A/N: Author's note and explanation at the bottom. Here is a Chapter 46, which was difficult to title, so I settled on "Mal's Birthday."

In the early morning hours of a very special day, Mal was sleeping soundly, dreaming of last week's shenanigans in her art room. After showing him the painting of their wedding day, Ben wasted no time in seducing her. He didn't even bother taking her back to the bedroom. He had pulled her in for a kiss, but she stumbled, making them both fall onto the hardwood floor. Mal laughed for a minute at their silliness before noticing how Ben stared at her intently, his eyes black with lust. Even though it was a serious look, Mal couldn't help but giggle at him? She had no idea why she had found his look so funny, but she had forgotten those thoughts as he furiously pressed his lips to hers. His hard kiss pushed Mal's head into the ground, almost as if he was trying to push her through it. The kiss made her feel dizzy as desire speared its head in her core. She eagerly fumbled with Ben's button up shirt, trying to open it, but she soon grew frustrated and just ripped it open, buttons flying everywhere. Ben quickly pulled Mal's shirt over her head and yanked her bra off her body, the material making an ugly ripping sound that echoed in the spacious room. Mal didn't care though. She liked this animalistic hunger Ben was displaying. Quite frankly, she found it hot, not to mention it made her feel desired. Only she could satisfy what Ben craved. And yet, he still remained a gentleman. He had removed his shirt and placed it under Mal's back, making sure she was comfortable on the hard floor. He then had scooted her up a bit to help her shimmy out of her pants, but she knocked down the nearby stool, which had her artist pallet on it that still had paint. Some of it splattered onto them, but they didn't mind getting a little messy. The paint on their skin was actually quite erotic to them. Ben even dipped his finger in some red paint and dragged it down the side of Mal's right breast, knowing the cool wet paint would tease her skin.

Mal smiled in her sleep as she dreamt each detail so vividly, from the hot foreplay with the paint, to how they made love on the hardwood floor, the sunset shining through the wall of windows, making their skin glow. She hadn't heard it at the time, but in her dream, she could hear her cries of joy echoing off the walls, enveloping them in sound. Even in her dream, she could feel Ben's skin against hers. Wait a second… this wasn't a dream anymore. She soon felt Ben's weight on her, his skin against hers. She opened her eyes to find that he had rolled on top of her, his eyes locked on hers and most of his weight on his arms which laid by her head. He was grinning at her like a fiend. Something was up.

"Uhhh…. Good morning?" Mal said, almost as if it was question. She had no clue what was going on.

"Good morning indeed," Ben smiled,"and Happy Birthday!"

"Oh no," Mal muttered.

"Don't say that! Today is going to be a great day. I have plans for you!"

"Do any of those plans include not leaving this bed and just making love all day?" Mal asked, clearly more interested in what he definitely had in store for her physically.

"Nope," Ben replied,"but I can give you a little preview of what I have in mind later tonight."

"Just a preview?" Mal groaned.

"Would you rather I not do anything at all and leave it all to later tonight?"

"No. Do something, please," Mal begged, clearly already on edge. In mere minutes, Ben had her writhing with need.

"That's what I thought," Ben chuckled as he snaked his hand down her torso and between her legs,"now just lay back and relax and let me do all the work."

Mal began to protest but lost her sense of thought as Ben lightly dragged a single finger in circles around her labia. She threw her head back, reveling in his touch. Her lips parted as a low groan resonated in the back of her throat. Ben hadn't expected to get this kind of reaction out of her so soon, but clearly, she was pretty sensitive down there. However, Mal wasn't satisfied with just light circling very long. She wiggled her hips, trying to draw Ben toward the spot she wanted him to touch most. And yet, Ben stayed strong, not giving into her demands just yet. He was going to make this last. Instead, he used his free hand and dragged his thumb gently over her plump bottom lip, teasing her. She then pursed her lips, the sensation almost tickling her. Satisfied with the reaction, Ben pushed his finger through her opening and found her clit. Mal, eager for his touch, frantically moved her hips, trying to get what she craved. But still, Ben didn't give in. He ran his finger in small circles around the edge of her clit, taunting her. He knew exactly what she wanted, but no way was he ready to give it to her. She was going to have to wait a little longer. Mal whined in frustration, upset that Ben refused to give her what she wanted.

"Just a little longer, love," Ben told her softly,"just a little longer."

"Ugh," Mal groaned, annoyed that Ben was neglecting the part she wanted touched most.

Ben smiled at his needy fairy, knowing that it would all be worth it soon. He was okay with her being mad at him for a few moments if it meant that she'd eventually get the pleasure she deserved in the end. And it helped that he was certainly enjoying himself. He loved touching Mal in such an intimate way. There was something special and erotic about it. Saying it was an honor wasn't quite the right word for it, but it was something similar to that. Being the one lucky enough to touch her was important to him. And giving her the pleasure she wanted, and so rightfully deserved, gave him a sense of purpose. It made him feel needed and wanted by the one woman in his life who loved him for all that he is.

Mal was about to yell at him when Ben added a second finger to his movements, adding just a little more pressure to the edge of that little button that he continued to tease. She began to buck her hips trying to help herself get the most pleasure out of this, but Ben wasn't having it. He was going to stay in control. He was going to decide when and where she got touched. The power almost went to his head, but he kept his cool. He soon decided it was finally time to give Mal what she wanted. Using his two fingers, he pressed them directly on her clit and began rubbing it furiously. Mal cried out in the sudden change in both tempo and sensations of touch, but it was certainly welcome. All the teasing had paid off. She was approaching one of the most powerful orgasms she could ever experience, her clit so sensitive from being neglected for so long. They both knew this was going to be hard and fast. She began to cry out with joy as she moved her hips in time with his hand.

"Ugh, Ben," Mal moaned, her eyes drifting downward to see what he was doing. Seeing his hand caress her body in such an intimate way was such a turn that it almost became too much to watch. She dragged her eyes up and looked at him for a moment before closing them again,"That feels so good! I'm going to cum, Ben! I'm going to cum! You're going to make me cum!"

"Then cum for me, Mal!" Ben begged as he used his free hand to grab hold of her chin, his other hand still stroking her closer and closer to climax,"and look at me, Mal! I want to see your eyes when you cum! Look at me, Mal! Look at me!"

Mal opened her eyes to find Ben's face close to hers, almost nose to nose. She looked back down again, wanting to get in one last peak of Ben touching her before finally locking eyes with him. Her hot breath against his face warmed his skin as Mal climbed higher and higher up the peak, her body still moving in time with his strokes. Her moans grew louder as she climbed higher and higher, her body nearing the peak, until finally, she touched the stars. She screamed loudly as her body shattered, trembling under Ben's weight as her orgasm rushed over her. But Ben continued his movements, stroking her up and over the mountain again, giving her yet another orgasm.

"Ugh, Ben!" Mal cried out as she hit her third peak.

"That's it, Mal! Cum for me!" Ben encouraged her,"keep going!"

"Ugh! Shiittt!" Mal screamed as she hit a fourth big O, but after that one, she was done. She let Ben stroke her a few more times before finally pushing him off of her, clearly spent. He landed next to her as she wiped the sweat off her forehead and tried to help her control her breathing.

"Damn, that was hot," Ben smirked, clearly turned on by what he just seen. However, today wasn't about him. It was about Mal. He'd take care of himself after she left with her friends. And what he had just witnessed was going to help with that. But for now, he pulled Mal into a hug and kissed the top of her head.

"That… was….amazing," Mal panted,"care to take it a step further?"

"Already? You just came four times! And you're the one who told me to stop!"

"Because I needed to catch my breath," Mal told him, already rearing to go again. Clearly, her hormones were not what they used to be, and neither could figure out why,"so can we do the actual deed now?"

"Take it easy, Mal," Ben laughed,"save your energy for tonight. I have so much more in mind."

"But I want to do it now," Mal said childishly,"are you seriously going to leave me high and dry."

"Quite the contrary," Ben snickered as he dragged his finger up Mal's slit,"I'd say you're pretty wet."

"Ben!" Mal blushed,"you know that's not what I meant!"

"I know. Anyway, breakfast is on the table and it's going to get cold soon. Why don't you slip on your robe and go get some food in your belly? It's going to be a long day."

"Now that you mention it, I am pretty hungry," Mal agreed as she got up and went to grab her robe off the hook in her closet. Ben of course, couldn't help but admire her naked body. He definitely was going to have to take care of himself later. However, he noticed Mal's boobs had grown again. He shook his head. It was probably just him imagining things. She was fine. If something was wrong she'd tell him. Mal soon appeared in her purple silk robe just as her phone buzzed. After she read the text, she couldn't help but laugh.

"What is it?" Ben asked as he got up to go get his robe.

"Oh, it's Evie. She asked if you surprised me with, and I quote, 'hot morning sex and breakfast.'"

"Typical Evie," Ben laughed,"she had asked me if I was going to do that when we were planning your birthday."

"What did you say?"

"I said my lips were sealed. If you wanted to tell her, you would. It isn't my business to say anything."

"It kind of is, but I appreciate your discretion."

"Of course. Now let's go eat! I think we both worked up an appetite!"

After a hearty breakfast of fluffy scrambled eggs, a heaping pile of warm buttermilk pancakes, and a homemade sugary cinnamon bun, Mal found herself trying to seduce Ben into giving her the birthday sex she wanted. She wasn't sure what had come over her, being so horny and all, but she didn't care right now. She was straddling Ben's waist as they made out on the couch, her silk robe having fallen from her torso, exposing herself to him. Ben was fighting with every ounce of strength he had not to give in. He was going to make her wait for tonight, or at least he had planned to. Mal was teasing him, and she knew it. He was just about to cave when the doorbell rang. Mal groaned in frustration as she rolled off of him so he could go answer it. He pressed the button to activate the one way video system so he could see who was outside the castle doors. The screen showed Evie, Carlos, Jay, Doug, Lonnie, & Jane all waiting outside.

"Hey guys!" Ben exclaimed, hoping his lust filled voice wouldn't betray him,"right in time! Let them in guys!"

"Yes sir," replied the guards as the opened the doors for the group. Ben then looked at a half-naked Mal, taking a deep breath to collect himself.

"We better get dressed," Ben sighed as he walked back toward the bedroom,"The gang is going to be up here soon."

"I'm right behind you!"

"Good. Dress in something comfortable," Ben explained as he pulled on a t-shirt,"You're going out with the girls while we set up for the guys and I set up for the party."

"A party?" Mal asked, a worried tone in her voice.

"Don't worry," Ben replied, sensing her anxiety,"it's going to be really low-key. Just you, me, our friends, and my folks. It's going to be here in the apartment, okay? I promise, it won't be over the top."

"Well, I guess if it's low key," Mal agreed,"I suppose I can work with that. I don't see myself getting out of this anyway. And it sounds like you've been working on this for awhile."

"No, you're not getting out of it. You need this, Mal. And I admit, I've been thinking about this all for a while, but I didn't nail down the details till about two weeks ago after talking with Evie."

"You didn't need to, Ben," Mal said as she pulled on a pair of comfy sneakers.

"I know, but I wanted too. And besides, like I said, you need this. A day about you wouldn't hurt."

"But shouldn't we be working on finding my father?"

"I think we can afford to take a day off. We're really close. We'll find him. And if it helps, my folks have jumped in and started helping us. I figured a fresh set of eyes looking at what we have might help. They're doing that until the party."

"It helps to know that someone is working on finding him, but I feel like I should be the one doing it. He is my father after all."

"And that is why you need to step away from it for a bit. It's been stressing you out. You need a break. Being frustrated doesn't help. Take this day. I promise it will be worth it. Now come on, our friends will be here soon."

Sure enough, the doorbell for the big red double doors that lead to the royal suites. Ben ran to the door and quickly told the guards to let them in. He had made sure this castle was a fortress, having guards at every entrance. No one was getting in without consent. Mal walked in just as Ben was opening the doors to let their friends in.

"Happy birthday, Mal!" Evie squealed, pulling her into a tight hug and nearly crushing her.

"T-t-t-thanks, E-E-Evie," Mal choked,"b-b-b-but I-I-I c-c-c-can't b-b-breath!"

"Sorry," Evie blushed as she let her best friend go,"I'm just so excited to be celebrating your birthday!"

"Happy birthday you little nugget!" Jay smiled as he pulled her in with one arm and ruffled up her hair.

"Thanks, Jay," Mal laughed as she pushed away from him so she could get hugs from the rest of the group,"thanks everyone. I really appreciate this. Just don't go overboard okay?"

"We won't," Evie promised as she dragged Mal out of her apartment,"now come on! We have a fun afternoon in store!"

I am so friggin sorry I took a month to update. I swear that wasn't my intention. Life just got crazy busy the moment school ended. I took a three week online art history course, which was a total bitch. It ate so much of my time. I also have been on the road a lot. And yes, some of my travels was vacation with my dad and my best friend, but after this shitty semester at school, I needed a break. I also had to go to my cousin's Bat Mitzvah last Saturday. For those of you who don't know, a Bat Mitzvah is a religious event where a Jewish girl, usually 12 or 13, enters adulthood. It is very sacred and important, so I had to be there. Last, but not least, I'm gearing up for tonsil removal surgery this week. I had to run some errands beforehand because I won't be able to drive afterward because of the medication they will be giving me to manage my pain. So yeah, been crazy busy. I am so sorry for the delay though. I promise this story isn't over. I still have so much planned. Also, shoutout to BookLovinMom26 for the constructive criticism and awesome review. And thank you to all you readers have stuck with me.

And just a heads up, Comic Con Internationa is in a month, so I'll be heading out there again. Just like last year, there will be no chapters around that time.