning his approval at the dark haired man's words, Kid let go of Law briefly to hastily take his own pants off, even as he produced lube and condoms he'd remembered to bring. "I'll give you more, all right." The red head grunted as Law was on his lap in a flash, letting out helpless groans as Kid let his fingers explore. He recalled what Law liked, and started to whisper dirty things against the other man's neck. "Gonna fuck you on the floor here."

Law's hands tightened around the red head's neck.

"Get you dirtier with all this blood."

Law rocked back against Kid's fingers insistently as he nipped along the side of the red head's collarbone.

"Fuck you out of your mind."

"Yes." Law hissed before impatiently impaling himself on Kid and rode him with a sense of urgency, heedless of the blood and desperate for the fuck.

"Fuck yeah. You like it like this don't you? Being screwed with a body count on hand." Kid skimmed his hands along Law's heaving sides in order to help Law better fuck himself down into his lap. "Fuck, I love how dirty you are. We should fuck in an alley sometime, and people can walk by and see me fucking your ass into the wall."

Law made a sound like he very much would like that.

Kid already began making plans to fit it into his shitty job schedule that week Kid didn't know why he enjoyed screwing around with Law. He'd been with plenty of other people, even if some of them were just flings. But Law.

Law was screwed up in the head in some way, but after the first night, Kid wouldn't want to trade his new lover for anyone else. Which meant that the red head he was more than happy to play with Law. And then he was gone until he did make Law lose his mind.

The red head moved them to the bedroom, figuring the exhausted and fucked out Law could use the rest. When Kid came to again, however, the feel good that had followed after the sex was gone when he realized something was wrong.

Law was still out of it, and seemed to be terrified over something, his breath quickening to something only he could see.

"My bag." The dark haired man mumble slurred. "Eustass, my bag." He coughed, an odd rattle cough, which made Law's voice become desperate. "Now, Eustass. Hurry!"

Kid didn't know what the fuck was going on but he went and retrieved the likely bag Law had indicated. When he got back into the room, Law seemed worse off but he was still with it enough to retrieve a bottle from his bag, pop it open, and dry swallow three pills. The wait for whatever it was to kick in took longer than Kid would have liked. But when Law spoke again, the red head hadn't expected to hear a weary edge to Law's voice.

"I was hoping this wouldn't happen, but…if my being sick is a problem, you don't have to come back to see me."

"The fuck are you talking about?" Kid asked, befuddled at the abrupt change in the other man. "And so long as it ain't contagious, why the hell wouldn't I want to come back?"

"What I have…it's incurable. I likely only have two years at most to live, perhaps more, taking these." Law indicated the pills. "No one wants to stick around when they find out."

"Fucking idiots. You're fine when you take 'em, right?" Kid jabbed a finger at the bottle in emphasis. "And who's to say there won't be a cure in that amount of time?"

Law seemed incapable of speaking and when he did, there was a different edge to his voice. A hopeful one. "You aren't leaving?"

"The sex is good, you can take out guys twice your size, you're sexy covered in blood and you don't give a shit that I'm stuck between jobs." Kid mock scowled at Law. "You really don't want me to fuck you anymore?"

"No, I want it." Law scrutinized Kid a moment longer before his shoulders drooped in relief. "You want to keep seeing me? It doesn't bother you that I'll die in a few years?"

"The fuck. What did I just say? Didn't I just say I would?" Kid frowned at Law at as a thought occurred to him. "How many left before me?" It wouldn't surprise him; he had no illusions that he was Law's first fuck buddy.

"More than I want to count." Law admitted, still searching the red head's face as if expecting to find a lie. "Does that bother you?"

"Nah. It just means that I get to keep you to myself. The other guys were idiots to leave." Kid suddenly found Law all over him and kissing him like his life depended on it. The red head hummed approval as the kiss deepened into something downright carnal and growled into it as he tried to take control of the kiss.

"Fuck me senseless in this apartment full of dead bodies." Law gasped when he was freed from the electrifying kiss, and he undulated over Kid like he was already being fucked into nirvana. "Do it, now!"

Kid did.


Fuck the smell of dead bodies. Fuck the guys that abandoned Law because of something he had kid control over.

Fuck everything.

Kid may have only been seeing Law for two weeks but now he knew for certain that he wanted the other man all to himself. And to keep it that way, he'd fix things. The red head didn't realize that he was stepping on a land mine by not clearing off as many before him had.

Because Law wasn't just randomly killing people when the fancy struck him. He was killing because he needed to in order to get those lifesaving pills that took the edge off his illness and prolonged his life.

And that person would be very much displeased that Kid had not taken off when given the chance.