I wanna thank my betas "Yoshiblack16" and "Cannibal-hymm" for helping me with the translation.

Chapter 1

~Ding Dong~

"Cooomiiiiiiiing!" Luffy yelled as he ran through the hall.

"You're going to fall and I'll laugh. Just saying" Ace told him from his room.

"We'll see who falls before, sleepyhead!" Luffy got to the door and opened it with a smile on his face.

"Nami, Robin!" Luffy threw himself on top of them and hugged them.

"Luffy, let me go! You're going to mess up my hair, can't you see I've curled it?!" Nami complained freeing herself from his arms.

"Nami-san, come on don't be a flirt, it's a normal party, right Luffy-san?"

"Of course! You didn't have to dress up, it's too much work!"

Nami sighed, she should have known.

"I hear noises, is your brother home?" The dark haired woman asked looking down the hall.

"He is, but he's leaving in a while, he's going to meet with someone" Luffy closed the door and made a gesture for them to follow him to the living room. Balloons, drinks and food in abundance filled the place; a radio could be seen, as well as the furniture.

"He's going out? The same day as your party? By the way, congratulations Luffy, I'm glad you got the part" Said Robin with a smile as she sat on the couch.

"Thanks! Yes, but I don't really care, as long as you guys are here!"

"That's right, congratulation, even though I already told you on class, also, who's he going out with? If we may know" said Nami with curiosity as she served herself a snack. It was a piece of bread with a dash of cheese on top, you could tell it was made by Luffy, it was so improvised, spontaneous, simple like him. None of this have any meat on them… he must have a tray filled with it just for him, so selfish! the redhead laughed.

"No idea, ask him" Luffy was jumping around the room. He was waiting for all the guests to arrive.

At that moment there was a knock at the door..

"I'll get it…" said Ace as he walked down the hall. He opened the door and without looking at who it was he proceeded to check himself on the mirror. He was getting ready to leave.

It was Usopp, Franky and Brook.

"Guys! This is great, we're almost complete!" Luffy raised his voice with emotion.

"Usopp, you didn't say Robin was going to be here! Hell, I'd have used more hair gel or something" the blue haired man grumbled, earning a laugh from Usopp.

"Brook, could you take off that damn skeleton mask for once? It's too creepy"

"Nami-san, dear, I'll do it as soon as you let me see your panties" he said as he bowed down.

"NEVER" the redhead answered with a demoniac glare that scared Brook and made him hide behind Robin.

Everybody started to take their seats, Nami on the armchair, Usopp on a sitting puff, Franky beside Robin on the couch, and Brook as far away from Nami as he could, on top of a cushion on the floor. He actually wanted to sit next to Robin, but Franky threw him a warning glare and so he decided on the spot he was on now.

"Who's missing? Sanji, right?" asked Usopp making a gesture to Nami for her to pass him a soda.

"And Zoro" Franky answered as he started drinking his.

"Well, we better not wait for him." Nami said and everyone laughed. "I think he was coming with Sanji since they live close by…" Before she could finish the sentence, Ace entered the room.

" Oh, Ace! You look handsome! I hadn't realized… You're looking hot!" She said in an appreciative tone. "By the way," There was a mischievous glint in her eyes. Ace was still fixing his hair; he was trying to go for an effortless look. Luffy's older brother made a gesture to let Nami know he was paying attention to her. "Who are you going out with?" Nami and Robin's gazes could intimidate anyone.

"Ah, with Marco and Smoker. We're going to a bar. They say it's a cool place, we'll see if it's true. It's called Birds, or something like that."

"Don't Marco and Smoker hate each other?" Robin asked. Nami's face was on the verge of breaking into a hysterical laugh.

I don't know if Ace knows what he's getting into. She thought.

"Yeah…" he made a pause as if he doubted himself "but they both wanted to take me there today, so I told them all three of us could go together, and well, they didn't really complained…" There, he made a pause. "I don't know why they hate each other so much, to be honest"

"I wonder why would that be?" Nami said sarcastically, looking at Robin with a smirk. "Well, I hope you have fun, you can tell us later what was so special about that place". They held their gazes on the older brother. They knew something the rest didn't, that's for sure.

"Ah, sure" Ace started to feel uncomfortable. Their looks gave him the chills. "Well, I'll be going now…" He went to the door without giving his back smiling nervously. Just as he was going out, someone rang the bell again. He opened the door and saw Sanji and Zoro. "Wow, that's what I call being late" Just as Sanji was opening his mouth to retort, Ace cut him "Well, come in, I'm getting the hell out of here. Those two scare the shit out of me…" He grabbed his cowboy hat and left.

"And he's wearing that hat!" Nami and Robin couldn't stop laughing. Everybody looked at them without understanding what was happening. "Well, listen here you idiots, it's a gay bar and today there's a semaphore party. It's a pretty promiscuous party, as you enter, they stamp you on a visible part of your body: green if you're free, yellow if you're on an open relationship, separated, or you're just very selective, and red if you're taken. But of course, who goes to a party like that and wear red?! Poor Ace… he won't be able to sit for a month"

"It's because Marco looks like a total stud…" Robin said, letting her perverted side out on the light.

"And have you seen Smoker? Poor Ace his gay ass is going to be sore tomorrow" Nami laughed.

The faces of the men on the room were beet red.

"What's "gay" Robin? And why is my brother's ass going to be sore?" the black eyed asked.

I'll ignore the second question. The woman mused.

"Mmm… do you know what being heterosexual means?" she answered.


"Then I'll tell you when you grow up."

"I'm already a grown up! I'm 17!"

"I'm sorry, Captain, but you need to be even older than that…" she said with a smirk on her face.

"Captain?" Sanji asked, lighting a cigarette as he entered the room.

"He is, he got the role of the "Pirate King" on the play they made on the theatre club from high school" Nami answered with pride.

"So that was the reason behind this party…" Zoro walked into the room "By the way, sorry for being late. But remember, It's better to arrive late than to arrive ugly."

"And somehow, Marimo. You always manage to do both" the blond deadpanned, and everyone laughed.

"Sushi eyebrows! Don't get it started, we just got here!"

"Well, so what's the plan?" Franky tried getting closer to Robin on the couch trying to avoid her to realize what he was trying to do.

"To have fun!" the black haired man shouted.

"Good plan, simple and easy to remember." said Usopp with sarcasm.

"I'm going to serve some decent snacks… it's impossible that Garp doesn't have any real food on the fridge. Aside from that, where is he?" the blond said.

"He had work, he's coming back tomorrow, I guess." Luffy answered. Sanji went down the hall.

Zoro sat on the floor "When you come back bring me some sake!"

"Move your ass and get it yourself!" Sanji's voice could be heard from the kitchen.

"Mmm, we could play never have I ever" Usopp suddenly suggested.

"How do you play it?" the green haired man asked with curiosity.

"I can't believe that you don't know how it's played Zoro-kun" the dark haired woman laughed "You're so young"

"Hey! I do know how it goes" Franky answered, as he still tried getting closer without any success; Robin started to notice his intentions.

"Me too, Robin-san. I'm older than you, respect your elders!" Brook said feigning offense.

"Well, the game consists in someone saying 'Never have I ever… done whatever', and everyone who has done that at some point in their lives, must drink. It's basically a game made to get everybody drunk, and fast... If you can choose correctly, of course"

"It's sounds interesting, I have a great resistance" Zoro laughed mockingly.

"Let's play then, it'll be fun" Nami said.

Sanji arrived with a tray filled with delicious snacks, with pâté spread over and little slices of pineapple on top. He handed over a bottle of sake to Zoro, and then sat on the armrest of the couch where Nami was sitting next to Zoro.

"Well, you're being nice today, aren't you cook?" Zoro smiled cockily.

"I just bought it because I knew we needed it for the game. I heard you from the kitchen. Don't think I did it for you, green marmot."

"Ok, ok. You're my slave, now silence, dart brow!" he enjoyed fighting him.

"I'm going to…!" Before he could kick Zoro, Nami grabbed his arm and Sanji stopped to smile at her.

"Let's start!" Brook said as he walked across the room. "Wait," He stood in front of a window. "Is that a deer?" The man pointed outside the window. "There, outside, it's a deer!" Luffy ran towards the window and stuck his face on the cold glass.

Usopp also raised and went over to see "it's not a deer, it's a reindeer idiot! But… why the hell is a reindeer doing on your garden Luffy?!" Brook took advantage of the distraction and stole Usopp's place. "Damn you!" He ended up sitting on the chair "I liked that sitting puff!" and so, everybody ignored the fact that there was a reindeer on the garden.

"Me too, it adapts to my curves! My body needs to be treated carefully!" the musician said.

"You're man, what curves are you talking about?!" Zoro shouted.

"Sanji-san is also a man and he has curves!" Brook answered.

Zoro barked a laugh, falling on his back "Eyebrows! Hahahahaha!" Sanji would eventually kick him.

"Brook, I won't ask again, take of that mask." Nami could be frightening.

"Show me your panties."


"Well, let's play!" Luffy interrupted and everyone nodded.

"I'll start," said Nami with a smile. "Never have I ever… fucked on a roof."

"Nami, how do you fuck someone?" Luffy's question left everyone pale.

"Luffy, you don't drink." a blushing Usopp answered. Sanji and Robin drank. Franky blushed.

"My turn" Robin said "Never have I ever traveled overseas on an impulse"

"What a question, Robin..." Nami seemed disappointed.

"I was looking for one to make Luffy drink at least something." she laughed. She came closer to Nami's ear and whispered. "If we get Luffy drunk, which I don't think will take too long, he'll fall asleep and we'll make the real questions…" Nami smirked. Robin, Nami, Luffy, Franky and Sanji drank.

"Never have I ever… had a fuck buddy." Franky threw his card to see if he had hope. Robin, Franky and Sanji drank.

"Well! It's my turn! Never have I… ever… ate poop!" Luffy waited for anyone to drink, but they limited themselves to watching him.

"No one, Luffy." everyone answered at the same time.

"Never have I ever eaten meat" Zoro said with a mischievous grin. Everybody looked at Luffy with a hopeful smile. Everybody drank, but Luffy fell asleep with the first sip of alcohol.

"I can't believe it, he's already asleep! Zoro, what've you done?!"

"Hey, it's not my fault! The narcoleptic is Ace!" said Zoro. Brook put a pillow under his head and let him sleep.

"Well, now we can start the game. Never have I ever… spied on a woman while she was changing" Nami murmured darting her suspicious look between the men in the room.

Usopp, Brook and Sanji drank.

"Usopp?! I wasn't expecting that!" said Nami scandalized.

"Don't worry, I just watched Kaya!"

"That's not excuse" She breathed deeply. "Whatever, let's keep going…"

"Never have I ever… drank until I passed out." Said the green haired young man. Everybody looked at him and thought. That's a lie, he better drink too. Sanji, Franky and Zoro – this last one obliged by his friends - drank.

"Never have I ever had sex with someone of my same gender." The cook needed to know if he could imagine the redhead having sex with other women, just thinking about it… he started to drool. No one drank.

Lame liars. He thought.

"Never have I ever transferred booze to someone else's mouth with a kiss." Nami looked at Robin with a smirk, she laughed and grabbed the bottle. Before everyone's gazes, she took a sip, got closer to Franky and kissed him, transferring the alcohol to his mouth. Franky was beet red, but reacted on time and drank before it started falling down his chin.

"Guess I must drink, then" said Franky with laugh, still blushing.

"Never have I ever had a wet dream with someone in this room"

"Robin, Robin, Robin… what's going through your mind?" said Usopp. Robin, Franky, Sanji and Brook drank.

Some drinks later, the alcohol started to have its effect on everyone, and on the room laughs and music reigned.

"Hey, guys! Let's play spin the bottle!" said Franky out of the blue.

"Ok, Sanji, take away the bottle from Zoro and hand it over to me" Usopp said. Sanji got close to Zoro, who hugged the bottle as if it were a treasure.

"Marimo… behave and give me the bottle, come on be a good boy…" he told Zoro as if he were talking to a child.

"No. It's mine. Go find your own bottle, curly."

"Give it to me, you damn kiwi!" Sanji threw himself on Zoro and started to yank the bottle.

"You're so childish…" Robin mumbled. And Franky nodded like a good child trying to be liked by his teacher.

Once Sanji had the bottle in his power, he handed it over to Usopp. "Well, rules: we make it spin, to whoever it points must choose between kiss or dare. If they choose kiss, the bottle must spin again to see who they must kiss; first is a peck, if the same person is chosen twice, French kiss, three times and we lock you both on a room for 20 minutes. Understand that if you got the same person three times, it must be destiny" he laughed "if you choose dare, it can be anything, except kissing, of course. Is everyone ok with the rules?

"I don't want to play."

"Zoro-san, don't be a spoilsport." Brook replied from the sitting puff.

"I won't play, I don't want to kiss anybody on this room, and I'm terrified to think what kind of dare you all will come up with. Nothing good can come out of this."

"Zoro…" Nami's face turned dark and terrifying.


"You will play."

"I said no."

"Oh, yes you will, because it seems you left one of your katanas in my room the other day, do you remember? When we were making our history homework. If you don't play, not only will I never return it to you, I'll also pawn it."

"You can't do that!"

"Try me, bitch" Nami was frightening, everyone agreed "I wonder how much would I get for it…"

"Damn you, witch! All right…" Zoro spat. He hated her so much at that moment.

"Oi, Marimo, don't say that to Nami or I'll pluck that golf course you have for head!"

"You want to fight?!" Zoro stood up, and they both glared at each other. Their gazes collided with the intensity of a thunder. Robin made the calm down with her tranquil voice.

"Well, I'll start" Usopp made the bottle spin. "Nami! Kiss or dare?"

"Damn… this is no fun… anyway, dare. You're neither Sanji nor Brook so I'm not scared."

"Make her show her panties!" Brook yelled as he squirmed on his puff.

"Shut up! Usopp is who decides, not you!" Nami precisely feared that kind of petitions.

Usopp smirked. "What Brook just said"

"Son of a… I pass, I'll give a piece of clothing" She took of her jacket.

"Nami, they'll keep on requesting the same… so, if you keep it going like this, you'll end up naked, which is the same in the end." Robin was right.

"Fuck, when did I agree on playing this?"

"Now have a taste of your own medicine, harpy!" Zoro laughed.

"By the end of this I'll kill you, you'll see" Sanji said as he smoked.

Nami threw the bottle to spin. "Well, well, well, isn't it your turn, Roronoa Zoro…!" She laughed in a diabolical way and everybody shook in fear. "Choose, kiss or dare."

"There's no fucking way I'll choose kiss! I won't kiss Robin, she's with Franky."

"Technically, no. They've just kissed once before, I can still dream." Brook interrupted.

"I won't kiss Nami, I'd kill her if you get her close to me and I won't kiss a man."

"You're so obtuse." Usopp said.

"You're too close minded." Sanji commented.

"Oh, yeah? You kiss a man! Kiss one in this room!" Zoro was testing him to see if he was a hypocrite or not.

"I will... when it's my turn!" Sanji yelled without much trust in his own words.

"That we'll see, tornado face"

"Well, it's enough. Zoro, you slip away from this…" Nami said "Dare? Mmmm, very well, you'll… caress Sanji's chest"

"Fuck that! What kind of dare is that!?"

"Nami, sweetheart, if you'd like I'll caress your turgid and voluptuous chest, but don't make that marimo touch me, come on!" Sanji whined.

"Zoro, do it, or hand over some of your clothes"

"Clothes!" he took off his shirt and left it on the floor between Sanji and himself. He wanted it close so he could put it on again as soon as he could.

"Boring" Nami mumbled.

Zoro made the bottle spin "Usopp, choose."

"Mmm, dare."

"Call Kaya and confess." He said sharply.

"Come on, don't be like that! If I confess… I'll do it face to face, not like this… clothes." he took off his shirt and threw it to a corner of the room. "Do something or we'll all end up naked, orgies don't have any appeal to me". He laughed, but not too loud. He didn't want to wake Luffy up, who was still lying down on the floor like a log.

Usopp threw the bottle. "Brook, Brook, Brook… choose, dare or kiss"

"What an absurd question! Kiss, of course!"

"Finally someone chooses it!" the long-nose laughed, and made the bottle spin to see who was the lucky one. "Nami!" He barked a laugh. "Come on, kiss, kiss!"

"Tsk…" the redhead wasn't having any fun at the moment.

"Come on… it's just a peck, plus, Brook isn't bad at all, right Brook?"

"Of course, I'm a sex-symbol, and everybody knows it"

"Well, at least you'll have to take off that mask"

"For a kiss, Nami-san? Of course, dear." He got up from the puff and got close to where she was. He bent down to be of her height and got close to her face as he pulled up his mask, enough for him to kiss her. But as he was close to do it, Nami turned the situation.

"Clothes!" she took off her heels and dropped them on the floor next to the couch.

"Nami-san, I'm offended!" Brook really wanted that kiss.

"Well don't, I don't want you to have any material for you to jerk off later" the redheaded answered with a serious tone.

"I'll imagine it anyways, Yohohohoho!" Brook turned around going towards his seat, but he saw that Usopp already stole it from him. "Traitor! You'll pay for your audacity! Give my puff back!" They started to struggle. Brook tried to take him off the seat, but Usopp put his whole strength on his ass to press down.

And then, Usopp's cell phone rang, he took it and went to the hall to answer it.

"Yes! I recovered my precious puff! Yohohohoho!" Brook fell into madness, all that for a puff. Everybody looked at him with serious gazes and asking for patience to whatever is out there.

Usopp came back to the living room. "Sorry guys, I have to go get Kaya. She went to a party and got drunk, it's not far from here. I've to get sure she gets home well". He went to pick up his shirt.

"Don't take the bike, you're just as drunk, take the bus!" she made a pause "Oh, and Usopp? If I hear you took advantage of her, I'll blackmail Zoro with his katana and make him cut off your balls. Then I'll make Sanji cook them, search for the reindeer on the garden and make it eat them" said Nami.

"First, I'd never do that…" he said goodbye to Brook with a glare for having stole his puff, and touch Luffy on the head, who had turned into a sleeping sack of potatoes. "… even if I had spied on her while she changed that time I took her shopping." he said goodbye to Franky by bumping his fist and from Robin with two kisses, one in each cheek, "Second, congratulations on making Sanji and Zoro work as a team." He nodded them goodbye, and they didn't know what to respond to what he just said. "And third, I don't think reindeers eat meat" he gave a kiss to Nami on the cheek, who was still mad at him for accepting Brook's suggestion of making her show her underwear, and he went off the house before the redhead stood up to hit him.

"Well, there're just six of us left… Luffy doesn't count" an amused Robin mentioned.

"Then let's stop playing, right?" Zoro answered trying to run from this horrid game.

"Roronoa Zoro… you won't come out clean from this one, I warn you… you're going to play and have the worst time of your life" Nami had gone insane, she felt powerful over the green-haired man. Zoro was terrified, so much that he got a little closer to Sanji without realizing. Robin, Franky and Brook were having the time of their lives with what they were seeing. And Sanji enjoyed watching Zoro in that state, so vulnerable beside the hot red-haired that acted so dominant.

Brook spun the bottle. "Robin-san, choose, kiss or dare."

"Kiss" She answered. Franky got nervous on his spot. He didn't want her to kiss any other of the guys. Kissing Nami didn't worry him much…

"Well, well, Robin-san… how bold… I like that! Yohohohoho" he made the bottle spin again and it pointed towards Nami. "Nami-san… I feel sorry for having to tell you… that you'll be in my fantasies tonight even though you didn't kiss me, Yohohohoho"

"Tsk, damn you… whatever, if it's Robin I've got no problem, I've my sexuality clear." she laughed, and gave Robin a peck. Sanji started to have a massive nose bleed, and fell to his high on Zoro's lap.

"Oi, ero-cook, get off me, don't stain me with your perverted blood!" He tried to lift him up, but all the blood from his body seemed to had distributed between his head and his crotch; trying to get him up, the blond put on resistance unconsciously.

Robin made the bottle spin. "Sanji-san" Sanji got up as if nothing had happened, and tried staying that way with his hand, on top of Zoro's shirt, supporting him, as he was still dizzy. "Choose, kiss or dare"

Sanji had no doubt. "Kiss!" I've a chance of kissing Nami-swan! Robin spun the bottle.

"With…" the bottle stopped spinning. "Zoro" Everybody started to choke on their hysterical laughs, trying to avoid waking up the blackhead.

Zoro and him went pale, and looked at each other. Sanji took a deep breath and got closer to him. The blonde realized his heart beating too fast. What…?

"Clothes!" Zoro yelled as he got as far from Sanji as he could. Nami and Robin seemed disappointed. Fucking fujoshis. He thought.

"Then you say I'm not capable of kissing a man on this room!" he had a drag of his almost finished cigarette. "I was going to show you I'm no hypocrite, but it's better this way."

I'm disappointed? This can't be… Sanji was surprised by this realization but didn't show it. "Plus, you're the one who has to take his clothes off" he smiled arrogantly.

Zoro took off his shoes and threw them on the back of the couch. "Well, there it is. I just saved us a life filled with nightmares. You should thank me" he smiled.

The cook hid his face behind his fringe as he lighted up another cigarette. "Nah…" he mumbled. He did it unconsciously, so low that no one heard him.

Did I say that out loud?

Or almost no one.

What did… he…? Whatever. Zoro thought.

"Spin it, ero-cook." Zoro answered, changing the subject.

Sanji spun the bottle, getting back to normal. "Franky, choose."

"Kiss." He answered, giving a wink to Robin.

Sanji threw the bottle again. "Nami!" he whined. "Franky, take off your clothes right now!"

"Don't even doubt it!" Franky took of his hawaiian shirt and left it on the armrest. Sanji took a deep breath, looking relieved.

Franky spun. "Brook… kiss, right?"

"You do know me! If you were a woman I'd have already flirted with you."

He spun the bottle again. "Thanks… I guess" he got the chills "Zoro." Everybody laughed again.

"This game hates me... Bottle, I thought we were friends!" the green-haired answered. Sanji couldn't stop laughing.

"Zoro-san… I won't take off any clothes, this is a personal challenge. I'm not glad I have to kiss another man, but I do like leaving you without a chance of rejecting another kiss." Brook stood up from his puff and walked towards Zoro slowly. "It will be fun for everyone. Plus, you're the only one who has rejected everything until now…"

Damn fudanshi! Zoro cursed inwardly.

"Clothes!" Zoro yelled desperately. He took off his pants while Brook went back to his seat, more than satisfied.

"You'll end up naked, Roronoa Zoro" Nami said with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "And all of this because you forgot your things on others houses… you always lose everything, and then you get lost" everybody laughed " … I wouldn't be surprised if you lost an eye or something"

"Usurious harpy…" mumbled the man in question.

"That's it! I'll fucking kill you!" Sanji, who still on top of Zoro's shirt, used that hand to support his weight as he swung his legs on a typical break-dance movement, hitting Zoro square on the face, making him fall on his back.

"Sanji-san, hat a great rhythm! You could be a dancer, Yohohoho!"

Zoro stayed still on the floor, the hit had left him stunned for a moment. He turned his face toward his aggressor. Sanji recovered his initial position with a surprising speed and finesse.

He's still on top of my shirt, he's going to stain it! Zoro fretted.

He passed his right hand over his face looking for a bump, blood or anything of the like, but he came out with nothing. He sat up in silence as the rest talked. About what, he didn't know because he wasn't paying attention. Sanji moved his fingers, caressing the greenhead wrinkled shirt. Zoro frowned.

"Oi, don't wrinkle it more of what it already is" the green-haired said. Sanji turned towards him and looked him in the eye puzzled and he stopped doing it. Had he done it unconsciously? Zoro thought. "Emm… it doesn't matter" Weird.

"Well, let's keep going" Brook spun the bottle. "Sanji-san again, what will you choose now?"

"Dare, for the sake of variety" he smiled.

"Very well, what shall I oblige you to do?" the masked man mused.

"Make him caress Zoro's chest!" said Nami with an evil gaze.

"Nami-swan! Don't be cruel, I'm not like him!" the blonde tried to convince the redhead with plaintive looks at the floor, while she observed with superiority from her sit, as if it was a throne.

Nami scratched him under his chin, beckoning him closer on a sensual way. "Sanji-kun… is the only way we can annoy him, you understand, right?" She stopped scratching, getting closer to his face, separated by only some centimeters.

"Yeeeeeeeees! Nami—swaaaaaaaaaaannnn!" Sanji fell on his back propelled by the blood that came from his nose.

"Sanji! Be careful! You'll stain my clothes, blood is hard to clean!" Nami yelled angrily.

The blonde made a gesture to make her know he understood and looked towards Zoro. "I could take off my shirt, but…" You could perfectly do it, yes, but? "If Nami-swan asks I can't say no" That's right, repeat that to yourself.

"Cook… don't touch me!"

"Oi, Marimo, it's just a touch…" Shit, my heart is beating fast again. What the fuck is going on with me?! "Don't talk as if I was going to rape you." Sanji laughed nervously, which went unnoticed by everyone, except the archeologist. The blonde looked at him with a serious expression and, still on top of the green-head's shirt, stretched his arm in order to touch him.

Zoro made an unpleasant gesture. He couldn't take off anymore clothes. He only had his underwear left, and there was no way he was doing that. He started to sweat. And so, finally, he let Sanji do what he had to.

The blonde put his hand over his chest, just below his neck, and started to bring it down in a caress without taking his gaze away from him.

Fuck! What… why do I feel this way?! This is absurd! He gulped.

Sanji was making the caress last too long, he was already passing by his abdomen. Zoro blushed lightly and squirmed, an action that Sanji noticed but said nothing about.

He fought with all he had to keep his blush at bay, so none of his nakama could see it, but someone seemed to see it, even through a mask.

"Zoro-san, you're blushing" Brook commented.

Zoro swatted Sanji's hand. "Stop saying such stupid things!" he made it seem as if the blush was for yelling at Brook with such an angered tone.

Sanji sat straight again, without lifting his hand off the shirt.

What did… just… happened…?

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