A New Generation, Chapter 1


Hullo! I'm Katarina R! This is my first Shadowhunters fanfic, but I also write for Doctor Who. (Mainly) This little idea popped into my head as I read City of Glass, and has been nagging me ever since! Enjoy, my dear readers, and review at your leisure!

Disclaimer: See my profile name? I'm not Clare!

Clary gasped, her hand over her mouth. Her mother would be so angry. She was worried and scared and euphoric at the same time. What would Jace say? She whipped around, the test still in her hand, to find Isabelle staring at her with wide eyes.

"Is that-"

"Yes," Clary said, breaking into tears." Yes."


"By the Angel," Izzy said, patting her back." Have you told him yet?"

"No," Clary said, giggling slightly." You're the first one."

Just then, Joycelyn's voice called from right outside the door." Clary? Are you in there?"

"Yes," Clary said. She tried to keep her voice in check, but it broke off into a sob at the end.

Joycelyn barged in, stopping dead when she saw Izzy and her daughter looking at the slim plastic tube.

"No," she said, shock overriding her features." You- we- Jace- I told you- Have you told him yet?"

Isabel shook her head vigorously." Us three are the only ones."

"Oh, Clary!" Joycelyn could contain it no longer, and rushed into her daughter's embrace." We'll need a nursery, and a blanket, oh! We'll have to plan the shower, and Luke can invite his pack! But Jace... what will he say?"

"it depends on what you're planning to ask." Jace lounged against the doorframe, his golden hair glinting in the sun that filtered lazily through a small window.

"Jace!" Clary broke free, and charged into his arms." You're back from the hunt early!"

"Such an enthusiastic greeting, he murmured, pulling her against him." What did you want to tell me?"

"I just found out, and I'm so scared Jace, ut so excited too, and I didn't know what you'd say, so please don't take this badly, because this involves you too, and-"

"Whoa, slow down! What?"

"I'm pregnant, Jace!"