A/N -Thank you for being patient with this one- there's always something about final chapters that make me rewrite them a zillion times! Final chapter? Yeah, sorry I forgot to warn you in the last chapter that this would be the final one (I know I mentioned it in the original A/N that it was only 6 chapters long but that seems ages ago now). So, I wanted to jump in now to ensure you don't get a horrible surprise when it gets to the (very short, blink and you miss it) epilogue!

Full of built-up nerves and anxiety, Monica stood outside the penthouse clutching the envelope in a death-grip as she tried to summon the courage to ring the doorbell. She could do this. She had to do this. Chandler was waiting for her and he'd said he was willing to finally explain everything…so why was she still standing the wrong side of the door?

Taking a deep breath and telling herself to just get on with it, she reached out a trembling hand, a pointed-finger ready to press the bell when the door suddenly flew open and she had to jump out of the way or else collide with Mrs Bing.

"Monica!" Nora gasped, a hand going to her chest, which was barely contained by the low-cut dress she wore. "You frightened the life out of me, honey."

"Hi Mrs Bing, I'm uh, sorry for coming around so late but-"

"Nonsense dear and please call me Nora; I'm nobody's Mrs." Nora's eyes ran over her critically, "I'm actually extremely relieved to see you here, you have no idea."

"Really?" she asked confused, a frown crossing her face as she wondered just how much his mom knew about everything.

"Yes, but not as much as Chandler will be. His current mood is actually why I'm on my way out…but I'm sure that will drastically improve once he sees you."

"Oh," she blushed a little, hoping that was true.

"I tried to explain to him that in all my romance novels there is always some kind of misunderstanding between the hero and heroine. It makes it all the more sweeter when the couple finally come together and have that oh-so-wonderful and passionate first time...but he wouldn't listen to me. I don't think he was quite in the mood for my advice…not that he ever is"

"Oh." She blushed harder, fiddling with her handbag strap. "Um…"

Nora chuckled at her flushed face, reopening the front door for her, "Go. He's out brooding on the terrace." She shooed her in the general direction of her son, "Don't worry, I'll be gone until morning," she winked.

Monica widened her eyes in surprise before ducking her head and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Not quite sure how to respond, she finally settled with an, "Ok, thanks,"

The older woman chuckled again, "Good night, Monica and go gentle on him."

With that Nora walked away and taking a deep breath Monica entered the apartment, hesitantly closing the door behind her. Butterflies started to rise in her stomach, her hands hugging the envelope to her like a safety blanket as she weaved her way through the rooms, making it to the small bar area.

She paused in the doorway, watching as he poured himself a drink, his back to her.

"Got another one of those?" she asked.

Chandler spun round surprised, his mouth hanging open almost dropping the lit cigarette.

"Hey," he greeted once the initial shock had worn off, a cute nervous smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"Hey," she repeated, running her eyes over him. He was still dressed in his waiter uniform, though the top button was undone and the dark red tie loosened but still knotted.

"You're actually here."

"Yeah, so it would seem," she offered him a quick somewhat nervous grin. "Can I, uh get that drink?"

"Oh right! Sure," he nodded quickly, "Um, Scotch?"

"I'd prefer red wine, if you have any?"

"Of course, what kind of establishment would this be without red wine?" he quipped taking a last puff on the cigarette before he stubbed it out in the already over-flowing ashtray. "Actually, it's one of my mom's favorite drinks so there's always plenty in stock and she doesn't like the cheap stuff so it should be good."

He easily poured her drink and walked over to her, handing her the wineglass. He didn't move away, he stayed standing close to her as his eyes held hers; probably trying to get a clue to how she'd taken everything.

"You wanna head outside?" he eventually suggested, gesturing towards the empty terrace.

"Sounds good," she agreed, following him out into the crisp night air.

She looked up into the dark sky, enjoying the slight breeze as he took the glass from her hand and placed them both down onto the table, before turning to face her. Slowly his blue eyes moved from hers and onto the envelope she was holding.

"You, uh got it then?"

"Yeah, I did," she nodded, holding it out to him. With a confused frown he cautiously took it, turning it over in his hands but not opening it. "It's a really good script Chandler, I think you should use it…send it to the tv people or whatever it is you do."

"Really?" he asked surprised, still frowning. "You're serious? I thought you'd be mad as hell at me?"

"It's funny," she stated simply. "You should be proud of it."

He stared at her another beat clearly in shock before swallowing and finally nodding, "Thank you," he placed it down on the table. His eyes then dropped to his shoes as he shuffled them slightly before looking up and meeting her gaze. "Look, even though you're not mad now, I'm still sorry, Monica. If I'd told you about it sooner or at least had the balls to show it to you then you wouldn't have gotten hurt by it."

It was her turn to swallow as she brought her arms up to hug herself, "That wasn't the only thing that hurt me," she confessed quietly.

He nodded, his eyes dropping guiltily back to the floor, "Right."

"I understand the script, Chandler and I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions about it, I really am, but I still don't understand what I heard in the breakroom. You admitted you were fake-dating me, laughed about breaking my heart with the others like it meant nothing to you…" she trailed off, lost, watching as he pulled a pained face.

"I didn't know you were there," he started and she raised an unimpressed eyebrow at him. He sighed, shaking his head and running a hand through his already mussed hair, frustrated, "I-I didn't mean it like that, urgh," he growled clearly irritated at himself.

She waited, allowing him time to find his feet. She really wanted to understand.

"I'm sorry," he finally said, a little calmer. "It…this…it means something to me- you have to believe that? The breakroom thing was just them. See, those guys, they say all kinds of crap; it's constant. I try to spend as little time as possible with them as they don't know where to draw the line about anything. Even before you started working there they were a huge pain in the ass, completely full of themselves, snag why I used to prefer spending my break alone on that step with my notebook."

She nodded in understanding but motioned for him to continue.

He sighed, "I'm so used to their constant BS that I guess I just block it out when I can. I try not to let it get to me but when they say things about you it makes my blood boil to the point where I just wanna punch them or something but I knew I couldn't react otherwise I'd ruin everything."

"The whole team Monica thing?" she offered him lightly.

"Yeah," a soft smile touched his lips before he went serious again, "one of them saw us together the other night. They kept asking questions and trying to wind me up by saying all sorts of crap. One of them guessed I was doing it all as some sort of elaborate plot," he admitted rolling his eyes, "and to try and shut them up, I went along with it. I thought it was the safest option but I didn't like it Monica but I thought it would be the best thing to do but again I'm sorry. See, I didn't tell you about it because I didn't want you to get upset over it and yet I still managed to screw up anyway."

His eyes met hers pleading for her to believe him, full of pain and regret.

"I didn't want to believe it," she promised, reaching forwards to lightly stroke his arm, needing to comfort him, "I tried my hardest but when I heard you, I guess it was too much. I'm sorry I didn't give you a chance to explain."

He shook his head, "That's ok, really. I would have done the same in your position, or probably worse," he grinned slightly, the mood lightening. "I guess I should be appreciative that you didn't throw water over my face or cut my tie in half or something."

"Why would I cut your tie in half?" she asked slightly amused as she stepped closer, running the said red silk through her fingers.

"You know," he shrugged a little self-consciously, his eyes intently watching her fingers, "you hear things. A woman scorned and all that."

She caught a glimpse of that cheeky sparkle back in his eyes and she found herself smiling, loving the playful banter they shared. It always seemed so natural between them.

"Believe me, a scorned woman would cut off something a lot more valuable than your tie," she laughed as he winced, his hands coming to rub her shoulders briefly.

"Ouch," he shuddered, "Remind me to never piss you off again."

Monica nodded enjoying being so close to him, standing in his embrace, her hands still on his chest. The moonlight was illuminating him, making his eyes intense and she allowed herself to get lost in them, basking in the warmth that this had all been real.

She saw him lean forwards and unable to resist, caught up in the same spell she leaned forwards, meeting his lips. How could she have ever thought their kisses had been faked? You couldn't fake this spark, this chemistry between them. But as much as she was enjoying the sensations there was an insistent voice at the back of her head warning her their talk wasn't finished.

Breaking away, Monica offered him an apologetic smile as she smoothed her hair down and took a step back; physical distance helping to clear her head of the not-so innocent thoughts kissing him had started to create.

"We, uh still need to talk about other stuff," she said somewhat awkwardly, watching him intently as he grimaced, his eyes dropping to the floor, the spell well and truly broken.

"Yeah," he reluctantly agreed, "we do."

He didn't expand.

She took a step towards him, placing a hand on his arm, waiting for him to meet her eyes, "It's all because of Kathy isn't it?"

Chandler visibly blanched, clearly shocked, "Wh-? How? Are you running some kind of PI gig alongside that cleaning business?"

"No," she chuckled, rubbing his arm. "Rachel, she uh recognized you when you came over earlier."

"She recognized me?" he asked his eyebrows almost hitting his hairline in surprise. "Seriously? I never get recognized. Not even in LA, well," he pulled a face, "not until afterwards."

"Rach likes her tabloids and celeb gossip a little too much," Monica grimaced as she shrugged an apologetic shoulder.

"Yeah, she must be really really dedicated," he muttered.

She nodded, studying him a moment. He seemed to be struggling, his mind whirling and in understanding she squeezed his arm before letting go. Deciding she'd let him have a moment to collect his thoughts, she walked over to the edge of the roof, leaning her arms on the wall as she took in the views of the city at night. It really was magnificent up here.

After a short while she heard his footsteps and moments later he came to stand beside her, mirroring her pose as he leaned his arms against the brick. Together they stared in silence at hundreds of lights around them, from buildings, cars, bars and cabs - proof that NY truly never slept.

"It's because of Kathy," he confessed softly, his gaze focused in front of him.

"She's why you're so...skittish…about us?"

"Yep, pretty much."

"Not that tabloid gossip isn't a great source of information but wanna give me the real story?" she pried gently, not wanting to spook or upset him but desperately wanting some answers. "I mean how did you even meet someone that famous?"

Chandler snorted, his attention still on the darkness, finding it easier to confess his soul to the night sky.

"She, uh wasn't famous when we met," he sighed. "We were both working for the same show…me a newbie writer and her a newbie actress."

"Must have been a while ago?" she prompted.

She didn't know much about Kathy, she wasn't particularly big on celebrities but you couldn't miss just how big Kathy had become. She was everywhere.

"Yeah, about 4 years ago," he admitted. "When she got famous it happened real quick."

Monica nodded, unsure if Chandler would even notice.

"You weren't prepared for it?" she tried.

He shrugged, pulling a face, "I don't think anyone can prepare for what it's really like. It's not all glamour and fast cars like they make out…but we were doing ok."

His eyes held a distant look as Monica turned her head a fraction to study him.

"So, what happened?"

"Nothing that hasn't happened to a zillion other people," he sighed heavily. "I just, as clichéd as it sounds, I didn't see it coming. We both worked long hours and she did a lot of travelling, especially when she became really big but it was LA," he shrugged, "Everyone in the industry worked stupidly long hours. And when she was at home the paparazzi would camp out on the doorstep anyhow and follow us places."

"Yeah?" She couldn't imagine that. Didn't want to.

"Yeah, they loved her but not me- I was too ordinary, the relationship too boring for their tastes," he snorted at the irony. "She would be full color on the magazine covers and I'd be the one cropped out of the small photo on page 10, rarely mentioned….which suited us both fine. She liked attention and I really didn't, which I guess is a no brainer given that she's an actress," he pulled a face at the word in disgust and she remembered his reaction when she'd first told him of Joey's profession. It was starting to make sense.

"It got harder, though. She started having a very different lifestyle. She was out partying a lot with a new circle of friends but we'd been together almost 4 years," he shrugged, swallowing. "She started to change, became more distant, missing a lot of my calls and stuff but we were happy and successful…at least I thought we were," he trailed off a moment.

Monica turned fully towards him, reaching out a hand, "You don't have to tell me."

"Yeah I do," he muttered, turning to face her and taking her offered hand, linking their fingers together. "It's not a big deal, well it shouldn't be. It happens to people every day, just with less glamour." He took a deep breath as he became lost in his memories, "Some intern on set was a huge fan of hers, I doubt he even knew who I was to be honest. He was waving around some magazine article saying that Kathy had been cheating on her long-term boyfriend…me.

"I ignored it, there's always that kinda story going around. You miss one red carpet or go out separately and it's all over according to them- they just want a juicy story. I mean we'd been together almost 4 years, so I dismissed it easily. But then one of my friends asked about it and showed me the article. When I saw it I just…I just knew this one was different. My gut instinct told me that the photos weren't photoshopped. They were too intimate.

"I left the set early to talk to her and got home to find…" he closed his eyes, using one hand to pinch the bridge of his nose and she squeezed his other. "She was in bed with him, this director guy we both knew. He'd even bought me a drink the week before when we were out," he swallowed and her thumb stroked the back of his hand in support. "She'd been seeing him for a few months apparently."

"That's horrible," Monica shook her head in disbelief. "She really hurt you didn't she," it was said more as a quiet statement than a question.

He nodded, "She broke my heart. I just didn't think she'd ever do that to me, though I guess no one ever does," he trailed off with a heavy sigh. "I'm over her Monica, and the relationship, I really am, but I'm still not over what she actually did, I guess. You could say that I have a few trust issues right now…and sorry, you're not a shrink," he shook his head at himself, a little embarrassed.

"Please, the amount of crap I unloaded on you on that fire escape," she smiled trying to lighten the mood. It worked he smiled back at her a little. "And believe it or not I want to know about this stuff, about your past. It's important, you've been this big mystery to me."

He chuckled in disbelief, "Believe me, there's nothing interesting enough about me to make me a mystery. I left LA because I needed to get away from it all. Get away from the press, get away from seeing her face on every billboard or worse, bumping into the two of them at some bar." He shuddered, "That wasn't pretty actually, luckily I got kicked out before too much happened."

Monica gave him a sympathetic smile, unable to understand how anyone could cheat on this man. How anyone could hurt him so much and not realize what they were giving up? She hadn't known him long but knew he was a gem worth holding onto.

"I came here and settled back into the real world. New York has so much hustle and bustle, it's just so different, so normal and other than the odd movie trailer with her in, I can move on and forget her.

"I wasn't intending to get into another relationship for a long time, I'd sworn off them, boycotted them even…but then I met you," he met her eyes offering her a shy little smile as he took her other hand, "I didn't expect to meet someone like you, you kinda ruined my plans," he said quietly. "I especially didn't expect to meet someone like you at the damn restaurant of all places," he smiled, "And I've gotta admit Monica, this thing this connection between us…pretty much scares the bejesus outta me."

She swallowed at the doubt in his voice but decided to grab hold of the positives. He wanted to be with her, he felt this thing between them too.

"I understand," she promised him with a watery smile, "I feel exactly the same way; there's just something about you Chandler that I can't ignore. I'm more than willing to be patient and take things slow, see where they go."

He let out a breath, a large smile spreading across his face as he shook his head in awe, "You get more amazing every moment I spend with you, you know that?"

She didn't get a chance to reply as his lips crashed down on hers. She sunk into it, reveling in the feelings shooting through her. When the kiss ended, he kept his arms around her, hugging her and she rested her head on his shoulder.

"You still warm enough?" he asked gently and she nodded too content to move. Too excited by everything that was happening.

She felt his smile in her hair as he tightened his hold on her.

"Thank you for being so understanding about everything," he murmured. "I want this, to get to know you and date you...but just be pre-warned that I'll probably freak out at some point. It's kinda something I do."

"Noted," she grinned, too happy to care right now. She was pretty confident that they could deal with anything that was thrown at them.

She placed a quick kiss on his lips before turning in his arms. Resting her back against his front, his arms around her waist, she went back to gazing at the sky. She tried to spot some stars as she enjoyed the warmth of his body and the feeling of being held in his arms. He kissed the top of her head and she relaxed even further.

"I can't believe we've talked about my ex before we've even been on a date," he complained but there was something light in his tone. Like he was pleased it was all out in the open.

"We can talk about my ex if you like? My last boyfriend was a little famous too, nothing like Kathy famous but I dated Pete Becker. You heard of him?"

"The computer guy?"

"That's him," she nodded.

"So both our exes are famous millionaires," he mused. "What exactly does that make us?"

"Damn lucky," she grinned, turning in his arms and seeing his eyes were sparkling happily, an adorable goofy grin on his face. "We should actually be thanking them."

"How so?"

"Well," she shrugged casually, "If Kathy hadn't left you heart-broken you'd still be in LA and never stepped foot in that restaurant. I only left the diner because Pete bought this restaurant for me and then we broke up, so I had to find somewhere else..."

"Wait, he bought you a restaurant? Boy, have I got competition," he joked.

She laughed happily, "No competition," she promised. "But, see if they hadn't been so stupid to realize what they were letting go, we'd never have been at Alessandro's and our paths would have never crossed."

"So, you're saying it's kinda like fate?" he murmured.

"Kinda," she agreed.

"I like that," he promised, leaning forwards and their lips met.

Closing her eyes she caressed his lips, deepening the kiss as she enjoyed being like this with him. Boy, the man sure knew how to kiss.

Eventually needing air, they broke apart and he smiled tenderly at her, causing her heart to do a little flip as his hand gently tucked a loose strand of her behind her ear. His fingers took the opportunity to lightly skim across her cheek.

"I'm glad you came over tonight," he whispered hoarsely, his voice dropping, "I'm so glad I haven't screwed this up already."

She couldn't stop the large smile spreading across her face, "I'm very glad I'm here too," she admitted, "and I can't tell you how happy I am that I was wrong about everything- and normally I'd never admit to that so you won't be hearing that again anytime soon."

"I can live with that," he smiled, untangling from her and taking hold of her hand.

He led her over to the table to their drinks. Monica took her first sip and he hadn't lied- it was nice wine which she suspected was very expensive. She shivered as an unexpected breeze ruffled her hair.

"You are cold," he stated and she shook her head in denial, really not wanting to go inside yet.

"I'm fine," she dismissed, she was a little chilly be she wasn't going to miss this opportunity.

He studied her a moment with narrowed eyes then nodded, "Wait here," and disappeared back into the apartment.

Moments later he reappeared with armfuls of blankets and cushions, setting them up on the outdoor couch.

"I know you aren't cold but…," he teased and she moved over straight away and taking the hint he lifted the blankets so they could sit down before pulling it over them.

"Mmm, perfect," she approved, before eyeing up what was on the arm of the couch. "What's the remote for?"

"Oh," he picked it up, "it does the lights and stuff," he trailed off amused as Monica took it from him, playing with it. "Careful the neighbors will think you're trying some SOS Morse code and that I'm keeping you here against your will."

Monica chuckled, snuggling into him a little, a thrill going through her when his arm settled over her shoulders. She took another sip of the wine as she studied the remote and hit another button; seconds later some soft jazz started to play through the surround speakers. She looked at him, "Smooth."

He cringed apologetically, "Ye-ah. My mom is big on her romance."

Chandler motioned for the remote back in order to turn it off but she shook her head, "I like it," she confessed.


"Sure, music, wine, blankets, moonlight, gorgeous hot waiter…what's not to like?"

He laughed surprised before tightening his arm around her and kissing the top of her head, "I live to please."

She smiled, closing her eyes as she listened to the music, enjoying being in Chandler's arms. He rested his chin against her hair and her smile grew.

"I never thanked you," she said quietly and she felt him lift his head as his confused gaze settled on her.

"For what?"

"For standing up for me at the restaurant earlier."

"Oh," he shifted slightly, "I lost it, I'm sorry. I was just so fed up with it all and I was mad at them for making you mad at me and enough was enough…I guess I found the boiling point of brain. I didn't embarrass you did I? Were they ok when I left?"

"You didn't embarrass me, Chandler," she reassured him quickly, placing a hand on his knee. "It was the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me." He blushed a little. "It was very romantic and it seems to have worked. Tonight everyone was suddenly being nicer to me and listening to me…it was strange…but in a good way."

"Really? Awesome."

"Yeah, I don't wanna jinx it but I think we may have turned a corner and all because of you," she moved slightly, looking up at him, "Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me," he said softly, meeting her eyes, his thumb stroking her hair gently. "You shouldn't have ever been put in that position. I meant what I said before you're a great person, amazing and you're definitely, hands down, one of my favorite people already."

"Backatcha," she chuckled, snuggling further into his warm embrace.

This time yesterday she was crying herself to sleep, thinking she'd lost this man. Thinking that everything had been a lie and she'd never get a chance to learn more about him. Yet here she was 24 hours later, in his arms under the stars with the biggest of their secrets out in the open. Sure there'd be a lot more to discover about each other along the way but she was looking forward to it.

A companionable silence settled over them as they listened to the gentle jazz that drifted through the air, over the distant sounds of Manhattan.

"It's getting late," she murmured quietly.

"Oh," he sighed disappointed. "Want me to walk you home?"

"No." Chandler turned to her, an eyebrow raised when she didn't expand her answer. "I don't wanna go," she finally admitted.

His features softened and he pecked the top of her head, "Wanna stay here the night?" he asked softly.

She smiled widely, "I don't usually sleep with a guy on the first date…let alone before the first date."

"I didn't mean-" he stuttered before he caught onto her teasing smile, "You are mean! I just meant you could stay and I'll take the couch…unless of course you wanted to, you know?"

"Are you sure?" she frowned, "After what you said I didn't think you wanted to rush this."

He grinned, "I won't deny I'm not a little screwed up and a little commitment-phobic right now but there's just…you're just…you're incredible Monica, you're beautiful and I wanna be with you, get to know everything about you. Whether it's tonight or several months down the line, I'm never gonna regret spending the night with you."

She swallowed as she let his words sink in, "Then maybe I should make an exception to my rule?"

"Maybe," he agreed trying to sound casual but failing.

Monica stared into his gorgeous blue eyes, seeing nothing but sincerity and honesty. Shifting, she moved to face him, freeing her hands in order to frame his beautiful face. Keeping the intense eye contact for a moment longer, she pulled him towards her for a passionate kiss.

She didn't know if tonight was going to be the night they did that and part of her didn't care. She just wanted to spend as much time as possible with him. To get closer to him, to bond and have the opportunity to discover everything she could about this man.

He'd come into her life as a stranger just when she'd needed him. He was truly beautiful inside and out, offering her his endless support and constant smiles to get her through a tough time in her life.

She was glad she'd met and gotten to know this beautiful stranger.

Epilogue - Almost 4 years Later


"Hey!" Monica called as she rushed into apartment 20. "Am I late? Did I miss it?"

A collective "No!" came from the couch area where everyone was gathered and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Nah, you're fine," Chandler promised as he got up from the over-stuffed chair to greet her. He helped her with her coat and bag offering her a quick kiss, "It's still commercials."

Monica smiled at him pulling him down for another, deeper kiss, her arms going around his neck as his easily wrapped around her waist. It was all so natural for them now to be like this.

"Would you guys quit it?" Joey complained from the couch, "You're going to miss it!"

"It's like having a child sometimes," Chandler muttered against her lips and she couldn't help but chuckle in agreement. Over the last few years Chandler had become close to all the friends, fitting well into the group but with Joey they had become almost like brothers. It was sweet.

"It's our apartment," Monica protested good-naturedly as reluctantly they pulled apart and she took her fiancé's hand and dragged him over to the chair.

She settled in beside him, half on top of him and half on the chair as his arms went around her automatically. He smiled down at her and again she thanked whoever was up there that he had come into her life.

"Boooo!" Ross, Joey and Rachel suddenly hissed.

"Devil whore!" Phoebe shouted causing Monica to chuckle.

Glancing at the screen she saw what she'd expected, Kathy's latest movie trailer. She loved how the others had taken him into the fold. Anytime there was a trailer, advert or magazine with Kathy on, the others would boycott it or protest loudly; hurt one of them and you hurt them all.

"So," Chandler drew her attention back to him, "how was your day?"

"Sssh!" Phoebe told them off, "It's starting!"

Chandler rolled his eyes and Monica couldn't help but smile, squeezing him a little in sympathy.

"Why do I have to be quiet?" he whispered to her, "I wrote it – I know what happens."

Her smile grew until she was positively beaming, reaching up and placing a chaste kiss against his lips.

"My day was good actually, we received feedback from this critic guy who gave us 4.5 stars."

"You missed out on half a star? How dare he!" he teased, knowing her love of perfection.

"He said the restaurant was missing a certain gorgeous waiter and his delicious butt cheeks."

"Oh really," he chuckled happily, "Well, you can tell him that me and my delicious butt cheeks do not miss the waitering-life, just the eye-candy head chef."

She laughed, whacking him as Rachel shushed them, gesturing towards the screen. They all started cheering as the words "Shoo Chef" appeared with a picture of Joey's confused face.

"This is so neat!" Ross exclaimed.

"I know! It's so cool I'm starring in something Chandler wrote," Joey said excitedly.

"Yeah, a hopeless, clueless Italian who can't cook- you're a natural at it," Chandler grinned as Monica poked him hard in the side. Luckily Joey didn't pick up on the sarcasm.

Chandler had decided to hold onto that script from a few years ago, the one that had caused all the trouble. He'd thought it was something special, something that had more potential than just a quick sketch on a tv show. He'd kept working on it here and there, never forgetting it but never finding the right outlet.

Then, out of the blue on some cheap film set with Joey, he'd run into an old buddy that had moved to New York. They got talking and he'd pitched his Shoo chef idea. The guy liked it, they worked on it, pitched it and got the right people and networks on their side. They'd managed to get a pilot and a series and the icing on the cake was that he'd recommended Joey for the part and he'd been chosen.

"This is really funny," Rachel commented, sounding surprised.

"Thanks," Chandler deadpanned, "Let's just hope 4 million other people think the same."

"Who cares about ratings?" Monica reassured, "We like it."

"You've never worked in television before have you babe?" Chandler smiled fondly, kissing the top of her head, "And for that I'm very grateful."

She smiled, snuggling further into his warm embrace. As her friends' laughter filled the background, she couldn't stop the large grin spreading across her face.

"What?" he whispered in her hair.

"Just happy," she promised, meeting his dancing eyes, "Very happy."

"Good, I live to please."

It was weird to finally see this particular script come to life. It brought back so many memories of the time they had first met, which now seemed a lifetime ago. She'd first read the script in this very apartment and now they were all sitting around happily watching it together. The script that had caused them to fall out and almost ruined the chances of this, of them, ever happening was now causing them all to laugh and be together.

"I love you," he murmured into her hair and she couldn't remember ever being happier.

"I love you, too," she vowed, treasuring this moment in time.

The End

A/N- thank you all so so much for reading this and for your reviews and comments. Such a great motivation and I really appreciate the support. I hope you enjoyed this story and just to warn you I have lots more stories and projects I'm working on to so watch this space :o)