And so our story starts coming to the epic conclusion! A few more chapters and this baby will go to market :)

Disclaimer: I do not own DC.


Bruce and Clark sent the first responders off, all the residents of the surrounding buildings now safe and sound. J'onn and Diana had come down from the Watchtower after hearing about Wally, their faces etched with worry.

Bruce paced in the street, his clothes now covered in soot and his face so dirty his blue eyes stood out. Worry evident on his face.

Everyone else was getting nervous seeing Bruce so rattled, they were used to Batman being the steady one, the one who remained outside of the emotional connection until the job was done. That's when they knew he let himself feel things, when he decompressed. But this was different. This was Wally and they were all distraught about it.

"Bruce," the billionaire's eyes shot up to Clark's, his eyes narrowing before he realized he was still in his civilian clothes from earlier. Nodding, he ran over to Alfred, the concerned butler nodding when Bruce whispered in his ear. Walking around to the trunk, the Englishman pulled out a duffel bag, Bruce grabbing it before placing a comforting hand on the older man's shoulder.

"Bring him home, Master Bruce."

Bruce nodded, emotion flooding his eyes before taking off down the street so he could find somewhere to change. The others watched him run off, Clark and Diana following him, while the rest of the heroes decided they could be of best use back on the Watchtower where they could try and locate Wally's whereabouts via his GPS tracker. If he still had it.

Clark and Diana caught up with Bruce just as he pulled on his cowl, now dressed as Batman, the glare he'd had before only amplified to show the other two heroes the seriousness of the situation. They knew they needed to save Wally, fast, or Batman as going to lose it.

"Batman, we're going to find him." Wonder Woman said, placing a soft hand on Bruce's arm, feeling the tension in the man.

Bruce simply nodded, not trusting himself to speak yet. They walked a ways down the crowded street, the crowd parting at the sight of the three heroes.

"Where do we start, Batman?" Bruce looked over at Clark, the worry etched on his friend's face brought him back to the present.

"We start with the traffic cam footage and we can check the GPS tracker I put in his boot." Superman smirked, knowing Wally probably wasn't aware of the tracker. Bruce clicked the button in his earpiece, "Lantern, do you copy?"

The trio went to the nearest rooftop, Superman dropping a grumbling Batman next to Wonder Woman. "Batman, I'm here. I think I know where Flash is!"

The three heroes looked at each other, hope in their eyes. Bruce answered, "Where?"

"His distress signal is going off and you'll never guess where."

Bruce groaned, "We don't have time for this Lantern, WHERE?" He shouted the last bit, startling the other two closest to him.

"He's at Lennox Imperial Tower, top floor." Green Lantern paused, alarm hitting everyone.

"He's with Lennox, Batman."

Bruce growled, letting out a frustrated cry. Superman, not waiting for an invitation, grabbed Bruce by the arms and flew off the roof, Wonder Woman close behind.

"Damn it!" Bruce yelled, startled to be so high of the ground. "Warn me next time you big blue dope!"

Superman grinned, but it quickly disappeared, their destination not far ahead of them.

Bruce frowned, his stomach churning with anxiety. "Clark. His distress signal would only go off if—"

"We know where he is, Bruce." Superman whispered, cutting off Batman's train of thought. He knew how hard this must be for his oldest friend. "Now we get him."

Bruce nodded, his brows furrowed as they flew over the city. They found where they had Wally.

Bruce only hoped they'd make it in time.
