Author's Note: This Was Done By Me And Demberway, So Make Sure You Give Him Credit As Well! :D

Anyway, Sorry For The Delay, Hope You Like It! :D

Paw Patrol: Cold Winds(Chapter 3)

Everest was taken out of her slumber, one eye at the time started opening, showing the ambulance's first aid cabin where the two pups spent the night. Removing the blanket from her body, she sat and shook her head, letting out a yawn quickly after. The memories of the last attack didn't let her sleep too well, that added to the possibility of being attacked again after seeing the pack of scavengers around them last night. The Husky sighed, preparing herself mentally for the tough times.

The last victim of those creatures was still asleep. Marshall was still right next to her, sleeping quietly like a baby. It was fortunate that his leg wasn't an impediment for him to doze off like normal. Again, the memories of the last day collided against Everest, how he defended her, what he said...

The mountain pup leaped off and carefully opened a gap on the doors. White snow, a blue clean sky, one that you can only find in the South Pole, and no one to be seen. It was too strange, she feared that those animals had smelled Marshall's blood, but they were gone. She decided that this was an opportunity to get moving, so she returned to where the Dalmatian was.

"Marshall, wake up." she moved him with a paw. The pup moaned and yawned still somewhat tired, slowly trying to open his eyes.

"Uh... morning, Everest," he spoke, stretching and sitting up. "Everything ok?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing," she replied, looking at his injured leg. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm ok, my hind leg and shoulder still hurt, but I think it's starting to get better." he said back, moving his shoulder carefully.

Everest still watched him with worried eyes, then sighed. "Well, that's good. Just wanted to make sure you were feeling better." she smiled a little. "I'm going to try to get in contact with the others, I'll be back in a second."

Everest directed to the door again, not seen that Marshall was trying to follow her, until she heard him yelp in low tone, because of his wounds, she guessed, so she stopped him in the seat. "You probably should stay in for now, you're still hurt, I promise, I'll be quick." Marshall wanted to reply, but just sighed and laid back down.

So, she jumped out of the Ambulance real quick, taking a big breath once she landed on the thick snow. Again, nothing around. She took the chance and activated her tag, to see in she could possibly get a signal. Sadly, even after several attempts, it didn't work.

AAHH! A scream came from the ambulance. The scavenger came back, as it was now entering the ambulance, crawling towards a defenseless Marshall. Everest felt her soul leave her body for a second. "No! Marshall-!" she screamed, but in the moment she was about to return she got pinned down by a set of paws against her back. Everest swat the beast away with swiftness, then tried to get back to the ambulance.

In the entrance of the ambulance she saw the animal hopping off, blood dripping from its jaw like a red waterfall.

Everest couldn't resist the tears, just imagining what had just happened. Without delay, she rushed over to the vehicle, and jumped in immediately. She couldn't believe her eyes, her throat closed trying to pronounce words that never came out of her. There was Marshall lying in one corner in a pool of blood, begging in agony. "E-Ever-est... h-help..."

Everest dashed over towards him, only to see a deadly bite wound on his throat, in which it was drenched in blood. Marshall started convulsing, coughing big amounts of crimson liquid, trying to formulate a sentence. "I-I'm so-sorry..." he spoke. Everest tried to say something, but he had held her paw in the last instant. "I-I hope you find y-your parents..."

Everest panicked, she desperately tried to put pressure on the opening of his throat, but it was hopeless. "Marshall... no, you can't go. I can't lose you too! Marshall!"

"I- I'm so-rry ... I couldn't protect you..."

And with one last breath, he gave up and died right in front of her.

"No, no, no, no! Marshall! MARSHALL!" Everest held his paw and cried her eyes out into his leg. A deafening howl behind her, and once again is pinned down. She tired standing up, but is her vision blurred because of the fall. There a scavenger, the one that killed Marshall, opened his mouth and dove for her throat and-

'!' Everest woke up with a silent scream, quickly raising her view. Her eyes wet with tears, stared first at Marshall, he was still asleep, his bandages still covering his shoulder and hind leg. Fear filled her body, her chest started hurting just thinking of what happened in the dream.

"Everest," she heard the voice of the pup calling her. "Are you okay? Were- Were you crying...?"

"I...I'm fine," she cleaned her eyes quickly. "It was just a nightmare...I'm fine now."

"Are you sure? Is there anything I can-"

"We can talk about it a bit later." she interrupted him, now looking at him with a smile. "I'm fine, Marshall, honestly, I am."

Marshall couldn't understand what she was hiding, but decided that it would be rude to push the subject. "Okay." he replied.

'Close one.' she thought.

Marshall tried to reach for a cabinet that had water in it, but he seemed to be struggling with it. "W-Wait, Marshall." She rushed over the cabinet first. "Here, let me do it for you. We don't want to make your wounds bleed again, right?"

"Um, right... Thanks Everest." he answered, kind of confused.

Marshall got his water and proceeded to drink for a bit. "So, when should we continue to look for your parents?"

Everest turned quite shocked. "Marshall, we can't continue like this. Just look at your shoulder and back leg. We have to wait for Ryder and the others to find us, or try and contact them." she said firmly. "That animal from yesterday wasn't alone, and they were out there just yesterday."

"But Everest! We came all the way here for this, we can't just stop our mission because of an accident-"

"Accident?" Everest replied. "Marshall, you got attacked by a wild animal! That is no accident. It's not safe here. I won't let you risk your life like that! You have a fresh bite wound on your hind leg and a wounded shoulder, it wasn't 'just an accident'!"

Marshall took a deep breath, and replied, "Okay, so you're right, it wasn't just an accident, and yes there's a pack of them, but Everest, we came here to look for your parents, I know the risks, but we can't just quit." Everest didn't flinch, not after that dream, it could happen again, it was more than a possibility. Marshall, placed a paw on one of hers, and held it firmly.

Words wouldn't be enough to describe this new feeling Everest got when the fire pup reached out for her paw, how her stomach felt funny, or how her heart started thumping like a drum. "When you were so sad back home, all I wanted to do was to see you happy again and find your parents, because I remember how important it was for you." Marshall continued, to which the mountain pup gasped silently. Taking the chance, he proceeded. "How about this? We search at least for a little bit, not too far, just to cover some terrain, so once we find Ryder and the others we won't have to return and do it again. If there's no luck, we just come back, okay?"

Everest felt pain in her chest again, wet tears is her eyes as well. "B-But Marshall, if they attack us again, you'll be an easy target, you will surely be k-" she stopped for a second, swallowing hard. "K-killed. We don't even know if my parents are out there. I would be putting your life at risk for nothing..."

"But we don't know that for sure! That's why we came here in the first place. No matter what it takes, I'm not stopping just because of a couple of scratches."

"But I do worry! And don't call them scratches, you can't even move your arm properly or your back leg!" she snapped, Marshall remained silent. "And don't tell me not to worry! I will continue to worry, you don't understand what it's like to loose someone important for you! What if I loose you too, do you honestly think I can actually handle three losses...My family and a great friend to me, how will I be able to live with that?!"

Everest looked away, but Marshall then placed a paw on her muzzle and directed her view to him. "Everest, look at me. It'll be ok..."

This mixture of new feelings was really strange. They made her feel so similar, but for two completely different reasons, ever since the last day whenever she was close to him. There was just one difference, the most important. One of those made her feel empty, while the other made her feel complete. Right then, it was the second one. The warmth on her chest, the feeling of having Marshall in front of her, the sensation of his breath against her face, his scent filling her sensitive nose, everything about him... and still couldn't formulate the words to explain it.

"We can continue and see if we can contact Ryder on the way, but we can't give up." he finally said.

The Husky pup was speechless for a moment,"Well...okay, but I'm not risking searching for an extended period of time, we search, it'll be short, and if we don't find anything, we return...and just promise me you won't over effort yourself."

"Promised!" he exclaimed, placing his non wounded paw in his chest. "Great, when do we go?"

"We can probably leave shortly, do we need to change your bandages before we go?" asked her, a little more motivated.

"Well, if we're not going to be gone for long, probably no."

"Okay, well, do you need anymore water?"

"I think I'm actually good on that as well, but I'll carry some in my pup pack just in case."

"Okay, then I guess we can go."

Everest went ahead and opened the Ambulance doors, then looked at Marshall, who was struggling to even get up. She still hated the idea of doing this, especially with him hurt like this. His wounds were not anything to be taken lightly, even the smallest misstep could re-open the injuries and make her nightmare come true. Plus, a single drop of blood could attract the scavengers to their location, which would be the worst case scenario. Knowing Marshall, he can be very stubborn at times, but this was a whole new level.

Then, why isn't she stopping him?

She sighed. "I'm not risking it, it will be a very short trip and I'm going to carry you so you don't hurt yourself."

"Wait, carry me? But I don't need-"

"It wasn't a question, Marshall." Marshall just huffed. "Do you need help putting your new vest on?"

"Um, yes, I do, but when you put it on, don't zip it on too tightly, I don't want it hurting my shoulder wounds."

Everest nodded and went ahead and helped him put on his gear. After a short and awkward dressing she put the final touch, his medic cap, on his head. "Hey Marshall, could you lay down for a sec? I want to look at your back leg wound."

Marshall nodded and did as he was asked to. Everest took a deep breath and began to unwrap it so she could put on a new bandage. The cover had red stains of blood just as she feared. Once it was all off, she took a look at the wound, it looked very tender, like it could just bleed pretty badly at any time. Her head started to hurt a bit just thinking of the possible outcomes, as she began to wrap it up in a new bandage.

"Okay, we should be good to go... one thing though, I'm going to carry you to start, I don't want you making your wounds bleed again." Marshall still didn't like the idea, but just nodded a bit and allowed her to pick him up.

The Dalmatian was way lighter than she thought, but then again his and her fur were touching, just like last time. Trying to just shrug it off, she looked around and focused on making a route. To her surprise, it had stopped snowing and the sun was shining with not a single cloud in the sky.

Well, if we are going to be doing any searching, I guess now would be the perfect time to do so. she thought, and she began the search with an uncomfortable pup on her back, who would try to convince her to let him walk by himself the entire first hour.

So, she went ahead and started the search.

Back up to where Chase was, he was still in his pup house huddled under his blue starred blanket. Last day's encounter didn't exactly give him sweet dreams, but was more than determined to find his friends. "I can't just continue to wait like this, Marshall and Everest could be in danger and need my help, I'm going to get down there now at any cost."

Gearing up in his Spy vests and helmet, he opened his pup house door. The sight made him gasp silently, leaving a bitter taste behind.

Still lying where the Shepherd took his life, the scavenger that attacked first Everest and Marshall, and then attacked him was covered in white fresh snow that fell during the night. If it wasn't for that detail, Chase was sure that he would have seen a pool of blood beneath the body. Chase bit his lip in anger, remembering what he did. It got what it deserved...

He tried one more time to get in contact with Ryder. "Chase to PAW Patrol, can anyone hear me?"

He waited for a response, none came, only static. He tried with Rocky, with Zuma, even with Marshall and Everest, but it all ended up the same way.

Sighing in defeat, Chase walked to the edge of the cliff, from where he saw Marshall's ambulance still there. "Okay, I'll just do it as I planned."

He barked out the transformation of his pup house, it turned into his Spy Cruiser. "Ruff Ruff! Wrench!" he continued. The mechanism triggered the wrench towards him, and he quickly grabbed it. He proceeded to wrap it under his belly and once he did it, he slowly tried to walk over the edge. He made his way down.

As he was about halfway down, he ended up slipping a little and his jaw hit the hard ice pretty hard. Fortunately, he was able to quickly regain his footing, but also felt a little dazed, so he closed his eyes and just stayed in that one spot for a little bit so that once his dizziness went away he could safely get down the rest of the way. That's gonna leave a mark... he thought, rubbing his jaw gently. Better be careful with where I step next time.

The German Shepherd continued to make his way down the cliff and finally, after 10 long minutes, he made it down safely. So he unhooked himself, approached the Ambulance, and opened the doors. Empty.

Before he could even think of an obvious question, he heard growling close to him. His reflexes failed him and he got pushed by a scavenger against the door. Ended up hitting the back of his head pretty hard, that he didn't have time to regain himself when the beast attacked and sunk it's teeth into his front leg, trying it's hardest to cripple Chase's leg, easily drawing blood. Chase reacted this time and dug his claws in the animal's face, one of them landing in its left eye, knocking him off. With a swift move, Chase reached the doors and shut them close before the animal could jump at him again. He fell on his back.

Chase went ahead and took his helmet off and just laid there on his back with his eyes closed, gasping for air. After a few minutes, he opened his eyes and looked down at his leg. Oh, dammit. Of course this would happen...

Unfortunately, as he inspected his injured leg, it became drenched in blood, dripping like rain drops. He tried licking it, but it stung so bad he winced every time he did so. His experience had taught him to look for peroxide for this kind of injury. An infection was the last thing he wanted if he wanted to survive. He began moving everything in the ambulance. "Come on, come on, there's got to be some somewhere."

Finally, he found it, so he took the top off and before he used it. He started taking deep breaths, if just licking it made him curse half the city of Adventure Bay, he knew that what was coming next wouldn't let him enter a church ever again. His self preparation wasn't working too well either.

"O-Ok. Ok, ok, ok,ok! This'll be easy, heh. I mean, I'm a strong pup right? Heh, the strongest of the PAW Patrol. It can't be that bad..." He slowly tipped the bottle over... "Well, here goes noth- GOD DAMMIT, AAHH! THERE WERE JUST A COUPLE OF DROPS, FOR GOD'S SAKE!"

After a while of breathing heavily, he finally calmed down. "M-Man, this bite wound must be more sensitive than I thought. Okay, okay, It's time to just get this over with, I need to continue to look for Everest and Marshall as soon as I can." So, he poured at least half of it in a cup he found, then started taking deep breaths again and just dumped all the peroxide at once on the bite wound and as soon as he did that, he almost jumped right through the roof, yelling and cursing. "_GGGRRRH! HOOOOLY CRAAAAAP! WWWWHHHHYYYYY!"

And he just fell on he side again, weezing and holding his injured leg as he painfully waited for the intense stinging to slow down. After about five minutes, he started to calm his breathing down, then put some anti-biotic cream on the wound and went ahead and wrapped his leg up. "Now I know how a soul condemned to hell must feel like... Screw it, I have to get going."

Chase limped over to the windows, but saw two of those beasts still walking around outside the doors, including the one that bit his leg. He felt rage climb up his body. "That beast is going to pay... he's not getting away with it."

The Spy pup took a couple of deep breaths, quickly opened one of the doors and shot three tranquilizer darts into both of those beast and soon enough, they were out cold. At the first try, yeah! he thought. He then jumped out, but ended up landing on his injured leg wrong and collapsed in pain. Well.. that wasn't too smart of me now, was it?

So after a couple of minutes, the pain started to die down a little bit. He looked at the bandage and saw only one small spot in the cover where it started to bleed again, thankfully, it wasn't much. He limped over to the unconscious scavengers, growling louder than them when they were conscious. And with that, he went ahead and finished them off, and soon enough, the scavengers died.

I don't regret anything.

He left the bodies and walked towards the ambulance again. "Well, that's that now, better go ahead and try to track where Marshall and Everest went now."

He then looked at the sky, a storm start to roll in. "On second thought, I'll wait till the storms over, won't do me any good to search out in a snowstorm and freeze to death... You guys don't mind, do you?" he asked the corpses, snickering.

He turned around, limped back towards the Ambulance, hopped in and closed the doors. Just as he was about to lay down, he spotted Marshall's blanket and said, "Well... I'm sure Marshall won't mind if I use his blanket to keep me warm." he mumbled, cuddling with his own body, when he sensed certain smells. "So... sharing blankets, huh...? Way to go, Marshall."

Several hours passed and the storm made its way everywhere. "I Think we should find a place to stay, there's a storm coming in fast and we won't make it back to the Ambulance in time." said Everest, who after convincing Marshall for the third time that he wasn't in any condition to walk, still had said pup on her back.

Marshall replied, "Okay, but where are we going to stay?"

It didn't take long to Everest to spot a big mound of snow. Some tricks never get old, apparently. "There! Alright, I need to put you down for a second."


Everest put Marshall down gently, and began to dig a deep hole in the big mound of snow. After a few minutes, it was done, so she went ahead and gently picked Marshall up and went inside the mound of snow. She gently put Marshall down. "You doing ok Marshall? Are you in any pain?"

Marshall smiled and replied, "Nope, I'm okay for now."

Everest gave him a small smile and went ahead and huddled close to him and said, "Well, we should probably try to get some rest while we wait out the storm."

Marshall smiled back his usual warm smile and nodded, and went ahead and closed his eyes to try and get some rest. Everest, once again, felt this strange feeling once Marshall smiled warmly at a feeling that they were growing closer than just friends. It felt good to be with him, but at the same time she worried more for him, and couldn't help but think that this was all her fault. Protecting him would be her own mission.

She gave him a small smile and decided to try and get some rest too. There was a long journey ahead of them.

Well, What Do You Think? I Haven't Written Anything In Like Forever, So i Apologize If I Got A Little Rusty. I Am So, So, So (10,000x's) sorry for the delay, I've just been so busy with work and all that I just hadn't had the time to do much with this story, I promise though I'll try to be better at Updating this.

Anyway, Well, Hope You Liked It! Be Sure To R&R! :D

Till Next Time! ;)

~MarshallXEverest-Kovu 01