Hello there! I wanted to write a Fanfiction about Tokyo Ghoul because I wondered what the outcome would be if a new character was introduced from the beginning of the anime :o

This is my very first Fanfiction that I've wrote so please no hate? ;-; Finally...

Please Enjoy The Chapter~

Disclaimer: I do not own Tokyo Ghoul or its characters.

"It's a boy!"

The sounds of crying could be heard throughout the entire room as the newborn was held in the doctor's arms. The doctor handed the precious gem over to the waiting arms of his mother.

His eyes were the same as his mother's black eyes. His few strands of hair were, without a doubt, the same as his father's brunette hair.

"What should we call him, Ayako-chan?" The newborn's father, Hisato, asked.

"How about..." She thought it over for a moment. "Kurou?"

"Yes...Kurou Yagami...it's perfect" The newly named baby's father agreed with a gleam of excitement in his eyes.

This was the moment they had been waiting for...

To finally have a family.

Time skip 10 years...

"*Pant* Hurry, we can lose them here!"

They took a sharp right into a deserted alley as the Doves ran past and immediately stopped to take a quick breather.

"We have to hide Kurou!" Hisato, panic evident in his voice, told Ayako.

"No! No, we are taking him with us and that is final!" Ayako half-shouted into Hisato's face, causing him to flinch a little.

"Listen dear, if he follows us, the Doves will remember his face and hunt him down with no way to defend himself" Ayako's face seemed to soften at those words.

"...I know you're upset but please, think about his future. Do you want him to live a life hidden in the shadows when he grows up?"

As much as this pained him, he didn't want his son to live a difficult life hiding from the Ghoul Investigators. This had to be done for the greater good.

Ayako couldn't believe it. She was actually going to leave her baby...her sweet precious Kurou...All she wanted was to live a peaceful life, watch him grow up into a fine man and spend the rest of her days surrounded by grandchildren and her family.

Now it was all crumbling down.

Holding her shoulders he said, "I think it's time to say our goodbyes..."

Hisato went ahead and said his goodbyes first.

Ruffling Kurou's hair he knelt down to his eye level and said, "Hey kiddo, looks like I can't be there for you when you finally grow up into a fine young man and have kids..." His expression was of sadness and disappointment.

Disappointed at not being able to see his son grow up.

"...but know that I will always be in here." He tapped Kurou's chest at where his heart is. "I love you, son."

Hisato gave him one warm smile of his and stepped back...

Kurou looked up at his mother as tears started to form in their eyes. Her look said everything. Terror, Hurt, Sadness, Anger towards the cruel world.

"Kurou, when you grow up, find a girl who will take care of you alright? Also, don't forget to eat your vegetables and have enough sleep..."

At this point, tears were already streaming down both their faces.

"Oh, I love you!" She gave him one last hug as Kurou wailed into her blouse.

"Why..*sob*..Why is the world so cruel? Is it wrong to live?" He asked with hurt and sadness in his voice.

"No! Don't you ever think that it's wrong to live! Mommy wants you to live your life without regrets from now on, okay?"

He could only nod his head at her words...

"I love you Otousan, Kaachan..."

"Oh, Daddy almost forgot. I want to give you a present..." He dug around in his bag for the item. "Here it is! I wanted to give you this when you were older but since this is the last...last..." Tears started falling from his eyes. "Please take this mask to remember us by..."

The mask was pristine. It was pitch black and was in the shape of a crow. The crow represented ghouls eating human corpses just like how a crow eats one and the colour represented the shadows. The strangest thing about it is that its right eye was covered.

"Let's see you put it on." Hisato said with a grin on his lips. Kurou slipped the mask on and instantly fell in love with it. Every part of it fell perfectly on his face, although there is still some room left, but he shrugged it off since he was still young. In short, it was surprisingly comfortable.

His parents smiled at him for a brief moment before coming back to reality. The Doves were still looking for them.

They hid Kurou in an area hidden in the shadows. They took one last good look at their son before turning around, taking out their masks and...dropping on the floor with a loud thud.

Kurou couldn't believe it. Right before his eyes he saw the lifeless bodies of his parents. Blood was everywhere, the walls, floor and even on his tiny hands. His parents' blood. Kurou's heart started beating faster.

"Why...Why did they have to DO THIS?!" Kurou screamed in his rage and panic.

Kurou felt a tingling sensation on his back then it got stronger, almost begging him to let it out. So he did. He let it raise hell on everyone who was near. He didn't care if he wasn't in hiding or made alot of noise. He was angry at the Doves, CCG, EVERYONE!

They tried to attack Kurou with their quinques. Tough luck. Each attempt they make is useless. It was almost as if his kagune had a mind on its own. One thing for sure was that, he wasn't controlling it. He was just hurt and so, so, angry that his kagune must've responded to his emotions. Each strike they make is blocked in a blink of an eye.

One of the heartless bastards tried to get a front out attack. Pathetic. Kurou could see his movements so clearly it was simply pathetic. His kagune stopped the attack in front of his face and at that moment, he got a good look at it. It was pitch black, so black that he almost mistaken it for a void in the fabric of reality.

As soon as it had begun, it ended. Blood and guts was everywhere. That was the first time he killed. At the age of 10, Kurou killed...and lost his innocence to the filth in this world. He looked in a nearby puddle of water and saw that his left eye had changed. It had an orange iris while everything else was just black.

He broke. He fell on his knees and started crying while shouting his lungs out. He called for his parents but it was all in vain. He just wanted to die there but he couldn't because he would just heal in a matter of seconds if he tried to hurt himself. After what seemed like an eternity of him sitting in the shadows crying, his mother's words rang in his head.

Live without regrets...yes, that was what he was going to do from now on. He looked down at his parents' bodies and to their masks. He went to them to say his final goodbye.

"Goodbye, Otousan, Kaachan...I will always love you."

Kurou took their masks and removed his own. He kept his parents' masks in his father's backpack as he looked back at his parents one last time. After that, he left the alley.

And so begins the journey of Kurou Yagami, The Crow.

And that concludes the end of this chapter!

Please let me know what you think and I don't mind constructive critism c:

Thanks to Nocturnal Salamander for giving me ideas and Arthur Anderson for suggesting the name for the OC! :D

Until next time~