GUYS its been so long but Shades of Blue is back and better than ever! I changed this story to M just to be safe. Not a whole lot of explicitness in this one but I'd like to take these short blurbs in a more mature direction if thats alright with you all. ENJOY and thanks for reading

Power and Control

AU: Harlee calls Stahl after killing Miguel

Stahl walked in to find rivets of water clinging greedily to her skin.

The droplets soaked her, rolled around her surface and fell down her body as if teasing him to come closer and taste them for himself. He considered what they would taste like and decided on a salt of clean and of her. The thought made his tongue tingle but the threshold of her apartment refused to release him.

Her robe was undone enough that he should have looked away, The skin of the tops of her breasts and the slope of where the curve of her thigh became her core was shy, and although he knew better, the flush of the skin there looked untouched.

The skin peeked out weary of him, trying to shame him into tearing his eyes away, but he was no gentleman and he imagined that they were past niceties.

So he looked, and she watched him drink her in.

The man she had killed laid neatly tucked into a shower curtain at her feet, the same curtain that had watched her strip, that had seen the silks of her clothing caress her skin on their way down into a puddle on her tile floor. Now the polyester material was an accomplice, he considered the idea that they had that in common, at least.

Harlee's chest was heaving but her eyes were sharp and steady cognac.

"The sex was that bad, huh?" A small piece of Miguel's hair stuck out from under the confines of the curtain as if gasping for air.

Sthal cocked an eyebrow knowing that he wouldn't need a DNA test to know exactly who was under the tight material.

"Or that good" he teased, though it didn't touch his eyes

The entombment was quick and dirty and with a eulogy to rival that of a fish getting flushed down a toilet. Unceremonious at most and barbaric at its very core.

They didn't speak as they dug out the grave of her dead team-member, or when the body of her child's father fell limply atop the sealed coffin, not even when she jumped in the grave with a hammer and a steady hand. What would they say? They were both acquainted enough with this sort of shit to know what it meant for them, words just left a bitter taste in their mouths.

The dirt smeared on her jeans rubbed against the leather interior of his black SUV, in the darkness the earth belonging to a grave seemed to stain red. Harlee didn't wear a seatbelt, he thought of telling her to put it on but her eyes were distant as the lights of the street illuminated her profile.

She didn't ask where they were going so he didn't tell and when he pulled into the garage of his building and put the vehicle into park, Harlee got out of the car wordlessly, leading him into his apartment without a second thought or a single glance over her shoulder.

The door was unlocked and through his body he felt her fever. The skin under his palms scorched as he pinned her up against the wall, pressing her wrists up above her head, his lips finding the skin at the base of her neck. The hair she had tied up tickled at his mouth and the scent of exertion and death suited her. Harlee gasped and let her hips press back against his

His mouth was so close to her ear,

"Is this what you need, Harlee? Hmm? A reminder that you belong to me?" The context of his words push and pulled them like a stream of electricity. The asset and the agent, how cliche, she wanted to roll her eyes but then Stahl's grip tightened on her hips, his thumbs just barely grazing the slope of her ass. She felt her skin bruising under his unrelenting grasp and she nearly choked on how badly she wanted it, the domination, the danger, his steel blue eyes harsh and unforgiving

and maybe that made her as sick as he was

"Maybe so" Harlee gasped, fitting her hips to the shape of his hardness, tilting her head to whisper into his ear

"But you exist for me"

The tightly wound sanity between them snapped, he kissed her square on the mouth and she opened up to feel his tongue tasting what it had only imagined a couple hours ago. Their taste buds savored the sweet rotting taste of insanity, their teeth clanked together and Harlee allowed herself to be walked deeper into the clutches of unsteady ground.

He touched her, patting her down for a weapon, she laughed, at the absurdity of it all.

Their kisses were brutal, punishing, she ripped open his shirt, ripping the stitches and sending buttons to hide within the fibers of his carpet. He pulled at her hair, using it as leverage to suckle at her neck

"Tell me what you want" the words were spoken into the shared puffs of their breathing, their lips pressed together in hunger, they mouthed the response onto each other, over and over and over

Power and Control