Disclaimer: I do not, nor ever will, own any rights to Teen Wolf and Vampire Diaries. They belong solely to the creators, writers and whoever may genuinely own any rights. I am not making any money from this, this work only has the sole purpose to satisfy myself and other fans.

Now onto the story!


Panting heavily, she dodged passed bushes and fallen branches. Desperate to get away from the snarling beasts at her heels, she propels herself forward by pushing against the trees. Mind reeling with all the possibilities of what her fate would be, tears slide down her face in a stream. Her hands were cut and bloody, yet she pressed them over her mouth anyway in order to quieten her sobs. The moon shone brightly, like a 1000-Watt bulb, causing her to squint in order to see where she was treading. She racked her brain to remember why she was out in the middle of the woods at midnight, alone.

A howl broke out throughout the dead silence of the woods. She sobbed and tried to run faster, but her feet and legs were tired. Stumbling to the ground, she sobbed harder, knowing that this was the end. She had only been sixteen for a week, and she was going to die! The snarls and growls grew closer. She was dead, or will be in a few minutes. The thought that she'd die before she gets chance to participate in the family tradition made her sob even harder, but a deep growl from her left made her freeze.

A rustle in the bushes made her heart stop. Slowly, she turned to face the sound, shaking uncontrollably. Standing halfway through the bush, was a large wolf. The light of the moon allowed her to see that the wolf's fur was a charcoal grey colour that faded into black around the face and paws. The eyes were a bright glowing red. The wolf's muzzle was pulled back into a snarl. A whimper escaped her at the sight of more wolves emerging from the bushes behind the first wolf, as it stepped forward. Her eyes widened in terror.

The wolf with red eyes stepped towards her, as the other wolves waited. She tried to shuffle backwards away from the wolf, but her right leg protested. Whimpering, she squeezed her eyes shut, praying for this to all be a nightmare. As she tried to regulate her breathing, cause doesn't a heart beating as fast a bullet just excite a wild animal like a wolf. She opened her eyes at the feel of warm huffs of breath against her face. The first thing her eyes focused on was the wolf's eyes. There was something about them, they seem to be relaying a message, but not quite. The second thing she saw, was the large and deep gash in her right leg. Huh, must be why her right leg was aching more than the left one. The pain hasn't hit her yet, hasn't exploded like fireworks on bonfire night. Oh, right, adrenaline. She casted her eyes back passed the wolf to see the rest of the pack, to see them and sat down on their haunches, watching and waiting. She looked back to the wolf in front of her, holding her breath, waiting for it to strike.

The wolf cocked its head to the left, as if the wolf was assessing her. Slowly, it bent its head down towards her left leg, teeth bared. Her eyes widened, then scrunched tightly closed. Sharp teeth grazed against her leg, and all of a sudden, snapped shut. Her eyes flew open as she half screamed half sobbed. Looking down towards her leg, she saw the wolf biting at the tree root she hadn't noticed she gotten trapped in. A breath rushed up from her lungs and out through her mouth in relief at the realization she still had at least one leg whole, and not bleeding. The wolf raised its head to look at her, gaze intense and knowing.

Without realising, she had lifted her hand up towards the wolf's nose. The wetness of the nose startled her into a state of alertness. She was compelled to run her fingers through the wolf's fur. A soft rumble like whine rose from the wolf's chest, similar to a purr. She giggled hysterically at the sheer bizarre fact that she was sat there stroking a purring wolf. The same wolf, who just moments ago, she thought was trying to kill and eat her. The wolf lowered its head back down to the leg, nudging it lightly with its nose. She scratched behind its ears, feeling affection for the damn wolf growing each passing second.

The other wolves whined quietly, seeming distressed. She was confused, wondering what could cause their distress, until a shot rang out through the silence of the night air, shortly followed by raised voices. Startled, she struggled to her feet, pulling herself up using the tree. As panic settled in, she tried to shoo the wolves away once she'd righted herself. The wolves barked, refusing to leave. Were they shaking their heads? The shouts sounded like they were getting closer. Seconds away from a panic attack, she turned and fled, not wanting to be caught up in possible crossfire. The wolves ran alongside her. The wolf that approached her, which she's assuming is the alpha, often butted its head against her leg as they ran, as if as a reminder that she's not in this alone.

Darting passed countless trees, she desperately tried to lose the sound of gunfire. The alpha wolf barked, trying to get her attention. She glanced down at the wolf, realising it was signalling her to follow it with its head. She followed the wolf through the woods without a single thought of if she was being led back to its den to be eaten. She somehow felt that she could trust this wolf, deep down, she knew it would never lead he astray. As they ran, she noticed the ground was becoming more worn down looking, as if it had been walked over countless times. She ran faster, muscles protesting. The only thing that the appearance of the man-made footpath could possibly mean, was that she was nearly home. Finally!

She forced herself to stop in order to catch her breath. The sound of gunfire had stopped. She leant against the closest tree, gulping in the precious clean light air. The air here was so different from further into the woods. Here, it was light and comforting, whereas deep into the woods, it was heavy and suffocating. Once she felt she was okay to walk the rest, she started moving. The alpha wolf barked once and the others turned and ran back into the woods. Confused, she looked towards the remaining wolf as they walked on. It had its head held high, emitting an air of confidence only a wild predator like itself could. The tree line started to open up, and she could see a light up ahead. She jogged slowly towards the light, hoping beyond belief that she was about to stumble into her own back yard and not someone else's. The sight of her kitchen window and backdoor, made her whole body sag in relief, that she just dropped onto the floor after passing the treeline. She futilely gripped the grass in a hug, as tears fell down her face, happy to be home. A rustle from behind her reminded her of the wolf that accompanied her. She sat up and turned towards the wolf, and held out her hand, beckoning it to come closer.

"Come here. I'd like to thank you for not eating me. Or letting the others eat me. That's very much appreciated. I don't even know if you can understand me, but you seem like you're a smart wolf, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. You quite possibly just-no, definitely saved me from a cold and lonely death. Thank you. Now scram, before my pops come out the house and sees you, he'll have his shotgun out faster than you could blink. Great, now I'm rambling on to a wolf that can't understand a single word I'm saying. It must be the adrenaline. Yeah, that's it." She patted the wolf on its side, a gently pushed it toward the trees, so it would understand. The wolf nudged her leg one last time before trotting off into the trees, howling to its pack.

She sat like that for another five minutes before she heard a shout from not too far into the trees.

"MOLLIE! MOLLIE, WHERE ARE YOU?" Huh, that sounded an awful lot like her pops. Wait, she glanced at back at the backdoor, only now just realising it had been left wide open. Her pops would never leave it open like that…unless he'd left off in a rush into the woods looking for her! Of course! The gunshots from before!

"Pops! I'm here! I'm home!" She shouted back. Her father burst out from the trees, dropping his shotgun. He rushed over to her, gathering her into a giant hug.

"Oh my god, I thought you were dead! What was you thinking, going out all alone into those woods at midnight? You know what I always told you about that!" He spoke, his words tumbling out so fast, she'd only just made out what he'd said.

"I know, I'm pops, I can't even remember why I went out there." Her father pulled back from his hug to get a good look at her, when he spotted her leg.

"Come on, up you get, we'll need to get you inside and sort that leg out. Then we're going to have a long talk out tonight when we've woke up tomorrow morning, okay?" He said. She just nodded her head, and got up and made her way inside with her father's help. For the rest of the night, and throughout her dreams, all that she could think about was that alpha wolf.

Who are you?